Import of used parts to end June 2011

The hot topic for last week was the new National Automotive Policy Review, a so-called ‘facelift’ for the National Automotive Policy that was first born on the 22nd of March 2006.

The NAP review is a disappointing one, with the prices of cars to be pretty much the status quo for a long time to come. In fact, the prices of hybrid cars are sure to go up once the 50% excise duty rebate ends. But there are parts of the NAP that have significant negative impact on us as motorists, one of which is the announcement that the import of used parts will be prohibited from June 2011 onwards.

Car companies and parts manufacturers do not survive on just selling you your car, which is a sum of parts from various OEMs. They also earn a significant portion from the sale of replacement parts, which you will inevitably need as parts are not designed to last forever. Not sure if the word greedy is justifiable but sometimes these new parts can be priced quite exhorbitantly. Which means used parts are very popular and are pretty much key to the sustainability and/or viability of keeping an old car running.

Banning the imports of used parts and the halfcuts which contain them would mean if your City’s CVT transmission dies, you are unable to source a good condition used one from a Honda Fit Aria halfcut that had been scrapped in Japan due to the country’s scrap policies. It means that when my Proton Perdana transmission finally dies and is beyond a refurbishment, a used one sourced from a Mitsubishi Eterna will not be an option – I will have to buy a 2nd hand Proton one or a NEW one, which I probably will not be able to afford as I am not the Perak or Terengganu Mentri Besar(s).

Of course, these situations will not happen right after June 2011 as there is bound to be existing stock in the country, but that will run out sooner or later. And then what? We cannibalise each other’s cars for used parts, whether willingly (scrap) or not (theft)?

And then there is the total disregard for the livelihoods of the chop shop businesses which have been run for decades and suddenly have their main source of income taken away from them. I visited a few chop shops and interviewed their owners over the weekend, curious to see how they were reacting to this piece of bad news.


One chop shop did not even know that such an announcement had been made. Danny of Soon Loi Sdn Bhd in Batu 11 1/2 Cheras said that he had been unaware that the government was planning such a thing and he and his wife was clearly in shock. I felt really bad watching their reaction. At first they were talking normally and keeping their cool but after awhile you could see they were quite emotional about it.

Their chop shop is a family business and has been running since the 70s. Danny is now the 2nd generation, taking over from his parents. He said chop shops have been around since before he was born and did not understand why the government suddenly wanted to stop the import of used parts.

The government’s justifications for this move are ‘safety and environmental’ concerns. From my view I see it more as yet another way to discourage us from using our old and hardy classics, instead driving us to buy new budget cars instead of that RM20k Toyota Corolla AE101 which alot of people are much more comfortable driving as a daily driver than a new car. The common sentiment is that old cars tend to last longer and have better plastics than new cars today and in many cases I find that to be true.

According to Danny, the parts in his stock consist of over 80% overseas imports and only about 20% local parts. I asked him what was he going to do when the new rule is implemented. He said he could not do anything but to look for local cars to ‘cut’ instead of getting halfcuts from overseas.


From a consumer perspective this means certain ‘upgrades’ such as fitting a Cortina 4-speed with a 5-speed manual from a Ford Sierra would be impossible as the Sierra was never really sold here. From the chop shop owner’s perspective, business will be A LOT tougher than usual. To quote his wife’s exact words, “Mati loh!”

I tried looking for a more premium chop shop and found Happy Auto Parts in Sungai Besi which specialises in continental parts. This is near the Auto Bavaria Sungai Besi showroom. There were plenty of BMW E34 front clips there, and there was even an E39 pre-facelift front clip. The owner CM Tan also operates a workshop in the same premise so at least he has something to fall back on when his chop shop business runs dry. Being a specialist BMW used parts center, 100% of his inventory are from overseas.

CM Tan says that the business of a chop shop is not easy to do. You have to build your relationship with your overseas suppliers over a long time – this can be years and years. According to Tan, sometimes even when you find some good cars to be clipped, it doesn’t mean the overseas supplier will sell them to you. There are so many chop shops from so many countries fighting for these cars.

You also need to have a trained sharp eye to judge what cars are suitable to be clipped and he claims that with the 1 week warranty that most used parts have, the return rate for a lemon clip can be so high that you can potentially even lose money on it, or just break even.

He likened the government’s new rule to telling medical students that have given their life to training to be a doctor for many many years that they suddenly are banned from practicing medicine. He has been in this business all his life, what else can he do?

It’s really quite unfair, when you consider that in another segment of the industry, Open AP holders have gotten hints of the system being scrapped for many years now. Only when this NAP review was released have the government somewhat put their foot down and said the system will be terminated by 31st December 2015.

That’s over 5 years of lead time for them on top of the many ‘hints’ that they’ve been getting for quite sometime now, and the RM10k per AP to be charged from 2010 onwards was to go to a special Entrepreneurship Fund that will help these ex-Open AP holders diversify into other businesses.

So much lead time for these Open AP holders to move on to other things, and so much help for them to start new businesses (on top of the money they’ve been earning from the APs so far), but on the other side of the spectrum, used parts dealers only get less than 2 years! I asked both CM Tan and Danny what they would be doing now that they’ve learned about the news – would they bring in more inventory so that stocks would last longer while they figure out what to do with their lives?

They feel it is hard for them to make a decision like that as the government and/or relevant ministry has not released any hard details on how and when exactly this used parts import ban would take place.

It remains a small paragraph in a long document for now, but one that will cause them sleepless nights until the picture is made clearer for them.

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • scanzew on Nov 02, 2009 at 11:35 am

    ordinary move…duit more to cronies…

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  • chidori on Nov 02, 2009 at 11:54 am

    wth.. how im going to maintain my old astra after this. *sigh

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  • haha, i can see increase thief case in malaysia soon


    they never use their brain when they implement this policy

    its only after that they realise whats the side effects are



    never think before they do

    making a fool of themself only…

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  • Gu CHia Lian on Nov 02, 2009 at 12:17 pm

    what if everyone in this country boycott NAP, ride bicycle, don't buy car, petrol, diesel. remember just like the MP's riding bicycle to Parliament house.

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  • KitKat on Nov 02, 2009 at 12:28 pm

    Gu CHia Lian said,

    November 2, 2009 @ 4:17 am

    what if everyone in this country boycott NAP, ride bicycle, don’t buy car, petrol, diesel. remember just like the MP’s riding bicycle to Parliament house.


    Let's Ubah Gaya Hidup…

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  • melvin.foong (Member) on Nov 02, 2009 at 1:47 pm

    This probably means that I should now go buy a Nissan N13 because I do not think there are a lot of local parts for me.

    I am sad to hear this, imagine if I am driving a Godzilla. Should have drive a Proton instead.

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  • alfaizal on Nov 02, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    There's also a high possibility for the parts prices to start increase immediately by existing chop shop owners to fund possible diversification or different business altogether once the ban is put in place in 2011.

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  • Man what is wrong with the government!, so now whoever drives a WIRA or any Mitsubishi based proton models have to purchase brand new spare parts.. god! Most of us are average wage earners how are we gonna afford brand new spare parts ?? All of us know that the imported spare parts are good in quality and we get it in a relatively fair price, why do this ?? is it to encourage local OEM spare parts industry to CASH in on us! is it not enough that we are paying hefty price when purchasing local cars! i think this NAP should be reworked!

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  • Quad (Member) on Nov 02, 2009 at 2:21 pm

    If it's not too much of a request, I suggest as an assignment, Paul writes up a paperwork regarding the negative effects of this policy. Make a little bit of research on the number of car part supplier in M'sia, their dependancy on imported parts, and some other useful statistics. Get people to sign or make an online survey on people's perception on the policy. And then submit this together with the paperwork to some MPs. We have to do something about this, otherwise all of us, business people as well as consumers, will be adversely affected. Not to mention the possibility of creating a new 'market' for car thieves.

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  • tHe^CuLpRit on Nov 02, 2009 at 2:22 pm

    The purpose of the G is to care for the Rakyat. Yeah right.

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  • celicazz on Nov 02, 2009 at 2:28 pm

    i bet this might affect perodua too, since the manufacturer use a lot of foreign parts as well…

    nobody will use kancil anymore and parts used in kancils are imported.. so goes to viva and myvi and current products as well… the local content for perodua is not as high as proton i bet…

    all perodua owners cannot find cheap parts anymore after this, and need to buy originals ones laaaa… aiyyoo, mati loh!

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  • old timers on Nov 02, 2009 at 3:13 pm

    Mana ker peginye "rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan" wahai kerajaan barisan Najis….

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  • oec88 on Nov 02, 2009 at 3:32 pm

    This is a very bad news…yeah, it is really bad news.

    Rakyat Diperdahulukan <– What is this?

    Pencapaian Diutamakan <–Another, what is this?

    Sigh, I feel really bad now.

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  • Dun worry, only one year affected….bcoz 2012 tukar goverment lah……

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  • BatMan Returns on Nov 02, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    No Need To Worry..


    if cannot, sure can mix it.. BMW front + Merc rear… nice job..


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  • naz@ford on Nov 02, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    why don't we just expressing our dissatisfaction to their blog..? i think they will change it if we telling them about the new NAP policies..

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  • robinhood on Nov 02, 2009 at 3:52 pm

    celicazz said,

    November 2, 2009 @ 6:28 am

    all perodua owners cannot find cheap parts anymore after this, and need to buy originals ones laaaa… aiyyoo, mati loh!


    Don't worry bro. our govt is encouraging the use of local parts.

    So expect an increased in stolen cars.!!

    In other words we recycle !!?

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  • server on Nov 02, 2009 at 3:53 pm

    woit Gov bodo..helicopter nuri yg dah jd keranda terbang xtukar2,kete lama plak yg disibukkan.miyak tukar RON 95.MiG fighter jet terminate even Iran still use F5 tahun 70an.jimat sana jimat sini tp last2 rakyat jg ditekan.blood sucker..

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  • Although hard for many owners of old cars, I can understand the government decision. They are not targeting owners of old Ford Cortinas or BMW E21, but directly Naza, Perodua, Toyota and Honda.

    The bestsellers in Malaysia are rebranded, foreign cars (Myvi, Kancil). The advantage for Naza and Perodua compared to Proton is, that they don't have to burden the costs for big sparepart stocks. They just have to say: 'Hey, just go and buy a cheap 2nd hand spare engine or gearbox from Japan'.

    From June 2011 on, it will be much more expensive to keep a Myvi or Kancil running. Same goes for Vios, City, Camry and Accord.

    I don't say it's a good decision, but I understand it.

    BTW: Malaysia is just following Thailand in this policy….

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  • Tahun depan..semua pemilik kereta Import dan Mewah mesti berjaga-jaga, even Porshe Kelantan royal pun hilang..

    So, by applying this new policy..just beware… chop short is TARGETTING to chop your car..

    Erm.. why not to start from minister's car? ok mah… they create the they have to pay for it.. =)

    maybe reflect to Perodua owners also.. to get the Toyota engine… great job..

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  • katak on Nov 02, 2009 at 3:57 pm

    Rakyat di dahulukan

    Pembangunan di utamakan

    Well they find ways to kill the chop shop

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  • mr.eims @ healthawar on Nov 02, 2009 at 3:59 pm

    its just some money game to some people.

    but we are the one who suffer and they dont realy care.

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  • tmbtibm on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:01 pm

    Car theft cases will sky-rocket soon

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  • this is what happens when clowns becomes politician..

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  • remind on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:07 pm

    what next from G…?..wait n see..myb there will be something about MINYAK for next year..obviously..

