Mitsubishi i-MiEV police car trial in the UK


Some UK police departments will begin trialling Mitsubishi i-MiEV police cars, starting with the West Midlands police department in December 2009. A small zero emissions city car like this will be perfect as a patrol vehicle, zooming around quietly and cleanly through neighbourhoods watching out for any baddies. The i-MiEV has a 160km radius with decent driving behaviours, and a 120km/h top speed. Over here in Malaysia I think we used to use Kancils as these short distance patrol cars but I rarely see them in my area anymore – all the cops use Wajas here in Cheras.

[zenphotopress number=99 album=543]

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • redfueler on Oct 07, 2009 at 10:35 am

    now cop using kancil 4 chasing mat rempit c70 in kampong2.. haha

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  • Kevin Lee on Oct 07, 2009 at 2:40 pm

    Kancil's are pretty apparent in smaller rural areas and constituency, but yes, 660cc kancil ftw!

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  • azrai on Oct 07, 2009 at 3:39 pm

    Nothing to impress about. Our PDRM already using Kancil before.

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  • ALPINA_BMW on Oct 07, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    azrai: u bodoh, this is electric lah, kancil is suicidal polution vehicle. they shud introduce BMW 7 series electric cars for patrol too

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  • 1 Malaysia on Oct 07, 2009 at 5:48 pm

    good choice for our police to use waja, better than using imported one to save cost.

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  • This 1 for going around town writing summons only la.. dun imagine till so far.

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  • ezmil on Oct 07, 2009 at 6:51 pm

    1 Malaysia: I know u are being patriotic about the choice of police car. But, buying a police car is like our army buy an armoured vehicle. The vehicle should satisfy the needs of the police in term of speed, handling and cost. In the past, our police used to make vehicle trials on several types of make and model before accepting it into the force. Well, that is before Proton. Nowadays, the police have to accept the Waja not because it is the best, but it is a national car. Our guys in blue have many complaint about the Waja performance as a patrol car, but they have to accept the fact that they are stuck with Waja or any Proton car for a long time with no chance for replacement. BTW, if our police buy vehicles for their force, it is tax free so there is not much difference in cost if we buy imported car.

    Police should be given a free hand in choosing suitable police car in the future.

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  • I'd love to see how the police catch up to the street racers in malaysia.

    Heck, even the wiralution can outrun the Wajas by a mile before being on the verge of blowing up.

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  • bmpower on Oct 07, 2009 at 7:12 pm

    savvy electric anyone?

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  • Those Waja police cars of ours cannot handle high speed chase…seen once before and our PDRM lost the race @ Sri Hartmas…that's y they got those Evo X as high speed patrol cars.

    FYI I still see PDRM Kancils here in SJ.

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  • Simon Seow on Oct 07, 2009 at 8:37 pm

    Well, we got a fleet of Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X police car in Shah Alam.

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  • farghmee on Oct 07, 2009 at 9:12 pm


    polis dun need high expensive car for city chase. hiway is different story.

    it is wiser if they can fully use aerial survaillance.

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  • FreeuMoney on Oct 07, 2009 at 9:47 pm

    Nice police car…

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  • mystvearn on Oct 07, 2009 at 11:36 pm

    Zero emissions will not work in Malaysia caause the cost is not viable yet. Its a luxury only rich nations can afford.

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  • pirates on Oct 08, 2009 at 12:07 am

    Nice car esp.4 the city. As for our PDRM its not the car that's an issue.

    We need more PDRM force monitoring the streets and highway as well.

    Their mere presence would deter anyone from breaking the rules.

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  • Police usually have two types of cars. One for ordinary patrol and another for high speed chase.

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  • donno on Oct 08, 2009 at 1:32 am

    ALPINA_BMW, please comment with some manners…

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  • Budak IRB on Oct 08, 2009 at 1:39 am

    120km top speed not enough to pursuit law breaker.Not relevant in Malaysia than Australia caused per Capita income in Malaysia quite low.Need more times to study the type of this car if we are willing using it for the futures.

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  • fauzi on Oct 08, 2009 at 3:17 am

    If our BOMBA get this car…
    for sure i will apply for fireman, not just in case of fire i use this car even for catch snake or to bring down cat from the three i will used this car.I think PLUS should get this GTR firecar too, then i can joint PLUS boleh la ronda dari JB sampai bukit kayu hitam tiap-tiap hari.

    * Mr Paul sayangku tolong delete saya punya komen lagi.

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  • ALPINA_BMW don't simple call people bodoh, you are not that smart either.

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  • Simon Seow said,

    October 7, 2009 @ 12:37 pm

    'Well, we got a fleet of Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X police car in Shah Alam.'

    Won't help too much against this one:

    At the end of the video you can see how it overtakes a EVO…

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  • good car for the city. electric or hybrids.

    highways, stick to evo x.

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  • azrai on Oct 08, 2009 at 7:29 pm

    Our MPV (mobile police vehicle) are used for patrolling and not merely for high speed chase juast like the americans. That's why we use even kancil for the PDRM. You realised when police present is aware people tend to bend to the rules. So this is nothing new except for a electric car.

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  • kremer on Oct 08, 2009 at 8:00 pm

    jeram n kuala selangor polis still use kancil, easy on the kampung road, n last time i saw they go after mat rempit manyak laju woooooo …salute the polis very brave and confident with the kancil conditions…

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  • Leonardo on Oct 08, 2009 at 10:20 pm

    At the moment this small National car will have to do. Not viable to have EVs yet since there are no supporting facilities or companies.

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  • aus persona on Oct 15, 2009 at 4:30 pm

    to ezmil..1stly sorry im use malay version huehuehue..mmg betol waja tu kereta national…mana2 negara pengeluar kereta akan gunakan kereta national mrk sebagai kereta peronda. jd tak salah rasanya malaysia gunakan waja…lagi pown dari segi selengara dan penggunaan minyak amat sesuai kerana jimat tapi ingat waja ada jd kereta peronda utk negara lain eh jgn tak tau pulak..buat masa nie cukup la malaysia dah ada evo X dan juga volvo s80 tu kan..ok la tu drpd tak der…dan apa yg pasti selama nie polis dpt banteras jenayah dgn waja je…kerana mereka mmg berani dan terlatih….tp marah jugak bila aku kene tahan heheheheh.

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