Vehicles with potentially faulty Takata airbags cannot have their road tax renewed – transport ministry

Vehicles with potentially faulty Takata airbags cannot have their road tax renewed – transport ministry

In a drastic move, the transport ministry has announced that all cars that are affected by the recall of potentially faulty Takata airbag inflators will not be able to have their road tax renewed until the necessary replacements are made.

According to reports by The Star and the Malay Mail, the new directive will take effect this coming Monday (June 4), whereby all affected vehicle owners are required to obtain a certificate from their respective car dealership to prove that they have changed their airbags.

Transport minister Anthony Loke added that all car companies involved in the global recall exercise are required to submit a list of vehicles that have yet to have their airbags replaced to the Road Transport Department (JPJ).

“We will input the list of all vehicles that have not changed their airbags into our system. I have also directed JPJ not to renew the road tax of these vehicles unless they replaced their airbags. I will also ask car companies to come up with a certification to verify that the airbags have been changed. JPJ will not renew the road taxes of these vehicles without the certification,” Loke explained.

Vehicles with potentially faulty Takata airbags cannot have their road tax renewed – transport ministry

Loke also stated explicitly that owners of affected vehicles will no longer be able to renew their road tax online and must do so manually at JPJ offices. “If they want to complain about me making their lives troublesome by having to go through a tedious process, let them do so. I would rather be complained at than visit another victim of an accident that could have been avoided in the first place,” he said.

As such, vehicle owners who are affected by the recall and have already had their airbags replaced will first need to get said certificate of proof from dealerships. Even then, they (or a runner) will still need to be present with the certificate at JPJ offices if they want to renew their road tax, making the process inconvenient.

This also requires car companies to put in a considerable amount of effort as they must now race against time to issue certificates for virtually every vehicle affected by the recall that has received the necessary replacements, which can amount to tens of thousands of vehicles. Third-party road tax renewal services like service agents and Pos Malaysia will also need to be made aware of this new development.

In relation, the system used by JPJ must also be able to quickly identify vehicles that have yet to have their airbags changed by cross-referencing specific details like the vehicle’s production year and VIN with the lists sent in by car companies.

Vehicles with potentially faulty Takata airbags cannot have their road tax renewed – transport ministry

Other initiatives being considered by the transport ministry include publishing the registration numbers of all owners who do not comply with the recall, but this will require prior discussions with car companies beforehand. The transport minister also said that despite numerous reminders from car companies and coverage by the press, owners are still ignorant of the issue.

“We do not want the owners to wait until they are unable to renew their road tax to take necessary actions because this problem has been proven worldwide and there are statistics to back it up. Vehicle owners must also take responsibility for the sake of their safety to spend some time getting their vehicles checked and if they passed inspection, then take it as a routine service and if replacement is required then at least they are aware of the dangers now,” he said.

The Takata airbag inflator issue has been an ongoing one for many years now, and has been linked to a number of deaths in Malaysia. Car companies have remained persistent in reminding affected owners to bring their vehicles in to have their airbags changed, but there are still quite a number of owners who have yet to do so.

Vehicles with potentially faulty Takata airbags cannot have their road tax renewed – transport ministry

Vehicle ownership transfers also complicate things as there are times when important information is not updated, making it difficult for car companies to notify current owners if their vehicle is part of a recall.

Recently, Honda Malaysia confirmed a Takata driver airbag inflator rupture in a fatal crash on May 27, where the driver of a 2004 Honda City was killed. According to an official statement, the car was part of a product recall, and that numerous notification letters were sent out to the owners of the vehicle based on the information available in the company’s database. However, the recall replacement was never completed and the vehicle was not serviced at Honda authorised dealers.

“For Malaysia alone there are 71,315 Honda vehicles that have yet to replace their airbags and that makes up about 20 per cent of the entire fleet recalled since 2014,” Loke said after meeting the victim’s family at their home in Cheras.

What do you think of the transport ministry’s move to tackle the Takata airbag inflator issue? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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Gerard Lye

Originating from the corporate world with a background in finance and economics, Gerard’s strong love for cars led him to take the plunge into the automotive media industry. It was only then did he realise that there are more things to a car than just horsepower count.



  • It is good to keep everyone safer

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 44 Thumb down 3
    • Much safer Malaysia now. Some still runaways

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    • Rajoo Selvam on Jun 03, 2018 at 1:44 pm

      Wow, just 3 weeks of a new clean Government, we can already see so much of transparency and good coming out. This is such a great move.

