Team Lotus describes Turkish GP showing as ‘Solid Progression’ – looks forward to big update in Barcelona

Team Lotus describes Turkish GP showing as ‘Solid Progression’ – looks forward to big update in Barcelona

Team Lotus set out to challenge the midfield teams and score points this season, but it has not materialised so far. While the T128 is comfortably ahead of Cosworth powered newcomers Virgin and HRT, they are yet to rival teams like Toro Rosso (Buemi scored points), Force India and the struggling Williams in pace.

However, Team Lotus is happy with this weekend’s results, where both Jarno Trulli (18th) and Heikki Kovalainen (19th) finished. Heikki’s best lap of 1:32.695 was slightly under three seconds slower than the fastest lap of the race done by Mark Webber. Branding the Turkish showing ‘Solid Progression’, the team is looking forward to the next race in Barcelona, where the car will receive a “big update”, according to tech chief Mike Gascoyne.

Team Lotus describes Turkish GP showing as ‘Solid Progression’ – looks forward to big update in Barcelona

Trulli for one is confident that they will turn the corner in two weeks time. “The result today doesn’t really show how we have improved our performance so I think that when we get to Barcelona with the whole new package on the car we’ll really be able to fight with the midfield teams,” he said.

Team boss Tony Fernandes sounds contented in his post race statement. “The whole team is excited about the updates we have for Barcelona, but for now I am very pleased with this weekend. Here in Turkey last year neither car finished so this is another positive development in our growth. We keep making small steps and moving forward and that has always been the plan – grow in a measured, controlled way that gives us the best foundations for future success.”

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Danny Tan

Danny Tan loves driving as much as he loves a certain herbal meat soup, and sweet engine music as much as drum beats. He has been in the auto industry since 2006, previously filling the pages of two motoring magazines before joining this website. Enjoys detailing the experience more than the technical details.



  • Wow they call that a progress. I say that was a waste of money and time, they should join GP2 instead. and both the drivers should drive for other better teams.

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    • trav_da_man on May 09, 2011 at 10:47 am

      Well they did by forming Team Air Asia in GP2 which is the sister team to TL. Both teams based in Hingham where TL is based too. Too bad last weekend in GP2 Team AA didnt do well despite they have a former GP2 asia series champion as one of the drivers.

      Sometimes i do agree where silence is gold, just like vijay mallya, who owns force india and also another rich entreprenuer just like Tony Fernandes. At least Vijay hardly make noise unlike Tony.

      Unless their update in Spain didnt help to score points, for now, i remain neutral on this.

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  • quit F1 on May 09, 2011 at 8:34 am

    amazing positive thinking despite crap results so far……forever in the top 3…if u were to start counting in reverse….c mon guys it is the results that counts!

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    • squall_shinoda on May 09, 2011 at 3:32 pm

      If that’s the case then getting last place also TF considers as “very good progress”. TF should at least be aware that the Malaysian name is already gambled.

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  • meet_the _zonan on May 09, 2011 at 8:38 am

    after millions of dolar spend on p1 paycheck, TF compare performance with last year result.. what a pathetic statement..

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    • Jonnie on May 09, 2011 at 9:13 am

      So you mean no need to try at all? What is wrong with giving self some motivation? Not like it is your money. People like you will never reach the moon.

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  • Michael dunno to rock on May 09, 2011 at 9:05 am


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  • Jonnie on May 09, 2011 at 9:12 am

    It is their time and their money, so what?

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    • better use that money to upgrade the service of air asia, or donate to poor ppl

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      • Bujang Lapuk on May 12, 2011 at 6:27 pm

        Thing is, we can’t dictate how a person spends his money can we? You put forth a good argument though.

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  • squall_shinoda on May 09, 2011 at 9:15 am

    Just scoring two other bottom places and yet TF calls this a “progress”…? What a sick joke.

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  • SeriuosSAM on May 09, 2011 at 9:22 am

    ahhhh… this is the great way to banish all that monday blues
    let start emo commenting mode


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  • sometimes silent is gold

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  • macha ray on May 09, 2011 at 9:40 am

    MR TONY….
    just blame the BN as your excuse…
    many people can accept that

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  • Zzzz… Please wake me up when their score their first point Zzzzz…

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    • errrk…never in a a million years?
      now you can sleep forever.

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    • confused on May 09, 2011 at 2:41 pm

      yeah… u can now sleep forever. wait till TF score point then only he will kiss u to wake u up.. lolz..

