Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia launches special ‘UN’ number plates – ‘UN1’ bidding price starts fr RM800k

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia launches special ‘UN’ number plates – ‘UN1’ bidding price starts fr RM800k

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), in collaboration with the ministry of transport and road transport department (JPJ), has launched a special ‘UN’ number plate series, echoing what other local universities have done in the past.

Approval for the use of UN number plates was given to USIM in March and the launch coincides with the university’s 23rd anniversary this year. At yesterday’s event, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was also signed betweenUSIM Tijarah Holdings (a subsidiary of USIM) and Aquatwo, which will be responsible for the marketing, financial management, promotion as well as sales and bidding of the UN number plate series.

Bidding starts today via a dedicated online portal and will continue until June 25, 2023, with the available plate numbers being divided into several categories with differing starting bid amounts. The lowest starting bid is RM1,500 for regular four-digit plates, while the most expensive is the single-digit ‘UN1’ that starts at RM800,000.

Other single-digit plates like ‘UN2’ to ‘UN9’ start from RM300,000, while ‘UN10’ is from RM150,000. Unique plates like ‘UN805’ and ‘UN8055’ are from RM20,000 for the “bosses” out there. USIM estimates the collection from the sales of the UN plate series to total around RM4 million.

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Gerard Lye

Originating from the corporate world with a background in finance and economics, Gerard’s strong love for cars led him to take the plunge into the automotive media industry. It was only then did he realise that there are more things to a car than just horsepower count.



  • Ben Yap on Jun 14, 2023 at 11:54 am

    wow! USIM also learn from anthony to make money from sales of number plates.

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    • Civic Turbo 2018 on Jun 14, 2023 at 1:58 pm

      UN = United Nation?

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    • Bilderburg extraordinary members on Jun 15, 2023 at 3:17 pm

      Institution of higher education needs much funding to provide scholarship or an hidden agenda to preach radical dogmas to society?

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  • UNimpressed!

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  • Kea Was on Jun 14, 2023 at 12:20 pm

    I don’t get it how does USIM have anything to do with UN since none of the alphabet starts or ends with N.

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    • Ahmad on Jun 14, 2023 at 1:54 pm

      N for negeri sembilan perhaps..

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      • Razify on Jun 25, 2023 at 8:27 pm

        UN for USIM since it located at NS N is for NS not Nilai. Same goes to UR for UMPerlis as R is for Perlis. UG for UPSI as the Uni of Guru

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    • Ahmad on Jun 14, 2023 at 2:00 pm

      N for negeri sembilan perhaps

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      • Kea Was on Jun 14, 2023 at 2:39 pm

        Possibly but if it is (US) instead then surely some expat can’t wait to get their hands on them paying handsomely for good numbers.

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    • hazri on Jun 21, 2023 at 11:50 pm

      usim located in nilai. so maybe UN = university in Nilai.

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    • Razify on Jun 25, 2023 at 8:28 pm

      UN for USIM since it located at NS N is for NS not Nilai. Same goes to UR for UMPerlis as R is for Perlis. UG for UPSI as the Uni of Guru. Can google for others

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  • dumb ppl but these plates on Jun 14, 2023 at 12:30 pm

    bodoh. these fancy plates makes it too easy to target your car and family.

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  • AkooIm on Jun 14, 2023 at 1:45 pm

    So how much for UNTA…?

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  • Andrew on Jun 14, 2023 at 1:54 pm

    then the proceeds go where?

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  • t333son on Jun 14, 2023 at 1:57 pm

    I can’t help but feel we are getting more superficial then ever with most things done for show without much substance. Take JPJ for instance, spending more time with making obscene amount of money from fancy number plates (e.g. UN1 starting at RM800k which is equivalent to 44 years of income for someone on minimum wage ) instead of enforcing the law to make driving safer for all. 1 in 3 cars have something illegal with it such as dark tint and illegal plates and mods. Imagine this, a victim of crime will hv no way of memorizing any number plates or seeing the driver.. in the past, number plates have meaning where the alphabets can help one identify the state registered and the year . Now it is impossible. you can merrily drive around in a fictitious plate series and no one is the wiser..