      I don’t know why in the past, JPJ never thought of this. Such a simple solution. This is a grave problem. Very dangerous problem. Previously, JPJ was so lembap to keep other motorists safer.

      You see, Government and their departments must be pro-active. They must take the initiative to keep other road users safer. It is not just Honda users using the roads. Other road users also.

      Remember also, when the Honda owner meets an accident and he goes to the Government hospital for critical injuries….siapa BAYAR? Yes, it is you and me.

      Bravo to the new Government and bravo to the new renewed JPJ. It shows that having a clean Government really pays.

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 9
      • Anoy23kat on Jun 04, 2018 at 10:06 am

        It’s a good sign that we are moving towards a better future. We can’t solve everything in single day. Loke ideas are better than previous transport minister.

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  • Lawrence Tan on Jun 02, 2018 at 4:40 pm

    Jpj should provide details of new owners to Honda. I’m still receiving notice for 2 affected cars that I’ve sold to car dealers.

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    • There might be some ppl who didn’t update their latest address to JPJ or simply throw away the letter, so still cannot solve the problem. Best is to prevent them from renewing road tax.

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  • Bravo

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  • PlainBS on Jun 02, 2018 at 4:52 pm

    Yes!!!! Wonder why the previous minister did nothing

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 40 Thumb down 15
    • Because they were asleep behind the wheel. No pun intended.

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    • Lee Eng Chuan on Jun 03, 2018 at 12:30 am

      Well done minister Liow!!!

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    • YB Albert on Jun 03, 2018 at 6:52 pm

      Plain BS
      The previous menteri busy going to bentong to eat musang king and cheap kangkung tiap tiap hari or weekend leh.Even after the 6th victim died,biasa lah…berhati hati di jalan raya,ya…jangan risau…kami akan memantau..
      He memantau hingga he kalah terukat GE 14.
      Just pathetic,Mr brylcreem.

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 5
      • Mr brylcreem is new FM who cant count even if his life depends on it.

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  • Sputjam on Jun 02, 2018 at 5:52 pm

    Actually some distributors purposely delaying takata replacement. mitsubishi replaced my triton airbags without a fuss during normal service. I did not even know i had one. They merely informed me later during billing. Trouble is, how do we know if these new air bags are good?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 4
  • Ian Marjoribanks on Jun 02, 2018 at 6:22 pm

    I think the intention is good but the Ministry is going about it in the wrong way. The owner is not at fault here for installing faulty inflators. It is an inherited problem that came with the car they purchased. Why then should the Ministry penalize them?

    The more important question is why is it taking the manufacturer so long to replace the inflators in the first place? Many of these owners only have one car and by baning them from using their car, how are they going to commute to work, pick up their loved ones, etc? Use Grab? For how long? Who’s going to cover for this extra expenditure? I know coz my Honda Accord inflator took more than one year for the inflator stock to arrive and I finally got it replaced.

    Is the faulty inflators a danger to other road users? To the public if itfsiled to inflate? No, it’s only a risk to the car owner themselves. The primary safety device is the seat belt! Therefore, the owner is responsible to maintain safe driving habits and stopping distances from the car Infront. To protect their own lives.

    I believe this is too drastic a measure and while the intention is good, ultimately it is not a practical approach. The owner is the captain of his/her ship (car) and therefore is responsible and should make safe decisions and take active steps to prevent collisions in the first place.

    I hope the Ministry reconsiders it’s decision and make more efforts to improve road safety in a more practical approach/manner.

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    • Daniel on Jun 02, 2018 at 9:13 pm

      I’m sorry but its the owner’s sole responsibility to ensure the airbag inflator replacement was done before even letting go of that vehicle. The original owner should have raised this issue to the 2nd hand dealer if he is a responsible owner. Clearly many malaysians dont care for others and im deeply saddened that some of the commentators here are apologists for the owner. Seriously??? The new transport minister is clearly trying his best to resolve this issue. At the end of the day.. do you value convenience or yr life?

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      • Mr proper on Jun 05, 2018 at 6:51 am

        Informed second car dealer where Honda was sold. Done that when first recall received. Then Informed Honda via telephone and email 5-6 years ago about transfer of ownership/car sold. But until today still received millions of notifications. So how? Who is at fault here. Please don’t pass judgement.

