Carlos Ghosn officially resigns from his roles at Renault – new chairman of the board and CEO named

Carlos Ghosn officially resigns from his roles at Renault – new chairman of the board and CEO named

Carlos Ghosn has resigned from his position as chairman and CEO of Renault, as confirmed by the French company’s board of directors following a meeting on January 24.

Renault’s board of directors also decided to put in place a new governance structure, one that will separate the functions of chairman of the board and CEO. Regarding the former, the board co-opted Jean-Dominique Senard as the new chairman of the board and director at Renault.

Aside from the usual duties as chairman, Senard will be tasked to evaluate and, if necessary, change Renault’s governance to ensure a smooth transition to the new structure.

Carlos Ghosn officially resigns from his roles at Renault – new chairman of the board and CEO named

He will also be given full responsibility in managing the Alliance on behalf of Renault, working together with Thierry Bolloré, the board appointed CEO. This includes being the primary contact person for Nissan and other Alliance partners regarding the organisation, evolution and proposals made within the Alliance.

Nissan has since issued a statement regarding the managerial changes at Renault, with company CEO Hiroto Saikawa saying, “We welcome these management changes at Renault. Over the past 20 years, each company has respected the other’s identity and autonomy, and by combining our strengths we have created synergies and achieved profitable growth.

“These mutually beneficial activities will not change in any way; in fact, we believe they need to accelerate. We are very pleased to be able to open a new chapter in our historic partnership,” he added.

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Gerard Lye

Originating from the corporate world with a background in finance and economics, Gerard’s strong love for cars led him to take the plunge into the automotive media industry. It was only then did he realise that there are more things to a car than just horsepower count.



  • Not Toyota Fan on Jan 25, 2019 at 12:24 pm

    How the mighty (Carlos) has fallen. Greed, one of the seven deadly sins.

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  • Too bad for Renault & Nissan losing him. He came and save both brands yet this is how they treated him. At least Renault backed him til the end since he din do anything wrong in their books.
    But now hes available, Geely shud grab him aboard immediately. With his performance, he can take Geely, P1, Mesidis, VolvoCar, VolvoTruck, Lotus, L&C to challenge the world like how Renault Nissan challenged Toyota & GM.
    This is his destiny.

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  • macampondan on Jan 25, 2019 at 6:46 pm

    from hero to zero

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    • JOACHIM on Jan 25, 2019 at 11:36 pm

      Heroes always end up getting backstabbed,proving once more that real heroes are not welcomed in this world and only despicables that masked themselves as saviours will thrive.

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  • Siraj on Jan 26, 2019 at 10:00 am

    Carlos Ghosn is most brilliant auto man of the auto industry. He made a good decision to resign as the stupid Japanese want to keep him in jail until his case comes up. He did not want to disturb Renault management and the alliance management. I feel it is a coup by Japan incorporated. Japanese legal system is from the samurai era. Shame of such poor legal system in this day and time. Once Carlos is acquitted , many car companies will be lining up with better pay package than Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi to get him. He has the best vision for the auto industry especially by betting on EVs bypassing the intermediate step of hybrid and Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi is a few years ahead on EV compared to other auto companies. And he is a top class leader. God bless him.

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