狗儿的温暖窝,概念 Nissan Rogue Dogue 亮相上海车展!

NEW YORK (April 11, 2017) – The results are in – dog owners agree that their four-footed friends should be as safe and comfortable in a vehicle as their two-footed fellow passengers. Dog owners also rate clip-in harnesses and non-spill water dispensers as the most appealing dog-friendly accessories in a dog friendly vehicles. The new Nissan “Rogue Dogue” project vehicle takes those ideas to heart – and adds a pack more – just in time for the one-off project’s debut at the 2017 New York International Auto Show.

Nissan将在本周末的纽约国际车展上展示一款名为Rogue Dogue的概念SUV,这款概念车是专为饲狗的爱好者所打造,而其车型基础是源自于2017年的Nissan Rogue,也就是本土市面上的X-Trail。

Rogue Dogue采用了Platinum Reserve内饰,而有关设计还是Fast & Furious电影汽车协调员丹尼斯·麦卡锡(Dennis McCarthy)的作品。该车内设有了dog-friendly套件,好让饲狗爱好者更方便,及安全的携带宠物出游。

狗儿的温暖窝,概念 Nissan Rogue Dogue 亮相上海车展!


至于其特殊设备还包括了一个可移动式的特制狗垫、尾箱宠物区设有加热通风口,以及一个狗只板道,方便幼小或移动不便的狗只上下轿车。此外,Rogue Dogue还内置了一个可盛食物及狗饮料,且较难溢出的容器、内侧设有装袋分配器、360度带有38升加压水储备的狗沐浴配备,以及风干器等等。