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    • Chandra on Jun 03, 2018 at 12:44 am

      Another half-baked, knee jerk reaction “idea” from them. If those affected had just renewed prior, so means they have to wait 1 whole year then, to find out if they were flagged? What a stupid idea!

      A forumer in another site suggested that Honda should work with car insurance companies to track down the affected owners latest mailing address, and get them to send the notification. Now that’s a BRILLIANT IDEA!

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      • Rockersold on Jun 04, 2018 at 10:35 am

        The said forumer is outdated lah..Honda already working out with insurance companies..i owned 2nd hand honda and received the notification last year. Once registered, it took nearly 4 month before the part being replaced. The waiting list is long. Do we have to take the blame for this ‘waiting list’?

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        • Thats not the responsibility of the informer lor. More like after call pipu, Honda cant cope with the replacement on time. Nothing to do with gov, but Honda selow process.

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    • The fault is of course on the owner. The recall has been going on for many years already since 2014. You can always put the blame on everything else, like system not updated, you don’t receive the notification, service center said out of stock, etc. but 4 years is too long time already. It’s the ‘tak apa’ and ‘nantilah’ attitudes that get people killed in such incidences.

      Do you dare to let your love ones drive those vehicles that have yet to replace the faulty airbags? I don’t.

      I hope that this rules/directive is fully enforced and not just become another rule that no one cares about and not being enforced seriously by government/related officers.

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    • TopsyBoXyTurvy on Jun 03, 2018 at 9:52 am

      See if you will regret driving a car with mulfunction airbag and accident happens: your love ones hurt, die from the accident. For your info, my cousin sister drove a car and hit a lorry, no air bag to protect her face, shattered glass are all on her eyes and face, she doesnt look the same anymore since then.

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    • This is a good piece of practical comment, please make sure this comment make to MOT for their consideration! A lot of inconveniences to the owner that the giant car company must make up. Wait part for one year then no need to renew roadtax for one year?

      Anyway, for your say of “own car own risk”, please be mindful that the sudden rupture of airbag will not only affect the driver and the innocent passenger only, it could also hurt other innocent road users too. Imagine the killed driver’s foot is on pedal and the car charged to pedestrian?

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    • Anonymous on Jun 03, 2018 at 11:38 am

      These faulty airbags are ticking time bombs and do not need a crash to deploy and injure or kill the driver. My friend who is just a university graduate, died last week due to a faulty takeda airbag in his old Toyota Vios.

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    • Dong gor on Jun 03, 2018 at 5:20 pm

      Have u ever spilled coffee or any drinks? Yeah, even u know u need to be careful accidents happen. So even u are the captain, u are likely to be injured or killed by the bad inflator when accidents happen. This is one good approach to ensure captains know what they have to do, and to do it. Simple as abc

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    • tyra banks on Jun 03, 2018 at 5:23 pm

      Bla..bla..bla..maybe u can sue Takata on behalf of all Msian honda owners..or run for PM again to revamp the whole ministry. Talking is easy on the web

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      • Isnt that what the oppos have done past 10 years? Yeah, talk is easy, now they got the job they come out with this unreasonable idea to penalise the innocent owners.

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        • MantauLJ on Jun 04, 2018 at 3:34 pm

          According to previous minister & baris, Kami akan terus memantau…

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        • Mr John, criticism is good. Constructive criticism, better. Do remember that in the parking lot the car is a conveyance. On the road, it’s a potential weapon, guided by you, the driver. We should also remember the old saying, ‘buyer beware’. No innocents here. Read into this however you wish. If one cannot help, then one should not hinder.

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          • As what Chandra bro said above, this is kneejerk reaction that create more trouble for the owners. What happens if he alredi replaced but system not updated, that means he will be driving an illegal car? What about if waiting for airbag replacement, is Loki gonna gip courtesy car to owners while waiting? MOT shud work with the owners not penalising them.

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    • klata-klata on Jun 06, 2018 at 2:14 am

      Check the statistics first.
      How many cases of casualties due to takata airbags in Malaysia. I heard of just a few reported instances, compared to thousands of road traffic deaths every year. Don’t need such harsh penalties. Suggest that owners be given a warning that their road-tax can only be renewed for the minimum 6 months and that they much get the airbags changed before next renewal. Don’t deprive the use of the vehicle for such small risks because it could be devastating for some, and they may be forced by circumstances to continue driving without road-tax.

