First image of Lotus-badged EMAS global small car

Proton yesterday unveiled some new images of the Proton EMAS Concept alongside with a Lotus-badged version. Both cars will be aimed at very different markets, with different powertrain combinations, while still sharing the same basic platform allowing better economies of scale.

Above you have a rendering of what a Lotus version could look like, and I’m using the word could because no one indicated that this was a production photo. From our understanding, the Lotus Global Small Car will be positioned at a premium, with a shorter wheelbase and a three-door hatch body compared to the Proton badged version.

Possible powertrains include a plug-in EV or series hybrid with range extender (Lotus Omnivore) or a turbocharged small engine of around 1.2 litres of capacity or lower. Benchmark models for this car are vehicles like the MINI EV or the electric Smart.

First image of Lotus-badged EMAS global small car

This particular photo is an update of what the production Proton global small car based on the 5-door Proton EMAS could look like. As you can see the design has been revised compared to the one first shown in Geneva 2010 and later at the Proton 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner.

This one looks like it has inched closer to being a production design and the front end looks sharper and sportier, with the headlamps angled upwards. You can compare this design with the original Proton EMAS Concept design below:

Proton’s benchmark for their new global small car is vehicles such as the Toyota Aygo or the Nissan March – practical and youthful at the same time. Proton is looking at installing a small and fuel efficient engine to go with this car, and they are also exploring diesel options for the Indian market.

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • perkasa on Aug 24, 2010 at 3:41 pm

    cantik…sangat cantik.
    bila nk masuk production ni? harap2 bila dah keluar nanti
    harga biarlah least below rm40k

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    • MoFaz on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:51 pm

      I couldn’t wait for 2012!
      hopefully they get lots of prototypes running on highways next year so we could salivating our mouth looking at spyshots :)
      but realistically, the price won’t be lower than 40K… not for electric / hybrid car.
      unless they produce 1.3 campro version…

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      • Nakal on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:18 pm

        …..or other OEM engine, i suggest Mitsu or Fiat engine

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      • rajaiskandarshah on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:25 pm

        the article says for the proton version “Proton is looking at installing a small and fuel efficient engine to go with this car, and they are also exploring diesel options for the Indian market.”
        looks like it is going to be a small and cheap car. this will be a very crowded segment, with so many small and cheap car projects. in malaysia it will be competing against the p2 viva. in india it will be competing against the tata nano.
        the design is nice, so hopefully it will sell.
        somehow, with all these teasers, proton certainly has raised a lot of interest.

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        • Tiadaid on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:53 pm

          If it’s better than those cars, why not? It’s time P2 get off its fat ass and stop producing “Limited Edition” or “Elite Edition” and rest on their laurels.

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      • BadBET on Aug 25, 2010 at 3:47 pm

        I prefer n/a 1.3 campro, no need for ev or hybrid, I cant afford it

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    • Drust on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:22 pm

      40k? this is the price u give for a new design car of this?

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    • autocruise on Aug 25, 2010 at 7:47 am

      xdapat lee proton nk jual under RM40K…teknologi hybrib tu…

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    • ayo…viva elite boleh la 40k. tu pun cekik darah.

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    • shiro on Aug 25, 2010 at 11:03 am

      40k tu da murah sgt la bang.. try to be more realitic, or else you will definitely disappoint your own self..

      anyway, nice move for proton.. they are getting even more aggresive than before.. congrat..

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    • Hameed Koyakuti on Aug 25, 2010 at 2:09 pm

      Kah kah kah, mimpi la……P1 will always be P1…..full of bongers….from MD until storekeeper……never learn, never change…..

      When u guys will ever learn and accept the fact that P1 will never gonna excel in global arena ???? How many times does P1 ever impress u with their image scoop but fall restlessly during product launch ???? THEY FAIL BCOZ THEY JUST ZOMBIES. THEY DONT HAVE A CLUE HOW TO EXCEL. THEY’RE NOT A BUNCH OF WINNERS, THEY ARE JUST WHINERS. THE OLD MAN LOSERS ARE STILL ROTIING IN THE COMPANY.

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      • apa ni bro.. tak bagi sokongan langsung pada buatan malaysia.. jadi lah rakyat malaysia yg bantu sesama bangsa. baru lah 1malaysia.. jgn ada minda kelas buruk mcm ni.. kalau sume rakyat malaysia camni rosak la negara tak lama lagi.

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        • Hameed Koyakuti on Aug 26, 2010 at 1:02 pm

          Jgn kata rakyat tak sokong, tapi rakyat dah penat……
          Full of hope, full of lies, full of crap, full of inefficiencies…..
          dont be emotional, act professional, fight rational…..

          like what i had mentioned before, if you look at the previous initial concept design for waja, neo, savvy….perghhhh superbbbb, but when the design is freeze and enters production stage, the result is like crap……

          P1 never learn !!!!! They do not have a continuos learning and improving culture in the organisation. That’s y i say they r bongers !!!!

          And i hope u dont be a bongers like them too…..

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          • kamal on Aug 27, 2010 at 12:24 am

            mcm tak tentu je ko ni, apa yg superb , apa crap tu, cuba explain ckit

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          • ProProton on Aug 28, 2010 at 3:10 am

            ni kata2 budak baru nak belaja pasal kereta.. org cakap proton tak bagus dia pon nak cakap proton tak bagus jugak…

            klu proton tak bagus.. kete apa yg bagus? toyota?

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      • Initial R on Aug 26, 2010 at 5:50 am

        Hmmm… 53 tahun merdeka… pemikiran masih lagi dijajah…. kesian.

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      • exsaga on Aug 26, 2010 at 6:29 am

        u tak suka, u keluar.
        go migrate to somewhere else u think better

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      • abzaja on Aug 28, 2010 at 4:31 pm

        That was an excellent troll you posted. Congratulation on the huge attention that you craved.

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  • i always thought the emas concept had some weird design angles despite the rave reviews but the new renderings i really like…

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  • autojohndoe on Aug 24, 2010 at 3:42 pm


    Tiger face…

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  • Tengokaje.. on Aug 24, 2010 at 3:47 pm

    Yup..agree with you Paul. Go global P1 with good quality cars.


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  • flizzardosohigh on Aug 24, 2010 at 3:48 pm

    Fantastic work Proton

    25 years ago Proton was just rebadging Mitsubishi cars started by our visionary former geat Prime Minister Tun Mahathir.

    skeptics were doubting that Proton will ever find success , and bashers continue bashing and finding slight flaws of Proton .

    Proton never had it easy and finally today i have bare witness in my lifetime that Proton has finally achieved the “impossible” , Proton has manage to stand on its own feet producing safe,reliable car with decent performance with their wide range of cars from incredibly fun to drive superminis savvy,to affordable sport satria neo,, to practical family MPV exora, to executive sedan Waja. to high performance sports car Satria neo r3 lotus racing which capable of going from 0 to 100km in 9.2 seconds(faster than the world fastest man Usain Bolt at only 9.58seconds)

    Despite coming out many interesting models of cars as of now.. Proton had never failed to amaze me .. especially with this new revolutionary technology of Proton Emas , not even the Korean manufacturers has come to this close of technological feat.

    kudos to our local engineers in Proton R&D may Proton continue to prosper as we celebrate hari merdeka and the milestone that Proton has achieved

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    • milo tin on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:18 pm

      joke of the day!

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      • malaysia memang boleh on Aug 24, 2010 at 7:09 pm

        No you’re post is the lamest post of the day.Get that,and you’re name also revealed that you’re such a typical basher.Note that,Milo is quite expensive nowadays,and people can earn money buy selling back Milo tin.

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      • hahahha..agree…do you race neo with bolt?…aiyooo…good try…

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        • Philip J. Fry on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:40 pm

          I’m sure there’s an episode of Top Gear where they do that :D

          Come on flizzardosohigh, 0-100 km/h in 9.2s isn’t what you’d exactly call high performance. The Neo R3 Lotus Racing was built for marketing purposes (celebrating the return of Lotus to F1), and not as a high performance car.

          Waja as an executive sedan? Well I supposed they did tried to advertise it in Australia as the BMW of Asia …

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          • agree with u.
            nowadays we can see more satria neo on the road after the souped up version of neo lotus r3 version have been produced.

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    • pacifictuna on Aug 24, 2010 at 9:47 pm

      haha….. mind you that neo did 0-100 km/h in that time. Bolt did 100 m in the same time. irrelevant comparison but sounds good. i like it!

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      • MoFaz on Aug 24, 2010 at 11:45 pm

        yeah.. if we calculate how fast the car can reach 100m, maybe the car still win. my physics is berkarat already, but I’m sure the calculation formula is very simple. something like v=m/s and a=(v-u)/t… arghh.. don’t bother.

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        • It’s the simplest formula learned even during primary school days;

          V=speed, L=distance, t=time

          I suggest you stick with your safe protected career selling Protong cars. I can’t imagine having you teaching physics and math at school. Please spare the school kids. But I can’t solve these economics math problems (maybe you could help me out);

          Say Company P1 Input RM 1 Billion for R&D, untung only RM100 Million (after 25 years).

          A) Salahkan Kereta Import?
          B) Salahkan Nap?
          C) Salahkan Rakyat?
          D) Salahkan Management?

          *you may select one answer only.

          Keh keh keh.

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          • MoFaz on Aug 25, 2010 at 9:07 pm

            soalan bodoh dari org yg cuba memperbodohkan org lain.
            buang masa je layan.

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          • rm1 bilion R&D, untung rm100 million interms of money bro(i donno which fact do u get from)..but anyway interms of education, knowledge, skills, professionals,modal insan, etc = PRICELESS.

            all that produce more benefits to malaysia as a whole.

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          • farghmee on Aug 26, 2010 at 11:57 am

            meh sini belajar fizik.

            1. speed = distance / time

            std unit bg speed is (meter per second) or (m/s)
            kt dashbod tachymeter unit selalunya (kilometer per hour) or (km/h),
            yg lain ialah (miles per hour) or(mph)

            2. acceleration = change of speed / time
            or acceleration = [(final speed)^2 – (initial speed)^2] / (2*distance)

            std unit bg acceleration is (meter per second square) or (m/s^2)

            taking values from flizzardsoohigh:
            “Satria neo r3 lotus racing which capable of going from 0 to 100km in 9.2 seconds(faster than the world fastest man Usain Bolt at only 9.58seconds)”


            Bolt run for a distance of 100m in 9.58s.
            the Bolt’s speed is = 100m/9.58s = 10.4m/s

            Neo reach 100km/h in 9.2s.
            100km/h is equivalent to 27.8m/s


            to cover a distance of 100m,

            Bolt’s acceleration is = [(10.4^2) – (0^2)] / (2*100) = 0.54 m/s^2

            Neo’s acceleration is = [(27.8^2) – (0^2)] / (2*100) = 3.86 m/s^2


            1. i believe flizzardosohigh mistakenly type neo 0 to 100km in 9.2s,
            which i think unacceptable. 0 to 100km indicates distance.
            if 0 to 100km/h, then i think it’s acceptable. 0 to 100km/h indicates speed.

            2. comparing Bolt’s speed with neo’s acceleration is invalid. comparison must be apple to apple. in this case, i’m suggesting “acceleration”.

            3. for a distance of 100m, Bolt’s acceleration (or pickup) is 0.54m/s^2 while Neo’s is 3.86m/s^2. the higher the accel. value, the better.

            Not understand?

