Geely FY11- first teaser images reveal the coupe SUV

Geely FY11- first teaser images reveal the coupe SUV

Geely Auto has released the first official images of its first coupe SUV, code-named the FY11, which hints at a full reveal being made soon, in line with the Q1 2019 introduction mentioned in earlier news reports.

As the profile suggests, the fastback shape is reminiscent of the likes of the Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupe and BMW X4. Penned by Geely Design Shanghai, design cues on the FY11 include the automaker’s signature expanding cosmos grille, slimmed down for this application, as well as muscular shoulder lines and heavily sculpted lower air intakes.

The SUV also gets new a daytime running light design, styled along the lines of what the company terms a ‘digital arrow’, offering a modern take on the historical weapon. It also borrows styling elements from the Borui GE such as the Chinese fan-inspired rear light design. At the back, the model wears a horizontal chrome runner strip with Geely wording.

The car, which measures 4,605 mm long, 1,878 mm wide and 1,643 mm tall, with a wheelbase of 2,700 mm, will be the first Geely vehicle to ride on the Compact Modular Architecture (CMA) platform co-developed by Geely and Volvo, and which is already in use on the Volvo XC40 and on models from the Lynk & Co sub-brand.

The news reports also indicate that the powertrain choice for the coupe SUV will be similar to that seen on the Borui GE. The plug-in hybrid system will consist of a 1.5L three-cylinder turbocharged engine, an electric motor and a ternary-lithium battery offering 177 hp and 255 Nm.

The possible name for the FY11 has also been hinted at – according to the country’s ministry of industry and information tech, potential names that have reportedly been registered by the company include Fengyue, Geyue, Haoyue, Jinyue, Xingyue and Zhiyue.

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Anthony Lim

Anthony Lim believes that nothing is better than a good smoke and a car with character, with good handling aspects being top of the prize heap. Having spent more than a decade and a half with an English tabloid daily never being able to grasp the meaning of brevity or being succinct, he wags his tail furiously at the idea of waffling - in greater detail - about cars and all their intrinsic peculiarities here.



  • Spiritual successor to my Gen2. Can see now Geely is having more input from P1 as times goes. Perfect synergy between both companies.

    Geely, P1, Mesidis, VolvoCars, VolvoTrucks, Lotus > all

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 78 Thumb down 41
    • Abdul Rahman Bin Kassim on Jan 02, 2019 at 1:55 pm

      This Geely is a nice car indeed. But without Chris Bangle’s original X6, the Geely design will look much more different.

      It is not based on the Gen-2, dont syok sendiri.

      Proton will now be successful because of Geely

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      • The only thing Bangle is known for, is the hideous Bangle butts of his 5series and 7series. U think he ownself came up with the X6 design? Dun syok sendirilah! X6 came out after Gen2 did. Accept the facts and not ur made up fail-ry tales.

        Again, dun reply me with drunken bollocks. Come back once u sober enuff to be coherent.

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        • Proton - Geely Premium Reseller on Jan 02, 2019 at 3:00 pm

          Habisla Proton! Now Proton officially become Geely reseller.

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          • Malaysians Love China Cars on Jan 02, 2019 at 5:20 pm

            Mainland cars invasion 1.0

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        • newme on Jan 02, 2019 at 3:23 pm

          It’s funny seeing Proton clowns attempting to fool the public that they are having deep knowledgeable car discussion.

          If you think China branded car is bad, wait till you see China made ripoff car.

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          • Celup King on Jan 02, 2019 at 3:48 pm

            It’s funny seeing Perodua clowns attempting to fool the public that they have any knowledge about cars.

            If you think Japanese branded car is bad, wait till you see local ripoff of Japanese car.

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          • YB Kunta Kinte on Jan 02, 2019 at 7:11 pm

            Lucky Geely saved Proton. Otherwise Proton would not be anywhere in 2019. We must thank Geely and China for saving Proton. Li Chunrong in 6 months turned around Proton for the better what local CEOs could not do in 20 years.

            Shows that foreign CEO is better than local CEOs

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        • pasal X70 john jadi sombong on Jan 02, 2019 at 3:57 pm

          hideous or not, BMW sales went up under him

          and if you wanna say he is not the sole designer of the X6, then know that the same goes for basically ALL his bangle-butt cars

          he is still the main guy behind all the bangle-era designs

          the old X6 looks nothing like the gen2 btw

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          • Engineer on Jan 02, 2019 at 5:14 pm

            Yeah sure. []

            Oh, look at the roofline! It so mimics Gen2. Is it coincidental that Proton’s Gen2 came out few year prior? Still look nothing the same? Then better get your eyes checked.

