Budget 2023 to be retabled by PM10 Anwar Ibrahim on Feb 24 – more EV incentives, targeted fuel subsidy?

Budget 2023 to be retabled by PM10 Anwar Ibrahim on Feb 24 – more EV incentives, targeted fuel subsidy?

The 10th prime minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be tabling a revised Budget 2023 this Friday, February 24, during which a number of auto-related provisions are expected.

More EV incentives could be in store from the retabled Budget 2023 as natural resources, environment and climate change minister Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad has said that the government intends to offer them, according to a Bernama report last month.

The original tabling of Budget 2023 in October 2022 brought the announcement that fully imported (CBU) electric vehicles would be exempt from import and excise duties until December 31, 2024, which was an extension of the previous end date for the exemptions put in place with the announcement of Budget 2022.

Budget 2023 to be retabled by PM10 Anwar Ibrahim on Feb 24 – more EV incentives, targeted fuel subsidy?

Also expected for inclusion are targeted fuel subsidies, which has been brought up by the government in the past on several occasions.

In the week after the 10th prime minster was named, government ministries had been given two weeks to discuss the effects of targeted subsidies, the prime minister said at the time.

Prime minister Anwar, who is also finance minister, said that the retabled Budget 2023 will take into account the current economic challenges while attracting investments and driving the country’s growth, Bernama reported earlier this month.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • john is otak batu on Feb 21, 2023 at 11:17 am

    remove excise tax….. pleeaseeee

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    • Janji dicapati on Feb 21, 2023 at 12:29 pm

      Anwar menang, rakyat senang

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      • Sick & Tired on Feb 21, 2023 at 1:05 pm

        Correction: Anwar menang, rakyat kroni senang, rakyat marhaen susah.

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    • Sick & Tired on Feb 21, 2023 at 1:05 pm

      People want cheaper cars, dulu Axia only cost RM 25k now Axia cost RM50k. PH Gomen dah gagal. Time to UBAH now!

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      • HIMPIT on Feb 21, 2023 at 3:06 pm

        cheaper cars or better public transportation system?
        p2 set the price not gomen…please pakai otak…
        more idiots with cars only make more tolled roads, more fatalities & more pollution

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        • To save the country environment, people should encouraged more on buying cars with better fuel efficient and lesser fuel consumption including electric and hybrid cars but as long as there should have better reliability. Think wisely Malaysians. And no one loves taxes more

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      • bangan betul B40 ni on Feb 21, 2023 at 3:12 pm

        ringgit jatuh nilai sebab kerajaan BN tak habis habis rasuah. Apa kau dapat? nama je tuan, tapi bank kosong minta bantuan BRIM.

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      • Rennie Abdul Ghani on Feb 22, 2023 at 1:29 pm

        Why is it the gomen’s fault that Perodua Is pricing the axia so high? Which part is it the fault of the goverment?

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      • Serai B40 on Feb 22, 2023 at 8:59 pm

        PN best, MCO dpt gaji ddk umh,
        Btl2 bantu B40
        Btl2 menghasil B40 dgn ms paling singkat

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    • Being over gungho ..A Clear and Present Danger on Feb 21, 2023 at 3:27 pm

      I dare Sallahudin n Rafizi…please float petrol price on budget day.Dont just threaten like the previous TZ who wants to punish BMW ,big cc car owners.
      The “greennees” will surely weaponise this petrol subsidy thing to create a huge backlash.
      No PM has the guts to float petrol price.Badawi floated it to rm2.70/litre..dah lupa? Within 2 weeks,u turn again.
      Why rakyat still wants EPF withdrawal? Many Businesses still struggling to break even.Some already kaput.
      Car taxes must come down first,then u slowly float the petrol price on a staggered basis.Does this make sense,Germen Madani?

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  • great.. making cars cheaper so more of them can clog the already choked streets. how about massive incentives for ppl to use public transport instead? will we ever change our mobility habits?

