Uncertain about various MCO SOPs? You’re not alone, because the police sometimes are too, admits top cop

Uncertain about various MCO SOPs? You’re not alone, because the police sometimes are too, admits top cop

If you’re befuddled over what is permissible and what is not in the ever-changing standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the current movement control order (MCO), you’re not alone. Even the people enforcing it are, it seems – the rapidly evolving SOPs have left quite a number of policemen confused over their enforcement, the Malay Mail reports.

This, according to Bukit Aman department of internal security and public order (JKDNKA) director Datuk Seri Abd Rahim Jaafar, was natural, given the scale of the enforcement activity. He said that with around 100,000 police personnel as well as enforcers from other agencies about, there are bound to be varying interpretations of the SOPs as well as with the application of the law.

“We can’t deny that when everyone has a different understanding of the law, there are bound to be issues. We are in the process of educating our officers regarding the SOPs during this MCO,” he told Malay weekly Mingguan Malaysia, which published the original report.

“Even during normal communication, when we pass the information from person to person, by the time it reaches the 10th individual, the message may have varied. Try to imagine passing information to 100,000 officers nationwide, and there are bound to be issues,” he was quoted as saying.

Uncertain about various MCO SOPs? You’re not alone, because the police sometimes are too, admits top cop

This has of course led to dissatisfaction from members of the public issued compound notices as a result of what is interpreted as wrong. “We are trying to mend this situation, but while we’re at it, new SOPs are added,” he said.

However, he said that because authorities are now more aware of the situation, there has been a reduction in questionable compound notices being issued, and added that authorities were putting new checks in place to ensure that no one is fined wrongly.

“In the future before any enforcement authority goes out to work, we will brief and debrief them and upon return from duty, we will check the compound they issued and validate if it was indeed a violation of an SOP,” he explained.

However, Abd Rahim added that “the law that states you should not go out unless you have a valid reason still stands.” So, unless you have a truly valid reason to be out and about, the best move – as always – is to stay put.

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Anthony Lim

Anthony Lim believes that nothing is better than a good smoke and a car with character, with good handling aspects being top of the prize heap. Having spent more than a decade and a half with an English tabloid daily never being able to grasp the meaning of brevity or being succinct, he wags his tail furiously at the idea of waffling - in greater detail - about cars and all their intrinsic peculiarities here.



  • Rakyat Malaysia on Feb 08, 2021 at 7:24 pm

    Uncertain. So sad our Msia fallen into this level,

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 1
    • Melania Rosmah on Feb 08, 2021 at 9:19 pm

      During the conditional MCO,menteri YAB Sabri said” no inter district and inter state travel.”
      I went to balai polis Bt9 Cheras..the Police officer said ..no need permit..you can travel interdistrict to Gombak from Hulu Langat.
      So,listen to who? nanti ,slapped with a Rm1000 summon .
      The press conference by menteri and ground zero is 2 different thing.It puts unnecessary pressure on the poor law abiding citizen.

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 2
      • Bernard on Feb 09, 2021 at 12:52 pm

        Lab testing proved VVIPs are covid immuned.

        Mentris returning from abroad only 3 days of observation. Kuarantin not needed, becuz kebal,

        Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 0
      • Dredd on Feb 09, 2021 at 1:36 pm

        The vast majority of cases are coming not from ministers but from rakyat marhaen not complying to SOP so the action against rakyat is proven to work better. Dredd agrees.

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    • Unknown on Feb 08, 2021 at 9:31 pm

      Thats okay. Im confused too when some states choose to have their own SOP different than instructed by Govt.

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      • donno on Feb 09, 2021 at 1:34 pm

        This is so very shameful and unforgiven.

        Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
        • Agreed bro. They should return to Federal side after being outside for so long. Then when our Govt can move as one, our country can move as one.

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    • Sombong KD roadblock on Feb 08, 2021 at 10:16 pm

      Kena block at KD toll. The way they ask the question is like i am a thief. Bang, no work no money to pay rent and food. Why sombong ?