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  • Daniel on Jun 02, 2018 at 6:53 pm

    Its about time they do this..

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  • Sam “Hailat” Loo on Jun 02, 2018 at 7:06 pm

    Anthony Loke just “meMaslankan” himself with this drastic move, pinning the blame on car owners instead of fixing a flaw on JPJ system that allows Ownership Transfer without buyer contact details especially those done via used-car cronies.

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    • Tido oh tido on Jun 03, 2018 at 12:39 am

      JPJ tido sejak 2016.

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  • Spritzer on Jun 02, 2018 at 7:58 pm

    Based on the spirit of safety & patriotism, all proud Malaysians in donating to THM.

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  • #malaysianlivesmatters on Jun 02, 2018 at 8:10 pm

    Finally minister with brains…good job…

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  • Yang mahal on Jun 02, 2018 at 8:38 pm

    Old car that don’t have air beg can renew road tax

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  • Ahmadjr on Jun 02, 2018 at 8:43 pm

    Bodoh beli honda. Honda kat luar standard harga saga, masuk malaysia harga tak padan kualiti. Jalan berkepak kalau bawak honda tapi sebenarnya bodoh

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    • Faulty bukan honda… Tp takata airbag.begitu juga jenama lain.

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    • AbangCorp on Jun 03, 2018 at 10:32 am

      Hang lupa ka takata bukan supply untuk Honda jer, itu OEM atau Original Equipment Manufacturer utk Honda dan brand lain2

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    • A very regret Honda owner on Jun 03, 2018 at 12:45 pm

      It’s not owner’s fault to have purchased a Honda, if you look at honda’s car advertisements, everything is good about the car (like ride the dream, travel in comfort, spacious, Bla bla Bla). it’s indeed honda’s Fault not to have built quality car.

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    • Kau dah kenapa Bro tetiba nak marah-marah ni… Nak kata tak berbuka puasa lagi, ni posted lepas berbuka…

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    • pubgmobile on Jun 04, 2018 at 11:57 am sama standard ngan saga? hahahah

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  • Good move, but this will not stop it happens again tomorrow. Why don’t make it harsh to the car manufacturer to rectify the issue? Beside Honda, is other affected manufacturer putting shift action in rectifying the issues?

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  • Same L0rr on Jun 02, 2018 at 8:59 pm

    As i said, buy toyota better!

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    • Obviously you do not know that quite a number of Toyota vehicles here, some dating back to 2003 are also recalled due to Takata airbags.

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    • Freddy on Jun 03, 2018 at 12:54 am

      My toyota altis kena recall too, received a call two days ago to change on next Thursday. Brainless comment.

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    • Toyota even worst

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    • same lorrrr on Jun 03, 2018 at 4:04 pm

      Toyota no airbags recall, avoid at all cost

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    • Whether buying Honda or Toyota is the same. All had been installed with Takata air bags.

      Furthermore, especially when come to buying second hand Hinda which is cheaper will end up with not only scary problem like air bags ruptures but also had to dig deeper to replace the Takata air bags in case replacement is not free .

      Sad days for Honda and even Toyota owners.
      Looks like people looking for little better second hand value ended up with seems less Takata air bags issues to the extend of list of life or love ones

      Better stay away from Honda and Toyota vehicles to avoid unnecessary air bags future problems if we value our lives more.

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    • Loler on Jun 04, 2018 at 5:17 am

      Lol no news regarding Toyota recall. Done or not? Or just saying for nothing?

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    • See below my comment

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  • Awesome move!!

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  • Bravo on Jun 02, 2018 at 10:44 pm

    Good approach, poke yoke! I couldn’t understand some people think that this move is to penalize the owner, no It is not! This is to ensure all affected vehicles are corrected by law enforcement. However, the ministry should also take a strict action against all car maker, with a deadline given to them to close this issue in Malaysia.

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  • Don't wait on Jun 02, 2018 at 10:44 pm

    Based on the comments here, many people still don’t understand why this measure was taken. Manufacturers have sent numerous reminders to vehicle owners, using their own database and also data from JPJ and insurance companies. But many still can’t be contacted because owners simply never update their address, as it seems unnecessary. At the same time there are those who ignored the reminder letters. So what else expected from the manufacturers? How would they know who owns the car, what is the address or why is the owner ignoring the reminders. They can only change the inflators if the owners let them. Even if punished, manufacturers can’t force the owners, only JPJ as the authority can do so.