            Bolt speed is 10.4m/s, that means for 1sec, it moves 10.4m.
            in other word, Bolt takes 9.58s to go to 100m away shop.

            Bolt speed is 27.8m/s, that means for 1sec, it moves 27.8m.
            in other word, Neo takes 3.6s to go to 100m away shop.


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          • farghmee on Aug 26, 2010 at 4:04 pm


            the last phrase should read:
            “Neo’s speed is 27.8m/s, that means for 1sec, it moves 27.8m.
            in other word, Neo takes 3.6s to go to 100m away shop”

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          • illumiricon on Sep 01, 2010 at 2:49 pm

            bg formula nampak cam cerdik btol…

            meh nk habaq…

            kalau RM 1B keluar, pastu dideclarekan UNTUNG RM 100M, adakah itu bermaksud hanye RM100M yg masuk?? kalau ye, org x declare tu sebagai PROFIT, tp LOSS RM 900M.

            simple bro…lg simple dr formula utk kire halaju tu…

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    • dickybird on Aug 25, 2010 at 12:52 pm

      if they are truly capable of standing on their own then logic follows that they no longer need to be protected from foreign competition. liberalise the car market and let us see. when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

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      • MoFaz on Aug 25, 2010 at 1:28 pm

        just get ready to face competition for job too. your company might kick you out and replace you with more hardworking but cheaper worker compared to you. your boss could hire 2 workers from Indonesia or Thai with the same amount of money he paid you.
        and no more subsidies, because everyone is so tough, doesn’t need any help from government. so, be prepared to pay RM50 just for consultations from doctor in hospitals, the medicine will cost you another RM100.

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        • dickybird on Aug 25, 2010 at 1:59 pm

          if you are afraid to compete or unwilling or unable just say so, no need to beat about the bush.

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        • Numbers-Rock on Aug 25, 2010 at 2:06 pm

          This MoFaz again

          Then dicky bird of course if going to value-added himselr to be more competative and productive. Even forced to start his own business. Competition yield improvement. LIBERALIZATION is the way to go.

          High pay job for doctors will attract more foreign doctors to our country. Especially the good one. Supply increase and prices go down. Good doctors at lower prices. MoFaz I suggest you take a half year leave and go see the world out there. Grow up !

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          • Tiadaid on Aug 25, 2010 at 3:04 pm

            Supply increase and price go down? We’re not talking about price of a product here. We’re talking about salaries. If so many people work with high salary, then how can price go down? Won’t cover the overhead! If in production of a product yes, the more product you produce the lower the price is. But it don’t work in the service sector.

            Plus we’re not living in an ideal world now do we?

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          • MoFaz on Aug 25, 2010 at 3:16 pm

            I myself is ready, anytime. I’m not afraid and I could go anywhere I want. But think about the less fortunate one too.
            We don’t want to be like Singaporean, everyone only think about their own pocket, so selfish, and the community is not friendly. choosing a partner based on how much they earn every month? that’s mean they love the money, not their husband / wife.
            Even your points are contradicting each other…
            “high pay jobs for doctors will attract more foreign doctor. then supply increase and price go down.”
            If the price go down, the doctors won’t be interested to stay here anymore. They will go somewhere else. Even in current situation, It’s rare to find more than 3 clinics within the same business area.

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          • then i will lose my job la becoz gov trusting more foreigner doctor which are more “the good one” who donno dengue, malaria, JE and tons of other tropical diseases.. u thinking we work treating pt alone ka? we work as a team, all comes with ideas, ways to treat pt with the best care. aiyo…

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          • Numbers-Rock on Aug 25, 2010 at 11:44 pm

            There is NO CONTRADICTION in my comment. Market force will determine the price of goods and services. Equilibrium will be achieved eventually.

            INTERVENTION by the government will FAIL the market. US government spent hundred of billions saving their market INCLUDING AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY. And the DOOMSDAY is COMING to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. You log on to NOW to view what is going on. Give them 2 more weeks for the market to collapse.

            My uncle said computers will make a lot of jobs in banking go disappear. I said NO. Workers will be forced to learn IT and computer science. PARADIGM SHIFT happens and more people move to a higher level computer engineering job. Computer will not make the world be a worse place.
            (dickybird will be forced to do something more productive/creative when the foreign workers get his job).



            and don’t forget to log on to

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          • MoFaz on Aug 26, 2010 at 12:44 am

            it’s more complicated than your equilibrium theory.

            traders have union, doctors have union, consumer also have union. traders & doctors could collaborate among themselves to fix the price of goods & services. what can consumer do? boycott them? you still need foods and clothes, can you survive without buying anything from the traders? should you plant the paddy yourself? should you rear chickens and cows yourself? should you go to bomoh when you’re sick? which is why consumer association is pretty much useless without Gov control and intervention. consumer will be in the losing end.

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          • Tiadaid on Aug 26, 2010 at 9:07 am

            Here’s one example where liberalisation DON’T go. In the US, the airline industry was liberalised in 1979 to spur competition. Know what happen? Price went down a bit, but so was the service. as cost cutting became rampant. Airlines cut cost in every way from salary to maintenance! In fact, some aircraft accidents can be directly contributed to those maintenance cuts. And what do the American public got? Inefficient airlines with not-so-cheap prices and non-existent service. If you think AirAsia & Malaysia Airlines service are bad, wait till you see the service on those mainline American airlines (not low cost carriers). It’ll make AirAsia look like Singapore Airlines!

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          • Seriously on Aug 26, 2010 at 9:17 am

            Mofaz, I think you really do not understand how national economics work. The bottom line is; Protectionism is bad for the country in the long run… there is almost no arguement to that. Go read up seriously.

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          • MoFaz on Aug 26, 2010 at 1:06 pm

            you always think that only Malaysia protect its market? go read up, seriously.

            Korean and Japanese also protecting their economy. i once read a statement that ski board from oversea is not suitable for japanese snow… how much different could it be for a snow in USA and snow in Japan?
            and in automotive sector, do you know that GM, Ford and Chrysler were kicked out from Japan when japanese started their own automotive industry? if this kind of protection is not good, then how the japanese auto industry could become the largest in the world? beacuse they’re still protecting their industry! try look for Civic in Korea, or try look for Forte in Japan, could you?
            and for those worshipping the US, why don’t you guys bash the USA when they protect GM and the gang with TRILLIONS of dollars? if there is no benefit, why should they bother protecting their industries?

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          • Tiadaid on Aug 26, 2010 at 4:31 pm

            Seroiusly, protectionism is bad for the country eh? Then how come so many countries are practicing protectionism?

            Again quoting an example from the airline industry, back in the 90s Malaysia Airlines flew into Mexico City from Los Angeles, and the American govt. allowed them to fly passengers from LA to Mexico. Usually many government prohibit this, only allowing airlines to fly from their country of origin and back. MAS did quite well on the Mexico-LA route. So well in fact that American airlines flying the routes complained loudly. Lo and behold, MAS don’t fly to Mexico City no more.

            And in the car industry meanwhile, again in America, read up on the so called Chicken Tax that tariff light pick-up trucks coming from Europe in “retaliation” for French & German tariffs. In the end, American pick-ups are the king of the road in the US and is actually the bread and butter of Chrysler, Ford & GM. Another example is the gentleman’s agreement between America & Japan concerning the number of cars imported in the 80s. They actually had a limit on how many cars are allowed to be imported into America from Japan! Do you need anymore reference?

            Truth is, in international trade, nobody plays fair. Even the champions of free trade don’t play fair.

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          • Seriously on Aug 28, 2010 at 10:43 am

            In economics theory, gains in free trade always outweighs protectionism. Protectionism allows dead weight loss where else free trade reduces that.

            Well, don’t take it from me… the NAP was design merely to jump start Proton and it was meant to be remove later on when Proton can actually stand on it’s own feet. So, when is that day? But of course, they can’t. They realize that’s the only way their baby Proton can survive, is in a controlled environment.

            If protectionism isn’t as bad as it looks, why the agreement with the AFTA to reduce taxes? It’s because it is generally good for the economy, ties with other countries etc = better national growth / globalization etc. But dont get me wrong, I didn’t don’t have taxes at all.

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        • Good speeches Numbers-rock and dickybird,

          Mr. Al-Mofaz has a good “protected” job selling Protong. Why must he support liberalization? Try to see his point of view, he wouldn’t be able to pay his ViVa installment if he losses his job. PS: I knew few Protong salesmen that actually drive perodua cars. Ironic isn’t it? Haha.

          The argument has always been on over-protection. Protong is not only protected, it even CANNIBALIZED the entire local car industry. See the difference? It’s like Robin Hood. Nampak mcm baik, tapi dia mencuri juga dalam masa yang sama. Harga kereta nampak mcm murah, tapi ambik balik duit itu dari tabung rakyat! Ini pun susah nak nampakkah?

          Protecting Protong as a strategy to enter new market is understandable. It is a short term solution but a desirable one. But, the rakyat will not accept it as long term strategy as it is eating away our money, especially when you’re making losses only. Again it has been 25 years…

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      • Tiadaid on Aug 25, 2010 at 3:11 pm

        If it’s any other country than Malaysia then liberalisation could work. But in Malaysia, badge factor trumps everything else. And that goes for everything, not just cars. I mean, take for instance competition for jobs. If you’re given an overseas graduate and a local graduate who have similar capabilities, surely you’ll choose the overseas graduate rather than the local grad, just because he graduated from overseas. Many companies do that. A fair fight? Not in Malaysia you won’t.

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        • dickybird on Aug 25, 2010 at 7:46 pm

          foreign grads versus local grads that is another story.
          if proton is unable to compete in its own home market then never mind about the rest of the world. if you have a product of good value and quality to sell, people will buy it even if the badge is not the one they aspire to. the question remains with proton, do they have that?

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          • Tiadaid on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:54 pm

            Yeah right. Perodua got problems but people buy by the bucketloads because P2=Toyota/Daihatsu. Honda & Toyota got problems but bestseller. Lets face the facts, brand plays an important role here in Malaysia. Explain why people keep talking bullcrap about the Kia Forte, when it’s clearly better than the Vios & the City? Because wrong badge!

            And like if said before, the new Proton’s highly convincing, I’ve test driven the Persona and it’s better than expected. Likewise the new Saga. Two of my friends are driving the Saga and they have no complaints whatsoever, not even Power Window problems. So too is my cousin’s Exora. So, have you tried the new Protons?

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          • dickybird on Aug 25, 2010 at 11:48 pm

            just a tug of that two piece steering wheel in the satria neo was enough to put me off. no thanks. and the roar of the proton saga’s 1.3L engine doesnt move me ( literally) either but it does remind me of the cute mazda 121 ca. 1991. perhaps the price gap have made competing brands better at customer service especially where test drives are concerned, i could get a test drive in minutes of walking in the show room, with ford , nissan, honda, toyota but we were politely informed at a p1 showroom we needed to make an appointment, nonetheless the SA did agree to let us try out the saga albeit in the confines of a nearby commercial area.

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          • Tiadaid on Aug 26, 2010 at 12:55 am

            Well dicky, I went to the COE and got to test drive immediately. Went around the vicinity of the Proton factory. It’s typical distance la. Even I test drove the Mazda 2 it was in the confines of the Glenmarie Industrial park area. When I test drove the Suzuki Swift I actually went further than what the salesman wanted but he kept quiet.

            Try the Persona.

