Perodua Myvi

LATEST UPDATE: New Perodua Myvi facelift launched in Malaysia

Here’s the next newcomer to the Malaysian automobile market – the Perodua MyVI. It’s based on a Daihatsu Boon. Rumours say that it will come with a 1.3 litre DVVT engine and 1.0 DVVT models. The 1.3 should be the same K3-VE found in the Kembara DVVT and the Toyota Avanza, and the 1.0 should be just a smaller displacement version of it. Prices will be between 42,000 ringgit to 52,000 ringgit.

This is the original Daihatsu Boon. It’s available in 1 litre 2WD and 4WD configurations and 1.3 litre 2WD configuration.

Why Myvi? I’ve heard someone say the My means Malaysia and the VI represents the sixth car that Perodua has come up with. Kancil, Rusa, Kembara, Kelisa, Kenari… yup. The Myvi is the sixth. There are also other explanations to what MyVI means, such as Malaysian Vision, My Vision and My Vehicle.

I’ll predict that Daihatsu YRV turbo halfcuts will be even more in demand now ;)

Click (more) for more photos and click the thumbnails for a larger version.

Other related Perodua Myvi posts:
Perodua Myvi
Perodua Myvi TRD Bodykit
Perodua Myvi Logo and Test Drive
Perodua Myvi Launch
Perodua Myvi Colours – The Myvi Rainbow
Perodua Myvi Specifications and Price
Perodua Myvi Interior
Perodua Myvi Engine Bay
Perodua Myvi Technical Datasheet
Perodua Myvi Photos From The Showroom
Perodua Myvi Forum
Converting your Perodua Myvi to a turbo?

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • Dominik on Apr 24, 2005 at 7:20 am

    I can't help it, but to me it looks exactly like the Boon.

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  • the back part looks weird la.the back looks like avanza?

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  • well, perodua has very close ties with toyota and daihatsu. they are all under toyota anyway. and the avanza is so cheap because it's manufactured by perodua, not toyota.

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  • S. Sharath on Apr 25, 2005 at 3:52 pm

    RM42k for a 1.0 and RM52k for a 1.3???? Hope the new improved features go a lot deeper than a new design.

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  • I think with it's price, it is a good deal. I can't wait to have this car. Waiting for it's launching.

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  • chiko on Apr 26, 2005 at 1:31 am

    Duh…. can kah you all make the car a little bit bigger…..idiot bah you all perodua staff…come on lah grow up a little bit…

    .. 1.0 cc for rm 42 k?!!! ceh better i buy honda jazz much more convenient…. ;P

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  • I don't understand how you can compare this car to a Honda Jazz and somehow use 'convenience' as a factor.

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  • Froggy on Apr 26, 2005 at 5:41 am

    hahaha….how can compare perodua with honda jazz…..the prices r alrdy a big different……hahaha….stupid…but…perodua….oklah…can consider…

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  • kuching on Apr 26, 2005 at 6:01 am

    i think that chiko is insane…how can compare with honda jazz.eventhough my house got honda but i wont compare with jazz price is double the price of my vi.actually this car is a bit small but i will consider to buy one for convience use.

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  • HaDeZ on Apr 26, 2005 at 8:32 pm

    ummm it seems to Toyota DUET or Daihatsu STORIA.

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  • well, what is the price for a Kenari then..? The Kenari EZ is selling at RM44+K… will Kenari price drop ??!!

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  • kay_c on Apr 26, 2005 at 9:26 pm

    from what i've seen here, this car is quite ok in the price range & looks… but who knows what under the boot of this one. i'll bet all my saving with anyone that is car is going to have many and i mean many hitches as far as Proton & Produa reputation is concern. better buck up both of you's, or i'm switching to japanese models for good…

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  • hycarl on Apr 26, 2005 at 11:13 pm

    heylo Chiko u chiseen immature kid! supportlah our malaysian's car…i think perodua is doing a great job.. and duhh! honda jazz is like almost 100K, this myvi is half the price of jazz..are u soo dumb to compare it? wanna buy jazz go on la if u so rich..layak ker??! ;P

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  • Frankly, not really nice. And the back is ugly.

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  • aiyohhh on Apr 27, 2005 at 12:19 am

    oklah tu… but… quite pricey ahhh… comparing to jazz… memang lah jazz 2x more xpensive… but… comparing to jazz ah???… aiyohhh… come on lah… jangan buat malu perodua lah… be abit realistic ok…

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  • Well, diff category, cannot comment. What I c is frm the price and the specs, it is a good deal for medium income working adult.personaly think pero2 cars aren't reli tht bad coz most of my frens who drivin pero2 saz pero2 is better than proton…no offense…just feedbacks frm drivers. wel, compare with int'l automobile, local automobile industry is still in infant stage..thus,there're still rooms to improve, of coz.

