SST: Perodua car prices reduced by up to RM1.7k

SST: Perodua car prices reduced by up to RM1.7k

Perodua has announced that the prices for selected models are down between 1-3% with the reintroduction of the sales and services tax (SST) against prices inclusive of the 6% goods and services tax (GST). The SST replaces the previous GST, which was zero-rated from June 1.

“Based on the new tax structure, almost all Perodua models see price reductions compared to the GST price structure. We wish to thank all Malaysians, especially our 3.3 million valued customers who have chosen Perodua as their brand of choice. We will continue to offer the best value in the Malaysian market with our new prices,” said Perodua Sales managing director Datuk Zahari Husin.

“On Perodua’s service and parts, we will continue to give competitive pricing to our customers. We truly appreciate the unwavering support the people have shown for our products and services, and will continue to improve ourselves for our customers,” added Zahari.

SST: Perodua car prices reduced by up to RM1.7k

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As a recap, the Royal Malaysian Customs Department had previously issued a statement clarifying reports on cars being exempt from sales tax (SST). The goods that are exempt from SST are components for CKD assembly, and not the CKD cars themselves. The finished product, which is the car, is still liable for SST.

Prior to the return of the SST, the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) stated that car prices are likely to go up with SST. Its president Datuk Aishah Ahmad had previously said, “when GST was introduced, prices went down for most car models, so from GST to SST you know for sure that there will be a price increase.” Clearly this isn’t the case for Perodua, but we’ll have to wait for other car companies to release their new price lists to see what’s what.

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Gerard Lye

Originating from the corporate world with a background in finance and economics, Gerard’s strong love for cars led him to take the plunge into the automotive media industry. It was only then did he realise that there are more things to a car than just horsepower count.



  • alldisc on Sep 03, 2018 at 1:10 pm

    Keke challenge is gone, let’s take this as P2 challenge. To other car distributors in malaysia let’s see your pricings.

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    • Rakyat Malaysia on Sep 03, 2018 at 2:33 pm

      Rakyat proven & made the right decision. Bravo!!

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    • Graduan Bijak on Sep 03, 2018 at 2:54 pm

      Saya tak nak pening kepala, tak payah fikir2, beli jer Perodua.

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      • Graduan tempatan x sapot kereta tempatan

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        • Nak support camna, aku yang bukan grduan beli keta lama 10 tahun pun takde rosak (jenama jepun) kalau pakai proton???? lama dah nak kena tukar tu tukar ni..comfort pun setakat proton 1-2 tu boleh celen silap2 menang :) walupun dah lama.

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  • Mat salleh on Sep 03, 2018 at 1:25 pm

    Ok nice

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  • Azmyl on Sep 03, 2018 at 1:37 pm


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  • Mitchel on Sep 03, 2018 at 1:43 pm

    Claims that car prices are 1-3% cheaper with SST compared to GST but doesn’t give the price list to show said price.

    Way to go P2

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    • This One Comment Is Dumb on Sep 03, 2018 at 5:24 pm

      You want to compare just go to P2 showroom.. I believe all P2 SAs still keep the previous price list and new price lists.. Or goggle their website. What a dumb comment.

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  • Waiting to see comments from Perodua haters.

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  • maslan on Sep 03, 2018 at 1:51 pm

    after GST, Perodua car prices down further

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    • MenteriPasola101 on Sep 03, 2018 at 2:27 pm

      This one further down from GST price down

      So how?

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    • SARCASM on Sep 03, 2018 at 3:23 pm

      He he he. I’m perplex that you get 6 like at the time of posting for saying “after GST”!!! Truly amazing.

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  • PERODUA BEST on Sep 03, 2018 at 2:09 pm

    Leads by example

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  • Price list mana? Down 1-3% from 0% GST or 6% GST?

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  • Don’t get too excited. Wait for the next P2 models with all their parts inclusive 10% SST.

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  • Annoynamous on Sep 03, 2018 at 2:31 pm

    ‘Perodua has announced that the prices for selected models’. Guys, need to see which model they are offering before we judge k..

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  • azrai on Sep 03, 2018 at 2:53 pm why hurrying in buying frenzy boat when GST holiday period then..biar lambat asal selamat.

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  • I had mentioned earlier if the local cars assemblers did their costing correctly on local supplied parts without gst the cars prices will be definitely cheaper. No doubt sst is the way to go.

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  • jamari on Sep 03, 2018 at 2:57 pm

    keta aku mana hanat???