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          • Brian on Jan 02, 2019 at 5:42 pm

            Whether you like it or not his generation Fivers and Sevens is synonymous with the “Bangle butt” and towards him. It’s one of the reason why he never designed another generation after that. Increased sales notwithstanding which is more due to their engineering prowess and luxury branding, both which has nothing to do with Bangle. It only goes to show that no matter how polarising and hideous a design will be, it can still sell due to the brand.

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          • YB Kunta Kinte on Jan 02, 2019 at 7:12 pm

            Soon Geely will wipe out ALL Proton models and sell only Geely models in Malaysia.

            Pity PRoton could not see this coming. There goes 30 years of automotive in MAlaysia

            Proton has become just a distributor of Geely models in MAlaysia now

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          • We also welcome Geely to come and get more inspiration from Proton after this successful venture with the Gen2-FY11.

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        • YB Kunta Kinte on Jan 02, 2019 at 7:19 pm

          We welcome more Mainland people in Malaysia. We welcome more China products in Malaysia.

          Thank you China for giving us quality manpower, brains and good products.

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    • Mohan Mud on Jan 02, 2019 at 2:06 pm

      Gen.2 butt with City tail-lights

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    • John Salah on Jan 02, 2019 at 2:45 pm

      You are wrong. VolvoTrucks is not owned by Geely. Volvo only sold their car division along time ago to Ford which was later bought by Geely.

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  • When P1 brings this in, I hope they can retain the Gen2 naming so as to carry over the legacy & rich history of that 4door coupe.

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    • Ask you wee on Jan 02, 2019 at 2:10 pm

      Geely Baoteng X40 ?

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    • newme on Jan 02, 2019 at 3:19 pm

      Gen2? legacy & rich history? oh, certainly it has. And yes, please retain the name like Tiara & Savvy. Gen2? hahahha.

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      • Yep.
        Best looking local car ever? Check
        Best handling local car? Check
        Mighty beast of a CPS engine? Check
        Manual gear option on hi spec? Check
        Design template for X6, X4, GLC, GLE? Check
        Being praised by bossman Paul Tan himself? Check check.

        Yep. Anything else that I left?

        Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 0
        • Mimpi Sahaja on Jan 02, 2019 at 5:17 pm

          BMW copy Proton?!

          That’s a first

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          • Copy Paste on Jan 02, 2019 at 8:30 pm

            Copy pasting: []

            Oh, look at the roofline! It so mimics Gen2. Is it coincidental that Proton’s Gen2 came out few year prior? Still look nothing the same? Then better get your eyes checked.

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          • Lets See on Jan 02, 2019 at 9:15 pm

            Lets see. Gen2 came out in 2004.
            X6 came out in 2007.

            So who followed who, genius?

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  • thomas on Jan 02, 2019 at 1:53 pm

    BMW X6 for poor people

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  • Tan Sri Cha Khap PhanDai on Jan 02, 2019 at 2:08 pm

    I want to see malaysian cakap pandai down the comment section…they are more experts than thr experts and engineers that make and design the car

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  • John Cinta MO1 on Jan 02, 2019 at 2:26 pm

    Wow, Geely has came a long way from the day it was founded. That FY11 is nice.

    Geely started around the same time as Proton, in fact the former is much younger. Yet today, Geely makes millions of money and owns Volvo and also…. PROTON.

    Malulah Proton

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 15
    • komarad on Jan 02, 2019 at 3:19 pm

      same with the people.. in the 80’s in China many people can afford bicycle only now can afford merc and bmw… in Bolehland 80’s till now only can afford 2nd hand car…

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    • Apa nak malu pun, come to think of it,

      Previously when Volvo was under the blue oval, they didn’t have much say in the direction of their company, except of course make really-really safe cars, I mean really SAFE. They are the ones who fork up loads of money and worked really hard to built the state of the art safety facility in Sweden, which also tested their Trucks & Buses.

      They developed their own folding 3 piece coupe hardtop with Pininfarina for the C70, they have their legendary Turbo Inline 5 which produces 240hp, they co-developed the 4.4litre V8 for the XC90 & S80 with Yamaha (which sounds really2 awesome btw).