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  • x jauh beza bentuknya dgn avanza…..??? Harganya agak tinggilah…x padan dgn rupa. tapi oklah

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  • drive on Apr 27, 2005 at 4:22 am

    im toyota salesperson, i believe myvi will accommodate most of the people desire to buy a new car,quite elegant and economical and some technologies came from toyota especially the DVVT.worth for money.much better than proton.

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  • hmm .. nice, plan to buy, 1.3cc got air-bag? ABS?

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  • Xafiq on Apr 27, 2005 at 8:45 am

    its same like aveo,but if want to compare with honda jazz i think that stupid.

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  • myvi is pretty nice.. but, for the price.. i'll rather go for a kia picanto which is RM48k. it has everything u wan in an economic car, e.g. air bags, ABS, etc.. n it's spacious too..

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  • sohee on Apr 27, 2005 at 9:44 am

    wah new perodua car… very nice… inside looks good… but the price ARGGGGHHHH(faith) 40++K to 50++K for crying out loud… you can add few buck buy a better car with shfitronic gear right i don't want to say what car i think you all know what car. But they must do it right this time not like previous model … keuar aje dari kilang tak sampai 6 bulan or 24hr masuk kilang balik right…

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  • ok but don't know how is the quality……. I plan to buy but wait and see first

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  • Shamsol on Apr 27, 2005 at 6:32 pm

    a mix-breed : Avanza(Front & Rear) + Atos (Upper Back) + Jazz (???). Give a new name , maybe JAVANTOS. Nice try pero2 !!!

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  • Keribang Rebus on Apr 27, 2005 at 7:30 pm

    the design is good but why the price is so high ?

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  • model 1.0 also using DVVT engine or not?

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  • Aurel Lea on Apr 27, 2005 at 8:02 pm

    Look sporty and a bit weird and 1.00 for 42k? Anyway, since kancil and kenari is hot in Msia, then why not this model? After all, we are Msian, so supportlah our product.

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  • I don't know if the 1.0 engine is gonna be using DVVT. They might just use the old Kenari/Kelisa engine.

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  • nice car,but 1.0 cc for 42k,it's crazy.Big car but small cc?.Better hyundai Getz.. same big but 1.6cc maaa..

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  • phillip on Apr 27, 2005 at 10:26 pm

    I think the car looks really good, with value for money.. However, how economical is this car going to be? afterall the kembara is not very well known for fuel efficiency…I plan to buy, but will wait for second or maybe 3rd batch to allow them time to fix the initial glitches. then again yrv components would go down in price by then…

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  • Potato on Apr 27, 2005 at 10:36 pm

    Finally new car from pero2 . good try , nice design compare to the previous pero2 car. But still its a small car more suitable 4 the ladies .. If they can lower the price a bit then its Ichiban !!!

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  • the kembara's fuel consumption is like that bcos of the 4wd transmission. the avanza uses the same k3-ve 1.3 dvvt engine and its fuel consumption is fine.

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  • Nice looking car…bravo pero2 but i guess they should lower the price…expensive what!!

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  • if only they can lower the prize then i go for it…

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  • hey, how can u compare hyundai getz with pero2 myvi??? hyundai getz 1.6cc is ard 80k la.. if u can afford a car for 80k, might as well get honda city or vios for few an extra few K.. at least, it's a complete sedan n has very good fuel consumption.. better 2nd value too…

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  • eh.. will it confirm to launch on May.. coz i am planning to buy car.. but still looking.. this is nice but i cant wait liaw lor..:Þ

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  • barry on Apr 28, 2005 at 7:22 am

    i still thick malaysia pro2 car r expensive compare to other, we have use all local material to produce car in malaysia but how come is still expensive, car producer shall sell cheaper car to malaysian citizen.

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  • If Perodua MYVI cost RM40 to 50, it is much more better. Kerata boleh tahanlah…no need to compare much.

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  • Obviously, malaysian cars are too eepensive compared to other countries. Don't really understand why export models are cheaper that local models.Anyway, it's a need to malaysian life and culture. So, live with it.

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  • anchulin on Apr 28, 2005 at 4:42 pm

    40++ for myvi is reasonable,pls think abt kelisa oso 1.0cc it is now cost 42+ ok?if compare wif others,our myvi is much more cheaper than import brand.anyway,we can;t deny tat,m'sia QA is not tat professional,so we r now only facing wif quality wise.myself owning kelisa now,i feel ok wif it,due to maintain gd my car 3yrs o now is stil preform doesn't really grap me in problem…..believe of m'sia!look afther wif ur maintainance,every car oso de same.