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  • Regret Bought Mazda on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:10 pm

    Ahhhh…. Its going to be a problem for my stupid Mazda 3 MPS car.. since this policy apply soon.. since this car always give me aproblem since the start, when the warranty period is over, its hard to source Chip Chop part for my neverending problems of my Mazda 3 MPS. Just like previous stupid P2 Perodua… helll them

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  • chanel on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:13 pm

    paul got a point here, why on those open AP holder have got themselves numerous time of hints that it will end one day soon, perhaps more directly, they are given a 5 yrs time to find diversification for them. whereby, the chop shop owner, they are only given a short notice of less than 2 years, some more they will have to walk without "tongkat" to find their new rice bowl…….

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  • michishige (Member) on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:22 pm

    government is getting more oppressive..

    cmon people….EXODUS !!!

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  • Iskandar on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:23 pm

    Mukhriz, prove to us that cars 15 years old and older are the one which caused most accidents in Malaysia.

    Ambil statistic dari atas angin ke ?

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  • dejavu on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:25 pm

    "Rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan", sounds like they just got d 2nd portain in their heads.

    The future looks bleak….

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  • donno on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:25 pm

    The problem is even the sales of new cars with expensive spare parts will dry up as owners will not gamble on a car with high maintainence. Cars like volvo, alfa romeo, BMW, peugeot, renault, citroen, kia will surely dry up. If your car broke down after the warranty ends then what? Even though you can get new parts, most of the REM parts are not "original" and priced higher than a used but original parts.

    To me with the implementation of mandatory 15years and above inspection is an enough and adaquate system to root out unroadworthy vehicles, using used or new parts. If the car passes, even by using used parts, then the car is good, even if it uses new parts. The main culprint of unroadworthy cars are cars that is not maintained, not only engine oil, but brake fluid, brake pad, etc etc.

    If the gov't is people centric, it would have not tabled the ban on used parts notion.

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  • In Malaysia, policies are announced before they are discussed -_-

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  • 4G63tDSM on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:33 pm

    Mohd said,

    November 2, 2009 @ 7:54 am

    Although hard for many owners of old cars, I can understand the government decision. They are not targeting owners of old Ford Cortinas or BMW E21, but directly Naza, Perodua, Toyota and Honda.

    The bestsellers in Malaysia are rebranded, foreign cars (Myvi, Kancil). The advantage for Naza and Perodua compared to Proton is, that they don’t have to burden the costs for big sparepart stocks. They just have to say: ‘Hey, just go and buy a cheap 2nd hand spare engine or gearbox from Japan’.

    From June 2011 on, it will be much more expensive to keep a Myvi or Kancil running. Same goes for Vios, City, Camry and Accord.

    I don’t say it’s a good decision, but I understand it.

    BTW: Malaysia is just following Thailand in this policy….


    Well, understanding is one thing, justifying the matter is a whole other matter. Besides, this is a blanket move, it affects everyone and ever car marque, even Proton (just less).

    Something as simple as this could impact most malaysian with older cars and imported cars. Think your old car suddenly loosing all its value. Think all your cars suddenly becoming a "Volvo" loosing value due to expensive spares and you will get the picture why this is a really bad for most of us. (the 15 year inspection issue just compounds the issue)

    If you own a E39 and you blow the gearbox, a new gearbox will cost more than half the value of your car.

    I have an old Satria 1.6 with a transplanted 1.8L japanese heart. It would be silly to go back to Proton to buy a 1.6L "mitsu" engine from them….You seriously think they will sell you one now anyway? They'd just say go buy a new Proton.

    You can already expect these parts to increase in price.

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  • Jimmy on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:34 pm

    Aku orang besar ni. Like I said before, this is your bisnes, ok? Not mine. Why should I help you, my hambas??? I said already, I only see a few Banglas and Indons in KL, you guys buta kah???

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  • old timers on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:36 pm


    one word to describe all..

    “Mati loh!”

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  • theanswer on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:36 pm

    tho i never use used parts..but i this is not a smart move! plus it's contra with another policy that old cars be send to to maintain if no parts? i dont think manufacturer will produced old car spare parts. it's going to be hard for most of us. *crap..i must get k3-vet half cut for my myvi before this policy start.

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  • tkaira on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:39 pm

    stupid fella jimmy!!…STFU la!!..

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  • theking on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:39 pm

    Transition period is always difficult but life have to go on!

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  • tkaira on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    owh another using a 1997 wira automatic…now manual la coz gearbox damaged..but just to inform u guys…a new automatic gearbox for a wira will set you back RM15 000..yep thats right…mati lor…

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  • Kevin Lee on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:42 pm

    RIP to automotive independence. From later on, car parts would be so expensive, that you rather drive your car to the neighbouring country and they'd gladly help you with their chop shop. This effectively killed out one of the pockets of economy to Malaysia and would see an increase of money outflow to our neighbouring country. I hope the country's politician would stop being so short sighted.

    Hopefully they would change or review the policy. Perhaps one day we should create a blockade in front of the parliament, like disgrunted farmers. That should show them something

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  • *sigh* n *cry until eye drops dry*1000 times….

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  • icefire on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:48 pm

    this is a horrible announcement. MY public transport system is not good. No alternative for the rakyat. sigh…

    upkeep a E30 will be tough then :(

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  • SY0H (Member) on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:53 pm

    This what happen when you put "IGNORANT" leader on the helm of the country and "IGNORANT" blind-supporter of Proton (and NAP) behind the scene.

    My condolence to Mr. and Mrs. Danny (aka the cut-shop businessman). Better start saving and change to new kind of business. But, who am I to tell this poor people to simply change business. Sounds like some "ignorant" government guy would say something like this. I'm sure this is just one out from thousands of people that will be affected by this idiot move by the government. The full scale economic chain reactions will be seen after the deadline June 2011. Perhaps another internal economic recession… God prohibits!

    Proton (and Perodua) has been the infamous cancerous cells in our automotive industry. Really wonder why they're some people still praising Lotus without realizing its the Malaysians' money pump into action to supplement the needs of the upper class?

    While the upper class has a better purchasing power (for cars above 1.8cc and above RM150k), the lower class and middle class are squeeze in between by Proton and Perodua both sides. And now import car users just join the club with their second hand parts banned!

    I will not be surprised, in the near future, even medical drugs, medical surgery, clothing, food and et-cetera will be banned as well. We're going forward on reverse gear! These actions are similar to China's close policies in the medieval days which weaken China's military and economic might, which later brought down the Chinese Empire tied down to the British and Japan! Don't this government people knows anything about the basic rule of international business, they must be adequate export and import to allow for healthy economic flow. History are not mend to be remembered only, they ought to be learned!

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  • white on Nov 02, 2009 at 4:59 pm

    I think everybody need not discuss about this issues about country, about BN, we should consider our vote to another dependant ruler, as you can see, the future of Malaysia is bleak where rich get richer and poor get poorer,once the SHIT announced the new budget, all towards grapping your own hard money, not only car's as in propety u will need to pay 5% once you sell it, imagine u already pay cukai pintu,tanah n income tax even food nowadays also tax, just a bleak future i can say.

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  • Lupin on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:03 pm

    I think the government's decision simply beggar's belief. From the outset, the government looks like it is trying to impose all the automobile policy that has been in existence in any other developed countries. The road worthiness check-up scheme is similar to the MOT checks in the UK, while everyone knows that almost all developed countries recycle their cars every 5 years the least. The point is, while the government claims to try to be at par with the developed countries, they have forever been in denial about the exorbitantly high cost of car ownership in Malaysia. Protection for certain automobile companies and individuals have created an economic sector as big and expensive as real estate and property. Already banks have offered loan tenure of up to 10 years for new car ownership and who knows, if such policy and protectionism continue, we may end up owning a car that is already a scrap even before finishing our loan installment.

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  • Iskandar on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:03 pm

    The impact of this new NAP:-

    1. Only National cars will have good second hand value. Even the traditionally high valued cars like Toyota and Honda second-hand values will drop significantly.

    2. Many second-hand shops will close down.

    3. Many half-cut shops will close down.

    4. Sales of non-national cars will drop significantly.

    5. More cars going to the junkyards. No parts. Kalau ada pun sama harga macam kereta. Apa cerita ?

    May the one who formulate this inconsiderate policy one day rest in pee.

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  • azrai on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:03 pm

    I see Perodua also cannot sell their not so MPV meh because Ah Beng who try to buy it cannot convert to Toyota Passo Sette.

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  • To solve this, lets all do this:

    next general election will be in 2013. in that GE, just vote new candidate or the opposition. Make sure you dont vote the current minister to power. Since they own 'expensive' cars, lets stop their source of income by electing someone else. im sure, in 2-3 years, they will be the one crying out for a new NAP!!

    had the price of new car reduced a lot ( viva = 8k ) then it wont be a problem. But if not, then we all just ride bicycle la….

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  • learner on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:08 pm

    agree with Cy,

    number of car theft will increase as the need for local half-cut parts will be increased tremendously as the half-cut shops find difficult to get the stocks. not long ago TV3 reporting one half-cut shop teamed up with car theft and dismantle the cars they theft and wrapped nicely in the plastic and sell as 2nd hand parts! now those who own honda, toyota, nissan, and conti must hire 'pak guard' in the car.

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  • ericfoong81exe on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:09 pm

    Those blood sucker having the "Red Eye" all the time on every single good money making sector and creating out some stupidity law in order for them to control it.

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  • MyCarMyLife on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:11 pm

    Go ahead with crazy economics and kill the goose , well done to the NAP sters , we will see what happens to the motor industry when MY people buy less and less cars in future.

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  • film izle on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:12 pm

    Go ahead with crazy economics and kill the goose

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  • Kalau pakcik umur 63 tahun ada sbijik pajero diesel tahun '91 nak pegi Proton untuk trade-in pajero 18-tahun-oldfaithful-takde-spareparts-jepon dia dengan Exora/Pesona boleh ke?

    Bygkan situasi ni..

    -itu la satu2nya kereta dia utk bwk bini gi psr..mlm2 gi surau…

    -kete dia standard,xdenye sarung 1jz ke,rb25dett ke…well maintained.

    -satu hari kete dia rosak,spareparts dah tak jual sbb kedai potong leher sume tutup sbb kene potong gak..

    -Kalau nak buat loan boli keto baru,umur dah lanjuit! salesman pon maleh nak bukak penutup pen yg tersemat di poket utk kiro percent..

    -Takde keto,pakcik nak poie mosjid naik apo?

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  • xavier lert on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:26 pm

    bawak basikal from rawang to KL…yae good idea….

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  • keretakura on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:27 pm

    Only one way out … lets unite & change the current 'G' … muahahaha

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  • Prentice on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:29 pm

    “From my view I see it more as yet another way to discourage us from using our old and hardy classics, instead driving us to buy new budget cars instead of that RM20k Toyota Corolla AE101 which a lot of people are much more comfortable driving as a daily driver than a new car.”

    New car definitely means Proton…don’t you guys get it??? Government wants us to buy Proton, so just buy Proton…what with all this noises anyway…JUST BUY PROTON!!! It is cheap, low (probably no) taxes and it is our nation pride…2011 is the times peoples of Malaysia will buy Proton and scrap their old BMW, Toyota etc. Stop the noises unless you guys can change it…besides most of us love Proton, remember its ‘best in the world’ handling by Lotus and continentals feels when you turn on the signals…

    Paul, I think it is about times to scrap your BMW and get Satria NEO…both have two doors but Satria NEO have Lotus handling…

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  • That's the purpose, force us to buy proton, help proton, the cronies. For those haven't register as voter, pls register now and make a change in next GE.

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  • illumiricon on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:38 pm

    i wud never say that changing G is the solution…besides, i'm sceptical on whether the other (the opposition) could maintain (or make it better) our current economy or not…

    i remembered RT once commented in the other topics about how OEM parts will fluorished bcos of this…this is good…dont u think?

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  • In gress on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:41 pm

    INGRESS – Major parts supplier in this country. Read their announcement to KLSE on 2.7.2009 here…

    Ingress Corporation Berhad is pleased to announce that at the Sukukholders' meeting today, 2 July 2009, convened by the Company to consider an Extraordinary Resolution for the proposed extension of the maturity date of the first tranche of the Sukuk of RM50 million due on 9 July 2009 to 9 January 2010, the said Extraordinary Resolution was duly passed.