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          • dickybird on Aug 26, 2010 at 12:18 pm

            thanks for the idea, bro but i am all car-ed up at the moment. 1 for running about town and 1 big enough to carry the posse for those E coast trips or jaunts on the NSE. if anything, i would like a full suspension mountain bike and no, i am not considering the proton T-bolt. LOL! i hope Santa is listening. :)

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    • Seriously on Aug 26, 2010 at 9:10 am

      define “stand on its own feet”… the NAP? Pfftt… please.

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  • perghhh… oklah tu..

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  • linear_system on Aug 24, 2010 at 3:58 pm


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  • Initial R on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:00 pm

    Very good move…

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  • Must buy car for city dwellers!!!
    Very nice.

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  • scgtimk1 on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:08 pm


    The production shape is more in tune with current design language for to be more appealing compared to the original concept

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  • takin on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    GODDAMN! i cant resist its beauty anymore..

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  • Jimmy on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    Original ones are better-looking. What do you think?

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  • madimat on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:15 pm

    Wow ! Transformer 2’s Skids and Mudflaps have a very pretty Malaysian cousin! :))

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  • Kambing Gurun on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    Viva owners should trade in their vivas for this…

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    • MoFaz on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:43 pm

      but the price of this beauty could be twice the viva price…
      well, nak kawin dengan awek cantik, hantaran pun lebih mahal la kan? :)

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      • Kambing Gurun on Aug 24, 2010 at 7:48 pm

        Hopefully priced below 40K. I’m more than willing to trade in my Viva for this :-D

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        • MoFaz on Aug 24, 2010 at 11:48 pm

          probably ada, tapi bukan electric version la..
          maybe small engine version, like 1.2 – 1.3l, but still better than viva engine la.

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  • pentium 4 on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:17 pm

    Nice look…! As the firm that design this EMAS is the same firm that design the new PERSONA, so the new PERSONA would be much much much more better….!

    Proton, just make CPS as the standard for your engine…

    Develop better transmission and gear box…

    Sure can compete with others…!

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    • Proton is dropping Mitsubishi’s 4-speed automatic gearbox and the 5-speed manual..according to the chairman, Proton will switch to CVT and 6-speed manual in the future, alongside with the new turbo engine and CamPro Efficient engine.

      btw, CamPro kosong is gonna get phased out in 2013.. :)

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      • more Campro after 2013…

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      • PakAbu on Aug 25, 2010 at 3:26 pm


        those NEW transmissions, from Mitsubishi or from other manufacturer?

        And, what will replace Campro?

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        • They would most probably from Getrag..well, that’s what the chairman said, true onot is another matter..haha..

          Proton will launch new engines like the turbo-ed engine..from what we understand, it will most probably be the CPS with turbo but he said DI will be! Proton will also launch a new Campro Efficient engine.

          Proton is also considering whether to launch a new family engine or joint develop with a car manufacturer from Europe, saying that this particular Europian car manufacturer has huge footage in US but needs Proton’s coverage to increase its footage in ASEAN especially Malaysia.

          Info taken from Berita Harian’s interview with the chairman.

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          • Tiadaid on Aug 26, 2010 at 8:59 am

            European car with huge share in the US market but low ASEAN market? Can’t be VW again. Renault don’t have any share in the US market, same as Peugeot. Volvo’s with Geely now. BMW? Can’t be, wrong market. Wait a minute. Fiat? Well they don’t have a big share in the US, but they own Chrysler now, and they don’t have a real big presence in ASEAN! Proton’s in the process of working with the Italians?

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  • taboogen on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:17 pm

    I need to get this one.

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  • niceee

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  • Chateau on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:18 pm

    Looks really good! Lotus version looks Similar to the Renault Twingo. I live in the UK and I can happily say that the EMAS would do very well in he European Market and could be a massive turnaround for Proton as a Global car maker.

    Fingers crossed :D

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  • libralcl on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    Very nice for the updated version looks =)

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  • ray_jay on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:22 pm

    Muahahahah… Eat your heart out Proton bashers!

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  • Sonic Boomz on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    Congratulations proton!

    U have just made a… err.. Tata Nano?

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    • flizzardosohigh on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:49 pm

      you can build a ferrari curved car and have toyota tech inside

      i guess you must have no idea how the small car in this segment look like

      look up at mitsubishi,toyotas, smart for their small cars

      this car is a technological feat , with incredible engine and revolutionary design that allows the car to be small and compact but at the same time having decent leg room inside

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      • mamat on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:20 pm

        The “Technology feat” part…..uuuuhhh that’s the part that any potential customer need to worry about….Not to mention the QC for this “technology feat”
        Could be a big nightmare for both the customer & Proton themselves….Good luck!!!

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        • kobealex on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:39 pm

          I’m a proton owner n i will support proton. aint a basher, but still its the same issue time n time again. the quality of the product being produce. YES, its advancement and great design BUT we prefer to hv a comfort of mind knowing tat the car does not hv quality issues which CURRENTLY proton car is still facing.

          at least my 5 month old Proton is tat way… not a happy buyer…

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        • linear_system on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:42 pm

          then anyone in this world should worry about toyota,honda,nissan,lexus,bmw….. “technology feat” first as they prooved to the world that their cars had problems…

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          • ilikeit on Aug 25, 2010 at 9:57 am

            the new Kia Soul is facing steering wheel falling down problem while driving…they gonna do the recall….
            why no1 mention bout it?
            again investigation was done on T and they found out there isn’t any problem with the brake…the problem is the American who stepped on acceleration rather than the brake and blame T…they are typical basher like ppl here who always bash proton and praise latest Kia….to most of ppl nice design=quality good….if you never stay in the US before….they are typical basher type ok…they bash McDonald because a cup of hot coffee(where there isn’t any ‘warning hot’ sign on the cup) that they sue mc.d fit that…
            when you bash ppl who bash the car company…you are just the same…
            when you say ppl bash on proton…you were bashing them in the same time…
            so what for?

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    • ray_jay on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:52 pm

      Do you know what ‘Tata Nano would says’? “When i grow up i wanna be Proton EMAS!” :) Muahahahah!!

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    • slumber on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:56 pm

      Nope, it’s called EMAS at this stage, future I think it will continue Proton’s tradition to have a naming campaign should this car goes into production.

      I really hope Proton could do well this time around; please keep all things simple and yet practical but not too ‘spartan’ like what the first gen GEN-2.

      Go go!

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      • yippi33 on Aug 25, 2010 at 9:08 am

        they can continue with naming contest locally and apply code names for overseas market..but almost all the unique alphabet have been taken…lets see..c and s for volvo, i for hyundai… r should be a nice one..

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    • Sonic Boomz on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:09 pm

      Wah.. disliked kao kao.. haha.. so many proton fans here..

      guess u all can only afford protons..

      i used to drive a proton.. gen-2.. for 6 years.. it was a piece of junk..

      luckily, i am able to afford non-proton car now..

      but juz think, without proton, me and u could afford to drive a non-proton,
      technologically-current car since long time ago ady..

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      • flizzardosohigh on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:44 pm

        can only afford proton car?

        hahaha brother slowly pay your installment and interest lah ok ?

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      • flizzardosohigh on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:45 pm

        not everyone is as fortunate as you , no need to bash others we all know you are superior

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      • Aspire on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:30 pm

        we disliked your post because we think it’s kinda childish and stupid, not because we’re all Proton fans.

        What’s wrong with the fact that we drive a Proton?..we don’t find it a shame..if u do, shame on you~ so what ‘non-proton car’ are u driving now?..a Perodua or a TATA?..or some kinda XYZ brand from China?..

        Everyone deserves a chance, so does Proton!..if Proton manages to grow and build something good for everyone and make big money, what’s wrong bout that?..

        btw, i have 2 Toyotas at home.. :)

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      • Tiadaid on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:57 pm

        As a former owner of a Gen-2, and an owner of a Honda City, I’d like to say that I would like to call my HONDA a piece of JUNK! In the 6 years I’ve owned the damn thing it’s given me nothing but trouble and had emptied my pockets out of how many thousands of Ringgit. On the other hand, my Gen-2 had little problems (no Power Window problems mind you). Was sad to let it go, but it’s the only option I have.

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      • fazron80 on Aug 24, 2010 at 8:22 pm

        someone who drives a piece of junk is the real piece of junk. Only a junk deserve a junk.

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      • badact on Aug 24, 2010 at 8:34 pm

        ” guess u all can only afford protons..”

        my salary more than 10K per month and i proud to buy & drive proton. and now i have 2 proton in my garage ( neo & waja ) and planing to buy 1 more proton to my collection soon ( exora ).

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        • Arthur on Aug 25, 2010 at 1:10 am

          likewise badact, likewise.

          Perhaps for me as someone who works involve a lots traveling on a jet planes, and spent more time in a plane per month than in a car, the kind of cars I drove ain’t matter much, at least for now. And there is no way I’m feeding those AP king’s more cakes than they deserve.

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          • dickybird on Aug 25, 2010 at 7:50 pm

            i sokong you! buying a nice exec saloon means you have to pay to feed those damned AP kings! so i am wouldnt buy one as well!

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        • corolla_KE70 on Aug 25, 2010 at 1:21 pm

          bro, got any kerja kosong with salary like ar? :-)

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      • Kambing Gurun on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:29 pm

        Kereta sorong is also non-proton car. What car do you drive btw?

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      • linear_system on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:46 pm

        i have neo and new honda city..and i would like to say that i like to drive neo bcos of the driving dynamics that the honda city still far cherry still in good condition bro??hahaha

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      • Izhar on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:35 am

        hahaha….you can buy a imported car….but when ur car breakdown…don’t ever reach the “kedai potong”….go to the service centre… ur car there….then pay them cash……no credit card….

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        • Tiadaid on Aug 26, 2010 at 4:42 pm

          Nice. With kedai potong fast becoming extinct, probably soon there will be more Proton bashers blaming Proton for not giving them cheap kedai potong parts.

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      • junaidi on Aug 25, 2010 at 11:07 am

        so are you driving a Chevrolet optra now?/ or Kia spectra?

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      • Proton is a piece of junk?! Why did you kept it for 6 years if it is a junk? I can afford a Lexus in my porch, I can afford a BMW to drive it as mine, I can afford a Honda to let my wife drives, but I enjoy the most driving my Neo. Proton is not a junk. Proton is a driving entertainment. I’m loving it, currently waiting for the New Waja. Lets meet up, I’ll show you, I’ll pay cash and i’ll show you, Proton drivers are not forced, but opted to buy one.

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  • Proud2BMalaysian on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:45 pm

    hope they’ll make a high powered version, can’t wait to chase the golf gtis running around our highway..

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    • yippi33 on Aug 25, 2010 at 9:23 am

      its a very good idea..the design is already sporty, dump the 1.6 turbocharged campro, cvt tranny with sequential, lowered with 16′ sport rim/205,50 tyres and valah! proton global car R3..i’m excited!!

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  • elite on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:48 pm

    proton cannot even design a nice recognisable logo for themself, i dont expect them to know how to design their cars.

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    • You have a point. Market research says, if your business/corporate logo can be drawn by a child, then it will be easily remembered in your mind, which is why there are a lot of simple logos used by carmakers to have good brand identity.

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  • pakdinjer on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:52 pm

    P1 – please get it launch a.s.ap – who knows it might get copied by

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    • elite on Aug 25, 2010 at 5:01 pm

      what a stupid az comment…worry ppl will copy ur bought design? if anything they will just buy another design from giugiaro….anyway theres more engineering involved in copying then purchasing a design…thumbs up to the stupids

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  • isslah on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:53 pm

    nice job proton..