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    • I fully agree with you. With all the income generated by JPJ through number plates sale, they could easily invest into revamping our license plates supply through official channel. Singapore, Thailand and even Indonesia has implemented license plate only through official government agencies. Here in Malaysia, you can go to any Kedai Accessori kereta to get your number plates made. That’s why there’s a lot of fraudulent plates and fancy illegal fonts out there. Enforcement is harder once a crime happens.

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    • Ben Yap on Jun 14, 2023 at 3:26 pm

      now government got kpi to make money. if cannot earn from number plates, then remove more subsidies and tax T20 more. if all fails and still need money, then will find something else that is profitable to tax like vape and maybe in future tax on junk food in the name of reducing obesity.

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      • st3wp1d on Jun 14, 2023 at 6:58 pm

        Bilalah action untuk “menstandardkan” nombor plat kenderaan malaysia ni nak dilaksanakan ye?

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  • @NotBruceWayne on Jun 14, 2023 at 2:08 pm

    Can register for East Msia – UN1K meh?

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  • I thought there will be no more fancy plate bidding? What’s going on here?

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  • KeteCapAyam on Jun 14, 2023 at 2:30 pm

    Scammmm is the name of the game, doesn’t make you a UN rep

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  • If USIM expect to generate RM4 million in sales of number plates, how much did they tender /paid JPJ for this project? A lot of companies/NGOs make money out of nothing and the income is not taxed or worst case, even money-laundered. It’s equivalent to getting government contracts without tendering.

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  • Hue hue hue on Jun 14, 2023 at 5:30 pm

    RM1,500 gila ke.. FF pun rm300 je

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  • Raja Kamarul on Jun 14, 2023 at 5:37 pm

    I am OK with unique plates, but the plates themselves must be issued by the government. We cannot allow silly ans illegal plate customisations by car owners.

    The commercial value is good for income. Such unique private numbers like UN generate income for JPJ too. If I am not mistaken, to take a series private, there is a minimum RM1 mil for the promoter to pay to JPJ, plus they make a commission from each plate sold.

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  • Sohai on Jun 15, 2023 at 8:15 am

    The sales target is higher than FF series… too ambitious. Regular number starts rm1500.
    The university lacks statistician?

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  • Wow.. number plates business.

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  • Squid on Jun 15, 2023 at 9:40 am

    UN should protest this. That is their number which they use all over the world.

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  • Whatlah on Jun 15, 2023 at 3:38 pm

    The link to the portal showing “Harap maaf “ wei.
    Sure or not can bid one… scam is it?

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  • Haidi on Jun 15, 2023 at 7:58 pm

    Their website is still down. What a shame USIM.

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  • hazri on Jun 15, 2023 at 10:55 pm

    the very special plate for all walaun and walauntit. can put this to your mercedes, avanza, alza, innova. feel pity for usim alumni. while all the universities use full name but usim choose to be un – which is meaning “not”.

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    • Nanas on Jun 17, 2023 at 6:46 am

      U for Universiti
      N for Negeri

      Open for all to bid. If use USIM, do you think more public will bid?

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      • hazri on Jun 21, 2023 at 11:48 pm

        dont be so serious dude. it just sarcasm. well, nothing change if use UN rather than USIM. it just show how usim have no confidence at all to use their university brand name. lowest starting bid at rm1500? what a joke.

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  • ROTI CANAI on Jun 19, 2023 at 7:34 pm

    this nonsense is back

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  • Haidi on Jun 21, 2023 at 5:16 pm

    Funny, until today, their website is still not available.

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  • Nur Md Rofick Arkani on Jul 03, 2023 at 11:12 pm

    I want to study

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