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  • syaiful on Apr 28, 2005 at 4:48 pm

    looks nice but expensivela for 1.0cc.good try perodua syabas!

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  • surfnux on Apr 28, 2005 at 5:27 pm

    hoho If the back is curved down, will make it looks like volkswagen new beetle. By the way quite nice.

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  • Ya.. is really a stupid to compare MY VI to Jazz!! Something wrong in his mind!! The new MYVI is quite nice, it's seems abit like chevolet in certain agle. May be price an lower a bit.

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  • tangkakguy on Apr 28, 2005 at 7:35 pm

    quite nice…but i think the size inside car is something like Kancil and kelisa??? so need to make a consideration….

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  • eyna05 on Apr 28, 2005 at 7:47 pm

    Is is a nice model indeed, for a kancil.No need to compare with other company lah…..

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  • eyna05 on Apr 28, 2005 at 7:48 pm

    It is a nice model indeed for a kancil, so no need to compare with other models lah….

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  • kevan low on Apr 28, 2005 at 8:04 pm

    importtant the is very nice

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  • sufian on Apr 28, 2005 at 11:00 pm

    very expensive!!!

    can't afford to buy

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  • Mr Right To Left on Apr 29, 2005 at 3:01 am

    1st thought it's look like merc a class…wow

    then, it's look like the vw beetle.. fuiwit

    at last, it's still a perodua…fuhhh

    what a thought!!

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  • erm…kasi murah sket boleh tak? takde kete lagi ni. mcm kenari plak…sume dah ok. tp price agak tinggi. baik beli iswara kan? hmmm…still considering nih! kete mcm mini mpv ni agak trendy kan? sape yg ade duit tu. beli lah. support kete malaysia. malaysia boleh ajerr!!!

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  • It is a perfect model .. even though it cannot be compare to Jazz … but guys … dont ever compare local products with overseas product … it is totally different … maybe you guys can afford Jazz but … AHEM AHEM …excuse me .. we all go for installmets … dont we? Means we all .. short of $$$ … Jazz or My Vi … all the same … for me … if talk bout just daily use .. any model will do .. for status …Euro cars are always better … they dont really need bodykits … imagine .. just park your S600L or 748i at the hotel … it just stay there to catch your eyes glimpse…. trust me ..

    For Perodua .. keep up the good work …!

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  • VH Lee on Apr 29, 2005 at 5:07 am

    Not too bad but the price is still high .. it should be price much lower especially AFTA is just around the corner.. and i am sure that there will be a stiff competition from other players in the cars market..

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  • adzonan on Apr 29, 2005 at 5:24 am

    Quite expensive, for a small car of course… pero2 n d gov should look into dis matter in order to boost our local car industry n to widen their scope of customers. RM35k-40k!! Why not, so everybody can afford it, thus will make sure dat pero2 will b d best choice for those planning to have 1 for themselve.

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  • 4G93satria1.6 on Apr 29, 2005 at 6:37 am

    the back looks like avanza..and a bit like the getz..they should've put a bigger engine like 1.5 at least cuz like the jazz,aveo and getz are on 1.5 looks great..and might i say that perodua is making a better car then proton…for now la..

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  • kete cantik,tapi…..harga,bleh kurang tak?

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  • zorro on Apr 29, 2005 at 8:31 am

    I still prefer Perodua do something about Daihatsu YRV

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  • myvi should be price lower!!!

    y does local cars sell cheaper when they r overseas???

    y can't msian have the privilege of buying cheap local cars???

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  • lelaine on Apr 29, 2005 at 5:09 pm

    hey.. i saw this car on road.. nice la..better than spark chevrolet…and even better than avio.

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  • Kylie on Apr 29, 2005 at 7:12 pm

    Why can Malaysia have their own design of car such as Gen-2 aka milo tin punya quality on its body.

    If perodua wants to capture our Malaysian market, they have to have their own original design and not to mentioned its quality with an affordable price.

    Last but not least, we are Malaysian, we have the right to choose, to discriminate and be proud of what we have.

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  • Malaysian always look for "cantik lagi murah" (in chinese say 'peng leng jeng')Still considering? while ppl r queueing in the booking list… yup, I booked oledi… hihi

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  • FucFuc on Apr 29, 2005 at 8:14 pm

    Hei so mahal and the interest again very high. Hei, commonlah make the interest small like oversea car.

