Tiktok user’s Honda Civic vandalised at MRT station parking lot on August 29, calling for witnesses

Tiktok user’s Honda Civic vandalised at MRT station parking lot on August 29, calling for witnesses

Tiktok user @aereon.wong had the unfortunate luck of finding his Honda Civic vandalised after parking it at an open air parking lot near the Cochrane MRT station. He is currently appealing for any witnesses of the incident to come forward with any information. If you have any information you can DM him at Tiktok or IG.

His car doesn’t seem to be the only car that was targeted as the car parked next to him was damaged too, but his car suffered more damage by far. A quote by Honda Malaysia to make good the car as seen in the video ended up being over RM13k, and this was paid by his own insurance, burning his NCD in the process.


Here’s what happens on my unfortunate incident last week ️ 29th August 2023 ⏰ 7PM – 11PM MyTown MRT Open Space Parking (RM5) [My car is parked at the entrance and beside guard house] If anyone witness or have information, please DM me. I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who expressed concern about my recent incident. I want to assure you that I am safe, and with your support, I can continue creating content. Stay safe and take care guys


In cases like this a dashcam would have been useful to collect evidence. Some dashcams with 4G or WiFi (to a battery-powered 4G MiFi) connected features are able to upload footage of any incidents happening during parking to the cloud so even if the perpetrator did something to the dashcam and the MicroSD card while parked, you will still be able to download a copy of what happened.

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Harvinder Sidhu

Harvinder Singh Sidhu thinks there's nothing better than Formula 1, not even sliced bread. Having written about cars since 2006, he plunged head first into the industry out of a passion for all things four-wheeled and everything in between. The F1 enthusiast has been following the sport since 1999 and has been keeping up with it since. In between races he keeps himself busy as the host of the Driven motoring show and as our version of the Joker.



  • Susukotak on Sep 10, 2023 at 7:48 pm

    What is parking operator responsiblity in this case?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 9
  • Phuddi sung Lee on Sep 10, 2023 at 8:22 pm

    Should park at some decent car parking which would be we call cover car parking with cameras around, this type of cekai open parking always have A to B issues

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 6
  • ngonglan on Sep 10, 2023 at 9:40 pm

    lu kena check lu ada musuh atau hutang ah long….sekarang zaman sikit sikit mau gaduh….kalo tak dapat kenakan orang ..harta pun kena…

    jangan asyik blame parking operator atau orang lain….mungkin kita sendiri ada musuh kadang kala..

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 66
    • Really Ngonglandouhai on Sep 11, 2023 at 8:17 am

      You really ngonglan douhai, next time anything happen to u, remember u got enemy and dont blame anything

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 0
      • TIKTOK EUPHORIA on Sep 11, 2023 at 1:40 pm

        Hello,dont u know there r mentally deranged people out there who target TIKTOK celebrities?
        Dont simply suka suka tiktok here tiktok there.Some lunatics mark u,follow where u go ,n may even smash u ,instead of the car!
        It is time u lie low,n dont come out with tiktok videos.

        Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 4
        • DonkeyKong on Sep 12, 2023 at 10:09 am

          Social media attention whores won’t get this. It’s ok, let them continue endangering themselves. It’s all for the “likes” yo…

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  • Ben Yap on Sep 11, 2023 at 9:22 am

    both cars that got vandalized are honda civics. it must be those sour grapes that cannot afford a honda civic.

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  • tricycle on Sep 11, 2023 at 9:36 am

    Sorry for what happen to his car. Really bad. Hopefully his car can be fixed like it never happened.

    From our little experience it looks like orang mabuk. While we were residing in the US, these are very common things to happen to cars, people, house windows and many other things that can be damaged. A jug of beer cost a quarter on certain night.

    When people mabuk they just do whatever they want to do. Luckily in place where we resided, there were plenty of police officers, almost everywhere.

    Sometimes we kena also, but 99% of the time police were there to keep everything under control. To be on the safe side, it is advisable to take a taxis or e-hailing should you decide to return back late at night. Better safe than sorry.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 1
  • Skulljuju on Sep 11, 2023 at 11:13 am

    Remember another viral video about the Rock throwing vandal. Happened down the road. Probably the same lunatic around that area(Pudu) that likes to vandalize cars.

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  • You are on your own when you park your car at these public parkings. Normally car vandalism happens to newer cars than older ones. When I drive & park my old car of +10yrs, was never worried about which parking lots I park; either open air or infoor basement. That’s just my honest opinion.

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  • What kind of tiktoker is this? No dashcam company sponsor him parking mode capable dashcam meh?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 3
  • dong gor on Sep 11, 2023 at 2:58 pm

    gangster fighting for turf… or operator refuse to pay protection money to safely operate the parking there. when this goes viral, who dares to park there any more… then gangsters win.

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    • You’re absolutely correct. Some parking operators are really dodgy character people. They pay a monthly rental to the landlord and just hire one person to collect money from car owners. No responsibility at all if anything happens. However, I would recommend to seek for legal advise. Car operators cannot just say “Park at your own risk”. If there is a monetary transaction ie. payment collected, it is already a contract. Car park operators still can be held liable. Always keep a receipt of the parking fee paid.

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  • hazri on Sep 11, 2023 at 3:21 pm

    tiktoker? hmm content.

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  • calvin on Sep 11, 2023 at 4:28 pm

    why BYD so good loan him a car out of nowhere?

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  • Nasib kereta murah, cuba kalau kereta mewah kena. Bill to foot would be 40k+

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  • wow.. untung can get BYD sponsored car while getting repaired..

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  • all the product sponsors flowing in for him, influencer power

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