VW Gol hatchback and Gol Voyage sedan facelifted

VW Gol hatchback and Gol Voyage sedan facelifted

Volkswagen has refreshed its Gol model, which is the best selling car in South America. This is the fifth generation Gol based on the Mk4 Polo platform, facelifted with a new look also seen on the current Polo. With the new face, the Gol looks contemporary as a basic car although the Gol Voyage sedan does remind us a bit of the Proton Saga BLM.

VW Gol hatchback and Gol Voyage sedan facelifted

The Gol is very basic inside, which is entirely expected for a basic “people’s car”, although it may be a strange view for the majority of Malaysians who consider Volkswagen as a premium brand. The Gol’s steering wheel and meter cluster design will be familiar to VW owners, but it comes with stick shift, manual air con, fabric seats and a basic radio.

The facelifted Gol adds on a bi-fuel 1.0-litre engine which makes 72 hp when using petrol and 76 hp when filled with ethanol, which is big in South America. With ethanol, the Gol 1.0 does 0-100 km/h in 12.9 seconds on to a 165 km/h top speed.

VW Gol hatchback and Gol Voyage sedan facelifted

I quite like the back-to-basics, utilitarian nature of cars like the Gol, at basic prices of course!

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Danny Tan

Danny Tan loves driving as much as he loves a certain herbal meat soup, and sweet engine music as much as drum beats. He has been in the auto industry since 2006, previously filling the pages of two motoring magazines before joining this website. Enjoys detailing the experience more than the technical details.



  • junaidi on Jul 23, 2012 at 4:09 pm

    kesian tak cukup huruf, F tak ada, Gol pun jadi la.

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    • Premium brand or not VW is still better than many entry level brands and some premium brand SUV !

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      • sxcer on Jul 24, 2012 at 5:58 am

        vw is people’s car in europe but premium car here due to tax

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      • OMG…ugly. If this car same price with vios, which 1 you will choose? thumb down for choosing vios. TQ.

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    • Lim Kopi on Jul 24, 2012 at 1:20 am

      THE GOL IS LIKE A RETARDED POLO – inside and out!

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  • ahmadfaris93 on Jul 23, 2012 at 4:15 pm

    Golf without the ‘f’ ? Sounds like it. I dont think this car should even be in Malaysia to start with. Look at the Polo sedan. People would buy that car for the brand. I personally think the quality of the Polo sedan is poor for a VW. Maybe VW Malaysia should just focus on selling the models we have now in Malaysia.

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  • gol = polo la abe.. very basic so boleh ‘gol’ cepat..

    so model kat sana

    gol = polo
    golf = golf
    golfer = passat

    senang rakyat nak igt


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  • mad aly on Jul 23, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    SAGA BLM look better!!

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  • imran on Jul 23, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    VW is not a premier brand…its just an everyday people’s car.. so VW owner only ‘perasan poyo’ hahaha

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    • Sarbath on Jul 23, 2012 at 10:30 pm

      Hak eleh lu mat .. At least they afford the car xkisahlah people car ke ape ke, kau ? stakat proton je yg mampu ?? tu la lain kali jgn cemburu dgn org lain sgt.. tgk diri sendri tu dlu..

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    • Unforgiven on Jul 23, 2012 at 11:53 pm

      It’s still rm 100k car for entry level, majority can only afford p2/p1 in Malaysia. Not everyone is u member or crony.

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    • Aiya even thought VW is not premium brand but most of them still cant afford it ! just like they bash p1 and p2 and some of them cant afford them and only drive the old Kancil or Wira…

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  • Merc=Real Euro on Jul 23, 2012 at 4:29 pm

    Malaysian think VW …premium brand…ha ha ha ha… so where does that put Audi… exotic… aah pls..
    the only reason why VW is expensive is cos of MITI…

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    • Premium is more expensive than general but cheaper than Luxury. Exotic means different or rare so that would be Bugatti or Lamborghini. Perhaps you should look into your vocab before shooting your own foot.