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  • Johnny on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:59 pm

    now if only proton could market this soon enough proton will be the pioneer in this segment of small@city hybrid. Do put in petrol n diesel options and u will get one hell of a package.

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  • akupunya on Aug 24, 2010 at 4:59 pm

    puji lepas keta ni dijual..
    setakat puji dalam gambar buat apa..

    produce the car first..then I can comment..making car doesn’t show the image..
    consumer need to feel and touch..
    don’t tipu the people..

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    • judge the design first lahh, adoi why are you guys very hard to understand the point of the photo?

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    • takin on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:47 pm

      think n study first before making any statements..
      this is actually a PROTOTYPE for God sake..
      when it comes into production it will slightly different compared to its prototype..
      i think..u r the only person who actually being tipu..orang lain takde pun rasa macam tu..

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    • akupunya on Aug 24, 2010 at 7:01 pm

      yep..memang i kena tipu..
      i kena tipu masa I beli Wira…Proton yang tipu

      berapa kali mau prototype?
      masuk show dah protoytpe, dalam gambar pun mau prototype lagi ka?
      i think that’s the final design, and if not, why they need to design for lotus and other for proton.

      in photo, the design also can tipu..
      and I can’t imagine how the interior look like…
      typical proton plus lotus..chip and chop..

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      • sharkox on Aug 24, 2010 at 8:10 pm

        do u understand what prototype mean? do u know there are few stages of prototypes?

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      • badact on Aug 24, 2010 at 8:39 pm

        wira lama punya cerita le bro…

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      • Hayden on Aug 24, 2010 at 9:44 pm

        this is how a person looks like when they did not attend the schooling session where government has provided it in a very cheap fee. = )

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      • autojohndoe on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:06 pm

        mase you beli wira proton tunjuk u gmbar EVO 6 ke?

        kemudian u rase excited dan terbeli wira?

        mmg… mmg xptut… hahaha

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      • Vital on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:31 pm

        ish..ish…ish… hang ni kalau tatau pasal aitomotive worl jgn la menyampuk byk.. pi tgk suma car manufacturer lain.. suma keta prototype diorg sebijik ka dgn production punyer… adoi..

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      • linear_system on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:49 pm

        dah ko beli wira…confirm wira tu 2nd hand..skrng mane de proton produce wira lagi..2nd hand lak ko beli wira yg dah rupa cam evo..confirm owner before ni dah belasah kereta tu kow2…tiba2 ko salahkan proton…lawak la lu ni bro..

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      • akupunya on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:41 am

        hehe..tak per..kita tunggu keta ni kuar..
        kita tgk ada tak plastik baldi dalam EMAS ni, kerusi biskut empat segi ke, ekzos kat tgh (geli tgk ekzos satria neo) ke, dashboard cam dinding umah ker, goyang ke tak, suspension cam lori atau sedan…

        jgn le pulak kena buat versi SE or MC plak sebab first design tak tau nk expect user acception..kesian kat orang yang sgt patriotik beli awal2….duit sapa jugak rugi? rakyat jugak…

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        • waklanproton on Aug 25, 2010 at 12:28 pm

          kalu xsuka xyah nak beli.
          duit awak xde sape2 yg memaksa.
          *kalau dah tak suke sampai ekzos pun jadi hal…

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        • Rakyat has never been forced to buy this car, and Prototype, they cant get it everywhere! Photos are the solution, why are you being a pessimist? You don’t like the exhaust, go to Kazuto, or any other garage, they have great range of exhaust.

          What did proton lied to you? They promised the wira will feels like Evo? heh. They promised wira will be equipped with those thing in the emas? Dude, you need to quit your job, and go to some institution, make your brain right, because i think, your brain is out of alignment.

          Don’t bark like a silly dog, when you have actually nothing to shout about.

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          • akupunya on Aug 25, 2010 at 4:38 pm

            when u buy wira..u get so many free to charge.

            water pump kong, power window jammed, dashbard meter dead, aircond getting hot, door easy to open using only steel ruler…

            proton sell crap car as a new car..huhu

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          • Tiadaid on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:59 pm

            Akupunya, old story repeated. If that’s the case, so many carmakers have horror stories from the old days, so we shouldn’t buy their cars! Like Honda for instance, their 1st kei-cars were deathtraps! Don’t buy Honda! Or Ford, their Pinto is inherently unsafe, tap a bit in the back, the car will explode! Don’t buy Ford! Or Fiat, their cars in the 1970’s were known as rustbuckets! Don’t buy Fiat! Need I say more?

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      • BadBET on Aug 25, 2010 at 4:05 pm

        my 1996 wira still ok, still can take me from north to south with ease, some people don’t want to take care of their car, did not service on time, did not warm up properly at the morning, did not use the recommended spare part, then when their car breakdown – its proton fault.
        oh; i never experience the faulty windows problem

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    • tokan on Aug 25, 2010 at 12:03 am

      aiyoo…u said u will comment after they produce the car, yet u come here and comment. kau lagi la penipu besar.dah la, pegi main jauh2.nanti keta ni dah kuar, ko leh datang komen.

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    • waklanproton on Aug 25, 2010 at 12:23 pm

      kondem sebelum keta keluar boley pulak yee..?

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  • Anti Proton on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:16 pm

    anybody told proton nissan marches and toyota aygo’s aren’t really benchmarks….

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  • mohgui on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:17 pm

    well done Proton!

    finally something that we can be proud of.. base on the two designs, i personally feel that the Proton version is nicer… bar for the rims.

    hoping that it would go into production in 2 years time and price reasonably affordable.

    hmmm, i wonder what Jeremy Clarkson will have to say to this??? lol…

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    • JC?..well he will say..this car are not proper proton..well u from Italy, tech from British and Japanese..bla..bla..bla..u know who JC is..hehe~

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      • pacifictuna on Aug 24, 2010 at 9:55 pm

        hey, what if, this is the next “reasonably priced car”…..
        they just changed to a KIA recently.

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  • mamat on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    25yrs. In the end, still need the Mat Salleh to finish “their” design JOB**.
    25yrs going to school & still not graduated…..
    Nice JOB** Lotus^^
    (**that’s a more appropiate statement)

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    • tell that to the Korean, Japanese, Chinese and other non mat salleh manufacturers in the world.

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      • And mat salleh manufacturers use asian designers… ;)

        I.e. the current VW Passat was designed by Murat Günak from Turkey.

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        • tempoyak on Aug 25, 2010 at 11:35 am

          Turkey is in Europe..

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          • shuhaimi on Aug 25, 2010 at 3:05 pm

            turkey in europe??
            part of turkey was in europe and other part was in asia.

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          • 97% of Turkey is in Asia, only Istanbul lies in Europe… ;)

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          • BadBET on Aug 26, 2010 at 9:06 am

            turkey still not accepted into EU right?

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    • then what about Kia, they are older than Proton, yet their cars were designed by some Audi designers.

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    • frossonice on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:22 pm

      Blind idiot! Lotus IS Proton!

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      • BadBET on Aug 26, 2010 at 9:10 am

        it is weird when there are some people who still don’t believe that Proton is Lotus owner. But it is annoying when those ‘some people’ are malaysian, shouldn’t we enjoy the fact that Proton is Lotus master? hehe in your face jeremy

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    • malaysia memang boleh on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:57 pm

      The chief designer in Toyota,Hyundai and KIA are all Mat Salleh.

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    • Tiadaid on Aug 24, 2010 at 7:00 pm

      Malaysians design Gen-2, get bashed. Malaysians subcontract to Europeans to design their cars, also get bashed. What’s the problem with typical Malaysians?

      And of course, Kia & Hyundai cars, whose design were praised by many, have European designers working for them.

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    • exJAVANESE on Aug 24, 2010 at 8:41 pm

      The truly typical Malaysian….
      PROTON Buyed LOTUS…remember that hunny!!!

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    • corolla_KE70 on Aug 25, 2010 at 1:26 pm

      how bout your SPM? got 10 A meh? if not pls go back pakai seluar hijau, then komen banyak banyak kat sini..

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  • ex-V6 on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:20 pm

    Nice design. will buy this as my 2nd car.

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  • mata katak on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:42 pm

    Proton, please do not show us eye candies, with nice pictures, prototype, and everything in the cloud.

    Prove that you can do it, not just all talking but no action….

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    • exJAVANESE on Aug 24, 2010 at 8:53 pm

      hold on hunny…
      This is what we called marketing and design strategies, to observe n research on user how their react into this kind of design..
      if it good over all, it will be take it furhter..

      In design, this is what we called, design process…
      (GTR dulu pun dorang wat camni gak.. Mula-mula rendering 3d, then Protoype with engginering input, then wat moldding die, pastu baru bleh production syg oii….mane ble trus production, syg….i will be takes a time to go trough all of stages, my hunny… ;-p

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  • littlefire on Aug 24, 2010 at 5:53 pm

    I am thinking the design is like from Mitsubishi i! Still remember the cute K-car from Mitsubishi? Look at the side view, it almost the same!

    Compare it urself.. I think they still have some Mitsu DNA in it, just maybe they ask those European designers to make it better or unique.. Even Mitsubhi i got MIEV also..

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    • Tiadaid on Aug 24, 2010 at 7:48 pm

      Same but different. I guess because of it’s dimension the design had similar cues out of necessity. An example would be the wheel arches, as the position of the wheels are so forward.

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    • iMIEV is a full electric vehicle, Proton EMAS is an electric car with batteries, and ALSO BACKED UP by a small petrol engine to recharge the battery. also, EMAS uses engine tech from Lotus.

      idk whats wrong with your eyes, Mitsu i looks nothing like EMAS.

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    • nogori on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:45 am

      Tak sama la mangkuk….
      Cuba ko tengok betul2… Mitsu tu mcm telur design dia…
      Mungkin sama dengan TATA NANO ader la…
      Yang sama tayar ader 4.. tu jer…

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    • Mitsubishi i look like Smart Fortwo.
      eh…wait Smart Fortwo look like viva.
      So all of them copy or curik dna produa?

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  • ibex7 on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:00 pm

    kudos proton! Great job! just make sure the price is totally reasonable, preferably rm40k n below with a lot of safety features packaged together.

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  • kaskas_pepper on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:08 pm

    aku suke design yg gambar 2nd tu..nampak mcm futuristik!!..

    kalu hage bwh 100k, aku confirm beli..

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  • Syarif on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:17 pm

    If Proton wants to sell well in Europe, they better make sure it achieve 5 Star EuroNCAP ratings. And by the way, please use better looking rims.

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    • exJAVANESE on Aug 24, 2010 at 8:56 pm

      yupp..u rite buddy!

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    • BadBET on Aug 25, 2010 at 4:14 pm

      make it extra silent too, use a good sound deadening material, most people like silent cabin right..

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      • SquarePetrolHead on Aug 25, 2010 at 9:01 pm

        Syarif… you are right but no need aim for 5-star la first. Get consistent 4 star also good mah… if want 5-star, then Proton must improve the active/passive safety spec list; namely more airbags as standard.

        Tapi malangnya kite kat Malaysia nih mane nampak semua nih… paling banyak pon 2 airbags.

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        • Tiadaid on Aug 26, 2010 at 9:13 am

          Blame the regulation. Waja exported to the UK can get more airbags, why can’t Proton in Malaysia. Someone need to jolt the Ministry of Transport into the 21st century and change the outmoded regulations. Tell the minister to stop politicking and start working!