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  • transformer on Jun 02, 2018 at 11:48 pm

    My Grand Livina only changed Driver side airbag and after more than a year, Tan Chong send letter(April) to recall Passenger side. Called them 2x but still no stocks. Gov should check why no stocks yet still recall.

    It’s Takata airbag fault. Not only Honda car affected, Nissan, Toyota, Ferrari and others also affected.

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  • our new minister just went retards
    why want to punish owner for manufacturer fault.
    and there are plenty other old,not road worthy vehicle without airbag…why the double standard.

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    • john overtime on Jun 04, 2018 at 10:22 am

      So ‘rajin’ lah u, ‘korek’ all the old links. Nothing better to do?

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      • Thats in reply to ur dupe, Sammy boy. U think toyota no airbag recall? Think again.

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        • john overtime on Jun 04, 2018 at 6:00 pm

          Sure, Toyota got recall, Nissan got recall, only Proton no recall right? No recall means Proton the best? HAHAHA

          U think Proton no issues?

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    • big boss on Jun 04, 2018 at 12:42 pm

      Dig, dig, dig… If only u work as hard as u dig…

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2
      • Yeah, if only you work as hard as you ‘dislike’ others comments.

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        • big boss on Jun 04, 2018 at 5:42 pm

          I ‘dislike’ others? U have proof? Are u trying to ‘jilat’ ur boss john or what? U won’t get any bonus for this.

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  • Carlover on Jun 03, 2018 at 5:48 am

    Dont single out honda only, what about others, toyota nissan mazda Toyota etc… And dont penalize the owners, is not their fault, is manufacturers fault. So be considerate and take other steps rather than blocking the roadtax renewal.

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  • Yusof on Jun 03, 2018 at 6:01 am

    JPJ should impose on manufacturers to incentivise customers to bring their vehicles to change airbags, such free servicing etc. The burden should not be placed entirely on owners. Insurance companies too should give notice to all their clients that the claims for damages to the car will not paid in the event accident occur as a result of the faulty airbags that has not been changed.

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  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) on Jun 03, 2018 at 7:08 am

    Loki also have to push Honda so that the replacement airbag have plenty of stocks. If not, the process can be time consuming.

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  • Bernard on Jun 03, 2018 at 7:55 am

    Please get rid of the Mat rempits.

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  • FarouqF on Jun 03, 2018 at 8:11 am

    I’ve received notification from manufacturer and asked for booking date, their reply the replacement is not ex stock and will eventually call me back upon availability. It has been 3 months since. So, what should be my next move? Can the authority set a complaint box on this matter. It’s not only the fault of car owner, the manufacturer has to take it seriously too.

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  • Middle Age Driver (Member) on Jun 03, 2018 at 8:31 am

    What about cars that have their original steering replaced with sports steering without airbags? Would JPJ penalised those that have changed their steering ? Not everyone is in favour of airbags. Some have been deactivated it in the original steering for safety regardless of whether it’s Takata or other brands. Airbags itself have caused accidents to drivers as it causes a shock to driver, impead drivers vision after exploding and preventing driver from steering/manuvering the vehicle after a crash. Manufacturers and authorities have turned a blind eye on it until serious cases of death happens.

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    • alxand on Jun 03, 2018 at 11:40 am

      if not mistaken, those done such mod, incase accident, would void the insurance p.a, maybe ins agent can clarify this

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    • Betul-betul bodoh kalau ada yang buat begini…ada ka?

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    • Dong gor on Jun 03, 2018 at 5:14 pm

      After crash u still can steer? If u are that good of a driver, the crash would have been avoided on the first place

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    • Dumbo on Jun 03, 2018 at 7:08 pm

      Seriously??!! Our MOE has a lot of work to do.