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  • FucFuc on Apr 29, 2005 at 8:16 pm

    stupid interior design. Not nice.

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  • FucFuc on Apr 29, 2005 at 8:17 pm

    y built in cd player. cannot change later on.

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  • FucFuc on Apr 29, 2005 at 8:18 pm

    buy gen-3 coming in May also. Better car. Price at 36K

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  • MingKee on Apr 29, 2005 at 8:20 pm

    GEn-3 what car is that?>?

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  • The interior not nice. Stupid design lo. Gen-3 better design. Price reasonable

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  • the car is nice from exterior but price for 1.3 is a little bit high perodua should consider giving 1.5 to 1.6 class , AND FOR THE GUY WHO COMPARE THIS CAR WITH HONDA JAZZ , HE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT CAR LAR ,WHAT A WASTE

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  • Thanks paul for the information. I'm looking for a new car. I had been working for almost three years and had been looking for a suitable car now. I think the model looks great and the pricing is within my budget. Just worrying about fuel consumption though.. Is it high as high as kembara or as low as Kelisa fuel consumption? Pls advise if possible.

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  • MyVi…tested personally.cabin superb.can accomodate 5 adults.airbags,ABS,side mirror signal,key entry with immobilizer and a jaw dropiiing on the cockpit dashboard.see first then comment laa…malaysian always condemn.KASI MALU SAJE ORANG MALAYSIA.

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  • WaN: i think you should benchmark it against the avanza as it's the same engine. consumption should be higher than the kelisa for sure, but i dont think its as bad as the kembara due to not having a 4wd gearbox.

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  • sarah aqmar on Apr 30, 2005 at 5:22 am

    should be priced lower at anything below RM30k this is to be in harmony with the post AFTA prices

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  • irene on Apr 30, 2005 at 5:25 pm

    Now can see at perodua showroom or not? klang?

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  • mitsubishi evo IV on Apr 30, 2005 at 7:25 pm

    i think you all say right this car not nice

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  • fazzly isma on Apr 30, 2005 at 7:48 pm

    Exterior design ok. But the size…and price. Perodua have to think about the price. For me, kereta ni cantik, sporty tetapi kena kaji semula mengenai harga berbanding pasaran automobil keluaran nasional seperti proton dan perlu mengambilkira harga-harga kereta jenama luar yang kini semakin mendapat tempat pengguna di Malaysia. Price antara RM 30K to 40K .Ideal bagi kereta bersaiz kecil dan bersifat"mampu milik".

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  • jintabar on Apr 30, 2005 at 8:15 pm

    actually we must proud to be malaysian. we should accept product which is made in malaysia…but…price is very high lo. Make a design which is everybody like….like perdana v6

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  • MaD_HaDz on Apr 30, 2005 at 8:31 pm

    Is that's a MyVi design??? hmmmm…setback!

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  • SINGH on Apr 30, 2005 at 9:50 pm


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  • shahan on Apr 30, 2005 at 11:12 pm

    myvi…ive sat in it, quite roomy,interior is ok.quality, perodua cars r better then proton no offence.i agree u cannot compare it with honda jazz. da price should be lower. for ur info myvi is not a compact car. it is a mpv model, so dont compare it with KANCIL MAA! c first, try first, then comment laa…WHAT! for u buyers who have money to buy an expensive imported cars…da choice is yours…

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  • along on Apr 30, 2005 at 11:44 pm

    nice car n nice look…interior i dont want comment bcoz i didnt see…anyway this model can beat all import car(

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  • mok tp on May 01, 2005 at 12:10 am

    malaysianised japan car. can't wait to see it true

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  • KACANG GELI on May 01, 2005 at 6:21 am

    from the infront..VERY GOOD..the back..VERY BAD…how come?

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  • KACANG GELI on May 01, 2005 at 6:22 am

    apapahal pun HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY..i'll buy u a SATRIA GTi 4 ur @#th Birthday..ok ka?

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  • along on May 01, 2005 at 7:44 am

    nice car n nice look…interior i dont want comment bcoz i didnt see…anyway this model can beat all import car(

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  • For the 1.3 model, it will come with 2 airbags, ABS & EBD. Sound great? I heard the waiting for those who book now is 6 months.

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  • skill on May 01, 2005 at 9:52 am

    horse power honda jazz 1.4c.c lbh krg (85hp), kelisa (55hp), rasanya pro2 myvi mungkin 1.0c.c(60-65hp) 1.3dvvt(85hp) haaaaa………. fikirlah sendiri, malulah kalau my vi bole cucuk blakang honda jazz……..

