New highway to bypass Menora Tunnel gets approval from Perak government – Gopeng to Kuala Kangsar

New highway to bypass Menora Tunnel gets approval from Perak government – Gopeng to Kuala Kangsar

The Perak state government has approved the construction of a 64-km highway from Gopeng to Kuala Kangsar, which will bypass the 800-metre Menora Tunnel on the North-South Expressway, as reported by Bernama.

According to Perak menteri besar Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamand, the new route would be slightly longer, but it would take users less time to travel as it avoids the hilly Keledang Range. More importantly, the project is said reduce the number of road accidents, which the Menora Tunnel has gained a bad reputation for.

“The state government supports the proposal as it is under private finance initiative and would not be using government funds,” said Saarani, although he did not name the firm responsible for the project.

“In one year, the company has succeeded in meeting the public works department (JKR) and the Public Private Partnership Unit (UKAS) for further discussions. The company has received approval from the government since April and would take two years to obtain a financier and for land acquisition,” he added.

FMT reported that checks show a project for the West Ipoh Span Expressway being financed entirely by East Coast Road Sdn Bhd. The RM5.75 billion toll highway will be a dual three-lane carriageway with a dedicated motorcycle lane. It will also have three interchanges, at Gopeng, Siputeh and Kuala Kangsar, as well as four rest and service areas.

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Gerard Lye

Originating from the corporate world with a background in finance and economics, Gerard’s strong love for cars led him to take the plunge into the automotive media industry. It was only then did he realise that there are more things to a car than just horsepower count.



  • no use building new roads but rakyat mentality still the same.

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  • Rakyat Malaysia on May 17, 2022 at 7:04 pm

    Another boo boo from the ever blundering BN UMNO govt. The Menora Tunnel is alr a bypass, and now the local akal pendek clan is building another bypass to bypass an existing bypass. This country has no future, being ruled by this geng of plundering 1Mdb crooks. Say NO to BN UMNO,

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 38 Thumb down 54
    • Gabriel on May 17, 2022 at 8:23 pm

      And you want to give those involve in the penang tunnel opportunity to lead the govt again? Hell no. They are even worst. Look at the flooded bukit kukus elevated highway and the recently flooded with seawater esplanade. Both in penang. We are not blind.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 63 Thumb down 13
    • Casual reader on May 18, 2022 at 3:23 am

      Dont be stupid. Before u hentam BN UMNO, go find out who governs Perak. Hint: not BN UMNO *cough* PH/PN *cough* blundering PH/PN *cough* say NO to PH/PN? *cough*

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 9
    • Ahliumno on May 25, 2022 at 8:07 am

      Hidup umno..

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    • Fixie on May 17, 2023 at 3:17 am

      But why should this be an issue if it is entirely financed by private money? If they are not making profit from it, it’s their problem. Nothing to do with the government finances.

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  • ROTI CANAI on May 17, 2022 at 8:54 pm

    more highways? at the expense of more forests. bravo.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 25 Thumb down 14
    • Casual reader on May 18, 2022 at 3:25 am

      So u prefer accidents with buses n trailers careening down hitting many cars to continue?

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 20
      • ROTI CANAI on May 18, 2022 at 8:44 pm

        how is building more roads going to solve this issue? the problem is with the buses and trailers themselves

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  • (I foresee this comment getting disliked bomb)

    We already have roads connecting states together

    Now I much rather invest the money allocated to this project to build more walkable, more livable towns within states

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 2
    • Pak toh on May 18, 2022 at 9:21 am

      This new private funded 64km highway,
      Less slope, easier for truck,

      Create even better connectivity between states.
      It will help town development.

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 1
  • Kalau mau pakai akal ph lagi pendek, the most pund*k government, luckily this pund*k government only survive 22months

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 11
  • Mr. Sotong on May 18, 2022 at 9:33 am

    They should just stop trucks weighing above 5 tonnes from using the tunnel.

    There is already an existing old road that they can improve and make it more suitable for heavy vehicles.

    I really don’t know what they are trying to solve by building another bypass other than opportunity to collect more tolls.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 2
    • Truckers on May 18, 2022 at 12:30 pm

      FYI quite many cheapskate haulers will use trunk roads and not concerned on the comfort of us overworked truckers but for certain mission critical goods like foodstuffs, perishables, Covid19 vaccines, such transporters will have no choice but to use the highway and the danger is going from menora tunnel downhill to the toll gates. The proposed bypass will help to keep the trucks going but making it safer for everyone and us truckers.

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    • Fixie on May 17, 2023 at 3:19 am

      But why should we care when it’s private money? If some investors want to invest building highway, not touching any public fund at all. Why should this be an issue?

