SKDS 2.0 Subsidised Diesel Control System fleet card details need to be ironed out quickly – Wee Ka Siong

SKDS 2.0 Subsidised Diesel Control System fleet card details need to be ironed out quickly – Wee Ka Siong

Details regarding the Subsidised Diesel Control System 2.0 (SKDS 2.0) fleet card system need to be ironed out quickly, said MCA president and former transport minister Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong, reported The Star.

The former transport minster said that the government should ensure that any measure is fully ready before making any important announcements, such as for the rationalisation of the diesel fuel subsidy. “You need to tell those who qualify for the fleet card, for example, the quantum of subsidy that they will receive. If you don’t, then they will have no clue at all and they will just increase prices,” Wee said.

Glitches and uncertainties in the SKDS 2.0 fleet card system could cause a slight raise in food prices in the coming weeks, he added. As reported by The Star last week, small-scale traders and businesses are among those who plan to increase their prices to offset the additional fuel spend following the hike in diesel price, as the RM200 cash assistance isn’t enough to offset the fuel price increase.

Many businesses have yet to receive their fleet cards despite applying for them earlier and there are others who still do not know if they are eligible for the refunds, said SME Association Malaysia president Ding Hong Sing, wrote The Star.

SKDS 2.0 Subsidised Diesel Control System fleet card details need to be ironed out quickly – Wee Ka Siong

Wee added that the government “may want to look at” the RM200 Budi Madani cash assistance for individual diesel vehicle owners, such as farmers in Cameron Highlands for whom the amount may be insufficient as their produce needs to be transported over considerable distances.

“You must understand that the distance is too long and if they apply for the RM200, what is left for them? This will cause prices to go up and the cost will be passed on to consumers and will lead to inflation,” Wee said.

Meanwhile today, the ministry of domestic trade and cost of living (KPDN) says that immediate approval will be given to complete applications submitted by those eligible for fuel subsidies under the subsidised diesel control system (SKDS) programme.

The subsidised diesel control system currently covers 33 types of public land transport and goods vehicles under SKDS 1.0 and 2.0. Without the subsidy, diesel fuel currently retails at RM3.35 per litre in Peninsular Malaysia for the main grade of Euro 5 diesel, and RM3.55 per litre for B7 Euro 5.

This has not affected retail pricing of diesel fuels in East Malaysia, which continues at RM2.15 per litre and RM2.35 per litre for the main grade and B7, respectively.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • Kea Was on Jun 24, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    The guy who can’t even do his job while being a transport minister resulting to continuous breakdown of rail system and then spiraling cost of ECRL, MRT now want to lecture others how to do their work.

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  • Ajibkor paying more for Kajang satay on Jun 24, 2024 at 2:23 pm

    Why do we need a non cabinet member like WeeWee to highlight the shortcomings of fleet cards?Cant the Madani dudes iron out these issues?It seems WeeWee is a trojan house,but actually he is talking facts.

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