Foreign cars with dark window tints barred from M’sia

Foreign cars with dark window tints barred from M’sia

Foreign vehicles with dark window tints will not be allowed to enter the country effective immediately, according to a report by the New Straits Times. Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi said the JPJ will be instructed to exercise the directive as dark tints are a clear sign of danger.

“The JPJ will take immediate action in barring foreign vehicles with dark window tints from entering Malaysia. Those entering Malaysia will have to remove the dark window tint of their vehicles,” Kaprawi told the Dewan Negara today. The prohibitive move is in response to concerns that foreign vehicles entering the country may be bringing in drug traffickers and Islamic State militant groups.

Foreign cars with dark window tints barred from M’sia

New tint rules issued by the JPJ (Road Transport Department)

The current tint ruling, which has been enforced since February this year, mandates a minimum permissible visible light transmission (VLT) levels of 70% for the front windscreen, 50% for the front side windows and 30% for all other windows (rear side windows and rear screen).

Malaysian motorists who fail to adhere to the rules may see stiff fines. First time offenders can be fined up to RM2,000 or six months jail. The penalties rise up to RM4,000 or 12 months jail time (or both) for repeat offenders.

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Matthew H Tong

An ardent believer that fun cars need not be fast and fast cars may not always be fun. Matt advocates the purity and simplicity of manually swapping cogs while coping in silence of its impending doom. Matt's not hot. Never hot.



  • Mustapha Kamal on Dec 19, 2017 at 11:16 am

    They talk big. Even locals with dark tint also cannot catch, they want to bar Singaporeans.

    PDRM and JPJ, until you stop taking duit kopi and letting offenders free, no point talking big.

    I see like 100 cars per day with super dark tint, some even pass polis officer, polis officer just stand there and look and smile.

    Some officers even better, you honk from a dark car, they lambai and salute you.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 133 Thumb down 13
    • Gaviny on Dec 19, 2017 at 11:49 am

      Kudos to JPJ top brass! Privilege of M’sia cars.

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    • If theres no givers, then theres no takers. So stop the giving and just pay up the saman. Stop complaining.

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    • Razlan Bahrain on Dec 19, 2017 at 12:06 pm

      foreign cars are the easy lot. they enter the immigration, immediately stopped.

      how to compare to local cars which are constantly moving.

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    • Jimbo on Dec 19, 2017 at 12:09 pm

      Until now cant implement properly standards for tint & number plates..still wanna continue to joke on foreign cars..really topkek

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    • Sputjam on Dec 19, 2017 at 6:21 pm

      The foreign cars the mean are Thais where dark tints are legal. And yes, even locals ignore this ruling blatantly.

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    • Chris Ng on Dec 20, 2017 at 5:53 pm

      You are right – talk talk talk – and i see plenty of cars with very dark tinted glass

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  • Sked IS coming from down south neighbour.

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  • common sensor on Dec 19, 2017 at 12:13 pm

    You go to any re-cond car outlets and you may see that almost all vehicles are with dark tinted glass originally from respective countries. The outlet will charge you some RM900 if you decided to buy one; the charge is for them to replace the dark glass with dummy glass during Puspakom inspection (prior to registration). Once approved by Puspakom, the vehicle will b refitted with the original dark glass. That’s the reason being why so many dark glass vehicles on the road. Mr Deputy Transport Minister .. please control this if you know what you are doing, don’t talk nonsense yaa ..

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    • Not so easy to swap just for inspection these bonded glass. Kautim is much cheaper and easier.

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    • hondaman on Dec 20, 2017 at 10:07 am

      Minister’s vellfire also dark tint…

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  • Old Man Longan on Dec 19, 2017 at 12:17 pm

    Should be enforce for all cars entering or in Msia laaa… Why bother have VLT law but never bother to enforce. From Viva to Bentleys all over tint their cars, no enforcement pun? Cakap saja laaaaa

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  • Hunter Zolomon Hunter Zolomon on Dec 19, 2017 at 12:57 pm

    “dark tints are a clear sign of danger”…. Wow, such a genius statement.

    After this, all bad people should use light tint, because they will be less unlikely to be pulled over by the police.

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  • mejoh on Dec 19, 2017 at 1:03 pm

    jpj sembang..gajah pun blh terbang. brkuatkuasa kononnye..VEP keta dr singapura pun ditangguh,rancang brtahun nk laksana.

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  • Might as well bar vans with sealed windows, lorries with full canvas or containers, since these are more common known method of transporting illegals into Malaysia via land routes.

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  • shawal on Dec 19, 2017 at 2:08 pm

    Go to KLCC + KLIA.
    Heaps of tinted cars there.
    Where is JPJ + u think they berani saman Velfire, Merc , Beemer + Porche ?
    Banyak saman issue next thing kena
    transferred to other department.
    Datuk think b4 u fire.
    IS militants threat is at home, not from your neighbours.