    The approved six (6) months extension is to enable the Company to formulate and finalise a comprehensive financial restructuring plan for the whole of the Ingress Group. Further development on the restructuring plan will be announced in due course.

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  • Stupid move to make cronies richer!

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  • Vbkcheng on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:49 pm

    Do you think those chop shop will still bring it in and declare as metal scrap. Then, they do the so call material segregation here. Metal parts go for recycle, others sellable parts go to others scrap vendor for further parts segregation…

    Which mean, as long as they can settle the declaration, no law is stopping them to sell, right?

    So, the chop shop will still survive, it just that, the car owner might have to paid extra lor….

    Thats how it work in bolehland mar..

    Look at the AP for car, they control the number of issuing, then give it to a group of "katinan", make them be a billionaire.

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  • Annoy-namos on Nov 02, 2009 at 5:58 pm

    Sigh… the next few years are going to be bad for us average joes.

    Case 1: Me n my car hits our 15 years old anniversary… we take it to Puspakom, Puspokom charges us for an inspection and tells us that the car is no longer road worthy… The end.

    Case 2: I drive a Volvo. New spareparts cost me at least half a months salary. Half-cut is the way to go. Soon no more half-cuts. My car breaks down (e.g driveshaft or engine mounting or some electronics). I take it to Volvo or Fed Auto. Knowing that there are no more half-cut parts around, they charge me double of what they used to on a sparepart. Thats one months salary… and thats me being lucky. Imagine if it were a gearbox problem… that would set me back half a years salary…

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  • meteoraniac on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    we are been taken for another ride by the beloved G .. Malangsia boleh !!

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  • Littlefire on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:03 pm

    Well, i think this will not last long. Even Australia, US, NZ, UK have a lot of imported scrap cars selling in their country how come not us?

    Besides that, all those Datuk-Datuk classic how to maintain? U tot all the Datuk can just buy new parts? Some parts cant be bought already as they already stop production, and they only can get from scrap…

    This is bullshit, sure a lot of scrap owner will come out boikot. The worst effected is the low-income ppl as they cant affort to buy new parts for their old classic. Who want to bet if this continues, sure the G will die even faster. Want to force us to buy new car?!? First of all, improve the quality of the car and give us a fair competitive car price market to buy. We all are not like Singaporeans which have higher earning power. Most of us, even owning a Viva is a burden! Have to pay every month installment like hell…

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  • Annoy-namos on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:05 pm

    We are always losing here. Almost everybody buys a car by taking a bank loan. The govn wants to discourage the use of old cars. What they simply mean is that you buy a car and pay a hefty 7 years installments. By the time your car reaches 5 years, its already falling apart and you now need to pay the installments as well bear the repair costs. After weinging your options, you buy a new car…. So, hutang seumur hidup.

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  • Rovert on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:10 pm

    This is called moving to a high income society. YOU have to spend more, therefore you MUST make MORE! It's not your quality of living that improves, but you spend more on the essentials. With those essentials clsoely tied in with cronies, at the end of the day the cronies get richer and richer. And we'll be suffering on the streets.

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  • EVEN new car owner go to the chop shop.

    -BM tone horn

    -sport lights/fog lights




    -car jack, batter type.

    -alloy rims/

    -temporary tyre (space n weight saving)

    -muffler sometimes

    -some other bits….

    -performance part, SC.

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  • Zongtwi a.k.a. Speed on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:18 pm

    Paul, on behalf of your readers and the chop shops around, can you request clarification from MITI? As stated at the end of the NAP document, there are 5 people that can be contacted for further clarification. Why not contact them? Things to ask include justification, plans, and advice?

    Encik Nik Rahmat Nik Taib

    Senior Director

    Sectoral Policy and Industry Services Division

    Tel: 03-6203 4719

    Email: [email protected]

    Puan Noor Wahida Noordin


    Sectoral Policy Division

    Tel: 03-6203 5648

    Email: [email protected]

    Encik Muhammad Razman Abu Samah


    Import and Export Control Section

    Tel: 03-6203 4808

    Email: [email protected]

    Encik Ahmad Azrai Abd. Mubin

    Principal Assistant Director

    Sectoral Policy Division

    Tel: 03-6203 4742

    Email: [email protected]

    Puan Suhaili Ismail

    Principal Assistant Director

    Import and Export Control Section

    Tel: 03-6203 3475

    Email: [email protected]

    Do list down any correspondence on your website.

    All the best!

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  • lchan on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:18 pm

    the government really doesn't think before they react. I sincerely hope that this is not a method of the government to further sideline non-bumi citizen as we know a huge maojrity of non-bumi are involve these businesses.

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  • ameen (Member) on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:33 pm

    the G should re-consider this.. if not.. lots of people will suffer..

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  • The ordinary people are the only ones being sacrificed for the benefits of a few connected. All the while we are conned, squeezed until the last drop of our blood. This is the worst regime we have ever had.

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  • on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:37 pm

    Any wonder why they want to target the chop shops? Because most chop shops belong to the chinese.

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  • techboy_88 on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:38 pm

    The government can't force us to be nationalistic and buy our national car. Period.

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  • Nazandak on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:39 pm

    I can only see from this :

    1. Black market spare parts

    2. Auto thief

    I see govt want to reduce old cars on the road, but without the move to lower new car prices, it won't work. But lowering new car prices will hurt existing market car value right ?? Dilemma dilemma … my 2 cents.

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  • doraemon on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:46 pm

    Another stupid move by the goverment. Those people who made this ruling drives the official car that are bought with the citizens' money. The official cars are maintained by the citizen's money too. How in world will they know that their ruling will burden the citizens?

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  • fandango (Member) on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:51 pm

    looks like they listened only to big business and forgot abt the average folk…so what else is new? so much for the new 1malaysia slogan…

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  • 4G63tDSM on Nov 02, 2009 at 6:52 pm

    bumi or non-bumi.

    All in the same boat. The boat is already sinking but the captain is still trying to charge its starving passengers more.

    The government charges us more for Credit cards giving the excuse that it want to "discourage" debts, but then again, makes it so that we owe a lifetime in hire purchase loans.

    I would assume that average joe wont be able to afford to replace a major component of a car (gearbox, engine) paying new part prices from the dealer.

    God forbid, your car breaking down before you have managed to pay off your loan. You literally have to trade in your children's education fund for repair of your car.

    Banks will be laughing over this though. Very soon they will give you instant high interest rate loand (ie. Credit lines)specially for maintaining your car. LOL

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  • please don't bring racism in, the Government implements age old policies to protect the bumi to protect their votes only. when it comes to ripping ppl off the Government doesnt care whether they rip the Malay, Chinese or Indian. money is color blind, that's why i feel sad because only a handful of malay cronies are rich while the majority of Malays are left high and dry. I was in NS serving for 2months in Terengganu, we were sent to do community service in villages. i was in shock when i saw how the Malays in their kampung suffer in floods, dirty water, inconsistent power supply, dilapidated schools, bridges that would snap anytime, yet the Government chooses to pump in money to the stupid 1Malaysia F1 team instead of improving the majority of bumi ppls life. go travel around and see for yourself that even the bumi ppl themselves are at the mercy of the Government..

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  • amfin on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:00 pm

    Why do I have this uneasy feeling that all this is just a ploy to initially hate the government(G) and immediately prior to election 2012,the G will SUDDENLY announce new NAP and other BUDGET adjustment and BONUSES to get back support so as the general public will quickly vote the current G. Please guys n girls don't fall for the usual trap prior to any election to gula-gula the gullible general public

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  • trav_da_man on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:01 pm

    The move has its own pros and cons. It is time to scrap old cars so ppl can buy new cars which are more safer and economical to own rather than relying on the old faithful. This will drive car sales and then brings growth to the nation's car industry, beat it local brands or foreign brand.

    Already many developed nations practice this why now we cant?

    But what really uncomforts me is the current NAP does not really resolve on the controversial AP issue and it seems they extending the protection to their cronies. However no statement announced on how to protect the chopshop owners who majority of them are chinese businessman. Really feel for them but for the sake of car industry development, there nothing can be done.

    I still felt this NAP still has flaws that will be disadvantage to the nation and will not help on competing with Thailand.

    Once read there a Malaysian minister was disappointed on why foreign car manufacturers failed to see Malaysia as a hub as they invested on Indonesia and Thailand. I really wanted to whack that jerk and slam him into the water to allow him to see the reality……..

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  • mitlanevo on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:02 pm

    stupid Gov sure come out with stupid decisions…

    and Jimmy, GO F**K YOURSELF !!!

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  • CiViC_7900 on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:03 pm

    This is wrong. people depend on this to save costs. people who run the biz need it to sustain their livelihood. apa ni. this is too much for us to bear. the parts will be so damn expensive, n soon people with lots of money can afford to drive a Honda or a Toyota. apa lg BMW or MERC. kejam sehhh

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  • Guys, seruoisly the G gives a damn on us! face the Fact! for instance, the 20% toll rebate on T&G cards will be given if we use the highway 80times in a month! i travel from rawaang to K.damansara on highway everyday to work,many of us only use the the highway twice a day, which is to go and come back which is about 44 time a month if you work 22 days. How on earth will we ever be able to enjoy the 20% rebate which according to some some DumbA*s, its designed help the needy!And if you qualify, the rebate is not automaticly reloaded.If ifor one wnat to enjoy the rebate, than i would have to double up my trips in a month spend twice of what i pay and then i will happily enjoy my Rebate! Its the same isuue with the spare part here. This i see is being implemented to so that we will continue to support our P1 & P2, FYI, the new NAP also states that cars which are 15 years of age will have to go for an annual inspection ad coupld up with the ban on parts, Dooms day to my Beloved Peugeot 405 GTI, Paul Tans E39 and many of your beloved onnes out there.

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  • sonyman on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:06 pm

    i m so moved by this article, something like tv3 charity show, showing how the going to be ruined lives of these people who has done this business since they were born,

    sometimes i wonder, if the business that i was doing, for so many generations and in just a blink of an eye, it was gone and i got to start life all over again,

    but then and then, a great businessman or entrepreneur would adapt and diversify to survive in this world, maybe doing other things, probably selling proton cars, or perodua cars would be a great business when all these takes place next year, yet and then not everyone can sell proton cars, or perodua cars

    so how? life's hard, so we have to appreciate what we have and what we are every moment, and it is like all of our dreams of driving the car that we loved so much has gone into the drain knowing that we can never be able to drive one, its like top gear last episode and it is so sad, pity, we have things like this happening to us and very obvious of the reasons, only to benefit a minority of people, but majority have to slog and suffer.

    that's for now sad sad,,,,,

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  • DirkTooth on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:13 pm

    This thing is really worrying me..

    U cant apply this rule..

    At least not for now..

    Maybe 20 years ahead..

    If maybe!!

    A lot of people depends on this business..

    Bukan sumer orng Malaysia kaya raya cek oi..

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  • old timers on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:14 pm


    “Mati loh!”

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  • Ray Leong on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:23 pm

    I totally DISAGREE on this thing. Is any of the party going to do something on this? Really cannot accept this!! New rules imposed is just to help them earn more money !! Do this people think about us, we are the user…. the only thinking of earning more….. sigh…

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  • whitefox on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:23 pm

    Now we hope Gov announce the proper explain for this matter cause now Gov is causing All car Owner to be in nervous mode.

    We really hope the ban 2nd part is some part only not all part.

    Example Engine, There is only limited engine to chose only if chop from local car,

    W/O import from outside, some car engine and gearbox are unable to find replacement than this car just throw and side road or home as scrap metal ==

    Even car manufacturing phase out some part after stop production of certain model than where we got to find part? Imagine ur honda city CVT 2005 gear box died out 4 5 years later where u got to find that replacement? i heard a Honda Authorize Mechanic Say that gear box can easy hit 20k for new one. Buy that time ur city only worth how much?

