A Ferrari SUV?

It’s pretty interesting what Photoshop can do in skillful idle hands. If Porsche can come up with an SUV, so can Ferrari!

Will it ever come true? Very possible! Ferrari has decided to build a prototype of a SUV, but however it must prove to the Fiat Group which owns it that it is viable to produce.

Ferrari is probably feeling a little jealous looking at what an SUV can do to a car company’s annual returns. Hint: Porsche Cayenne. Even Lamborghini is working on one, possibly based on the Volkswagen Touareg.

Everyone is mad about SUVs, even in this time when oil prices are sky high. SUV aficionados must know something I don’t.

Read on to find out what the prototype might end up looking like.

I have to say… the shot of the back looks great! But the front is just plain weird. I think if the “nose” of the vehicle is lifted a little it would look much much better. Currently it’s just slanting down too much. Looks like a Volkswagen Beetle with the round lights replaced with kuaci-shaped ones!

Most likely this photo is a photoshop from a Maserati Kubang SUV.

Let’s see if a Ferrari SUV ever becomes a reality.

Source: Autoweek.nl

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • Jason on Jul 14, 2005 at 8:37 am

    Haha, interesting. I too doubt Ferrari will come out with a SUV. How fast will it be able to go? I've sat inside X5 before, i must admit, wayyyy better than Harrier.

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  • Saun from Fireworks on Jul 14, 2005 at 8:43 am

    Sure its possible! I'm a designer and have doctored many pictures for a living.

    But the models above look good, man. Wonder how much it will cost.

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  • Wingz on Jul 14, 2005 at 9:58 am

    RM5.6mil , open for booking now .. interested pls gimme a call …. 1-800-book ferarri-suv

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0
  • you selling ferraris but you dont even know how to spell it properly… this wingz… lol!

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  • mitsu_galant_2000 on Jul 14, 2005 at 7:35 pm

    what the ugly designlah!..

    since loses in F1 on renault and bmw etc..

    ferrari goin poor i think.. they need to boost up their fund :p

    but really ugly designlah that suv!

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0
  • December on Jul 14, 2005 at 7:45 pm

    SUV, i doubt it…ferrari SUV on the roads…man thats wicked but weird…and it will prolly go for a million bucks…dream cars, dream gals, dream on…..

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  • cbljkkj on Jul 15, 2005 at 12:42 am

    Haha, reminds me of a quote from The Fast and The Furious which was "How much are the tags on one of those??? More than you can afford pal (revs engine)"

    That would be so cool..Smoking sum1 in a Ferrari SUV.Fastest SUV I have ever seen was a modded X5, it was beating the pants off everybody on the track!! Don't know what they were using under the hood.

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  • marquis on Jul 15, 2005 at 1:14 am

    hey come on guys, the ferrari already has their SUV.

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  • wa sea hokkien lang on Jul 15, 2005 at 10:45 am

    I love the design very futureristik(sorry the spelling) got it own design

    and mitsu the cay may be ugly… but that car is UGLY DUCKING

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0
  • KiLLersHik on Jul 16, 2005 at 8:00 pm

    headlights look retarded to me.

    rear lights look cowardice to me.

    sound like a gorgeous design.


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  • bruce on Oct 06, 2005 at 12:19 am

    i hate gingers

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  • I saw the car today in Beverly Hills, CA, USA. Just like the pctures but on the hood there's a small logo and the stickers on the side just like the 360.

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  • Akazamabamaboo (Member) on Jul 13, 2006 at 6:02 pm

    Yuck! Ferrari shouldn't join Porsche in testing the waters in the SUV market…

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  • ilario on Mar 05, 2009 at 11:21 pm

    Thank heavens Ferrari can afford NOT to make a badged SUV…..

    Let me explain, with reference to the Cayenne!

    Porsche USED to only build sports cars.

    Marketing told them that a large, heavy 4 door SUV would sell.

    Marketing was right, so Porsche made a fortune from the Cayenne.

    But is it a sports car?

    Sports Cars must have 3 things by definition. Powerful engine + Great Handling + Great Design.

    The Cayenne has only 1 out of 3! ie A powerful engine.

    As for Handling:

    They may be able to claim "The worlds best handling SUV" and OK, it may even be the fastest

    thing in a straight line.

    But on this planet the laws of Physics are called laws because you can't get around them even with

    infinite money.

    Cayenne cant handle anywhere near as good as a 911 due to a higher centre of gravity and higher


    Lets assume the Cayenne has some special expensive, anti-roll bar, fluid dynamic, computer

    controlled, active servo, steering correction system to try to make it handle like a 911. If the same

    system was then installed in a 911, imagine how much better the 911 will then become.

    Point is the 911 will always be more of a sports car.

    As for Design;

    Some say, it has a nice shape for a SUV.

    I say, its wrong. Basic design lesson number 1= get the proportions & form right!

    "A fat chick in a mini skirt does not make her a supermodel"

    However its not all bad news for Cayenne. The extra euro went to developing a better 911. And even I would be sad if a company like Porsche went broke. So a Porsche company that makes an ugly Cayenne is better than a non existent Porsche company.

    How much more euro's is a cayenne over a 911? I am sure its plenty.

    Anyone who owns a Cayenne should have bought a proper good looking sports car ie a 911 & with

    the spare change a large 4WD for the school trips.

    So Porsche did finacially well with the Cayenne but the brand can no longer stand for just sports cars.

    As of 2009, Ferrari only make true sports cars. Lets hope they laugh at the SUV concept as much as I do.

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