      Even Mercedes have entry level A Class that is cheaper than quite a few VW models. I know you don’t like VW owners but your bashing is so passe. Verstehen du?

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      • What makes Mercedes so Luxury and Premium where they created A class to cater the less affluent market…
        I think its Merc stepping down into mass segment territory (y Merc wanna act cheap?) and not VW stepping into that price bracket…

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      • Merc=Real Euro on Jul 24, 2012 at 9:34 am

        Being sarcastic….duh…
        The problem with VW is pay so much and get issue like DSG.. Worse still VW they still cant fix it and not that it is a new technology. It have been around for 7 years !!! so far and still vw do know what they are doing…
        Sorry VW fanboy I know it is hard to hear the truth….

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        • I’m not a fanboy but an owner. I don’t have any issues with my DSG and I know a lot of other owners who don’t. What I don’t understand are the non owners who kept on crying about why VW is not solving the issue when they are doing pro-active efforts? Also, most of the complains are around the 7-speed “dry” DGS that was launched in 2007 so it’s 5 years old. Note that they launched a new model DQ500 in 2010. 6-speed “wet” DSG has been in production since 2003 without much issues. http://www.volkswagenag.com/content/vwcorp/info_center/en/themes/2008/01/the_7speed_dsg.html

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    • Sarbath on Jul 23, 2012 at 10:33 pm

      Abes Audi R8 tu ape ? bukan exotic ke ? bangang.. Anyway xd siape yg cakap VW is a premier brand in Malaysia kau je yg ckp gitu sbb cemburu.. Diorg bangge dgn hasil titik peloh diorg dpt beli at least kereta yg lagi baik dari proton.. Diorg xsebok pon pasal kau, kau je yg lebih2 mat.. :-)

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      • stliit on Jul 24, 2012 at 5:54 am

        dari pakai vw yang dh 10 tahun tu, baik pakai proton baru

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        • apa apa saja on Jul 24, 2012 at 6:56 pm

          VW lama pun tetap mahal bai.. MK5 GTI (2005) still asking RM125-130K seketul…

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        • stliit on Jul 25, 2012 at 5:55 am

          kalau mcm tu memang sah la baik pakai proton baru dari pakai vw yag dah 20 tahun, cukup tak 20? banyak rosak

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        • merepek on Jul 25, 2012 at 6:47 pm

          apa apa kereta yang 20-30 tahun kalau tak jaga sure rosak.
          tapi dari beli proton.. dalam 1-2 years harga drop kaw2 apa guna?
          kurang2 VW still command good 2nd value

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      • apa apa saja on Jul 24, 2012 at 6:55 pm

        tapi kan..
        lain la kalau dapat kereta sponsor oleh mak bapak kan?
        kreta apa bagi bantai saja..

        orang lain dapat dari hasil titik peluh sendiri :)

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        • Sarbath on Jul 24, 2012 at 11:54 pm

          so what ?? mak bpak bagi ke, makcik bagi kte wat rilex suda, bpak die mampu dari kau die blikan la anak die keta VW ni, lau xmampu die xblikan.. itu namenya rezeki bro :-) ..

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        • VW sombong on Jul 25, 2012 at 12:53 am

          notice very much VW driver so langsi thought their car so good..
          out there many car way better than VW..
          anyway notice many young kid(s) never learn manners..
          careful :)

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        • stliit on Jul 25, 2012 at 5:56 am

          mampu beli tapi tak mampu maintain tak guna gak lol

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      • R8 guna engine Lamborghini tau tak? Dah saya kata Lamborghini exotic kan? banggang… kalo nak debet, guna bahasa ori yg saya post. context argument tak tau nak comment pulak

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        • Sarbath on Jul 26, 2012 at 11:29 am

          Bro, excuse me im replying it to merc=real uero msj.. Not your msj bro.. Ty

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        • OK bro… haha

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        • merepek on Jul 27, 2012 at 9:21 am

          useless car by useless manufacturer.
          sian budak universiti dapat kreta vw murah dari mak/pak dia yang terima rasuah :)

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    • faircomment on Aug 07, 2012 at 2:47 pm

      Merc=real euro. I know u r not a fan of VW. But U don’t have to bash VW on every single article about VW written at Paul’s sites. Maybe u think the world of “Merc” but doesn’t mean that “Merc” doesn’t have it’s faults. So be cool about VW.