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  • Profit margin 50%, down 3% is nothing

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  • Ben Yap on Sep 03, 2018 at 3:26 pm

    underpowered cars without turbo must reduce more la… so cheap without turbo and still use 4 speeder.

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  • Permanent price reduction or just temporary post-SST promo like other brands? P2 is known to silently increase prices. We shall see….

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    • John May 9 Nangis on Sep 04, 2018 at 11:11 am

      Don’t be bitter in life now that you got caught with your lies that car prices did not go up 200% like you claimed.

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  • Zhi Hong on Sep 03, 2018 at 5:17 pm

    Because of RM1K savings people rush in to buy cars until scold scold scold their SA for not delivering…..

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  • Aero (Member) on Sep 03, 2018 at 5:26 pm

    Once again, you can see how Perodua masterfully spins words and statements for their marketing gain.

    Yes, overall Perodua prices have come down about 3 percent… but only if you compare the current SST prices with the pre-election GST prices. In other words, the SST prices are still slightly HIGHER than the zero-GST prices (obviously !). Yet, this fact is conveniently omitted / unacknowledged in Perodua’s statement.

    I’m guessing many people would have been mislead by the article’s title and Perodua’s marketing trickery. But no, Perodua’s prices have GONE UP, just as market analysts expected (the same should be true for all other car companies).

    So to reiterate again, if you booked a new Myvi in June, and it is delivered to you in September, you will still have to pay RM1k to 2k MORE from what you would have paid in August. But, you will pay RM1k to 2k LESS than what you would have paid in June.

    One more thing… Perodua has not announced any price protection scheme for those customers who got their cars late. Just go to Perodua’s facebook page, it is swarmed by angry complaints from customers. Some have been awaiting delivery for 3 or 4 months (esp. Myvi). Meanwhile, the resale value of their ‘new’ Perodua is decreasing each month, and they’re not even driving it.

    Some companies like Mazda, Hyundai, Volkswagen and Proton are absorbing the SST for a limited few weeks or months. Perodua is seemingly doing nothing. (The 3,100 late Myvi situation doesn’t count, it is a problem Perodua created for themselves.)

    I do not like it when companies use spin-doctoring tactics. Weak minded people will fall for them, but anyone with a brain will see right through their deception. Just be honest to your customers. Tell it as it is, not what you THINK it is. We don’t want your opinion, we just want to know the truth. Okay ?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 25 Thumb down 33
    • This is what happen when Perodua have a monopoly of the car market with their ‘cheap’ Myvi, Perodua end up doing what ever they want.

      Remember the Myvi is only ‘cheap’ because of taxes & policies that drove foreign import competitors like Honda Jazz out of the price range significantly.

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    • Pyraxle on Sep 03, 2018 at 7:03 pm

      Paultan already updated the article. It seems that the price is cheaper than pre election GST, no? ;)

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      • John Baoteng on Sep 03, 2018 at 7:39 pm

        Aero is typical sourgrape macai mumbling wall of nonsense craps but look at how he close one eye keep quiet on Proton higher prices after SST.

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    • Hadi75 on Sep 04, 2018 at 12:55 am

      So the price with SST should be lower than when sold 0% GST????

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  • Apa? Seribu tujuh ratus shj?

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  • Alza raise RM3700

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  • Wan Afiq Mikael on Sep 04, 2018 at 8:38 am

    The OTR price for SST is without insurance. What about the OTR price for GST & No-GST? Is it with or without insurance because no mention of it. If the GST one is with insurance, then it’s not apple-to-apple comparison.

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    • Hafriz Shah (Member) on Sep 04, 2018 at 8:46 am

      All the prices on the table are without insurance.

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  • Observer on Sep 04, 2018 at 12:28 pm

    Price reduction mainly caused by sst exemptions on locally assembled parts if got sst on those parts..surely will see increase in price..but govt already knew about these and decided to abolished sst on local assembled parts making car prices cheaper than gst..meanwhile prices of goods and foods keep on increasing..or not much difference than gst..good game government

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  • What’s the point of lowering the car price when they have hiccup to their production? I have ordered a second family car in Bezza since 30 June 2018, non deliverable till today. Sales outlet said HQ didn’t notify hiccup in production during the time I placed the order. Now I am subjected to SST. When contacted HQ Perodua, Customer Service isn’t all helpful, in fact can challenge for me to bring it up on social sites. They should speed their production lines first, prior to advertising that their rates are lower after the SST implementation to kick in more sales. Advice to new buyers – lock in deliver dates with some form of compensation if they do not meet the timelines. Good luck to those who are ordering!

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