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          • Tiadaid on Aug 26, 2010 at 4:50 pm

            I think the last time the safety regulations concerning car features changed if I recall correctly was the addition of the 3rd brake light. And that was like 20 years ago wasn’t it?

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  • milo tin on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:25 pm

    Paul, i think with introducing the “like” and “dont like” feature, you will be losing your real reader who enjoy some reading while free thinking, but it seems here is becoming a platform for some company to hide out others comment of that criticize them.

    I think when your side turn into advertisement of that company, that is something expected already.

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    • Paul Tan on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:35 pm

      Most companies use fixed IP for their internet. The comment rating system currently only allows one vote per IP so even if multiple users with computers in the same try to legitimately vote, the system won’t let them.

      In any case, I think the positive points outweigh any negative points. Many users have been asking for something like this. As of now I have nearly 200 comments to read through and moderate. Now with the rating system, I can approve them faster and only filter them by racist ISA kind of stuff. The rest of the comments, I leave it up to the users in a democratic way.

      Finally, I don’t appreciate you trying to suggest. We accept advertising (we have high bandwidth costs and salaries to pay too) but we are not biased with our content. Please point your accusing finger somewhere else.

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      • Thank you for your moderation Mr. Paul.Really appreciate it.Must be tough to read them one by one. And for your unconditionally respect towards everyone.

        As for milo tin, you have to agree on disagreeing.You won’t go far with that kind of mentality in life.

        Thumbs up for Paul Tan, Malaysian beloved auto-blog.

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      • exJAVANESE on Aug 24, 2010 at 9:01 pm

        luv you buddy…
        Honesty, i really likes this design, showed a tiger character on it facades.

        AZLANO n team, go for it!! You’re guys in right path!!

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      • SukaTgkOrg on Aug 31, 2010 at 9:34 pm

        better…. dont simply point your finger anywhere, its rude to do so.. if you still have to..try point your finger to yourself first…

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    • Elvis on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:58 pm

      Actually i appreciate paul newest vote system. Yup, most of the time i get more thumbs down than up but hey, at least now i know you guys actually read my stupid comments! As you guys know by now, i am your hardcore anti proton not becoz i hate proton but i hope my negative comments contribute to improvement in proton. To tin milo, embrace it! What makes paultan blog famous are us commentators! Without our contributions, paultan blog will become just another blog. To Sifu Paul…keep up the thumbs up for us…..thank you for letting us crapping in your blog!

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      • yeah!!..right!!…we make his blog famous…haahhahh~..but we still hit the proton basher..lalalla~..Elvis..go write ur letter and sent it to proton CEO lor…jgn bising here….cakap2 sudah la….tu pon mau gado ka??..

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      • chap_de_x on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:40 pm

        there is big difference between constructive criticism and bashing brother….and u only know how to bash…no value at all

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        • Elvis on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:12 am

          Apparently u didnt read my comment properly. Please read again and u will understand why ur reply to my comment is not necessary.

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          • chap_de_x on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:04 pm

            i do not have to say anything…the vote show it all….kui…kui…kui

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        • Elvis on Aug 26, 2010 at 11:38 pm

          Since you are clearly define these two, can you clearly point out the difference? You made a general comment without any supporting points to your comment. So i assume you have no points rather making a statement with your assumption that everybody knows you point(s). Without a clear valid points to support your general comment, it is similar to these general comment,”All proton fan lovers are ignorant idiots who believe everything without questioning”. So you see, it is you that making pointless comment without given any constructive criticism or rather bashing my comment without any valid reason or points hence an emotional expression.

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    • Salamander on Aug 24, 2010 at 9:05 pm

      Haha this guy butthurt as his bashing comment is dislike then get hidden. If you have nothing to contribute then stop bashing pointlessly. Provide link and solid fact before posting, then we may like your post.

      Remember the fact that this is an open discussion board.

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    • toyott on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:30 pm

      Milo Tin,, grow up,, your comment childish,, im not a proton owner too, but i think EMAS is a very good efford from proton.

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    • kozekx on Aug 25, 2010 at 11:43 am

      milo tin, this like/dislike feature is very common la bro. it’s not 100% accurate, but it does give a good indication of the general like/dislike for a particular comment.

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    • I notice that too, since start publishing advertisements and do its own show ‘Driven’, looks like there’s a conflict of interest. No offense Mr. Paul. My guess, you have no other choice. It is understandable.

      I’m afraid, someday all forumers flocking to will most probably be the Protong FanBoys, staffs, salesmen and vendors only. Well, this might be good in numbers (web visits), but they are no brainer when it comes to critics and intellectual comments.

      Afterall, I don’t like to argue with men still wearing ‘diapers or pampers’ for 25 years.


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      • Paul Tan on Aug 25, 2010 at 12:27 pm

        You are clearly one of those types who will only be happy when everything that is written only follows your school of thought and whoever disagrees or even hosts disagreeable comments are “biased”.

        We are not a small publication that has to lie in our stories to get advertising, or give out “awards” in exchange for long term ad contracts. We sell based on our sheer amount if readers alone. We are the number one motoring website in terms of unique eyeballs. Our sales pitch is based on merit and not “I scratch your back…”

        So take your so called predictions and take them elsewhere because the team that works hard on a full time basis to run thus website do not appreciate it al all.

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        • Ahmad on Aug 25, 2010 at 1:26 pm

          Well said

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        • Viosuser on Aug 25, 2010 at 2:18 pm

          Hi Paul,

          Keep your cool. He is just ‘afraid’ that would happen.

          The fact is publishes most of the comment we post, unlike most political blog which practise strick filtration on viewers comments. And don’t forget, the access is totally free. I save a lot of money buying car magazines.

          It’s glad to hear that PAULTAN sales pitch is based on MERIT. And this SHOULD and it’s THE OLY WAY to maintain your strong position in Malaysian automotive blogs.

          When you decided to offer a course on how to manage website traffic and ect, I am very intersted. Count me in.

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        • Tiadaid on Aug 25, 2010 at 2:32 pm

          Nice one Paul. How dare he criticise you just because there are people on the website who dare go against his opinions! Typical Malaysian with their “for me or against me” mentality. Keep up the good work Paul, and don’t let these uneducated bashers get you down.

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        • Initial R on Aug 26, 2010 at 6:34 am

          Sorry to say… but “Bodoh Sombong” is one kind of people that can’t face the fact that they are wrong… always thinking they are the best & knowledgeable. I’m here coz want to update any world motoring update… the fact is paul tan site have been rate as 1 of the top follower around asia… In google if you type just only “paul” the first pop up is paultan… do it if you not trust me…
          Back to the main topic… It was the good move proton allow Lotus to came out they own model base on same platform… Lotus have save the money on the platform R&D… Proton will get the suspension & handling by lotus in advance… See how many R&D money have save on it ?. At least it used your tax money as the tax payer said in save way’s (but the fact is, it’s proton money. Not yours). Please, if said proton been subsidized. The fact you have to face it that we malaysian are been subsidized with almost 0% return to country. If said RM5mil subsidized to proton with 100% return, what you want to said to more than RM100bil for subsidized for 0% return from people that know how to bashing only… Useless.

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        • mystvearn on Aug 30, 2010 at 6:53 am

          Something like this was bound to happen sooner or later from people who clearly “dengki” with this site.

          I can use myself as example: I use to post a lot on thio site, (more like top 10 in terms of post rankings few years back. The stat counter of this site can verify that). But as time goes by and most probably me maturing a lot that I don’t feel the need to put a comment on every post that comes out from this site. Also, I found a way of browsing this site efficiently and articles which I have no interest I will not comment upon.

          Any automotive news relating to national car makers will definately get a lot of replies. You don’t need degree to figure that out. Paul will definately put links to the top car news in Malaysia below the main site banner because that is what people want to know most about. People don’t want to know some Chocalate 2kg Bugatti Veyron cause there is little affinity with them. Even if I were the owner of this site, I would put the most commented thread as hotlinks to generate interest in my site. A lot of people are car fans but very few are hardcore want to know that Brabus slapped another turbocharger on a Merc but even the most hardcore of automotive readers will want to know what the heck national car makers are performing.

          Your comments about Driven are very biased. I am not sure how much local automotive TV viewing you do but before Driven, there was only one show and that had a show about one car maker for every series just before prime news. If you want to say bias, you can say bias to that. Before that there was a Malaysian version of Pimp My Ride. The only bias I see on Driven is the BHP petrol-but that is what the sponsor is there for. Paul & Co were very smart in choosing a sponsor that was universal and not bounded to some car maker. Petrol is something everything must use. The reviews are on the car, and not the petrol.

          If you think that this site is crap than leave. Or if you got the guts, go Alexa this site and you can see that this site is the highest ranking automotive Malaysian site. For a very small team to be doing very well it is very good. Sites which are popular than this either belong to a corporation, news channel, bank or some sort of forum.

          You clearly have no idea how much bashing P1 and P2 get on this site. Most of the time they get the stick for doing bad and still get the stick when doing good. I think it was when new CEO came in and started changing thinks around only that some positive feedback were given. Also, people at P1 read this so they know when the negative comments hurts them,

          The fact that P1 is still on some sort of life support after 25 years is down more to mismanagement of previous heads. P1 was raking up profits up to the point Tan Sri Yahya’s heli crash and it went downhill from there. New management came in had to argue with Khazanah why must keep P1 and not sell it. Its people in P1 who believe in themsevlves, not Khazanah. If Khazanah had its way, P1 was long sold by now. As far as the govenment is concern, they will prop P1 up as long as P1 is locally controlled. When its locally controlled, you generate jobs, when you generate jobe-generate income, working people. Imagine if no car maker here, jobs will be limited to dealers…

          The only good thing from Internet is that people can be critical with some sort of anonymity still intact. But then if you got something bad to say, then make it strong well thought of.

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      • If you want a blog, which has ONLY, bashers, and you don’t want anyone to bash you bakc for bashing proton, go make your own blog, POLTAN.ORG or something. We love Proton! We love Proton!

        (The comment above is strictly referring we as Proton lovers)

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      • autojohndoe on Aug 25, 2010 at 1:28 pm

        diapers and pampers?

        U talking about yourself?

        being subsidized for most of your life – education, food, fuel, house etc…

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      • Tiadaid on Aug 25, 2010 at 2:50 pm

        Syoh, like your arguments are educated anyhow.

        Pot calling the kettle black!

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      • Haha.
        Taking his grudge to the site owner pulak.
        Ok, fair then.
        Organize your own auto-blog and let the readers decide for themselves.
        Better yet, be a politician to change the policy or set up a new car company.
        That way we can be more proud for you although I hope that you failed miserably.

        No offense.
        Good luck.

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    • ada org tak puas hati, basher skg da tak puas hati bila di bash balik… sebelum ni bajet kalau bashing mewakili suara majoriti. tapi skg da terbukti apa.. bagus apa sistem ni.. dah tau sapa suka sapa

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  • Prelude on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:28 pm

    yeah!!! can conquer bukit putus…
    opss…..salah statement plak

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    • bukit putus kat kuala pilah kan dah lurus…
      haiyo la ko ni..mcn dah lamo bona x balik pilah yo jang oi…

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      • Eyesore on Aug 25, 2010 at 11:31 am

        bukit putus kat gemencheh masih selekoh tajam jang…. Jln bukit putus kuala pilah yg lama pun masih boleh gune….. aku slalu gune jln lama tuh… best woo gen2 layan corner jalan kosong….