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  • we do nothing for this… i just see G try to kill used car… no parts, puspakom every years

    then you will think about new car, when you cant afford it, you got only choice (p1 / p2)

    but we should think positive, every time our G got very "creative" idea, they will stop or forgot after the moment

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  • ammar on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:25 pm

    I have two cars above the age of 15. One is a Volkswagen Golf, the other is a Leyland Mini Clubman. It's bad enough I need to take both my cars to puspakom for checks now. And obviously pay them some fee to check the car (and most probably another 'fee' to let it pass).

    Later, if I need to fix my cars, where am I going to get spare parts? There's no such thing as 'brand new' spare parts for both my cars. If I need them, I have to order from UK and Germany. And how do I declare my car as 'vintage'? One is my age, the other one is as old as my dad. Do I need to own a car as old as my grandfather? Curse you Malaysian Government!

    I'm going to write a complaint letter to the Ministry.

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  • I think AAM should do something about this otherwise another Association of Car owners should be established to counter all this nonsense by the powers that be, who knows nuts about owning and maintaining vehicles through blood and sweat, since most of them need not maintain one but by us the tax paying rakyat……Can the powers that be, be reminded that they are there to work for us rather then against us, but it looks like they are working only for one group of people, the Filthy Rich!

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  • Littlefire on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:35 pm

    I must admit that some Classic are more better than driving a local car…

    I seen a blog which mention that he rather push a classic VW beetle than a Proton if both stuck by the road side…

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  • racer on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:38 pm

    menteri2 yg buat keputusan tu org2 kaya… bole beli kereta mewah2…tak pernah susah… kami yg bawah2 ni dah lah susah… bertambah lagi susah dgn keputusan bodoh ni… kerajaan sekarang ni suka buat keputusan tanpa fikirkan rakyat… semuanye untuk 'tembolok' diorang sendiri…WTF…..

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  • whitefox on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:42 pm

    I think if GOV can't make good explanation or solution for this issue.

    I am sure this Old Car Owner + Chop SHop boss & worker + related business ppl will come out to protess on the road.

    Imagine the owner jam all high way in Klang Valley or Main entrance to KL

    Since if human u can move chase us away if water gun.

    If we block with Car, I bet how many tow car u can find to tow our car away


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  • Stalonez on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:44 pm

    I wonder what's the PR team is doing about this new NAP rakyat blood sucker plan.. aren't they suppose to challenge the BN govt?

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  • ericfoong81exe on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:45 pm

    I can foresee there will me car stoling case to be rise in the country in order to get the precious replacement parts in future. There is a supply whenever there is needs in the market.

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  • armandd on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:45 pm

    KY said,

    November 2, 2009 @ 8:26 am

    In Malaysia, policies are announced before they are discussed -_-


    I couldn't agree more… just like the fuel rebate issue.

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  • protex on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:49 pm

    No use complaining so much without taking any action. Use your voting power to make 'BN / UMNO communism ruling to be ended by 2012' a reality.

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  • wochomi on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:52 pm

    I agree with Amfin…. govt using the bad cop/good cop scenario for the election.

    It's like take two steps backward, and celebrate one step forward. Afterall, we Malaysians MUDAH LUPA. How convenient.

    To all the people who drives a proton (including myself), haven't we paid enough for Proton to walk on its two damn feet? Now we're supposed to bleed to keep this parasite keparat organization alive? I know lots of jobs were created by Proton, I don't blame the crew, I blame them blasted top managements who themselves don't drive a proton… (funny isn't it).

    LOTUS doing anything for us average joes? Maybe got that 'lotus handling' badge lah….

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  • protex on Nov 02, 2009 at 7:58 pm

    expressing our dissatisfaction to their blog..? ?????

    Do you people still think that the BN government really can sit down and listen to the rakyat dissatisfaction?

    If 70% of the populations demand (show dissatisfaction to their blog) BN ruling government to steps down because we the rakyat are really dissatisfied with their

    1) no brains policies,

    2) we fully encourage corruption policies

    3) we are not above the law, we are the law.

    do you think they will listen, give-in to the rakyat and steps down?!

    Like I said, use our voting power to make ‘BN / UMNO communism ruling to be ended by 2012? a reality.

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  • old timers on Nov 02, 2009 at 8:07 pm

    Mati loh! just angkat Proton loh..

    Nak Angkat Proton? Perodua.. Mati Loh!

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  • double helices on Nov 02, 2009 at 8:15 pm

    Proton should just roll over and just Die already, 20 something years in the business and they still can't cut it to be a competitive competitor. I give my middle finger & up yours salute to Big Brother & their cronies~ you've completely done it now. 1 Malaysia my ass! To those who's Rides depends on parts fr chop shops etc….i feel for you & i share your sentiments towards Big Brother and this absurd policies.

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  • Altezzar on Nov 02, 2009 at 8:22 pm


    we voted for them then we have ourselves to blame….

    1) Pity low income earner who drive old cars. Now must sell cos no 2nd hand parts. Dont suggest new proton or perodua cos the price is still very high.

    2) This move is like forcing all to ditch their old car and buy new.

    Guess who collect tax revenue.

    3) Come to thinlk of it even good earners will suffer cos new part price is

    so expensive. If buy new parts which come with tax.

    Guess who collect tax revenue again.

    Sounds like a foolproof plan……

    Used parts less tax collection…..

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  • nabill on Nov 02, 2009 at 8:24 pm

    yup no brain…or got brain but total disregard to low income ppl…which is about 60% of msians….there u go…simple and easy….dont tell me some 1st world countries oso same…we r NOT 1st world country….dont compare….

    i hope thy wil reverse the decision…n have some brains up thr to tink of the majority of the population ….unbelievable…its like totally dont give a s*** abt wat ppl tink or want

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  • squawk on Nov 02, 2009 at 8:32 pm

    This move is typical "guna otak untuk sekejap sahaja" move by the G.

    Do they really know why people still drive old cars? Well, I drive a used MPV because

    1) I live in PJ and have housing loan to pay and mouths to feed

    2) For a brand new car, I can only comfortably afford a small sedan which can't fit everyone (unless the G say ok for me to put passengers on the roof)

    3) And that brand new small sedan doesn't have as much safety features as the used MPV.

    All those driving old Fords, Opels, Peugeots, Renaults, Toyotas, etc etc, please be careful of your old "junk". They'll be very valuable soon.

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  • Bapa Kepada Empat An on Nov 02, 2009 at 8:32 pm

    I see the rise of new businesses:

    1. Smuggling of used cart parts from neighbouring countries to be sold in the black market. If the demand is big enough, no amount of law enforcement can prevent it…hell, even the customs and policemen will join in and provide protection services to favoured smugglers…this is Malaysia after all…

    2. Car maintenance tourism: Cars from Malaysia will be driven to Thailand for major services or parts replacement and then driven back into Malaysia again. In Malaysia, there will be agents who specializes in providing this service for a reasonable fee. The Gov't can't stop you repairing your car in Thailand, can they?

    3. Fraudulent declaration of used/refurbished parts as 'new' to pass through customs. After all, nowadays even new cars are declared as 'used' to allow importation via Open AP.

    So…relax everyone…the Gov't may try to screw us good and proper, but even they cannot fight against Market Forces.

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  • scanzew on Nov 02, 2009 at 8:38 pm

    seems malaysia is not opens their economy in AFTA 2010….

    too much protectives measure to protect one of mahathir's failed project…

    then shut down import spare parts license…

    WTH for all BN cronies….makan duit rakyat!!!!!

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  • Anak Malaysia on Nov 02, 2009 at 8:42 pm

    W T F***…. people that done the policy can make this decision because they use our money (income tax & etc) to service & repaired their car at authorized dealer. they don't use their own money to maintain their car. That why they do a very stupid policy… "Kroni di dahulukan, Pencapaian belakang kira" . Other things Next year Puspakom staff will use big car & have big house…..

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  • scanzew on Nov 02, 2009 at 8:44 pm

    maybe mahathir vetoing to najib his son mukhriz go for MITI to protect his Potong failed project….

    so just dreaming guyz on demolishing NAP and using Toyota Vios at RM40k-50k….hahah tunggulah kucing sampai bertanduk!!!!mahathir also hav to feed his own cronies!!!

    Mahathir is too powerful!!!hahaha….

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  • squawk on Nov 02, 2009 at 8:51 pm

    I just wonder if someone sees this move as profitable to them just like how the scrap metal business was suddenly "regulated" in favor of someone's pocket.

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  • scubadude (Member) on Nov 02, 2009 at 9:05 pm

    This means its the final nail to the coffin for BN and all their component parties…., remember to vote your rights in the next general election people !!! As of now, please do NOT BUY new car, be it foreign or national makes, as that will contribute to the governments coffers through duties and taxes.

    Buy only used cars, or stick with your old cars !!! Remember to buy use car makes that are manufacturing in neighboring countries, cheap parts will still be able to come in many ways and forms at the border… that u can rest assured with the 'malaysia boleh' attitude with customs.

    Making sure the government will not get revenue out of us to fulfill their own pockets… and more importantly the bloodsucking P1/P2 will die a natural cause through hunger and thirst !!

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  • This is a very unthought of decision that effects the whole industry & people who are already burdened with paying so much for our cars.. P1 & P2 are really crippling the taxpayers.. Polices are formulated around them , over protecting them & sacrificing others. Policies are being implemented without the thought of implementation. Annual check at Puspakom ? Are you joking ? The Govt is always protecting certain parties that they forgo the whole picture , the bigger picture. Old cars causing most of the accidents ? any statistics to prove it ? If so is the Gov so sure its due to the old car & not other factors ? Driver fault..etc.. It really pains me why Malaysia is like this.. its really tiring.. The Govt must reconsider the mistakes they are making, enough of fancy window dressing . Show sincerity through policies.. Policies that are just & practical. No taking sides & foe the common good, forget about 1 Malaysia until the Govt shows its commitment through good & sincere policies. Policies that actually work not PROTECT

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  • formulaone on Nov 02, 2009 at 9:09 pm

    hope our G rethink bout dat policy.. we have no money to buy genuine parts. my old wira only rely on 'half cut market'..

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  • Annoy-namos on Nov 02, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    Upgrade, not kill chop-shops/sparepart dealers.

    As a Malaysian, I support our national car maker and believe that there is a need to protect it (regardless of which political party wins the GE). I strongly oppose those who say that Proton should "gulung tikar". Improve their products! thats what Proton should do and I believe they are slowly getting there. Only bad management hampers their progress previously. But, even the best of car companies die from bad managements.

    However, I do agree that the new policy is inclined to benefit/protect some parties i.e. AP importers, cronies? hence the ample lead time given to them.

    I suggest that the government allow used parts to be imported by chop shops but revise how these shops should operate… Rather than bringing in chunks of half-cut bodies, the parts may be brought in in the form of individual components which are carefully tagged and organized… reconditioned so to speak. That way, they would avoid bringing in unwanted parasitic parts that may come along with half-cut bodies.

    Introduce a tagging system that ensures that these parts are "clean" and get Puspakom/JPJ to monitor, hence expanding the role of these authorities. The chop-shops then will be upgraded, becoming more hi-tech and greener in their operations. This, I think is good for the country… afterall, not many of use would like to see chop-shops near their homes even if we like to go there for parts. Its like how reclycling centers becoming more "eye&nose-friendly" nowadays in modern coutries.

    Supporting the upgrades of chop-shops instead of killing them is the better way to go. This way, you avoid "illegal" backyard chop shops which brings in stolen vehicles and at the same time save the economy of honest chop-shop dealers and promote economy and technology (hi-tech operations).

    But kill Proton n Perodua? no… not a sensible solution. Not when so many other industries and citizens depend on them.