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    • Sputjam on Dec 19, 2017 at 6:26 pm

      You are correct. We assist or export our militants in thailand, indonesia(bali bombing which killed 200 made by malaysian), marawi in southern philippines, syrua( most IS volunteers from south east asia came from malaysia) and our leaders encourage these with their race and religious policies.

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    • Hmm... Much Hmm... on Dec 19, 2017 at 8:42 pm

      Just to clarify, Those people with pangkat (Datuk, Tun, Tan Sri). Their car are officially registered to legally have dark dark tints. The problem is they don’t have a way to tell who is who, and very likely they are too afraid to get transferred as well.

      Let citizens take photo and submit, and give citizens reward money for the effort. No officers involved, system automatically check if car can legally have dark tints/mods/etc… If car cannot officially have dark tints/mods/etc… Query sent to officer to confirm if it is an offence, If it is then mail+email+sms summon to car owner. (collect email & sms when people renew their roadtax). In other words, the offender wont know who is the officer that approved the summons, officer no need worry kena transferred, citizen gets extra pocket money. Together we make Malaysia Better!

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  • Ben Yap on Dec 19, 2017 at 2:12 pm

    a lot of thai cars are heavily tinted. you go to kedah and perlis and you can see tons of it.

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  • an ordinary citizen on Dec 19, 2017 at 2:31 pm

    JPJ only spends resources to implement VEP and barring foreign vehicles dark tint that have minimal impact to our daily life. They never seriously look at how to tackle fake local car registration plate that criminals always used to carry out crime like recent murder case in Johor Bahru petrol station. Sigh!

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  • pengayuhbasikal on Dec 19, 2017 at 2:35 pm

    no more idea to create new sensational news

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  • Muhammad Munir bin Muhamad Alias on Dec 19, 2017 at 3:31 pm

    when you but a foreign car with dark tint, make sure to check the interior of the car. terrorist might be hiding inside

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  • Machaiautosport on Dec 19, 2017 at 4:29 pm

    Going to jail for dark tints, what a world to be living in..

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  • C.P. MOHAN on Dec 19, 2017 at 5:22 pm

    To me I just see it as closing a loophole whether agree or not with tinting.

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  • I living in town Sibu, Sarawak. dark tinted can seem almost in the road, abang adik pakcik macik , amoi semua black tinted… My car oso dark + silver tinted, front 80%, side and behind double 80% dark, already diving 7 years, only kena tangkap 2 kali

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  • Hmm... Much Hmm... on Dec 19, 2017 at 8:32 pm

    RM2000~4000 for a dark af vellfire? Those are rookie numbers… gotta pump that up!

    Jokes aside, I can understand why the number is the way it is, poor people cant afford high summons so it needs to be structured just expensive enough to dissuade them from doing it, but still can pay the summon. Therefore it makes better sense to enforce rules that goes like this:
    1st time offender is required to pay a summon amounting to 5% of car Year-To-Date value. (ie, max price of the car selling second hand)
    2nd time offender are required to pay a summon amounting to 10% of car Year-To-Date value.
    3rd time offender 15%
    4th time 20%
    5th time confiscate car.

    So a person with a brand new Myvi will end up paying a summon from RM2k. A person with a 2013 Vellfire will end up paying a summon from RM8k. But a person with a brand new 2017 Alphard Executive Lounge will need to pay RM20k (obvious negligence to breaking the law).

    The way to enforce it efficiently is, ‘Backstabing’ Rewards policy. A JPJ web portal for us to submit photos of cars with obvious dark tint with car registration number. Since photo’s stores date on the image metadata itself, most likely it’s enough proof to warrant the JPJ to issue a summon to the owner of the car, that is if the tinting is illegal. Rewards means, people who wishes to contribute to the system gets rewarded with 10% of the ‘Collected’ summon money, paid annually, first come first basis (who took the photo first gets the money, collected money not including outstanding). Simply register as a member with a valid IC and bank account. So people who joined and snapped a few cars will get a few hundred a year, hardworking people will probably end up with tens of thousands…

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  • Okeh Mokeh on Dec 19, 2017 at 9:47 pm

    Nothin illegal until you kena tangkap.
    Even if kena tangkap, just kawtim with kopi lor….

    works everytime for me

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  • C.P. MOHAN on Dec 19, 2017 at 10:39 pm

    Never even thought of giving bribe and there were opportunities but prefer to pay fine since it was my fault ALWAYS, because I believe or my principle is that it takes ‘two hands to clap’ and do not want to encourage this behaviour although paying fine is a burden.

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  • winners on Dec 20, 2017 at 10:01 am

    This is mainly targeting Thai vehicles. Singapore vehicles would have long been caught in their own country already if they have illegal/excessive tinting.

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