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  • matlimmutu on Jul 23, 2012 at 4:36 pm

    these models hv just downgraded vw brand.

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  • Setiapaduka on Jul 23, 2012 at 4:41 pm

    harga WV ini mungkin sama dengan Saga kat Malaysia. Beginilah hasilnya kalau pembeli di M’sia mahu harga seperti kebanyakan kereta nasional..

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  • It’s fine for me for VW to hv their own budget range. After all, d brand means “people’s car” n they started off wit d affordable Beetle anyway.

    However wat u mentioned as
    “manual air con, fabric seats and a basic radio” also kinda applies to their Polo Sedan variant here despite d premium price. :(

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  • ong chin aun on Jul 23, 2012 at 5:09 pm

    WOO. BASIC PRIZE FOR WW ? ONCE BITTEN TWICE SHY, M`sia Polo ?? Cars of other make and countries with advance technology not selling rm 100K. Stylist plus sporty.

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  • Leseid Obrut on Jul 23, 2012 at 5:14 pm

    bring it here, sell it for chips and i’ll probably buy one! =D

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    • It doesn’t make sense for VW to sell the “Gol” in Malaysia. They sold the Brasil made “Fox” in europe once and lost money only.
      Times are over when cars were shipped around the globe, i.e. most japanese cars you see in europe are made in the UK, Czech Republic or Hungary.

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  • kamaji on Jul 23, 2012 at 5:16 pm

    Every car here is premium brand cos they carry a premium overprice tag.

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  • Krasher on Jul 23, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    GOL Sedan = SAGA BLM!
    GOL Hatchback = SAVVY!

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    • I’ve seen the dashboard design before. My little brother’s car if I’m not mistaken, the PROTON SAGA FL.

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  • Mike Dude on Jul 23, 2012 at 6:03 pm

    You pay RM260k for Golf R, RM100k goes to the govt for tax lah. Same lah for other VW models. Almost half will go as tax. You think not buying Protong/Peroduak is to show that you are not supporting the govt? Think again, you are actually or indirectly supporting by paying more tax. Either way, we are all victims.

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    • Totally agree. They are more happy you support imported cars. Instant 50k (AP) in their pocket. That’s why we must get these leeches to abolish AP!!!

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  • Golfer on Jul 23, 2012 at 6:10 pm

    Premium brand onot, the 1.4 TSI lump won 6 years in a row for engine of the year in its class segment! U don’t see engine downsizing, twincharger, direct injection in many cars.

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    • Henry Ford the XII on Jul 24, 2012 at 8:40 am

      I thot they are going to discontinue this engine from production, no?

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    • Motorer on Jul 24, 2012 at 2:03 pm

      Yes, the TSI is voted best engine in the WORLD and Ferrari is one of the losers.

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  • the GOL Sedan rear looks like Kia Rio sedan taillights..

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  • Drebar on Jul 23, 2012 at 6:15 pm

    If Proton is smart just rebadge it as new Saga and Savvy…price maintain RM45k…if Proton is smart lah he he he…

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    • buat apa nak rebadge klu takat 165km/h je, saga flx se dah boleh cecah 200km/h stabil, 1.0l vs 1.6l

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  • VW Malaysia.
    Before you expand further in MY, make sure your dealers care for your customers cars 1st. Service technicians must take care of customers cars like they would their own car.
    Sent my car into Wearnes Sg. Besi for rattling noise issue.
    Got back the car with many scratches.
    Complained and the SC resprayed affected parts.
    Went to collect car after touch up, scratched area got fixed.
    BUT , now got new scratches at other areas and got 1 area got affected by solvent / chemical.
    The paint was sort of like “melted”.
    Now got to respray 2nd time!
    WTF! My car not even 1 year old!
    VW cars are nice to drive but SC is farked up big time!