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  • on Nov 02, 2009 at 9:18 pm

    @ trav_da_man,

    "Already many developed nations practice this why now we cant?"

    Is malaysia a developed nation? Are malaysians average income on paar with people in developed nations? Are car prices in malaysia on paar with those in developed nations?

    A new mid range car cost an average factory operators in europe 3 to 4 months of his salary. If our income is that high and car price that low, we can do that too.

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  • mig29_ria (Member) on Nov 02, 2009 at 9:19 pm

    Salah satu Project Barang Naik.

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  • rexis on Nov 02, 2009 at 9:31 pm

    I am speechless here.

    I own a 15 years Wira and it is my only mean of transport.

    Thinking about buying some WD-40 to refurbish my bicycle.

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  • Annoy-namos on Nov 02, 2009 at 9:31 pm

    Please fellas, its got nothing to do whether youre chinese or malay… I amybe malay or indian but im totally behind chop-shops. we're all in this together man. And I personally think that were past that racial thing now. If chinese chop-shops closes, malay, indian, singh consumers also suffer mah. Its not about the color of your skin. Its about policy makers and the people… Im with the people.

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  • I feel for those ppl losing their rice bowl soon, the govt. should at least consult with them and give them more time to look for alternative, so insensitive and brutal is the best way to describe their action.

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  • makenosense on Nov 02, 2009 at 9:37 pm

    Rakyat has no choice but to buy expensive parts. Government should listen to the Rakyat first before implemeting a new policy!

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  • scubadude (Member) on Nov 02, 2009 at 9:39 pm

    Another I fear worst to come… our insurance premium will skyrocket for sure !! With no chop shop, cars involve in accident will have to use new parts, and that will definitely increases the overall cost to repair, right ???? Will that come next ??????? Damn the government !!!!

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  • Wira2070 on Nov 02, 2009 at 9:52 pm

    Next time kalau major part rosak,keta boleh buat reban ayam sebab takdak $$$ nak repair.

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  • NAP did a bad job man……

    1st- kill the companies

    2nd- make more ppl JOBLESS!!!!

    3rd- kill many ppls passion for cars

    imagine if i bought a AE86 levin/sprinter…. buy used part….. where 2 buy?…. buy new ah…… buy imita tion parts?…..3rd party…….. CRAZY kah…..

    I wonder what the GOVT survey…survey the RAKYAT or the THEIR POCKET…..

    i hope all the USED PARTS SHOP ASSOCIATION will take ACTION on this matter….

    even big place in the world…..i.e japan, usa , uk , australia, NZ still have shops like this……

    maybe now THEY want to be world record holders as the !st contry in the world with no used parts shop……like tallest flag , n putting the astroNut in space, where they could use it to make schools, make roads, SUBSIDISE our FUEL……

    THIS IS THE VOICE OF AN ORDINARY RAKYAT……… imagine the millions….


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  • Peace on Nov 02, 2009 at 10:04 pm

    This is certainly brainless. We pay so much tax to own a car. We pay road tax to drive the car. We pay tol to keep the wheels rolling. We pay the lousy RON95 to keep our car alive. By apple to apple, it's certainly the most un-comfortable country to live among other ASEAN countries.

    Now, the situation even worse. We do not have the right to voice out our dislike policy. how are we going to survive in this coming years?

    How about we drive all the cars above 15 years old, park all the car outside the parlimen, let it jam till jalan ipoh. Leave the car for them. We donate the cars to government to success their policy…………………

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  • meteoraniac on Nov 02, 2009 at 10:05 pm

    tax here tax there .. everywhere . and now increase the cost of owning the only means of transportation (forget buses, taxis, lrts) for the ordinary citizen ?? ..

    these policy makers should be shown to the door asap ! vote wisely !

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  • Prentice on Nov 02, 2009 at 10:08 pm

    Peoples, let us worry no more!!!Proton cars is the best handling car in Malaysia (by Lotus) Japanese cars can beat it..that's what we Proton is what we going to buy..come on everybody let us support Proton and let us buy Proton..those people out there who drive Proton can tell you that their car is the best handling car in the world (probably)..what are you waiting for??let us buy Proton!!!Proton!!!Proton!!!

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  • double helices on Nov 02, 2009 at 10:11 pm

    I quote Annoy-namos:

    'I strongly oppose those who say that Proton should “gulung tikar”. Improve their products! thats what Proton should do and I believe they are slowly getting there.'

    I apologize if I rude sound, but do you even own or drive a proton? I mean lets be frank, yes they are sloooowly improving at a pathetic pace. Just look at Kia as a good example they started making car since 1986, Proton rolled out their saga in 1989. Just look at where they are and where proton is? further more proton's build quality is just above average after 26 years in the business (est in 1983) they still haven't sort out their build quality! there's always a problem with almost every proton car on the road if it isn't a major problem then it's a minor problem from mountings to power window motors etc.

    Let not even talk about after sales service which is quite appalling, I've had my fair share of episodes with proton's service centers and their employees with their superficial professionalism and inefficiencies.

    So how much longer do we Malaysians have to wait for proton to buck up and get with the program like any other proper automotive companies out there? give them another decade perhaps? while then we the Rakyat have to just sit and deal with the ridiculous policies the goverment throws at us while they protect Proton? that sorry excuse of an automotive company.

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  • Rovert on Nov 02, 2009 at 10:12 pm

    Isn't it true that cars after 5 years will not get brand new original parts if they claim from insurance? Now these 5 year old cars will need new parts also, so scubadude is right – insurance to hit the roof!

    I think if you want new parts but can't afford to pay for it, drive you car down a hill and crash it then claim insurance.

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  • Now everyone is talking bout next general election which is 3 years away…

    Next year, G will announce a budget which piss ppl even more, 2 years frm now, they will announce a 1 month bonus for all civil servants + 10% pay hike and some feel good rebates and stuff and everyone will forget year 2009-2011 and will still vote for the same G in 2012… wanna bet? hehehe

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  • relaks la! by the year of 2011, sure there would be another shocked announcement related to this, just wait n see lor!

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  • Wira2070 on Nov 02, 2009 at 10:36 pm

    Next time if you go to chop shop to get some part,the "taukey" will say, itu barang sekarang susah mau dapat harga sudah naik…………….lo

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  • MADBOY on Nov 02, 2009 at 10:41 pm

    Rovert said,

    November 2, 2009 @ 2:12 pm

    Isn’t it true that cars after 5 years will not get brand new original parts if they claim from insurance? Now these 5 year old cars will need new parts also, so scubadude is right – insurance to hit the roof!

    I think if you want new parts but can’t afford to pay for it, drive you car down a hill and crash it then claim insurance.


    No, you can get new part, but you need to pay for betterment. Can't remember the % (read your motor insurance policy). assuming 5 years car, the betterment is 15%. So the insurance company will deduct 15% of the total cost. You pay the balance. This is only applycable for original part only. Recond, used or non ori part not applicable.

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  • firefox on Nov 02, 2009 at 10:55 pm

    no parts, then drive over SG/Thai to repair, i believe if the ori parts are to expensive, than a lot of ppl will do.

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  • Now tis is SATU MALAYSIA. Can somebody post tis thread link to 1MALAYSIA Blog, hope PM will join PT forum

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  • Anonymous on Nov 02, 2009 at 11:07 pm

    – I will have to buy a 2nd hand Proton one or a NEW one, which I probably will not be able to afford as I am not the Perak or Terengganu Mentri Besar(s).

    ** I kinda like this phrase..kekeke, we are just small little ants **

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  • ericfoong81exe on Nov 02, 2009 at 11:07 pm

    Think we should stop buying high tech equiped car nowadays to save our wallet for coming 5 yrs. Incase the car is broke down for some wear off parts, it won't be the pricy cvt gear box or the VTEC and VVTI engine…..Else we all go vote the other party in next election to kick off this mother blood sucker GOV and hope the new ruler bring us hope.

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  • zenzan (Member) on Nov 02, 2009 at 11:13 pm

    the gov think used their 'lutut'.they don't care rakyat will suffer when this policy on 2011.even pakcik makcik stayed at kg very to get new car and got additional charges to renew roadtax also.they think malaysian people very rich and they said used parts is not safe (quote rfm utusan) are u do some reasearch b4 u giv that reason? all parts of course not from malaysia that's y need to import here cause all new parts with cekik darah price! poor me to maintain my 9yrs old iswara n my little swift soon….:(

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  • mamat on Nov 02, 2009 at 11:24 pm

    1Malaysia = Malaysians driving 1 car = Proton

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  • rageaccel2 on Nov 02, 2009 at 11:26 pm

    my detomaso also will R.I.P after this. stupid govt. 1 malaysia, kroni didahulukan, own pocket diutamakan. really bullshit.

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  • rageaccel2 on Nov 02, 2009 at 11:38 pm

    when i buy something, i will make sure that it is a value for my money, now i'm getting ready to choose new government. because it seemed that the current government has loses its value. pfftttt..

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  • squawk on Nov 02, 2009 at 11:40 pm

    In 2012, workshops in southern Thailand will react like how JB workshops do when they see SG registered cars – "ka-ching!". Also, TH will suddenly record an increase in land-based "tourist" arrivals.

    If UK has so many breaker yards (some get their parts from EU), what's wrong with having the same here?

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  • Khairul on Nov 02, 2009 at 11:54 pm

    Read the pesona totally burned accident recently?what the heck is safety about it?MY old e36 bimmer n sentra is aloooot i mean a lot! much more safer than that!

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  • Lupin said,

    November 2, 2009 @ 9:03 am

    'The road worthiness check-up scheme is similar to the MOT checks in the UK, while everyone knows that almost all developed countries recycle their cars every 5 years the least.'

    Recycle their cars every 5 years ? I doubt this. Although cars in Germany are cheap compared with Malaysia, the average age of a passenger car was 8 years in 2008 with upward trend. 16% of the cars in Germany are older than 11 years, Motorcycles are even 12.8 years at average there. Same goes for the UK, France, Italy, etc.

    If you talk about Singapore, okay. Continental Europe: No

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  • A new kind of business is called auto part remanufacture business will emerge, using the old part to make it usable again.

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  • Some forummers too childish if not RACIST, merely look everything from his/her interest rather than common interest. And the officials and the government who govern this country and prepare the policy have no heart to general public's interest; for them 1MALAYSIA KRONI diutamakan.

    My conclusion to my professor back in 2002: Proton is the symbol of Malaysians economic calamity. Imagine we also use the same for the electrical appliances, computer, and many more?

    Thus, having a skyrocketing price for cars without enough choice (better public transport) with new policies that never concern on Malaysians interest is the predicament government imposed to the rakyat. Even though l never have had a used car or ever use any used parts from chop shop but it's inevitably MORONIC to have such a (flaw) policy.

    Government supposed to take care us INSTEAD rob us with this policies. Malaysia heading toward Burma direction and we're the losers. After this highways will go to privates partise, perhaps?

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  • tiwasok on Nov 03, 2009 at 12:30 am said,

    November 2, 2009 @ 10:37 am

    Any wonder why they want to target the chop shops? Because most chop shops belong to the chinese.


    Come on la..don't make this as racial issue. Racism got nothing to do with it.

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  • Wow, capitalism at its best!

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  • Headache on Nov 03, 2009 at 12:48 am

    We should do a head to head hit with a 1990 Merc and a 2001 Wira.

    This to show to G what do they mean "OLD and unsafe" cars.

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  • formulaone on Nov 03, 2009 at 12:51 am


    my beloved wira will die after 2011.. R.I.P.

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  • wochomi on Nov 03, 2009 at 12:52 am

    The Rakyat pays for the mismanagement of govt projects.

    Rakyat Didahulukan bila kena bayar….hahaha…

    hidup Proton!!!yahoo!!!

