Stellantis expands solar power system in Peugeot Gurun plant – carbon net zero emissions by 2038

Stellantis expands solar power system in Peugeot Gurun plant – carbon net zero emissions by 2038

Stellantis has announced its partnership with Leader Energy Group to expand the solar power energy generation system at its plant in Gurun, Kedah. The first rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) system was installed at the Gurun plant in October this year.

The partnership will see further installation, operation, maintenance and financing of PV solar systems at the plant. Leader Energy Group is a Malaysian-based power company with over 20 years of operations in the power sector across Asia Pacific.

Once in operation, it’s said that the PV solar systems will generate a maximum output of 2,189.81 kilowatt peak (kWp) electricity. Over the next 21 years, it’s projected that the PV systems will generate 54.811 gigawatt hours (GWh) of energy which will account for around 34% of the plant’s annual energy consumption. The solar energy system is also expected to offset approximately 1963.4 tons of carbon dioxide annually – the same effect planting 50,340 trees a year would have.

“This partnership is a positive step for the ASEAN region and will assist Stellantis in achieving its industry-leading target of carbon net zero emissions by 2038, as mapped out in the Dare Forward 2030 strategy,” said Christophe Musy, head of ASEAN and general distributors, Stellantis.

Full owned by Stellantis since November 2021, the Gurun plant produces Peugeot vehicle including models like the 2008, 3008, and 5008 locally and to other ASEAN countries such as the Phillipines, Thailand and Cambodia.

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Pan Eu Jin

Pan Eu Jin is a firm believer that good things don’t come cheap, but cheap cars can be good. How a car makes you feel behind the wheel or as a passenger should be more important than the brand it represents.



  • For the sake to erase NAZA name on the roof.

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    • FAISAL ABD RAHMAN on Dec 29, 2022 at 4:13 pm

      I think they have better business sense(s) in doing that than covering up the previous site owner’s name.

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  • Fur ODC on Dec 21, 2022 at 10:47 am

    i baru nk pasang 3 panel solar kt bumbung pon dh makan belanja RM18k, dunno how much this one on the Gurun plant costs.
    But that’s a massive reduction in carbon emission tho…

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0
    • Bob Mal on Dec 21, 2022 at 12:24 pm

      Bro would you mind sharing how much saving in electricity for your solar installation or how long would it take to break even your initial cost?

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    • Mohd Faizal on Dec 29, 2022 at 9:36 am

      3 solar panel 18k? How many kWp bro? Let say 1.2 kWp assume 1 panel in series 400 Wp x 3. With all BOM including Solar Inverter, that is over price man. You can get 3-4 kWp System which can save your bill RM250 to RM300 monthly. But better to Invest more than 4kWp to fasten up your ROI. Use NEM Scheme.

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  • you ckd the 2008 also sell at RM130K? biaq betuiiii

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  • Hmmmm on Dec 21, 2022 at 10:13 pm

    The way they calculate it ‘over the next 21 years’ is just to make it look good. Yes I agree its SLIGHTLY greener but the actual output is just enough to run basic lighting only and maybe some split unit ac if their plant still uses it. I will be extremely surprised if they can reached 2189 kW peak.

    Will they be able to reduced overall cost?
    Highly doubt it. Most probably its installed to make it eligible for them to apply for this or that approval or gomen grant. Its a norm for industry player to do this as the monetary figure they received in return is much more significant compared to the investment made.

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    • Faizal FNM on Dec 22, 2022 at 12:47 pm

      The type of Solar PV System that install for Industrial just NEM or SELCO.

      This plant seems to be SELCO as NEM can’t allowed more tham 1 MWp. Just sharing the knowledge. The Solar PV System that installed is not use independently for electrical appliances. That one is called Solar PV System Offgrid Or Stand Alone System which use battery storage to store the energy. But system storage in Malaysia can’t be implemented yet due to expensive cost and your ROI can hit 15 yrs while the batter need to replace every 7 years.

      The type of Solar PV System is installed at Peugeot Plant is called Grid Connected Photovolthaic (GCPV) which the System is connected to existing grid to reduce the daily consumption usage and reduce the electricity bill.

      Remember January 2023 onwards the electricity for Industrial will increased 40% due to the increment of ICPT from 3.7 cents /kWh to 20 cents /kWh for Industrial and manufacturing.

      If anybody has question about Solar PV System find a competent company or person to ask for. Don’t hesitate to contact me Mr Faizal 0143035536 from FNM Engineering and we are Service Provider listed under authority SEDA.

      “Go Green, save your pocket and save our mother earth for next generation”

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  • Aedi Asmit on Dec 24, 2022 at 12:55 am

    PV solar system for households in Melbourne is subsidised by the govt. On top of that they get reductions on bills as well. In boleh land???

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    • Mohd Faizal on Dec 29, 2022 at 9:27 am

      In Malaysia we have Net Energy Metering Scheme. Malaysian Government through Sustainable Energy Developement Authority (SEDA) provide a first come first serve Quota. The NEM Scheme start from year 2016 after Fees In Tariff Scheme from year 2011 to 2015. Now the NEM Scheme already entered 3rd phase NEM 3.0. The subsidy is not on the Solar balance of components, but through your excess energy from your Solar Energy that will offset your electricity bill. Hope this information answer your question.

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