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  • Angry bird on Jun 03, 2018 at 8:43 am

    That’s not good pin pointing at vehicle owners, if the said airbag is faulty, than selling the vehicle with the said airbag should be stopped. Is the vehicle inspection free. My salary is very lowlow. I service my vehicle by myself, cause sent my vehicle for first servicing. Said it was free engine oil and filter. After waiting for a while a customer service representative came to me and said about changing few parts. The car is brand new man. My first service caused my RM 650.(pakai pisau tumpul potong kepala) So second I did myself it caused arround rm150. So who’s going to bare the cost, vehicle owners. This will help earn car dealership more every year. Car owners/rakyat have to spend more on the process to renew roadtax.If the stuff is faulty loke should pump up the car makers who like to do business in Malaysia to make proper equipment to last longer. Cars nowdays are not cheap man. Rakyat who don’t have huge downpayment are forced to pay 9 years installment fuhh quite a long time. Government is charging big amount of tax for the cars. Please don’t press the rakyat. We are already suffering and suffocating. Finish our country debt first. Your 100 days manifesto kindly complete it the we talk about other stuff. Make our currency value 0.75MYR=1USD the rakyat will be spending less money. Then u can implement alot of stuff. So that the rakyat can keep our mouth shut cause the government let by pakatan have cleared malaysian debt an increased our currency value. Wow..think of that. Rakyat can spend less money. So until reaching that goal kindly stop all this.try to advise vehicle owners, to use seatbelt, drive in speed limit, brakes must be good.That’s all in my head.tq

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    • Better buy proton, safe plus cheap service and maintenace cost. Has turbo summore

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  • Annoynimouse on Jun 03, 2018 at 9:10 am

    No replacement for a human life. The small inconvenience shouldn’t be made an excuse by users. If this is the best solution for the time being, then I agree with it. I’m just surprised they didn’t announce it sooner.

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  • Jeeves on Jun 03, 2018 at 10:00 am

    100% support this. Safety first.

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  • JustAPotato on Jun 03, 2018 at 11:44 am

    My family owns one of the Honda city recalled by Honda Malaysia (HM). As we are the first hand buyer HM was able to contact us through email and phone calls. We managed to change the airbag very quickly.

    IMO HM has done what they could to replace as many faulty airbags as possible but it was the lack of driver details and reluctance from drivers to cooperate that makes the process slower.. The most recent fatality was mainly because HM couldn’t make contact with the driver. This is where the Ministry of Transport (MOT) should come in and facilitate, i.e. have an updated database of driver details and work with car manufacturers where necessary.

    The more important thing moving forward is MOT to develop SOPs to prevents these cars driving on the road, such as not passing puspakom inspection, no new car license etc. And btw, I think the MOT should have obtained the details of car directly from car manufacturers periodically. Drivers presenting the certificate of verification should be a second step in case the database is not yet updated.

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    • st3wp1d on Jun 04, 2018 at 11:12 am

      No issue of contact-ing the owner.
      encik…rekod di insurance agency kan ada, regardless u the first hand owner, 2nd 3rd.. (read:unless that car is not paying any road tax).
      ni sama ada HMT&others or jeypeejay pemalas, ownership change at puspakom pon lulus without hassle..

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      • JustAPotato on Jun 04, 2018 at 12:14 pm

        Yes there are records at insurance agencies. The question is are car manufacturers allowed to aquire these details without the consent of drivers? The answer is no because the financial industry is subjected to the personal data protection act (PDPA). Even without the Act, will you allow your insurer to give your personal details to someone else without letting you know? So… record memang ada… Tapi tak boleh share sini sana kepada sesiapa walaupun ada.. gov lah perlu workout a solution that allows these data to be stored securely and only share necessary info to the relavent parties where required for the benefit of all road users. And this points back to my earlier suggestion – MOT be the facilitator..

        Of course I do agree there are pemalas at certain places as you mentioned, so inilah juga MOT kena workout and filter out those ppl slowly..

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        • Thats what I advocated. HM cant get insurance details of owners but they can work with them car insurance agencies to send the notification to the latest address. This Loki only do stupid reaction which penalise the owners. So if HM takes 1 year to get the replacement parts, means cannot use car for 1 year kah? Think!

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          • Ur link has nothing to do with this case at all. What stupidity is this?

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          • Not related at all lah!

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  • TAI LOKE MEE on Jun 03, 2018 at 12:18 pm


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  • Lai yb on Jun 03, 2018 at 12:55 pm

    No matter how protective the car with airbag abs near collision autobrake etc.
    The most importance is drive safely and follow driving rules.
    This will not accident and no rupture airbag etc

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  • scyte on Jun 03, 2018 at 1:05 pm

    Actually this is a long overdue issue since 2015 and car manufacturers do play their parts to fix it via advertisement, email and call owners, roadshows and so on. Know the fact that airbag inflator inside the steering wheel when exploded may launch shrapnel at you. Don’t wait when knowing a gun pointing to you while you are driving and make the move to get it fix immediately. No point by pointing finger when human life is at risk. Owner just needs to make a booking and get it fix. For me this is the right move when ppl not aware or even dont care about the risk.