    By design Proton is among the better cars in Malaysia. Yet the management screw it all up in materializing it and even the purchasing process is sickening experience (even the price tag not fixed when booking)…

    So DON'T blame Proton… it is the bunch of monkeys running the show who is responsible for this. Yet these monkeys talked bout patriotism in driving national car…. if only these monkeys are patriotic in managing Proton.

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  • naz@ford on Nov 03, 2009 at 12:55 am

    ni bkn mmbantu rakyat.. menambahkan mslh kpd rakyat saja.. habis la proton and perodua kali ni.. bgs kita kc bankrup ja dorg tnpa membeli keta proton and perodua..

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  • mystvearn (Member) on Nov 03, 2009 at 12:57 am

    This what happens when the people who make NAP 2.0 don't know what the real situation is on the ground. I bet you if suddenly chop shop have to close shop, every chop shop have mass riots, then gov will do a "U turn" on rulling.

    They target Chop shop because people want to use their old cars (non-proton cars) as long as they can without switching to proton. Not some racist issue here. Cause everyone needs to go to chop shop to get parts.

    NAP from stillbirth to disabled stillbirth

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  • Naz@Ford on Nov 03, 2009 at 12:57 am

    ssh la mo cari parts keta 2nd hand lps thn 2011 tu.. dah la sy pakai toyota SEG.. parts baru dia pn ssh mo cr lg tu, ada pn di kedai halfcut.. kerajaan makin bebal sdh skrg..

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  • scottloeb on Nov 03, 2009 at 1:02 am


    You are one hell of an idiot. Its the capitalist stupid. Who are the majority owners of old cars 15 years and above? Malay kan, all the kampong folk who dont even have a payslip? So now the govt are Chinese? Again who is the owner of spare part maker, service centre, importer, distributor? Not Chinese (Tan Chong, APM, Delloyd, BSA, JRD, Tong Yong Rubber)? Or Malay (DRB, PNB-UMW, Naza, Sapura – PAS, Ingress – PAS)? You stupid arsehole.

    Its about time we got the choice. They should have demolish the AP system. Or change it to bidding (something like COE). And each owner should put the AP in the invoice and being taxed properly, then only it make sense. Importation of used spare? they should no abolish it, but maybe put some capping on it. Our own scrapping programme must be put in place (like SG) to have this working.

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  • untouchable on Nov 03, 2009 at 1:09 am

    Towards 2020…

    no more rubbish…

    Malaysia is not a rubbish country…

    go send all the scrap to US..

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  • Annoy-namos on Nov 03, 2009 at 1:10 am

    dear double helices

    Yes I drive a proton by the way and yes, i agree Proton lags behind the likes of the kias in some way or another. Im with you in this.

    My point is just that we should not punish the brand by closing them down since that there is also another option of carrying it forward. Installing a good management that listens to us consumers and strategic partnership would be a good step forward. Putting it to rest is a major step backwards no matter which way you look at it.

    Its probably like having a spoilt child. A slow correction process is better than killing them.

    As for the new policy… it sucks… cant say more.

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  • mubongok on Nov 03, 2009 at 1:15 am

    hahah…1malaysia..1stupid G..

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  • Chris on Nov 03, 2009 at 1:35 am

    I feel it'll have far reaching consequences than just us car owners. Logistics companies who previously depended on chop shop or recon parts to keep cost low will have to raise their charges. Everything WILL cost more, so this ruling affects car owners and non-car owners alike.

    If they're banning used parts, would they now make imported new car parts tax free?

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  • jong84 (Member) on Nov 03, 2009 at 1:38 am

    do you all think we are dedicated enough like Japanese who can stay for the car loan until pension and still paying on it meh? what use if AP still remain to protect local car market? If I can get Vios new for only RM40k only. sure I will agree to put a side to support it.. The gov just Making our life harder…

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  • fauzi on Nov 03, 2009 at 1:41 am

    It remains a small paragraph in a long document for now, but one that will cause them sleepless nights until the picture is made clearer for them.


    don't be sleepless it is an opportunity for them to leave their old family business and start new business, With the money and the experience they have they should know which is fast moving parts and which is slow moving parts. with this they should start a small factory may be at their chop shop to produce imitation parts and become the imitator in future and start new business for their children ,grand children and their next generation.

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  • Rakyat Malaysia samp on Nov 03, 2009 at 1:49 am

    Apa guna pon kalau beli kereta baru, kalau dah rosak pon lagi mahal nak dpt sparepart…. kalau beli kete baru sudah abis warranty…. tetiba itu gearbox atau enjin dah pecah…. mau beli yang original ka? kalau ada kedai potong mau tukar murah la…. honda city cvt satu gearbox yg baru sudah rm25k…. kedai potong baru rm3k…itu gearbox otomatik kete proton pon kalau original sudah rm10k….. apa yang bagus sgt NAP nih….kalau rosak gearbox/enjin kena tukar kete baru ka? Blodihell… sapa yg sokong NAP… mmg kaw2 kena dgn BN…. BN is like Freemason, mau jadi rakyat hamba kepada mereka.. anda tidak merdeka selagi anda di ikat kontrak dgn BANK…. gila punya "G" <— Freemason

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  • taboogen on Nov 03, 2009 at 2:14 am

    is used tyres are considered part, if yes damn

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  • rakyathatebn on Nov 03, 2009 at 2:29 am

    Sometime, doltish but arrogant people need a BIG HARD SLAP on their face before they finally wake up and start to use their brain. I hope all of us ready to help them out in the coming appraisal. They work for us rakyat, and should lead us rakyat to a better future, not miserable life!

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  • _xXx_ on Nov 03, 2009 at 2:38 am

    Even in a developed nation like Singapore, you still can find many kedai potong despite new parts are not expensive there. So, are we more advanced than the Singaporean?

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  • _xXx_ on Nov 03, 2009 at 2:41 am

    haha, this is an interesting thread where everyone is united and have a common target to whack…no more pro/anti-proton.

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  • Vincent on Nov 03, 2009 at 2:43 am

    Let's start our own automotive company that run by Malaysian people not government alliance. We can manufacture all the parts here in Malaysia, and assembly the whole car here. Cannot complain too much after all these year, is better to convert our anger, unsatisfactory feeling to think how to manufacture a good quality car here in Malaysia, I mean manufacture by the people not government.

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  • michaelooi on Nov 03, 2009 at 2:54 am

    It's time to vote them out.

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  • Master Mind on Nov 03, 2009 at 3:13 am

    Haha Be Cool,..just send memorandum… G to enact the decision on NAP is better than show our angry here….I thought here peole well educated n more rational…

    Think first and be rational…even we hate someone… find solution got signature….n then submit to G….To PAULTAN hope u can establish the online poll n than show result to G……

    This policy actual has pro n cons but for people who using the imported car the will more sufferd than us…SO OPEN ONLINE or MAKE MEMORANDUM direct to PM or related parties….

    Be Wise n Be Polite….


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  • kody (Member) on Nov 03, 2009 at 3:35 am


    One word… stupid…

    Pls use your majority power to show what is needed to do when next election…

    RM7xk for new EXORA….

    at US use RM7Xk for new toyota camry… min 2400cc above…

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  • Auto_crat on Nov 03, 2009 at 3:40 am

    This will hurt many people. These potong shops keep those JDMs and uncommon vehicles on the road. Are these people (who created this legislative) mad.

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  • iyeke on Nov 03, 2009 at 3:44 am

    Malaysia Bolehhhh!!!

    mebbe those people behind NAP took a nap

    NAP = National Automotive Pundekkkk…

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  • ricaza (Member) on Nov 03, 2009 at 3:47 am

    curX said,

    November 2, 2009 @ 8:07 am

    this is what happens when clowns becomes politician..


    no la..not the clowns..clown makes people happy..but them??

    they are orang2 korporat yang keparat…make money for them self..

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  • Dato' Sri Najib on Nov 03, 2009 at 4:29 am

    Paul, on behalf of your readers and the chop shops around, can you request clarification from MITI? As stated at the end of the NAP document, there are 5 people that can be contacted for further clarification. Why not contact them? Things to ask include justification, plans, and advice?

    Encik Nik Rahmat Nik Taib

    Senior Director

    Sectoral Policy and Industry Services Division

    Tel: 03-6203 4719

    Email: [email protected]

    Puan Noor Wahida Noordin


    Sectoral Policy Division

    Tel: 03-6203 5648

    Email: [email protected]

    Encik Muhammad Razman Abu Samah


    Import and Export Control Section

    Tel: 03-6203 4808

    Email: [email protected]

    Encik Ahmad Azrai Abd. Mubin

    Principal Assistant Director

    Sectoral Policy Division

    Tel: 03-6203 4742

    Email: [email protected]

    Puan Suhaili Ismail

    Principal Assistant Director

    Import and Export Control Section

    Tel: 03-6203 3475

    Email: [email protected]

    Do list down any correspondence on your website.

    All the best!


    What are your guys aspected from these idiot?

    Their are the puppet of the Government.

    Don't waste your time!!!!!!!!!

    After next election these idiot/corruptor will be remove with their bosses.

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  • tolan on Nov 03, 2009 at 4:32 am

    Great news! No more chop shop theft and cut throat scam after this!

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  • tolan on Nov 03, 2009 at 4:34 am

    untouchable said,

    November 2, 2009 @ 5:09 pm

    Towards 2020…

    no more rubbish…

    Malaysia is not a rubbish country…

    go send all the scrap to US..


    Agree with u. No more rubbish.

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  • squawk on Nov 03, 2009 at 4:36 am

    In developed countries, people can approach/write their Congressman to fight for their rights. Can we do the same here or are we only considered "developed" when it's convenient?

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  • tolan on Nov 03, 2009 at 4:41 am

    Dont think what the country can do for u..

    Think what u can do for ur country..

    Sacrifice now.. Success later..

    Go Malaysia. I wl do anything for u.

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  • nobraincar on Nov 03, 2009 at 5:08 am

    don't worry… malaysia boleh change this policy anytime… trust me!

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  • Ah Ken on Nov 03, 2009 at 5:21 am

    Nevermind about the 2nd spare parts,'potong parts' etc. Coz… come June 2011, the price of your "BESI PROTON SAGA BUROK" will increase to 100%, maybe around RM3500 per kilograms.

    My advice, keep your scrap old cars untill June 2011 and you will become richer if not poorer ! Ah…, what the hell !

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  • lilywatie on Nov 03, 2009 at 5:42 am

    Ha,ha… I think AhKen is wright. I've asked the scrap metal buyer about it(the price of scrap old proton saga)last week. They told me to keep my old proton saga and sell it on june 2011. Then, i can afford to pay for porche downpayment!

    Huh, i can't wait for that moment.

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  • Elvis on Nov 03, 2009 at 5:44 am

    15 year old car to be inspected annually is a disaster waiting to happen. Puspakom already congested with commercial vehicle and now you want to make huge traffic jam there. Short sighted NAP indeed. G should implement that a 15 year old car if sold to another party, then need to go to Puspakom…isnt that what car dealers have been doing? I see G killing used car dealers, used parts dealers and several related business like logistic. And the amount of jobs directly killed amount to hundred thousand, much more that P1 and P2 staff combine. Our automative sector already non competitive to foreign investors, and trying to highlight VW interest on Proton remain pipe dream only. Malaysia is in danger of becoming isolated from automotive next revolution coz foreign investors already reluctant to invest here. G is also fast losing support and trust of Rakyat. G need to really evaluate this NAP before things go out of hands…

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  • abdulwahub on Nov 03, 2009 at 6:26 am

    Still remember how much money exactly the BN govt had spent for the so called “OIL REBATE” last year? Anyone,please. Ahhh… nevermind, who cares! That’s why, from now on the govt want to take back all the money that was given to rakyat.



    Enjoy 1Malaysia!