      The Swedes back in the 70’s until early 2000 spent so much money in the name of safety and quality for the 200, 700 & 900 series, 800 series, while loosing money to sales because people thought Volvos are only for pensioners, history teacher and soccer moms because of their squeaky clean image. I mean, they developed their brand so hard at the same time losing money and been owned by another company.

      Does this made them a failure? the land of stunning IKEA furnitures, Orrefors Crystal, Haldex 4WD systems, Ohlins suspension, hmm?

      Volvo engineers are the ones who contributed a lot in the model development, from scratch, the 400hp S60 & V70R, do you remember? the Hydroformed Boron Steel Alloy A pillar of the C70?, because of spending so much effort, to make their cars right, they lose money, when Geely bought over, they pretty much says, Volvo, unleash your potential, I’m just gonna give you a lot of money, and freedom for expression. And they also got Peter Horbury (Volvo ex-chief of design) to design the Boyue (go figure). Did Geely made it from scratch with their own hand? hmm? as what you worship so much? they just happened to have business advantage, the vast China markets on their side.

      So no need to belittle PROTON too much, Proton been on Gov’t aid, masih tongkat, makan gaji buta, malas, don’t know how to make proper cars, bad quality.

      I’ve worked along side with their R&D Engineer, and I tell you, no joke that they are the best in the industry, they are the unsung heroes that never boasts their talents or capability. They worked from before the sun rise and until sun set DAILY (no joke, serious) this is in R&D!!!. Even extend to Saturday & Sunday (away from family) to catch up with deadlines and at the same time with moderate pay due to pressing financial situation.
      We have guys developing the cars from scratch, from designing digital model, clay modelling, RP to the powertrains, ride & handling, send the car to test at the Artic circle, crash testing in IDADA Spain,
      and don’t get me started on manufacturing engineering & production, it is HELL!

      So don’t talk smack & BS if you don’t know the real situation and only know how to talk down about PROTON.
      They live, breath and die for PROTON but we only think bout our pocket selfishly because we can’t buy a freaking Vios or City at a cheaper price. BS.

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      • Yawn….. Zzzz

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      • Bro, dun need get upsets with this basher troll. Everyone knows he is just trolling with his fail-ry tales. We just ignore him. He will wilter and die slowly.

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      • Not Toyota Fan on Jan 03, 2019 at 8:36 am

        If Proton is as good as you mentioned, then why did sales fall from #1 champion to a dismal #4? Why the export market virtually dried up? Why can’t it keep up with latest Euro emissions standards? Why can’t the crony vendors keep cost down? Why the tidak apa attitude of the blue collar staff? Why the arrogant attitude but narrow minded thinking? Why the shiok sendiri syndrome?

        The people you’ve described are the educated, technical inclined minority. The upper management were busy politicising, busy songlap, buat covering their asses. The blue collar staff just tidak apa, minum teh makan kuih & couldn’t care less about QC nor pride in their work. The work culture is just do enough, try to do as little as possible, no need to improve, couldn’t care less …. Basically Proton is just like any other BN GLC.

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  • Sabrina on Jan 02, 2019 at 2:50 pm

    Fengyue, Geyue, Haoyue, Jinyue, Xingyue and Zhiyue. Nice names …..lmao hahahahahahah

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  • thepolygon on Jan 02, 2019 at 3:28 pm

    Looks like Proton partnered with the correct company. Just pasang here to right hand drive, don’t care under what name Proton Jagung, Proton Ultra ke, just bring it here and sell for <150k.

    For crying out loud, Proton should maybe make another division for selling these Geely cars instead of directly under Proton. Proton stick to 100k cars to cater for a bit of an upmarket. No good?

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  • azrai on Jan 02, 2019 at 3:32 pm

    Geely should dump their name and use Proton name instead for their future cars.geely just remained as parent company name.they can save million using same emblem and name.

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  • typical malaysian on Jan 02, 2019 at 4:36 pm

    Happy New Year guys! WOW! Geely’s own Coupe SUV! This is very nice, HOWEVER, being the typical malaysian, of course I must say it is ugly, and throw some trash talk about non-related matter! here goes! P2 SUV will still be no.1! even if this model of Geely might not likely be sold in Malaysia. Still P2 SUV rules the SUV market later! say goodbye to MAZDA TOYOTA HONDA MITSUBISHI SUBARU VOLVO MERCEDES BMW LAMBORGINI FERRARRI SUV sales! P2 will be NO. 1!!!!

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  • Semi-Value (Member) on Jan 02, 2019 at 4:42 pm

    proton x60

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