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2
      • Lolwhut? on Feb 09, 2021 at 1:00 pm

        Pesanan mentri kepada rakyat marhen:
        Seperti ketam mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus

        Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2
      • License gangster on Feb 09, 2021 at 2:29 pm

        Cool down bang. Hidup susah semua orang tau. Jaga diri la

        Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0
    • Dr Strange on Feb 08, 2021 at 10:25 pm

      Can’t understand some of these recalcitrants.

      Allowed to open, they complain covid case goes up.
      Not allowed to open, they say unfair and susah cari makan.

      Just let them shutdown permanently for good.

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2
    • Rakyat Malaysia on Feb 09, 2021 at 1:24 am


      I like the humour there.

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  • (Dude) on Feb 08, 2021 at 7:25 pm

    They should just release a clear SOP website and then tell everyone too see it, no need 1 to 10 to 100 individuals like that waste time and miscommunication

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 0
    • alasan je tu

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0
      • 70 mentri but still cannot get this right…
        Musim PKP pengangguran miskin bandar naik 2 kali ganda di KL, panduan kerajaan yg uncertain menambah buruk mereka2 yg miskin tegar. Sampai mencuri susu dan maggi

        Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 14
        • Celup King on Feb 09, 2021 at 1:34 pm

          Some ministers are in opposite side so they come out their own SOP which confuse Polis

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        • Contradiction on Feb 09, 2021 at 1:45 pm

          Itu pilihan you. You mau hidup susah atau mati krn virus?

          Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 1
  • Izhar on Feb 08, 2021 at 8:27 pm


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  • Mr Coffee on Feb 08, 2021 at 8:35 pm

    Never mind the hoi polloi like us. Keep up the good job. Thanks Sir.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 1
    • Rakyat Malaysia on Feb 08, 2021 at 9:37 pm

      Rakyat have full confidence in how things are being run. Well done!

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
      • Yes betul! just open 1 Whatsapp group for abam-abam polis, no more uncertain lagik…

        Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
    • Ghani on Feb 09, 2021 at 9:09 am

      Fully support our hardworking mentris & Frontliners! Kipidap!

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
      • Fully support our hardworking mentris, all along.. They not hungry for jawatan but tak tau buat kerja, like everybody has claimed.

        Wonder why this top polis bukak aib sendri.. Mentris tak tunggu naik pangkat, menunggu gaji bulanan atau pencen selepas persaraan

        Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 14
  • Bel Jin on Feb 08, 2021 at 10:17 pm


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  • Vanguard on Feb 08, 2021 at 11:24 pm

    I kesian those who got fined RM1000…….when the polis themselves confused about the Do and Donts of their SOP.

    Why cant the Govt do it right, at the 1st time? So lembab ke?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 1
    • Dredd on Feb 09, 2021 at 12:46 pm

      No kesian given. If they comply then no fine. Who ask them not to comply?

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  • Ksatria on Feb 09, 2021 at 8:23 am

    this is kedai kopi kindergarten attitude..still stuck in the 80’s?
    no internet? no devices portable enough to receive mesgs?

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  • Top Fan on Feb 09, 2021 at 8:50 am

    So what is the absolute definition of “Valid Reason”?

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  • lchan on Feb 09, 2021 at 10:38 am

    Just shows that there are some cops who lack empathy, aptitude, intelligence when it comes to issuing summons. Some just have a power-tripping mentality.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 1
  • Ben Yap on Feb 10, 2021 at 12:07 am

    “Even during normal communication, when we pass the information from person to person, by the time it reaches the 10th individual, the message may have varied. Try to imagine passing information to 100,000 officers nationwide, and there are bound to be issues”. i couldn’t help but laugh at this statement. the police is playing the “Chinese Whispers” or a.k.a “messenger game”? there is internet la for communication and no need manually pass from 1 to another.

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