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  • Dad Vibes on May 18, 2022 at 4:20 pm

    If you want to use it, you pay the toll. If you refuse, use the old road or through Menora Tunnel. If you think this is affecting the forests etc, just view the hills from Penang Bridge and how they butcher the environment. My point is if you want modernity and development, the environment would be definitely compromised. And not to mention politicians worship money.

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  • Simon Loo on May 19, 2022 at 7:51 am

    Ayoh! Build! Build! Build! Malaysia seems to be “Build Kaki”! Surely someone must remember there is already the E32 (West Coast Expressway/Taiping–Banting Highway)??? Does this not provide a by-pass for the Menira Tunnel in question ??? Please read up – supposed to be (delayed) completed by 2024, but unsure of current 2022 status. Seems like our government are really addicted to building mega projects, (regardless of who funds it)! No wonder Singapore is miles ahead of Malaysia!

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    • Yes. It should be gopeng to WCE. Forget kuala kangsar. After kk there are still steep inclines that causes long queues. We need to cut number of trucks using menora tunnel.
      Most trucks are between KL to penang anyway.

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  • Biasa la.. build highway… B/N senang dpt duit. Senang boleh ambil duit dari private call ras##ah dari dulu sampai skrg.. ini cerita.. so skrg pakai la china.. fun.. kena tangkap charge in makhamah tutup case… mcm sammy vellu pantun .. hari ini htr semalam sampai.. hari ini buat ras##ah.. semalam lepas. Biasa la..
    Suruh BN tengok jalan raya dlm ipoh lubang sini lubang sana .. tak pernah repair.. sampai rakyat damage kenderaan. Tyre punched, rakyat jatuh.. apa peduli.. janji saya bina highway .. alasan skrg kemalangan.

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    • Jalan raya di perak memang teruk…dari tanjung malim- taiping-simpang empat (jalan raya persekutuan #1) teruk sungguh…tampal serupa tempek tak serupa turap. Kerana dr pengalaman menggunakan jalan ini dr kl ke kedah memang menyakitkan hati. Bukan sahaja merosakkan suspensi malah menyebabkan mentol terbakar dek kerana hentaman jalan berlubang atau tak rata. Kena saman lagi sebab lampu terbakar!!!! Jalan di highway tak dibuatnya roadblok!!! Ops selamat konon!! Jalan tu yg tak selamat!!! JKJR lagi tido, makan gaji buta!!! Mana spek jalan yg selamt???.jalan ada yg bergelap (di tempat sepatutnya berlampu), tiada line, tiada papan tanda amaran, tiada pemantul cahaya..apa taraf jalan persekutuan dengan negeri??? Jalan di Lebuh raya pantai timur pun dalam negeri perak teruk gila khinzir…macam kena bom sana sini. Ye la JKR punyalah Kerja Rajin di main tampal, tampal, tampal….sampai dah tak nampak rupa jalan. Dah sepanjang jalan bertampal, p la turap sepenuhnya.!!!

      Kerajaan kalau tak de duit…buat tol la senang. Kita pakat2 bagi duit bagi jalan elok2. Ni lagi2 bina highway baru!!!! Jalan lama tak ditambah baik dan dibaiki dengan baik!!! Pengguna yg tak nak guna highway guna jalan lama macam mana???!!! Jangan cakap la kalau tak mo guna highway guna jalan lama laaa kalau jalan lama macam H@r@m jadeh!!!! Kami memang tak guna highway..kami pengguna jalan lama
      Ambik perhatian kpd ahli politaik!!! Anda memang tak akan merasa sebab KERETA MEWAH anda tak kan merasai jalan teruk ini!!! Lebih2 lagi pegawai yg menggunakan harta kerajaan tak payah pikir duit nak merepair kerta rosak..semua claim…kami pengguna jalan lama yg nazak!!! Sampai bila kami nak tanggung??? AMANAH KAMU KAMI TAGIH DIAKHIRAT KELAK!!! Rasailah pengalaman pemanduan di jalan lama. Oh ya sesuai la dgn tema kempen MELANCONG sekarang kannn…tapi gunalah kenderaan marhain spy myvi(lama) kancil atau iswara. . ..(dulu ketua JKR tu merasai jalan lama dengan naik BAS…kepala hotak dia naik bas nak rasa lubang apa. Dah tu bila ada Politaik cedera sebab jalan berlubang cepat2 dia berlutut mintak maaf…kalau rakyat biasa dah TERKORBAN pun dia buat POYO saja…

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      • Rahim Sharifudeen on May 22, 2022 at 1:01 pm

        Instead of another by-pass why not make all highways 4 lanes or more to reduce unwanted jam.

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  • The stretch should be extended to Kapar instead of Gopeng, to reduce chances of accidents at the accident-prone Tempurung Cave area.
    This would not only make the travel distance shorter compared to the original route. Kampar district will in turn, benefits from the new expressway, due to better accessibility.

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