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  • Herminem on Nov 03, 2009 at 6:27 am

    I'm gonna repair my ex5 thats all I can afford after this

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  • ImHuman on Nov 03, 2009 at 6:40 am

    Everyday we try to overcome government change and live comfortable,but why when we already feel comfort. They want make it more worse…

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  • electron (Member) on Nov 03, 2009 at 6:51 am

    What the ………….!!!

    Is this policy for real? Of all the stupid things… All this while i can still grit my teeth and absorb what the G is trying to force on me with regards to cekik darah automotive policy (fuel hike, toll hike, etc) BUT this… Aaaarggghh (ripping my shirt off like Hulk Hogan right before he enters the ring)… I'm speechless and very angry!!

    I just bought a second hand jdm car and now… am staring at the prospect of it being a hot commodity in the stolen car market.

    Thanks a lot G, hope you already thought of all this:

    1) deprive and crush the livelihood of chop shop owners trying to make a decent living (like Danny and his family from the article)

    2) put a stop to cheap (and much needed) spare parts for the average belanja cukup makan2 joe like me

    3) effectively kill/wipe out the second hand car market (the main reason people buy second hand car is because of the availability of parts from chop shops)

    4) trigger a frantic wave of cars being stolen for parts

    5) no more aftermarket parts (except from official Proton authorised accessories dealer) to customise car and…

    6) …eventually putting an end to the growing and huge car modification scene in Malaysia.

    (After 2011, all cars on M'sian will more or less start to look the same as they will all be buying a familiar M'sian brand coz no other choice!)

    7) No more grassroots motorsports event i.e. rallying, drifting, track racing, etc for the avid rakyat as they cannot get the parts to indulge in their hobby. (And I thought the G is encouraging M'sians to take up motorsport!?)

    8) No more autoshow events/carnivals

    9) No more excitement in the automotive industry

    10) Drive away foreign car companies into bringing in new models or investments into Malaysia after 2011 because of the very protective and anti-competitive NAP…while they continue to invest more money in thriving Thailand and Indonesia automotive market and create hundreds of thousands of jobs for the locals.

    All in all, i can't help but wonder how is it that rakyat didahulukan…

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  • GeramHati on Nov 03, 2009 at 7:02 am

    all this chop shop belong to cina

    the cc seller also……….so sendiri fikir

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  • nadzri m yusof on Nov 03, 2009 at 7:28 am

    Why all ah beng make noise, open market lol. Why scared you people makes ton's of money already. Stop dumping all the besi buruk here, even australia usa uk singapore also no such business. You people always refer to those country now why silent lol. Stop polluted the enviroment.

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  • fooled on Nov 03, 2009 at 7:31 am

    The government and Proton cronies have become too proud and arrogant.

    They want us to buy new cars? At what cost? An arm and a leg?

    What about old people? They are driving old cars. Ferrying grandchildren to kindergarten. Is the government telling them to get a new car once their old cars refuse to run without used parts? How are these retirees going to get a loan to buy new car?

    So us the young ones got to pay for our parents car and also our own car? It's already a tough life in Malaysia where wages are low. Car price is expensive, road tax is high. Tolls everywhere. What more blood does the government wants to suck out of us?

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  • aiya, government stupid never think properly one.

    i suggest we all start petitioning against the reversal of this aspect of the policy.

    is damn unfair to us the consumers and the business owners.

    bloody hell.

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  • keteSorong on Nov 03, 2009 at 8:24 am

    then if all of u are a minister

    change the policies…useless

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  • Vezeroth on Nov 03, 2009 at 8:26 am

    all you people seem to talk about bribery so easily… bribery this and that and now for the so call 15 years inspection.. let me tell you this, to my Chinese friends, i notice you guys are the ones worst off and often the ones who bribe or end up having to bribe the most, the thing is, you don't need to bribe and generally you bring this on to yourself, one person bribes because his car cant get through the inspection then these inspectors will ask for more bribes or you guys will willingly give it to them. If your car has no problem, you will not need to bribe… The same with the driving test, if you can drive you wont fail and thus you wont need to bribe. nobody can simply fail you… DO NOT bring it onto yourselves to bribe!

    In support of saying NO to BRIBERY!

    PS: and dont give me the bull that you have to bribe, nonsense, nobody will ask… no police officer will ask, you were on the wrong go take summon n go settle at police station, if he asks for it, take his id and go complain.. similar with this situation if the inspectors ask for it! exercise your rights and complain!

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  • Just on thing. Change the Govt.

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  • Dato'_Seri_Naji on Nov 03, 2009 at 9:32 am

    Hello to all 1Malaysians.

    I am your Prime Minister and I have taken the time to read your comments here regarding the revised NAP.

    I am very surprised that most of you support the usage of old cars and second hand parts.

    This problem will be brought out in the next cabinet meeting.

    Thanks all and salam 1Malaysia!

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  • audi-adnan on Nov 03, 2009 at 9:34 am

    nadzri m yusof said,

    November 2, 2009 @ 11:28 pm

    Why all ah beng make noise, open market lol. Why scared you people makes ton’s of money already. Stop dumping all the besi buruk here, even australia usa uk singapore also no such business. You people always refer to those country now why silent lol. Stop polluted the enviroment.

    LOL you bloody idiot, Australia USA UK allow import of used parts, whole cars even. Admit it, youve never been to any of those places, yet still want to talk haha

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  • barisanajib on Nov 03, 2009 at 9:37 am

    Nevermind, let's us own the first world's title for The Best Car Spare Parts Pirates in the world!! I am sure with this implementation, chop shop owners have no choice but to go underground, next time you will see illegal parts selling like hot cake in pasar malam, so why bother…

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  • JULIAN_LEE on Nov 03, 2009 at 9:56 am

    Vezeroth, u are a blind fool.

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  • zafedz on Nov 03, 2009 at 10:05 am


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  • Dato'_Seri_Naji on Nov 03, 2009 at 10:51 am

    nobody cares about me..

    I'm the PM!

    susah2 aku menang pilihan raya,,

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  • Chop Govern on Nov 03, 2009 at 12:47 pm

    The government’s justifications for this move are ’safety and environmental’ concerns.


    is like a RETARDED concerns!! with O.C.D (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

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  • willpower on Nov 03, 2009 at 2:44 pm

    Our G is really Fcuk up…Fatally Cured Useless Knowlegde G..

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  • Anak Malaysia on Nov 03, 2009 at 4:34 pm

    Dato’_Seri_Najib_Tun_Razak said,

    November 3, 2009 @ 2:51 am

    nobody cares about me..

    I’m the PM!

    susah2 aku menang pilihan raya,,


    WHO are u? Najib? F**k O**

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  • hahahahahahahahaha

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  • Vezeroth,

    If you deal with govt departments alot, u will understand why we need to give some duit kopi to grease the wheels…

    It's either you can wait and let your life rot and pass you by or you can pay some duit kopi to grease the wheels get wat needs to be done faster, saving precious time.

    Remember, time is the most valuable thing in our lives, we only have certain amount of it, and i'm sure everyone values their time… not gonna use em for dealing with the govt dept any more than needed.

    Some rules are sketchy at best, who says an inspector can't fail you if you've done everything right? Who says puspakom will pass your vehicle if it adheres to all safety standards? You my fren, sound like you haven't visited puspakom once in your life. That's why we have runners doing all this under table shit.

    Who do u think the money filters up to? The G la of course, that's why they will keep getting puspakom exclusive rights to inspect our vehicles… it's a deadly cycle…

    Exercise our rights to complain? to who might i ask? relevant ministries? They're all in the same boat la…

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  • Funny! Why do cars 15 years of age needs to be checked for road worthiness in puspakom when many busses and lorries which are in the worst condition possibe are being to vandal our roads? The "G" should do something on the busses on lorries which poses threat to public and environment rather than banning Chop part and Road worthiness for 15 year old cars.By common sense, if some is still keeping a car which is 15 years old, Its for sure he or she loves the car.And preety sure it will be maintained well compared to our Innocent Public Slayer Transport System out there. Do Something Bout the busses and lorries out there, WE CAN TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN CARS!


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  • nighttrain on Nov 03, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    They'll be introducing the new waja soon by rebadging lancer. Say, at the price of RM75k. By adding another say, RM50k, I reckon you can convert the new waja into an exact replica of a RM330k Evo X. That's why they're stopping used parts into the country.

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  • RunnerUp on Nov 03, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    Tsk. Will they ban bicycles later, to encourage us to buy new cars?

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  • Hondas on Nov 03, 2009 at 7:37 pm

    wah, i just changed my car alternator (recond second hand) for rm300. If new original it cost me rm1k. Imagine if without these imported second hand parts. Pathetic gov, credit card tax, no imported parts, and I suspect they are more cost to pass to us soon. Sick.

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  • kancilrider on Nov 03, 2009 at 8:11 pm

    @ JEDI..

    Sooner, ministers' cars r the best target to be chopped, as their cars are duty relieved. Honestly, I can't see much positive effects. For sure, police forces will be stretched to thin to combat car thieves, as they're already understaff.

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  • proton basher on Nov 03, 2009 at 8:32 pm

    i feel sorry for CM Tan, i wonder what is he going to do next. A repairshop still relies heavily on parts…

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  • aksMs on Nov 03, 2009 at 9:19 pm

    I think we shouldn't all blame this matter on any particular minister or ministry only. Perhaps they were just ill-advised. Nevertheless, they are the one who should understand 'Rakyat didahulukan'. But I'm more incline to question those who works in and for those relevant ministries. Particularly those who mooted this thing in the first place!

    The question is, do they really knows what's going on on the street! Has there been any research on this matter? How long has it been done? When? What is the findings? Why not the research taken been publish?

    Sheesh! Sometimes I wonder, why some government people can be so stupid!

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  • bugbear on Nov 03, 2009 at 9:55 pm

    Gonna change the g after this. Just you watch out.

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  • proton bashers on Nov 03, 2009 at 10:26 pm

    instead of creating more jobs, all they did is reduce the number of jobs.

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  • NAP for TDM & Cr on Nov 04, 2009 at 12:28 am

    Another big setback (another loss of 20 years) for Bolehland in the eyes of the world.

    What a brilliant move to sabotage our "strong and vibrant 1 Bolehland Najibnomics' economy".

    Well done, Mouhaidin & Mustakapa in taking care of the greedy cronies.

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  • kjryth (Member) on Nov 04, 2009 at 12:45 am

    6. The gradual [color=red]phase-out of imported used parts and components[/color] will be [color=red]effective in June 2011[/color]. This measure is only applicable for imported used parts and components.

    please flood MITI Blog on Vehicle End-of-Life Policy (ELV) and the Phasing-out of Imported Used Parts and Components. Say ur opinion especially on the end of Used Spare Parts Imports on June 2011 (19 months je lagi)

    please ask all ur fres to flood the comments… so at least MITI would consider… thanks

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  • amirzaim on Nov 04, 2009 at 12:58 am

    Dasar DAN ni akan buat rakyat marah. Takkanlah naksuruh rakyat pi beli original spare part! Depa ingat semua rakyat malaysia tu kaya-raya?, Ada saja pemimpim bodoh macam keldai buat dasar bukan-bukan, ingat negara kita ni bapak dia punya! Tapi, jangan lupa bahawa ramai org mengatakan yang negara kita ni adalah salah satu drpd negara yg mempunyai nilai harga kereta termahal di dunia. Macam mana nak maju kalau rakyat terpaksa beli lebih, dahlah tu pulak, insuran pulak ta laku kat kereta lama tu. Negara India nak kata lebih bagus berbanding negara kita sebab depa buat kereta murah utk rakyatnya. Inilah yg kita nk tengok di negara kita, bukannya nak tambahkan batu di atas kepala rakyat!!! Bodoh betul macam KELDAI!!!!!

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  • vezeroth on Nov 04, 2009 at 3:01 am

    i have dealt my fair share with government departments, and i have never had to bribe…

    it is people like you hanz and julian thats why malaysia is so corrupted, our politicians are corrupted, the whole goverment is corrupted and you know what, it is your, the peoples fault….. change yourselves!