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  • altimate on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:57 pm

    you know what, this streamlined version looks even better than the original prototype.. nice job proton !

    and i think if we want to revolutionise our motoring industry towards greener tech, only guys like proton or perodua could do it.. i hope this will be expedited and made available here e.g. EV cars, charging stations etc.

    Im sick and tired of directly depending on fossil fuel.. we need to move another step QUICK !

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  • ckk125 on Aug 24, 2010 at 6:59 pm

    any news regarding the proton waja replacement model?


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  • Michael Ammot on Aug 24, 2010 at 7:08 pm

    i heard that car manufacturer must selling their low emission car in order to justify to their sports cars’s emission for European country… this is maybe the production version for the Lotus..much better looking than the Aston Martin’s IQ Cygnet…

    good news is that it will be in Proton line up..if this would cost monthly around rm300, definitely it would be my 2nd/town driving car….it is a good daily commute solution

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    • pacifictuna on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:04 pm

      yup…. saw topgear the other day. wonder how many EU exotic car builder would survive this. maby we’ll soon see a legion of miniature “cute” lil exotic car. since they might not sell them well they’ll probably use it a free gift when their customers buy an ultra expensive exotic.

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  • malaysia memang boleh on Aug 24, 2010 at 7:14 pm

    I hope they still retain the cool LED lights at the rear but with a Cooler design.

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  • RM40k and above? I wouldn’t even called this “abomination” Gangsa, let alone Emas! Kroih ptuih!

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    • Lol Syoh.What are you so mad about? Just call a spade for a spade.Cherish your life, for it
      is short.

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    • malaysia memang boleh on Aug 24, 2010 at 9:25 pm

      Cheapo comment posted by cheapo minded people.

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    • autojohndoe on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:13 pm

      Eh… i thought you want to talk about you usual POWER WINDOW thing…

      so, how about your Grandis?

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      • nazri on Aug 25, 2010 at 5:38 am

        mr syoh kaya maa.. every post about proton or p2 car he mesti claim hv this this car

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    • peYno on Aug 24, 2010 at 11:42 pm

      he is grandis owner… ??? believe me.. most are proton basher are perodua owner or 2nd grade ASEAN japs car like Vios ,avanza or city owner…


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      • enchekere on Aug 25, 2010 at 12:41 am

        that is not a fair statement. i myself own a honda city and a persona. for sure im not a proton basher.

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        • waklu on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:19 am

          err bro i think he sais “most of” and not “all of”..maybe u r not included! :-)

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      • autojohndoe on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:04 am

        previously he said he had problematic waja and persona that coz him lost his productivity (haha)…

        and suddenly he become rich within few months and bought a Grandis…

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      • gen2lama on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:16 am

        no lah…he got waja & persona ……both with broken power window….

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      • Dear Mr. Penus (PeyNo),

        That’s an understatement mister. Protong fanboys will always drive Protong for the rest of their life until kingdom comes.

        Meanwhile the rest of the Malaysians, press on forward with their very life. Most of them unfortunately have to start with Protong, but somehow most of them will manage to own import brands. Protong is just another horrible phase in life. A one time life experience. No offense.

        Yes, the Grandis (aka mule car used by Protong – check previous posting) is doing very well, unless Protong planning to rebadge that model as well.

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        • madimat on Aug 25, 2010 at 12:49 pm

          Mr Sioh, Your spelling was wrong. It is not Protong. It is PROTON. Please tell your spelling teacher to scold you for bring shame to her. Thank you.

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        • Let him be in his fantasy, this is not basher’s playground. 40K for a hybrid?! IT is reasonable? you want a better hybrid? make a big hole under ur grandis seat, now, you can run your grandis on petrol, or human powered (Flinstone or FlinSYOH)

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        • dear mr syoh, when does proton use grandis as their mule???are u really malaysian or alien from other planets???

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        • Tiadaid on Aug 25, 2010 at 2:45 pm

          Yeah right. My family had owned 3 Proton (the original Saga, Wira & 1st gen Gen-2) and a Honda City. The 3 Protons had never given my family any trouble whatsoever. No power window problem, no gearbox problem, nothing! Only small nicks in the bodywork from time to time. But when it comes to the Honda, god I just can’t believe how AWFUL it is! It’s the first (and hopefully last) car in my family that needs a new gearbox. The engine mounting broke 3 times, the rear wheel bearing replaced 2 but still problematic. And the plastic fittings are fading and coming off the car! And from what I saw when I tested the Persona, it’s a much better proposition than the bleeding City! Just take a look at Jess Ross! He had to HUMILIATE HONDA before they grudgingly take action! Typical basher, when they can’t win denigrate the other side.

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          • Seriously on Aug 26, 2010 at 9:30 am

            Well, 2 out of 3 of your Protons were original mitsubishi… so go figure.

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          • Tiadaid on Aug 26, 2010 at 11:01 am

            Well Seriously, yes 2 of my 3 Proton are Mitsubishi, but what about the other one? The Proton designed by Proton, and still I had no problem. As opposed to the much vaunted Honda.

            Besides, aren’t the problems that are said to be haunting Proton stem from the Mitsubishi models?

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          • Seriously on Aug 27, 2010 at 9:03 pm

            So really, are you saying that your Proton/Mitsu cars are bad or good now? Ah suddenly, when there’s a problem, point it to Mitsu. Thought Proton was standing on it’s own now, guess not… after 25 years.

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        • SquarePetrolHead on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:47 pm

          This Syoh is probably just an angry, good-for nothing teenager. And by the contents of this post, probably “orang pendatang” (read: foreigner). Don’t mind him cos he’s only known luxury (Papa’s $$$). He will need Papa’s $$$ for his import brand car, his house and monthly Papa’s boy allowance to impress ppl.

          And for your info, you in-bred-loudmouth;
          1.) Mitsubishi is going to be using the Exora chassis for a MPV model in some markets. And also the Persona. (Not bad for a “shitty” car-manufacturer like Proton)
          2.) Exora was apparently the best selling MPV in Thailand
          3.) The test mule for the Exora was a Wish, not a Grandis you blind bat…

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  • the lotus version looks lyke ikan keli..but proton version looks lyke tiger…go proton go!

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  • GO GREEN on Aug 24, 2010 at 7:44 pm

    LOVE IT !!!

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  • The Lotus design looked like Wild Boar.. Proton one better!

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    • I don’t know, when it is in English, it sounds a little bit intelligent, but try to translate it in Bahasa,

      Rekaan Lotus nampak macam Babi Hutan, Proton lagi bagus!

      hahahaha.. suddenly it crossed my mind, just a silly ting I’m writing, don’t bother, hahha

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  • handsome*Dude on Aug 24, 2010 at 8:39 pm


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  • wongce on Aug 24, 2010 at 8:51 pm

    nice design, nice work on the outlook proton…very futuristic to me….:) however, i hope it will have less problem compared to the current models already in the market…

    design memang cantik… reliability still a question… but GOOD EFFORT !!!

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  • toyott on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:32 pm

    I like the lotus version one,, look garang!..

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  • msian on Aug 24, 2010 at 10:48 pm


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  • vbkcheng on Aug 24, 2010 at 11:22 pm

    war, great look….

    Na P1, this is the chance you can change the eye of the world har…be serious.. go global, don’t screw up with the Ali baba supplier ya…

    This is the car for tomorrow.. city mode of transport….

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  • Machi on Aug 24, 2010 at 11:23 pm

    This is the P1 that all of malaysian want to see….keep going to produce a good car with reasonable price for 1 Malaysian!!

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  • Faisal on Aug 24, 2010 at 11:48 pm

    i love it!!

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  • Nice design. But priced under 40k? I dont think so man!

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    • junaidi on Aug 25, 2010 at 11:10 am

      You never know man, I mean the BLM is 35-40k right?

      xxs BLM might be cheaper no?

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    • farghmee on Aug 25, 2010 at 4:25 pm

      hopefully the proton ver. will cost less than lotus’.
      rm40k with 5*NCAP. superb R&H. efficient engine.

      if this materializes, the upcoming d54t won’t stand a chance!

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  • fort minor on Aug 25, 2010 at 12:55 am

    to proton SA.brape nak amik my savvy for trade in to buy this car?haha

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  • greenbeast on Aug 25, 2010 at 12:57 am

    nice little car…if this model succeed in Europe market, next design should be given attention by them,,

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  • mybe Malaysia will become like japan… many compact car on da road

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    • d'bankers-i on Aug 25, 2010 at 11:02 pm

      ok la 2
      @leat can reduce the treaffic jam on the road
      n easier to pack the car when it is small

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  • JACK HAMMER on Aug 25, 2010 at 1:51 am



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  • With this thing better buy a life insurance !!

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  • azrai on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:24 am

    Someone shoud worry or should say sometwo (Pero2).

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  • keyboard.rosak on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:29 am

    i thought Italdesign already taken over by VW.
    and this EMAS concept comes from Italdesign.

    i don’t think VW would allow Proton to use their design as Proton already rejected their proposal of JV

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    • MoFaz on Aug 25, 2010 at 12:30 pm

      those 2 issues are not related at all.
      Proton can still use Italdesign, and Italdesign still working on Persona replacement design.

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    • Proton already paid for the design and basicly own the design.

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    • tokan on Aug 25, 2010 at 6:50 pm

      hahaha…very funny.

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  • sranua on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:29 am

    Proton sure full of suprise and its time they show off their capability to compete in world market. As Lotus will get advanced tech…proton Emas will be least on par of what Viva and Alza have. Next Persona 2012 sure looks more futuristic…Go Proton…

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  • irresistible… nice design. please oh pleaseeeeeeeeeeee come out fast.

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  • donno on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:43 am

    Interesting times ahead for Proton and Lotus

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  • nogori on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:53 am

    Nice DESIGN… Good Job PROTON….

    Hope can produce early… Not 2012….

    Priced from RM 40K – 60K… Base-line to Hi-line…

    Please consider our Rakyat(moderate income) to buy this kind of car…

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  • Automotive_Critics on Aug 25, 2010 at 9:15 am

    much like toyota iQ n Mitsu iMiev. OK nice try

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  • Boleh Lah Proton on Aug 25, 2010 at 9:19 am

    Proton better make it 4-door and rename it as new Savvy Emas.

    If this is new Savvy then a little stretch as sedan rear to make it new Saga, maybe with different front bumper a bit? I think it’ll looks like that Toyota’s concept budget car for India market (new Vios if not mistaken).

    Make it simple, practical hatch yet RM40k price. For our market 1.2Liter or 1.3Liter version is good enough. If hybrid or all-electric version of course expensive lah with that lithium-ion batteries.

    But at least with this new Savvy/Saga a much better, practical design with lots of engine options and for many export market for Proton to market it correctly and suitably.

    Now shall we wait bro Theopilus Chin to whip a photoshop sketch of this new Savvy version and its sedan version Saga!

    I propose the new name as:
    – Savvy Emas (for 4-door hatch) and,
    – Saga Emas (for sedan).

    Harga mestilah dibawah RM40,000….ABS…2 airbags….

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    • Proud2BMalaysian on Aug 25, 2010 at 1:03 pm

      plus a hot hatch version to tapau golf gti.. Satria Emas maybe..

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    • nazri on Aug 25, 2010 at 1:54 pm

      india is toyota etios..
      check it out bro

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      • SquarePetrolHead on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:51 pm

        Boleh Lah Proton… based on your specs, dream on la dude… kete nih kalo keluar pasti RM50 ~ 60K. Ko tak ambil kira inflasi ke dan kos teknologi / kajian baru?