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  • SpeakUp on May 09, 2011 at 10:13 am

    Wow … Tony can really spin la … he is at the back of the pack … if in the next race only 8 cars finish and he brings up the back, he will say “YES!!!! WE ARE NOW MID FIELD TEAMS!”

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    • east43street on May 09, 2011 at 10:46 pm

      Spinning alone won’t win F1. Try to spin the worst paymaster in F1 la.

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  • confused on May 09, 2011 at 10:30 am

    yap yap yap~

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  • racefans on May 09, 2011 at 10:35 am

    couldn’t imagine if they have podium finish *winks*
    again TF, good self motivating thought.. promising to be better from one GP to another GP..
    hopefully at the end of the season, average placing for both of your drivers is 14th and 15th.. if can get top ten, that will be better

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  • tokmoh on May 09, 2011 at 11:01 am

    Fuh fuh… now that sounds better. No more poking at the other Lotus.

    Well well, I’d wait for the update… we’ll see how much improvement it brings

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  • Team Lotus describes Turkish GP showing as ‘Solid Progression’……mmmmm my turd (also known as shit najis tahi) are solid too…………..

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  • For Maserati on May 09, 2011 at 11:24 am

    Is really “Mahu Muka”, I will think if after Barcelona still the same poor result, what he will explain? Big Update!!!!!!, will wait and see, even Mercedes can’t told us “Big Update” after get P5 yesterday race.

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  • i dunno wat happen. they got renault engine, Redbull gearbox (if im not mistaken) or maybe redbull technology inside. but still no improvement?
    what went wrong? perhaps mike is the one.

    they always have the hydraulic problem and i think the aerodynamic package is worst..

    drivers? they were experience drivers.

    look at luizzi, be4 this he drove Force india and were in the middle place. then transfer to HRT, he’s the last driver! so drivers is not the problem. it’s more on aerodynamic package TL have right now and some other part.

    good engine but poor performance? lol

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  • gonggok on May 09, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    Yes there’s something wrong with the car, half the car is the same as what Vettel drives (renault engine and red bull gearbox) but the lotus is much slower.

    Aero is the most likely culprit.

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  • SeriuosSAM on May 09, 2011 at 2:34 pm

    maybe tony should consider to replace mike with sam micheal and Jon Tomlinson if team lotus can’t reach their target this year

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    • Bujang Lapuk on May 09, 2011 at 4:52 pm

      Could Rory Byrne come out of retirement?

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      • seriusSAM on May 09, 2011 at 5:21 pm

        haha.. only if poor tony can summon him I guess…

        by the way he’s not that bad during his time at ferrari

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        • Bujang Lapuk on May 12, 2011 at 6:25 am

          lol not that bad is an understatement, isn’t it? but it was partly down to Michael Schumacher as well :)

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  • gascoyne has never been able to come up with the package. i think once he had a big budget with toyota (the biggest in the game then) but did not show anything for it.

    now with a team with a much smaller budget…not sure what can he achieve.

    but the point rgds the renault engine/gearbox is significant…they should be challenging higher up the grid.

    still, give them some time la ppl,…but at least the real lotus is doing not too bad

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  • M3 M3 M3 , more M3 pls!

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  • monggo on May 09, 2011 at 10:05 pm

    Why is TF trying to bullsh*t us malaysians all the time? His pre-season comments & promises (challenging the mid-pack teams) are not materializing so far. I agree with some of the people here, be like Vijay Mallya & prove to us with your actions. Don’t be a bloody NATO (No Action Talk Only) or in a malay saying, Tin Kosong.

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    • east43street on May 09, 2011 at 10:44 pm

      The way he got Air Asia up also at the expense of MAS. Took the good domestic routes and gave back the unprofitable routes. With a lot of politicking he can do that la. But this is F1. No politicking here, just pure technology, performance and a hell lot of cash to throw. No more free ride on other ppl expense. So TF, prove me wrong.

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    • hagimaru on May 10, 2011 at 10:06 am

      that’s normal in malaysia.. always NATO especially for men.. talking like a hero but actually he’s a zero.. why wasting your time concerning all these matters.. go & find lots of money are much better to do!

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  • anand on May 09, 2011 at 10:08 pm

    team lontong

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  • monggo on May 09, 2011 at 10:13 pm

    When is TF gonna wake up & realize that Mike is taking us malaysians for a cheap ride. Renault engine, Red Bull gearbox but with Mike’s aero package = a piece of crap

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  • east43street on May 09, 2011 at 10:55 pm

    The ‘solid progression’ is just the usual spinning by TF. Fact, when you are bringing big updates, other teams are bringing much bigger updates. So you remain in the same place or worst.

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