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  • willpower on Nov 04, 2009 at 5:29 am

    Enough is ENOUGH…ARE U LISTENING, "G"?

    Try get rid of 15++ years old Commercial Vehicle FIRST before put the chop on Private Car…We earned our $$ in avery tough way..Be Considerate.

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  • Najib_Tun_Razak on Nov 04, 2009 at 5:35 am

    anak Malaysia, are you telling me to fuck off?

    if i find out that u vote for me in the next election, u have to blowjob me.

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  • Mazda 3 MPS on Nov 04, 2009 at 5:38 am

    belilah kereta buatan jepun

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  • Probiotics on Nov 04, 2009 at 9:57 am

    Changing the flow of the cash from the hardworking ones to the lazy ones that have the ruling power…

    Ynot they just transfer all the hardworking ones to Sabah n Sarawak (distinct separation by the sea)…give them the land and let them form their own country?

    N the lazy ones can own the whole semenanjung n own brethrens to toy with..

    Put all kinda crap of policy tht u wan…hardworking wan dun bother…u punya pasal ur own brethrens seksa….


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  • Kereta Potong HANYA terdapat di Malaysia!!

    Masukkan dalam Rekod Dunia Book la!! hahaha

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  • obviously this is an attempt from the G to stir some mock havoc reaction from the rakyat.

    perhaps upon reaching 2011, proton unveil cars pricing as low as rm15k-20k.

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  • It sucks!! on Nov 04, 2009 at 2:06 pm

    NO Wonder they implement such policy

    Dato Mukhriz Deputy Minister Trade

    so, proton will gain benefit for this policy!!!

    damn it sucks!!!

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  • The Noble Proton Bas on Nov 04, 2009 at 4:27 pm

    proton part also import. bicycle parts also imported from china like that malaysia no car no bike? what about medical equipment and airplanes. also imported.

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  • Mondez on Nov 04, 2009 at 6:29 pm

    Because of Proton (and later Perodua), we had to pay much more for foreign make cars then our neighbouring countries… so we resorted to buying second hand foreign make cars because Proton and Perodua just couldn't give us the cars with the quality and performance that we wanted (cheap is good, don't ask so much for other things)

    Now because of bloody Proton and Perodua again, we can't even enjoy the luxury of purchasing second hand foreign cars because we won't be able to find the chop shop spare parts….

    Tell me.. has Proton and Perodua really benefited the country…??? personally… not to me.. it hasn't at all…..

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  • jolly_idiot on Nov 04, 2009 at 7:14 pm

    Soon more ppl will canabalize local cars. They'll chop the unchoppable. Better get a good alarm for yourself.

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  • aiseh……2012 no more spare parts for engines like Mivec, VTEC, GSR…..hmmmm what to do, need to buy Campro engines afterwards………

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  • Leong on Nov 04, 2009 at 9:25 pm

    I think the Potong Kereta shop will setup their business in Thailand and provide shipping service for customers who want to change major parts.

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    • halfcut on Apr 24, 2010 at 8:13 pm

      let’s open bisnes at thailand. malaysia banyak biro-kera-si.

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  • AlucarD on Nov 04, 2009 at 11:18 pm

    Even developed countries have chop shops or breaker yard i.e. USA, England, Oz etc etc… who are we to even consider this. I suspect that someone will benefit. Prolly a company will be set-up with license to bring in used parts. So all the other kedai will have to order from this organisation. As With Malaysia someone will make a buck or two!! The Gov do not simply make these policies. It it well taught off at the very beginnig for some parties to benefit.

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  • Mazda 3 MPS on Nov 04, 2009 at 11:48 pm

    Mondez said,

    November 4, 2009 @ 10:29 am

    Because of Proton (and later Perodua), we had to pay much more for foreign make cars then our neighbouring countries… so we resorted to buying second hand foreign make cars because Proton and Perodua just couldn’t give us the cars with the quality and performance that we wanted (cheap is good, don’t ask so much for other things)

    Now because of bloody Proton and Perodua again, we can’t even enjoy the luxury of purchasing second hand foreign cars because we won’t be able to find the chop shop spare parts….

    Tell me.. has Proton and Perodua really benefited the country…??? personally… not to me.. it hasn’t at all…..


    no benefits at all. they always say proton and perodua helps to provide the malaysian people with jobs. I think not, if there were no proton and perodua. More carmakers would be able to enter the Malaysian market, meaning more showrooms and more workshops, hence more labour is needed. The GDP will increase as a result.

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  • kiddy (Member) on Nov 05, 2009 at 3:15 am

    everything change/ and that.. but salary didnt increase…i think average earners will become poor and poor become worst….crap..

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  • It is not difficult to know the reason behind this move, create more money to Mr. spoon feed p1…

    Indirectly benefit to ppl you know, I know…

    Very disappointment, it is hopeless…

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  • Agree the logic in Malaysia, the poorer will get poorer, the richer get richer..

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  • AP_Holder on Nov 05, 2009 at 10:42 am

    AP ini untuk orang Melayu, tolong faham yang stock kita ada perlu model besar kerana kebanyakan kereta mewah. Jikalau AP tidak wujud, modal yang diperlukan berganda. Manakala untuk Naza, jikalau AP sistem tidak wujud, Naza tidak dapat jual Kia and kereta Peugeout dengan harga sekarang.

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  • skullfire on Nov 05, 2009 at 11:48 am

    yeap screw the government this policy in NAP is crap shiit man…. and guys please go flood the MITI blog

    this and this

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  • The Noble Proton Bas on Nov 05, 2009 at 6:05 pm

    skullfire said,

    November 5, 2009 @ 3:48 am

    yeap screw the government this policy in NAP is crap shiit man…. and guys please go flood the MITI blog

    this and this


    thanks man i will do it

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  • No problem on Nov 05, 2009 at 6:09 pm

    Some of the potong bodi already finding other resources not just from selling 2nd hand parts.

    Got much already selling new parts.

    And also some of them, can make the old car model part ,by asking the china people do.

    Some of them got factory . Anything you want, china can do it.

    So imitation part will spread around very fast.

    Gearbox for new wira RM 15000, china RM 5000 also no problem.

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  • Kevin on Nov 06, 2009 at 12:57 am

    This policy and the 15 yr old cars inspection proposal, …. good for Proton and Perodua (PNB majority owned).

    Ensure survival and prosperity for them.. good….very good.

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  • Satria96 on Nov 06, 2009 at 5:04 am

    *stupid policy*, sohai G!

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  • Mazda 3 MPS on Nov 06, 2009 at 6:58 am

    sohai G pussy konde

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  • The 15 year car stats are from insurance companies. They claim to suffer huge losses on these type of cars cos the premium currently is quite low while the losses in an accident can be huge depending on what car they hit. This is compounded by the fact that insurance business is tariff controlled by govt ie insurance companies cannot increase their premium on these old cars to reflect the loss history. Why govt control? Becos old people will complain if they let the market decide on the premium rate. That's another story altogether.

    I think the inspection is to make sure the cars are roadworthy – I appreciate this cos even when I know my car is roadworthy and I am a good driver, I cant say the same abt others, and I dont like to be hit no matter how much insurance co want to pay me. Get these cars off the road!

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  • scubadude (Member) on Nov 07, 2009 at 8:31 pm

    Well.. looks like the vehicle end of life policy has being revoked, but no chop shop also mati lor…. no chop shop – no old parts, then where to get parts for my 25years old car ..?? So in the end … no parts means gotta scrap car lor… Govt wins also…. damn those farkers..!!!

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  • fukYouGov on Nov 07, 2009 at 11:32 pm

    fucking stupid gov, fuk

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  • STOOPID on Nov 09, 2009 at 9:01 am

    Kononnya "developing country", more likely third world mentality.

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  • terence on Nov 09, 2009 at 5:45 pm

    There might be loop holes. What if these parts are 'refurbished' before they arrive at our shores?

    This is one of the moves to revive Proton. If you can't get used parts for your old Toyota, Honda, BMW etc, you will have to buy a new Proton.

    I guess I will be setting up a cut-shop/workshop just across the border up north. Will be a millionaire over night and stimulate Thailand's economy instead.

    1Malaysia? Don't think so.

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  • Kita tukar Goverment la…..

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  • ShaolinTiger on Nov 10, 2009 at 2:40 am

    I can see myself driving to Singapore or Thailand next time to look for car parts…

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  • jerry on Nov 15, 2009 at 2:37 pm

    with this the chop shop will really have to be a chop shop… chop new cars for spare parts.. just like in the states..!

    someppls say old cars coz accidents… pls chk yr factslah… nows days new drivers can't even driver manual anymore… so stupid..! so many new drivers drive like morons… every accident i have had for the past 5yrs was b'cos some idiot didn't know how to drive properly… imagine hitting a car coz yr trying to put on yr safety belt and looking down while doing it… !
    that was the lastest accident…!

    so i am soo screwed with my 19yrs old corrolla… i love my car but now toyota also no spare parts.. wtf am i suppose to get them…?

    when my car finaly breaks down i will have it towed in front of parliment and leave it that… ask those asses to sort it out…!

    why should i be force to change my car just b'coz its old… the bloody govt wants us to be in debt..!!!
    then we will be too busy paying our bills rather then looking over their shoulders to see wat bullshit they r up too..! waste money only on stupid projects… !!

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  • UrgeForSpeed on Nov 16, 2009 at 3:01 am

    I see this only as a good news. A sign that new cars – hopefully greener too – would be more affordable in the future.

    Full speed ahead…

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  • Pro-muscle on Dec 22, 2009 at 9:02 am

    How is it that it is a move to make vehicles safer when in fact most accidents are by local cars? Morons!!! just another "narrow you into a corner" strategy to buy Protons!! I've even heard it on the radio about this a few weeks ago… safer my fuckin ass!! Which NEW cars went on fire after it was launched? Hello!!! I even saw a Proton Gen2 burnt to a crisp!! Safe new cars eh? Govt you're full of BS!! Can't get your strategies right in the long term but want those short term moolahs!!

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  • Malaysian People on Feb 04, 2010 at 7:41 pm

    Attention to the goverment… better you think twice before you implement this stupid things….. what happen in next general election (GE)…. looks like all Malaysian disagree with this stupid thing….. so, are want to listen malaysian voice or I think there's possible you will get the bad effect in next GE if this stupid thing happen….

    where's the slogan "Rakyat Didahulukan"????….

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  • Ted Manson on Feb 07, 2010 at 4:12 pm

    I agree with majority people . Goverment have make their own good citizen to suffer more while they seat back and enjoy their benefit . The whole point of this act is to support their own Malaysia Motoring Industry more than road safety act . I have no objection to 15yeras old car to be past the road safety inspectiont but banning import part parts its just like putting decent citizen in lost of job and business . Side effect of this as crime rate will naturally bost up, follow by Malaysia Ringgit currecy exchange lower . Can we cope with this ? We can, by riding a Honda EX5 just like Thailand , Vietnam , India and any other third country . Are they living as our life ? Do they understand how diffult our life will be in the future ? Are we looking foward our goverment is building a better civilization for us ? And is the Goverment has deliver their promise " Rakyat Di Dahulukan ''

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  • what man my peugeot 2 hand parts is also expensive. Orginal 3times expensive. Once my signal switch ko already 2hand cost 250 but want to buy orginal i must pay 800 for just the switch. Useless everybody faster buy 2 hand parts before the policy is approved. Buy before we are dead

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  • John Bujang on May 24, 2010 at 10:53 am

    Dear Sir,

    I’m inquiring if you have 2nd have automatic side mirror for TOYOTA LAND CRUISER HDJ81 AND ORIGINAL ANTENNA. Please quote me the price and you phone No for easy communication.


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  • What kind of stupid policy is this? They dont care bout us who cant afford new cars and new parts! TO THE POLLS I SAY!!! VOTE

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