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  • nice one.. hope that when the production is out.. the look is the same with the picture..

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  • Whatever it is, I think probably you can own it by 2nd half of 2012.. enough time to accumulate downpayment.

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  • looks like the designer’s team got their inspiration from ironman. That being said, it’s hell of a looker!

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  • azrai on Aug 25, 2010 at 10:00 am

    So, the SAGA FL will feature this Exora like headlamp also. It seems Proton have got their identity/image now.

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  • umno juara tipu rakyat on Aug 25, 2010 at 10:03 am

    designed by italians..brand it as proton/lotus…good move Tan Sri Syed!

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    • nazri on Aug 25, 2010 at 1:23 pm

      how about kia mr? design by europe too rite?

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    • Wanna get original Kia and Hyundai?
      Buy those 2nd hand car dated 5-4 years back.
      Trully Korean.
      Made by Korean just for Korea.
      Cannot sell world wide.
      A very jaguh kampung company too.
      Back then.Heh.

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  • When Proton & Lotus try to introduce something, there are some ppl who’ll always bash them..that not good, reliable, expensive.. (to show that P1 is not competent) but how about latest FERRARI 348? Recently the news mentioned about 10 of it already either involved in accidents or caught mystery fire.. So if FERRARI caught fire is because of being cursed (since it’s mystery), but if Proton caught because the engineers are stupids? Come on BASHER…face the reality…anybody want to be perfect..but perfect don’t want to be anybody…For P1..keep it up!

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  • can’t wait to book…

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  • junaidi on Aug 25, 2010 at 11:14 am

    perrgghhhh, bumbung Targa tuh.
    panas giler nanti. hahahah

    would consider this in the future.

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  • BaLesta_RX on Aug 25, 2010 at 11:36 am

    40K?? keep dreamin on man… not even when the t-rex is awaken..
    With this kinda of car & techno, the price must be between 55K-70K.(ni pon dh agak mahal!!..hahahaha)
    Base on their specs, lines & etc etc.
    But pls r P1, u can put the price high but make sure the quality is there as weLL!!
    Jgn nk mark-up je quality mcm beli RC cars.. =)

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  • Me’sian people for mass market 60% of them will buying cars below than RM60K…30% between RM60K~RM100K and 10% is above RM100K. So, if P1 playing it right, they should be able to grasp the no.1 pole.

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  • nonon on Aug 25, 2010 at 11:43 am

    piece of shit…..

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  • rent to kill on Aug 25, 2010 at 12:18 pm

    No way it’ll costs 40K you’ll be lucky if it is priced at 80K.
    Just look at the other EV cars in the market. Unless P1 decides to put
    in a shitty Savvy engine !!!

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    • Tiadaid on Aug 25, 2010 at 4:34 pm

      Shitty? That’s a Renault engine you’re talking about!

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    • Savvy’s Renault engine freakin good man, they have very low FC.

      why would you call it ‘shitty’?

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    • scgtimk1 on Aug 26, 2010 at 8:07 am

      Idiot commenting on engine…..

      The savvy D4F Renault engine is still currently use by Renault in the Twingo / Clio lineup.

      It is better than the crappy, discontinued engine of the Viva.

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  • Citroen DS3 on Aug 25, 2010 at 1:40 pm

    i wonder why some people is never happy with whatever proton is doing… last time kena ta-roh because copy mitsu.. say no originality.. now kena ta-roh because design own car.. say because it is too expensive or too ugly… some more commission a well known designer some more.. so this mean that the designer is crap is it? so the other car the designer designed is also crap? jeez… chill out man… just because the Proton badge is there… make up your mind friends… one minute say copy cat.. next minute say it produce ugly car…

    looking at the china man, they dont seem to ta-roh their own brand… though they come out with really questionable quality car..

    the only qualms i have about proton is that they are dragging the Perdana lifespan.. please lah.. come out with a new one la… it is way overdue for a new design + new engine… I really hope Proton can also follow up from the Satria S2000 investment to produce a truly sport oriented hatch back…

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    • IIRC, they said that Perdana replacement will be tested by government officials next year. then go for production lah. kot.

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    • firefox on Aug 25, 2010 at 4:52 pm

      what u said i correct, but proton really need to improve a lot to run the show in the automotive market..not only focus in malaysia. do something where can make us Proud

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      • Citroën ds3 on Aug 25, 2010 at 10:21 pm

        You know what is the funny thing? I remember when I was studying in Australia, it was nice to see satria gfi reaching cult status.. Though I have never driven one, but for it to reach cult status.. It must be something done right over there.. Bring back the second gen gti… I don’t think neo cps will reach that level…

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  • malaysian on Aug 25, 2010 at 3:12 pm

    good…. when can we shut NAP and starting to have open policy for automobiles?

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  • frossonice on Aug 25, 2010 at 3:55 pm

    When watching the new Merc CLS video promo on Paultan, it seem to show us that the designer is an East Asian guy (chinese, korean or japanese).

    It must be a good move too, right? I mean, Proton CANNOT be design by someone else other than some kampung kids playing with their lastik. But a Merc can.

    Who cares about who design what? If it is good, you should love it.

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    • Citroën ds3 on Aug 25, 2010 at 4:24 pm

      Is this the same hong kong dude that has a dab in another sport car?

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  • where is the original image? i viewed this page as soon as it publish, and there is an image before post entry. hurm..

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  • SquarePetrolHead on Aug 25, 2010 at 8:33 pm

    Admin, where did the pictures go?

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    • kozekx on Aug 26, 2010 at 10:43 am

      True. Yesterday got pictures, now no more. Are the pictures still considered P&C, which causes it removal?

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  • Elvis on Aug 25, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    I hope to clarify why there’s increasing number of proton bashers. They are not happy because of the cars quality proton is producing. Of course they get angry and find outlet to get their anger out. In this case paultan website,…if everybody happy with the quality of Proton cars minus the cronies making tons of money…i am very sure, EVERYBODY LOVES PROTON. i am just reminder the cause here, we are not bashing for nothing, we bash for the reason being, unhappines of using crap cars for so called ‘national pride’ after wasting our hard earn money. I do ask current proton buyers for feedbacks, and quality issue still remain. Please…before you guys hating bashers for nothing…read their comments…

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    • MoFaz on Aug 26, 2010 at 12:20 am

      what do you expect? we should tolerate all those childish angry bashers? how many time syoh need to mention power window problem until he satisfy? and he never satisfy.
      intolerance will only invite intolerance.
      state your opinion properly, and we will respect your view. the difference between constructive criticism and blind bashing are obvious. if your words are offensive, of course we will be defensive, or offensive too.

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      • alldisc on Aug 26, 2010 at 9:17 am

        bro mofaz, i guess syoh is a little inexperience in local auto industry. we must bear in mind that the first 2 major models from Proton (Saga/Iswara and Wira) are largely based on Mitsubishi Lancer models.
        The power windows issue are not due to Proton poor design or qualtiy but rather something inherited from Misubishi models. Mitsubishi was known not good in making reliable power windows from the 80s, same goes to gearbox (they chosed the long route engineering a manual gearbox for FWD layout like dual lever in Mitubishi Tredia)

        Proton was the victim here. They tried another formula for power window regulator in Waja but unfortunately it failed but the ones in Gen2/Persona are actually pretty good.

        back to topic, i was never bothered so much with comments from bashers. i take them as entertainment and i pity them for the little knowledge they may know.

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    • Tiadaid on Aug 26, 2010 at 12:48 am

      No problem with constructive criticisms. But many bashers, in fact all bashers contribute little to the discussion. They refuse to acknowledge anything that is actually beneficial to Proton, while being a broken record and raising issues that are old and no longer applicable. They make no effort in recognizing that Proton is improving, and expect that things magically change even though it’s hardly the case. Most of all, many of these bashers act like they know everything yet actually know nothing. Case in point are bashers who said Hyundai started at the same time as Proton, although the information, easily obtained through Wikipedia, is false. That’s why people hate bashers. Not because the people who hate bashers are fanboys, but because of the reason stated above.

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      • Seriously on Aug 26, 2010 at 10:13 am

        “in fact all bashers contribute little to the discussion”. Wow, I would love to know what highly intelectual discussion are we actually in? Damn, it’s just freaking comments not some conference that would change the face of Malaysia. And does “Proton did really well this time” contribute to any constructive discussion? Or are you fanboy just sensitive when it comes to a few negative criticism.

        Broken record? More like a torn that has been in our skin for too long. That broken record problem, if you are aware, is impairing Malaysia’s growth. Maybe if you actually took your eyes off the “improved development of Proton” and look more towards national/globalize growth, you would actually see the light. Talk about patriotism pfft. But no, Proton iz bes rite?!

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        • kozekx on Aug 26, 2010 at 10:35 am

          “Wow, I would love to know what highly intelectual discussion are we actually in?”
          Wow, I actually found some of the posts to be interesting and have relevant info such as insider info, general and historical info about this industry and sometimes lucky enough to learn specific stuff.

          I especially like the time when the proton head man himself came to post here. I sincerely believe, many auto companies in Malaysia have employees coming over and reading these comments. So, any contructive comments / ideas may have a chance to be taken up. Who knows?

          A pity that you can’t find any useful info from these comments. Are you a new comer here?

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          • bangku on Aug 26, 2010 at 1:25 pm

            Yeah we only hear only 1 problem from this blog which come from the old man (read SY0H). Good job Proton.

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          • Seriously on Aug 27, 2010 at 8:59 pm

            aka all the stuff that can be found over the internet? But anyway, They do? Good… it’s good to know my ranting is (hopefully) being heard. Although it’s a very very tiny ripple in the ocean. But hey…

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    • Protong apologist.

      They’ll never learn.

      They say its easier to educate a dumb person. I found out this is very true indeed.

      But hold on, how about ignorant FanBoys? Nah, they’ve to take care of their “periuk nasi” ops, wrong term, they have to take care of their “tin milo”. Regardless whatever QC/QA feedbacks they’ve got from the customers. Just the same old story.

      There’s an obvious conflict of interest. Especially when it involves RM in Billions for the past 25 years. I believe someday, this infestation will be cleansed once and for all.

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      • kozekx on Aug 26, 2010 at 10:37 am

        “They say its easier to educate a dumb person. I found out this is very true indeed.”

        LOL. Very true! You describe yourself accurately, man.

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      • Tiadaid on Aug 26, 2010 at 5:03 pm

        You say Proton apologist never learn, but what about bashers like yourself? Can you explain why my friend’s Saga have no problem whatsoever? Not just one mind you, two Saga. And definitely not from the same batch, since they were bought a year apart. The only problem was one of my friend have a lead foot and pranged his car twice, while the other one was absent minded that she left the car light on the whole day running down the battery.

        But I agree with you on one thing. It’s easier educating a dumb person that it is to educate hardheaded bashers. You can give all the facts till foam comes out your mouth, but still they wouldn’t accept the facts. And then they resort to namecalling….

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      • SquarePetrolHead on Aug 26, 2010 at 6:15 pm

        Ya and apparrently dumb, angry and despite Papa’s $$$ not really bright… LOLs


        This SYOH is probably just an angry, good-for nothing teenager. And by the contents of this post, probably “orang pendatang” (read: foreigner). Don’t mind him cos he’s only known luxury (Papa’s $$$). He will need Papa’s $$$ for his import brand car, his house and monthly Papa’s boy allowance to impress ppl.