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    • otak cuba pakai on Feb 21, 2023 at 11:38 am

      its an entirely different topic. Public transfer has a lot of improvement to be had before it can be practical for most malaysians. Solve that last mile issue first, then only talk about getting people to use public transport.

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      • Public transport tak boleh la boss on Feb 21, 2023 at 1:38 pm

        I also cant use bus or train because its too far from my house and also office. 3km how to walk bosku?

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      • elok pakai lutut on Feb 21, 2023 at 2:44 pm

        exorbitant vehicle prices & taxes, floating fuel prices, in return more funding to improve public facilities & transport, sacrifice now for better future, rarely people die of hunger, only stupidity

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  • cant wait on Feb 21, 2023 at 11:33 am

    that’s welcomed news. Fingers crossed on the EV incentives.

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  • newme on Feb 21, 2023 at 11:52 am

    Big chunk of the people don’t care about incentives or subsidy. They are eyeing on KWSP for the coming festive season. RM10000-RM30000 has much bigger impact than whatever miniscule incentives/subsidy the gov is offering.

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    • newmee on Feb 21, 2023 at 12:53 pm

      haven’t you heard? most of the B40 asking for more EPF withdrawals only have about rm6000 in their EPF balance. What is there to withdraw???

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      • meegoreng on Feb 21, 2023 at 1:16 pm

        i dont think you can withdraw everything from your KWSP account, only a small fraction from Akaun 2. So that rm6K also cant withdraw.

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        • Toxic on Feb 21, 2023 at 2:18 pm

          The reason for EPF withdrawal – price increase, very hard to survive

          In fact, Hari Raya is coming, kena Raya dengan style

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          • newme on Feb 21, 2023 at 2:31 pm

            Price increase is their (proponent of withdrawal) own doing. The past withdrawals has increased the money supply in the market thus accelerated the inflation.

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          • autistic on Feb 21, 2023 at 2:46 pm

            mcm² RAHMAH soon to come

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  • be done with it already on Feb 21, 2023 at 2:07 pm

    Malaysians, oh Malaysians. Tak habis habis with subsidi. Nak tongkat sebab kaki lemah. I say, remove 100% all subsidi minyak. Remove all tongkat. Those who are capable, good for you. Those who are lazy, you deserve to be poor.

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    • 2 sen on Feb 21, 2023 at 2:52 pm

      better remove everything, so they can learn to survive by themselves & not spoonfeed with menu rahmah

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      • ever wondered where the spoonfeed money all come from? from tax payer. you and me. we are feeding these parasites. all lazy, then complain no money. ask for tongkat subsidi.

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        • 100 rupiah on Feb 23, 2023 at 6:02 pm

          literally paid with sweat & blood…meanwhile those “elites” from yesteryears hid all their windfall & dont pay sh@t…with all CBTs/scandals/ DNAA, they called themselves saviours/protectors of their religion

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    • Tax kita bayar on Feb 22, 2023 at 6:44 am

      We don’t just to study hard, work hard n earning hard just to pay tax so that some group of ppl can get bantuan every year.
      What do we get in return?

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    • Satria on Feb 22, 2023 at 5:51 pm

      Some people work hard but still poor.. Dont lose your compassion.

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  • Ben Yap on Feb 21, 2023 at 2:08 pm

    targeted fuel subsidy is going to raise the price of goods higher. once it goes up, it never comes down. Government should do something about B40 as now government is fishing for them rather than teaching them how to fish. They should slowly reduce the government aid to the B40 and push them to fish rather than waiting for handouts. It is ok to help those b40s that are old and unwell. those younger ones which has the capability to work and earn should be made not to rely on government aid.

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  • Bangnon on Feb 21, 2023 at 4:14 pm

    “Bila saya jadi PM.. Malam ini juga harga minyak akan turun” .. Wonder who said this last time

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    • nonbang on Feb 21, 2023 at 4:39 pm

      since when politicians can be trusted? BN already lied to us for 60 years.

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