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    • jeng jeng jeng jeng on Jul 24, 2012 at 3:09 pm

      yup agree with u…
      VW only have good car.

      BUT: their after sales support is very poor..
      nightmare when u want to claim for warranty..
      they say order part(s) but they never order..
      so u have to call them and pay visit each day to make sure they order..
      and after that have to call and visit again each day till the part(s) arrived.
      crazy lazy those SC nation wide all same..

      when u send for service have to wait 3-4 hours before they take your car in (for service) and YES will take easily 1 or 2 days to service.
      BUT HAVE TO CAREFUL and double inspect your car when you collect; coz they will bang your car around like non their business.
      have spotted dent and scratch at my car.
      they offered re spray but i never take coz another customer respray by them become worse!

      so careful ya; VW yes is good car to drive.
      they engine all is powerful and safety is awesome.
      but make sure you got many time to spend to send your car if not……..

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    • Same here i ask them to repair something and they want me to pay RM100+ and mean is my fault ! so i have no choice to fight back,then i no need to pay anything ! VW is high quality,safety and fun to drive but their service is very poor even my Myvi service is far better than them !

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  • Rajaking on Jul 23, 2012 at 6:23 pm

    i’d buy a vw because of its German engineering. somehow the G f**ked up the price and pushed it from ‘people’s car’ into ‘orang kaya’s car’..
    but unlike u imran, i still can afford it.. does that make me ‘poyo’???

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  • Dashboard resemble saga flx with LHD version.

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  • AlexLHthis on Jul 23, 2012 at 6:55 pm

    Hey Paultan, while driving down Latar highway today at around 9a.m ,I saw What appears to be a advertisement filming of a fully uncovered Nissan note or latio…….. Can u check this story out ? Thx

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  • I totally agree with Danny. The rear quarter shot looks just like the Saga BLM.

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  • Leseid Obrut on Jul 23, 2012 at 9:40 pm

    get naza to rebadge this as they do with kia…

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  • kimi's fan on Jul 23, 2012 at 10:53 pm

    although looks basic, but still better than ours nation’s

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  • Sedan rear looks nice.. Basic is good. Fail proof and simple. Nicely done….

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  • Saga ler tu…

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  • The price this Gol is going to sell is probably going to be around the price of a Proton Saga here, so what you get is pretty worth it. But if this car sells here, stupid tax will make it 80k above to prevent any form of competition.

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  • aiyo man on Jul 24, 2012 at 8:07 am

    sedan with the saiz of saga blm/flx but 1.0L engine can do 12.9s and 165kmh. D*mn POWERFUL! no sarcasm here.

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    • sombe on Jul 25, 2012 at 6:00 am

      nothing to shout about, add more cc, it can go to 180+km/h like saga

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  • Unforgiven on Jul 24, 2012 at 9:43 am

    Protection created, taking advantages, less competition, free money in the pocket system. Those are blood money I guess. We should be buying what we should be getting for 100k.

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  • retard on Jul 24, 2012 at 9:49 am

    ahaa…VW mean Kereta Rakyat or peoples car. actually vw cars are cheap until our govt impose heavy taxes on them. well can’t blame VW. Drb hicom should change the logo to KR and apply for national car status just like nazakia. he! he!

    another thing to take note aaa..

    those who buy non-national cars has contribute or
    paid tax to the govt. Thanx! aaa..

    those who buy national car did not much contribute tax to the govt. aaa…

    so… the teori is that those who bought non-national car are more patriotik to the country because they paid more taxes. aaaaaa…..ha.