        And for your info, you in-bred-loudmouth;
        1.) Mitsubishi is going to be using the Exora chassis for a MPV model in some markets. And also the Persona. (Not bad for a “shitty” car-manufacturer like Proton)
        2.) Exora was apparently the best selling MPV in Thailand
        3.) The test mule for the Exora was a Wish, not a Grandis you blind bat…

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  • This is a very2 good step…the lotus new management lineup is serious in their job when they had a meeting with proton few months back..Now they are talking!!..well, i forsee that this car gonna attract a hell lot of people..this model is a very marketable globally since lotus/proton is up to sumthing for the engine plus excellent design, its gonna get more exciting..and once proton have a very large profit margin of export market,that is the time when they can reduce the car price locally, that is the time when basher can shut up..and PROTON will make malaysian proud! take this first step seriously and PROTON should be extra strict with the QC! bringt future i forsee…

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  • This is a very2 good step…the lotus new management lineup is serious in their job when they had a meeting with proton few months back..Now they are talking!!..well, i forsee that this car gonna attract a hell lot of people..this model is a very marketable globally since lotus/proton is up to sumthing for the engine plus excellent design, its gonna get more exciting..and once proton have a very large profit margin of export market,that is the time when they can reduce the car price locally, that is the time when basher can shut up..and PROTON will make malaysian proud! take this first step seriously and PROTON should be extra strict with the QC! bright future i forsee…

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  • Initial R on Aug 26, 2010 at 7:02 am

    The difference between constructive criticisms & blind basher are very clearly obvious. Constructive criticisms will criticisms base on fact after they do survey & experience it updated. Blind basher you will know like blind terrorist that came to “Blast the Bom” with non- knowledgeable fact, baseless & clueless. Then will get mad like “mad cow” when been bashing back…
    My first proton not give me any big problem even it was iswara aeroback. Now i own Savvy (my wife), Exora manual, Passat cc (my self)… My sister new saga BLM, not facing any problem till now & she very happy with it compare with his friend Myvi that facing many problem…

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  • sranua on Aug 26, 2010 at 11:03 am

    My first proton was wira 1.3 a/b and does not give me a big problem. I bought it new because its looks good, better than iswara nad not so expensive like waja, vios or city.
    And now after 7 years own it, I sold it to my brother as I bought 2nd hand civic ES.
    So there are only two time it broke down because of its ECU going haywire…but never ever being towed. Just wait 2 minutes and the engine ready start again. Afterall the parts are abundant and cheaper to maintain.
    However as I had crush on Civic…so I want to experience 1st hand what is Honda all about. So I can give a more valid judgement after owning 2 different car. But I had to pay more to experince honda. So it lie on yourself..if got more money to pay monthly installment, go for other brand. Proton give an opportunity to won a basic, reliable car from point A to B.
    I don’t mind buying Proton, just waiting for the right products…right now enjoying my civic first ha..ha

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  • C'mon Proton on Aug 26, 2010 at 11:28 am

    Wat happen to the pictures? Where’re the Proton-EMAS-Rendering & Lotus-EMAS-Rendering pictures?

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    • emm, perhap paul made a mistake posting the picture ealier than what Proton has authorised

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  • Citroen DS3 on Aug 26, 2010 at 11:47 am

    jeez.. chill out already, bashers.. I have been an avid follower at paultan for many years and i only notice that Proton post seems to have the most responds, and it only seem to revolve around one thing.. just to think that because proton is the main cause of high car prices in Malaysia… guys, it has many factors that can contribute to this (though Proton is one of it)… these factors can be a mile long… but i dont think Proton should be sitting at the top of the list here..

    Ok, I am not a Proton supporter though I have driven my fair share, Wira and Gen 2 and I do have my qualms… but to see an improvement and the idea to get it improve, guys.. this is something that we can look forward too…

    I mean, Proton has come out with a car that has reach cult status… which only a few “national” brands at her age in the world can reach… I am only saddenned by its discontinuity… Wonder why.. cost?

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    • Eyesore on Aug 27, 2010 at 12:17 pm

      if you are talking about the GTI or the putra… only one reason in it… they has became outdated and old….

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      • Citroën ds3 on Aug 27, 2010 at 11:42 pm

        Eyesore.. When I say discontinue.. I meant why not a second generation? Or a follow up on the latest model… Duh! Yes it is outdated and old… But at least a rebirth on the new body… Oh wait.. Something just hit me…. If putra is like the sport version of wira.. I wonder how a 2 door gen2 will look like…

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        • pacifictuna on Aug 28, 2010 at 11:27 am

          i’ve always thinks of that….. and perhaps another GTI will eventually come out if the campro turbo is launched. but i will doubt whether it will be as good as the old one.

          btw, the all new persona can have a coupe. look at kia. the forte have a coupe cousin as well.

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          • Citroën ds3 on Aug 28, 2010 at 1:52 pm

            The looks is there.. But no bite.. My neighbour here has one.. Gifts from his dad after grad… Haha… He is cursing everyday.. He says his gf satria neo is a better drive!! Believe it or not?! This is in Singapore! Woohoo… Ok la.. Mine nothing much to shout.. No speed.. No handling.. Haih… And as a Malaysian.. I will never buy proton in Singapore… Freakishly expensive…

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  • encikiz on Aug 26, 2010 at 12:40 pm

    We are the one buying the car, make loan, and pay monthly for our hard earned we need/should make sure that our penny worth the spend. It’s not about patriotism or anything, its just that it seems unfair if we support our national car, but the national car doesn’t support us. We pay high price (40k for Viva is actually mahal wooo) but in return we should be getting a reasonably nice car. But when i drive my GF’s Viva, i feel like the Viva macam nak runtuh pon ada…..its much better to drive my 15 years old Lantis, and it cost 50k when i bought it 7 years ago!!! Of course the sparepart double the price from Proton, but it last longer… ..

    And even now that i owned myself a new Mazda 3, i still can keep my old Lantis…well, gave it to my dad, and sponsor the mantainence…well, stakat standard maintenance x mahal pon. aku pakai minyak itam biase jek…ok je lantis tu?

    So IMHO, nak patriot tu biar lah kene pada tempat. don’t simply just follow without thinking…

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    • Tiadaid on Aug 26, 2010 at 4:11 pm

      Don’t you know Perodua is the king of overpriced cars? For a 40K Viva you could get a Saga!

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  • littlefire on Aug 26, 2010 at 12:53 pm

    The best comment for all local car manufacturer related post:

    “malaysian says:
    25/8/2010 at 3:12 pm
    Good…. When can we shut NAP and starting to have open policy for automobiles?”

    Letz start to have a fair & competitive market for the people to own. I tot Najib always mention People first? Where is people first, when they always protect P1, P2 & other ‘Local’ AP car manufacturer first before the people?

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    • what the proof?

      Protons or not, all cars are taxed heavily. they are treated equal.

      BTW, don’t bring political issues here, this is a car website.

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      • Citroën ds3 on Aug 26, 2010 at 11:30 pm

        Bravo mim

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      • dickybird on Aug 27, 2010 at 12:23 am

        local cars get 50% excise duty discount. they are not treated equally.

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        • farghmee on Aug 27, 2010 at 8:16 am

          do u have problem with that?

          if local car is treated as foreign car, then what’s the benefit of having local car?
          it is the same if u’re a citizen of a particular country, yet charged highly for having healthcare services in u’re own country.

          aisehmen…ni pn susah nk faham ke?

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    • BadBET on Aug 30, 2010 at 10:08 am

      speaking about open policy for automobiles, I heard the G had announced about 3 billion is expected to be gain from CBU car tax this year. So to those guy who can afford non-malaysian car should be proud that they contribute a lot to my country. That money can be use for other good reason by the G to help the people.

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  • Sakkai on Aug 26, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    ppl say National car selling cheap…but the interest higher then imported car.. sure ppl will go for imported car.. stupid government

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    • Hello, now the interest is based on the cc of the car not based on national or non national car. The bank has been practicing this since last month. A Honda City or Toyota Vios interest rate is similar with Proton Pesona or Perodua Alza (unles the bank is doing some promotion)

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      • Dear aku,

        Since when the government abolished the standard iron fist NAP policy in favour for c.c.? Perhaps there are some fine tuning here and there with the interest rate (which are actually under controlled by Bank Negara in the first place).

        You’re talking about bank’s interest, we are talking on the overall NAP policy. Which includes duty, tax and AP (including the AP kings). So which part did we misunderstood?

        For your knowledge, banks will always calculate interest rate versus risk or uncertainties. This is why Government/GLC workers will get a lower interest rate for personal/house/car loans, meanwhile Private Sector will be smack with a higher interest rate for the same amount of loan. Job security is definitely one of the criteria. But c.c.? Nah, higher c.c. car is much expensive in Malaysia. Part of it is due to the contribution of BolehLand’s absurd duty, tax and AP. That’s the root of the problem.

        The last time I heard Protong gonna be removed of protection was during Tun Badawi’s reign (which never happened). If that really happened , he will surely get my vote!

        If NAP gonna be abolished (fully), we will be more than happy to accept the news. That is, if its gonna to happen in the next 25 years…

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  • tangkap basah on Aug 26, 2010 at 5:22 pm

    WTH !!
    Lotus always takes the cream and P1 gets the crumbs.
    Why must the P1 Emas benchmark against the Argo & March??
    Since P1 owns Lotus we should be getting the specs that is
    benched marked with the Mini E & Smart instead.
    P1 will always end up the losers cos Lotus calls the shots and not P1.
    DSZ see the logic here .. we don’t want another small car with a
    lower spec engine and with only a shell to show for.

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    • 1Proton on Aug 27, 2010 at 12:41 am

      Why is Proton Emas stooping so low and comparing/benchmark
      with a Viva ? Proton should aim higher … don’t run a business
      like a no frills/budget airline instead Proton should be a premium
      car manufacturer aka 5 star quality and nothing less.
      Time to up the ante and move forward with these new models!!

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  • Citroën ds3 on Aug 26, 2010 at 11:38 pm

    Just for joke.. Imagine EMAS crossover… Or EMAS GTi… Haha… Vw steps all the way… But if proton can make the emas like the mini.. Citroën’s ds3.. Suzuki swift.. I wouldn’t mind having one emas in my future garage…

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  • Myvi is the best!50k for the car is quite ok :)

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  • bells on Aug 30, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    hmm. well. many people say that proton is not a good car. U sure? the thing is, the car is good, only the quality is not great. If u look at the old proton saga. There is still a lot of that car on the road. the engine is great. maybe because it is mitsubishi. The campro engine is not that bad too, I think proton has upgrade a bit for their quality. But the most important thing is PRICE. Come on, this is malaysian made car, its not suppose to be expensive! Proton sold their car in Saudi cheaper then in malaysia.

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    • MoFaz on Aug 31, 2010 at 12:35 am

      Saudi again..? i lost count how many time i explained this issue already. i believe the next batch of bashers will bring-up this issue again.

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    • azrai on Sep 02, 2010 at 8:02 am

      There’s no duty at Saudi la. Haiya….Better stay at Saudi then.

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  • viruspronto on Sep 01, 2010 at 2:00 pm

    nice.. it’s time for proton to aim higher and produce a very high quality car

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  • Proton are simply more durable than perodua… If u wanna compare it to perodua..

    U say…. Perodua or proton more durable? which one is suitable for long journey? which one u can actually drive for more than 10 years? which one can save u more in crashing?

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