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  • To add on, can new ministry consider to enforce compulsory of child seat? Do it before its too late.

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  • sohai on Jun 03, 2018 at 2:10 pm

    I don’t understand… why need the certificate if JPJ can input the list of cars that haven’t changed the airbag?
    So need a blacklist in the system and also to sight the certificate at the same time? One of them is redundant.

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  • tkhengong on Jun 03, 2018 at 3:29 pm

    Honda’s customers’ database is not updated as and when the customer sold his vehicle. I traded in my Civic, the batch affected in the recall, for a VW Jetta. The trade in and transfer of ownership were handled by the VW dealer. However, I have been receiving repeated mailers from Honda to send my Civic to replace the airbag. Therein lies the problem of the recall. The move by the Transport Minister to stop JPJ from renewing the road-tax of affected Civics is certainly a good move.

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  • Ooi Su Jin on Jun 03, 2018 at 4:30 pm

    Well done! Proactive decision. Let them hate you but ppl will eventially know you are saving lives of drivers as well as road users!

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  • turborider on Jun 03, 2018 at 7:42 pm

    Every measure taken by goverment sure got people like and dislike, but no choice they have do it , can’t please everyone right?

    If Transport Minister said all cars (used/recon/new) need to send to puspakom for inspection yearly before roadtax can be renewed (To ensure cars is in good and safety condition), you guys ok meh?

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  • mike chiew on Jun 03, 2018 at 10:02 pm

    It’s a good move to protect the car owners unlike the previous Transport Minister that lacked the initiative to organize the airbag inflators replacement task.If all the registered cars that have not replaced them. JPJ should published the car numbers as soon as possible without delay so that the second hand cars buyers would get the message.

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  • Anoy23kat on Jun 04, 2018 at 12:06 am

    Too many methods already been in place to encourage car owners to replace faulty airbags. Anything that can stop these cars are great. It’s a time bomb. Anything can happen. Thank you Mr Loke. Someone with sensible solution. Nothing more important than saving a life. NOTHING.

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  • My case: my honda involved in an accident last year so need to swap in whole ‘new’ engine/gb also ‘new’ steering n airbags (halfcut).. so how since i’m still receiving reminder letters from honda to change my airbag?

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  • Faisal on Jun 04, 2018 at 11:25 am

    Totally agree. Worth the hassle if meant to save lives.

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  • lengzhai on Jun 04, 2018 at 11:59 am

    But why should this law troubles the one that already has replaced their airbags? Since the MOT will be inputting a list into theirs and JPJ system, they should know who has changed the defective airbags and who has not. So why should people who has replaced the airbags need to travel all the way to JPJ and waste time to renew our road tax manually? Why can’t we just renew our road tax online? So much hassle just because of a few lazy, stupid drivers who don’t value their lives and doesn’t want to change their faulty airbags…

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  • Vincent on Jun 04, 2018 at 12:01 pm

    One more possible temporary solution is, deactivate the airbag until the faulty unit is replace!

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  • pubgmobile on Jun 04, 2018 at 12:09 pm

    although it’s a good move from JPJ to avoid further fatality, they should however create a system where they can directly cross check with manufacturer without putting the hassle to user.
    they have the capacity to do so, why cant they

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  • Mr proper on Jun 06, 2018 at 6:23 am

    What about all the vellfires and alphards recons. Mr Loke csn you tell the car manufacturers to change the air bags too. Be fair to all. I’ve written email 1 year ago to Toyota about my affected recon 2008 vellfire air bag but until today No Reply from Toyota Malaysia. Can Mr Loke help me here????

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  • Mr fair on Jun 06, 2018 at 6:24 am

    What about all the vellfires and alphards recons. Mr Loke csn you tell the car manufacturers to change the air bags too. Be fair to all. I’ve written email 1 year ago to Toyota about my affected recon 2008 vellfire air bag but until today No Reply from Toyota Malaysia. Can Mr Loke help me here????

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  • I bought a reconditioned car from Japan, how to check my airbags had been changed or not?

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