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    • zidane on Jul 24, 2012 at 5:33 pm

      it is Kereta Rakyat for the German…

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    • Actually VW in Europe is still more expensive than French and Korean cars…

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    • hello…national cars also taxed la haih. the majority cars here are national so they contribute more

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  • oko028 on Jul 24, 2012 at 10:10 am

    soooo booorrinngggg

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    • Motorer on Jul 24, 2012 at 2:09 pm

      It’s a low cost basic car, what do you expect? If you don’t want boring, there’s the Panamera.

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      • Sarbath on Jul 24, 2012 at 4:04 pm

        Way to go motorer, just ignore those “jelous-jelous” protong people here.. Yuppy, there is Panamera for them if boring haha, oh wait there is also Lamborghini, even bugatti, or even ducation(in case so boring with 4 tyres).. Proton got choice ah ? If you want mahal, perdana you get, nak paling murah savvy you get.. Thats it ?? Lagi soooooooooooooo borrrrrrrringggggggggggggggggggggggggg

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        • crlve on Jul 24, 2012 at 7:06 pm

          then go and live there if you love cars so much

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        • apa apa saja on Jul 25, 2012 at 12:51 am

          kesian budak university baru dapat kereta percuma dari mak bapak..
          jaga sikit mulut/tangan beb..
          melaka/johor bukan besar

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        • Sarbath on Jul 25, 2012 at 1:46 am

          @apa apa saje : Stalk nampak :-) .. Well bukan nak bangge ke ape tapi aku reply pada org yg start dulu, salah ke aku tepis org dok ckp VW driver are so lansi ?? Lagi satu pasal mak bapak, aku rase itu pon xpatut masuk campur dlm segmen keta ni.. Senang citer jage tepi kain sendiri dari jage tpi kain org lain.. Salam Ramadhan !

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        • @Sarbath
          keta apa kau dapat dari mak bapak kau?
          ni sure kancil buruk tampal badge vw polo gti

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        • merepek on Jul 27, 2012 at 9:22 am

          mak pak ko di johor terima rasuah; boleh la bagi ko kereta vw murah untuk ko terasa diri ko dihargai; haha..konon la…

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      • Sarbath on Jul 30, 2012 at 1:35 pm

        Merepek : Xbrani ltak name btol ke reply dlm thread ni ?? :-) .. Rasuah ? mak bapak kau kot yg terima sbb tu smpai skrg pon bagi/pakai proton je :-) .. Xberkat la katekan.. Terase diri dihargai ?? Mmg la kena, hasil titik peloh belajar pandai2 and dpt result cemerlang :-) .. Jgn kau je yg rase cemburu dah la :-) .. Assalamualaikum.. Nak carik aku meh melaka/jb ni haa.. :-)

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  • oko028 on Jul 24, 2012 at 10:12 am

    the rear proportion for hatch look unbalance a.k.a Savvy…

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  • premium or not premium, its still looks nice nonetheless IMO,if release in Malaysia hopefully under 100k

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    • For sure <100k. Judging from how VW is lining their models up here, I'm not surprised they will eventually bring this Gol in. Heard there're coming in with the Amarok truck too.

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  • LittleMin on Jul 24, 2012 at 2:35 pm

    It’s a basic car like Saga BLM..
    Yet it has steering button that looks sophisticated, and a lot of mechanical details that even some of the so called “premium” japanese cars don’t have, let alone our Proton and Perodua..

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  • Back to basic, STAY WITH STICK SHIFT :)

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  • Saga blm inside out

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  • It may look like a Saga but please go scrutinize the interior build. Everything looks solid and refined. Even the aircond vents have chrome inserts. That’s VW, low key but always up to mark.

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  • ahmad albab on Jul 25, 2012 at 9:27 am

    wow this vw suck; so cheap and no passion.

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  • oh no on Jul 27, 2012 at 9:22 am

    mmmm another useless car by VW :)


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  • malaysia polo sedan sux! on Dec 20, 2012 at 2:28 am

    malaysia polo sedan rear design should look at least something like this….

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