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  • websiter on May 01, 2005 at 10:49 pm

    wahhh new car from perodua ahh? look nice but better put lower the price larrr. imported car not so expensive anymore,so why need to pay more for local car??

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  • Kenneth on May 02, 2005 at 12:32 am

    I think this car is gonna be a hit.Real KL,KK and KCH "yuppies' would like a more powerful car and great design to boot!A great car to take your friends out for drinks,easy to find parking space too!52k with abs,airbags and 1.3 DVVT,side mirror indicator and cd player and futuristic center console design would still be great deal.Just worried about the suspension,had my kancil for 3 years and i had 2 pairs!Anyway kudos to Perodua for car quite different from the ones we are so familiar with!

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  • andrea on May 02, 2005 at 7:35 am

    cool….i hope 2 hv 1

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  • c h r i s t on May 02, 2005 at 8:04 am

    looked better than other design loh, can't wait to see for real, keep it up perodua!!

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  • Chen Ai Ling on May 02, 2005 at 10:21 pm

    Hello, brothers and sisters. For your info, the price of the said car is far too expensive for malaysian essembled car. So….unbearable… common la…why must be obsessed with the design with such quality. Frankly, I've been driving the malaysian car… haiya… mana ada quality?????

    Now only I realized the import car is far far better…..Sorry ya… My honest opinion. Dont be offended.

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  • macam mana i nak booking kereta ni..kalau boleh boleh nak jadi first user untuk keta ni…how

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  • luq: You can check out Perodua distributors.

    Ai Ling: I think Perodua's quality control is not much far off from imported cars these days. Seriously wish Perodua made a version of the VIOS or something :P Anyway I don't think the price is TOO expensive lah.

    Kenneth: Do you think there's be a sports version with a K3-VET? None of the Malaysian manufacturers have developed turbocharged models yet.

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  • whoit mate! i think with wald's skirtings, this baby is a monster!wathc out jazz! huahhaha

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  • tatie on May 03, 2005 at 4:50 pm

    When is the car launching? I'm going to book…

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  • nilla on May 03, 2005 at 5:42 pm

    Alamak…a bit expensive lah… lower a bit lah the price…i was thinking to buy a car before Hari Raya kalau boleh keta besar sikit la dari kancil or kelisa..but the price tu…cc kecik harga tinggi… Why ah??? Because it's MPV ke? Tapi ok lah ada improvement ada warna merah kan… i saw once from far la axactly mcm honda jazz cunn.. bila launch? Incik kasi murah lah, manyak mahal lah wa baru keja jugak…

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  • HISHAM on May 03, 2005 at 5:46 pm


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  • HISHAM on May 03, 2005 at 5:50 pm

    Anyway…my wife is planning to buy her own' of MyVi…come on pero2..just launch it..

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  • nilla on May 03, 2005 at 8:55 pm

    eh eh eh kalau condition ok takde hal lah 52k pun orait furthermore bukanlah bayar cash installment maa… tapi janganlah indah kabar dari rupa..mcm keta "Tin milo " apa cite???? Promotion sikit punya gempak tapi result teruk…kan ke meaniaya pembeli tu.. yg penting kepuasan, price no 2.. tapi kalau murah sikit alhamdulillah!!!

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  • aikall on May 04, 2005 at 1:39 am

    but for me a fresh worker,bru blaja nk beli keta..keta malaysiani ok, cuma kdg2 finishing utk interior dia..xmemuaskn car..xspai sminggu, dh nk msuk blik dlm kilang..kilang kt mlaysiani dh buka hmpir sedekad.. tp..come on us some improvement..then we can totally support our national car 100%..sorry..honest from me..

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  • jimmy on May 04, 2005 at 11:57 am

    nice wok done by u thanx

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  • Mahani on May 04, 2005 at 12:01 pm

    I have just sold my Kancil that I bought in 1998. I thought of buying Gen2 but was told by a friend about the MyVI. I searched for the photo in the internet and saw this Olive Green colour MyVI. I think the design is cool as the design is as trendy as the Chevrolet Aveo, Picanto, Getz and even the Honda Jazz.So,I booked one for me and my children as I’ve been using my Kancil for the passed years and so far that Kancil has not given me any major problems. Hope to be one of the early customers to get my MyVI.

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  • nilla on May 04, 2005 at 5:01 pm

    dah check dah ngan perodua distributor semalam, 1.0cc RM41500, 1.3cc-(A)RM48000,(M)RM46000, kalau PREMIUM (air bag + auto lock)(A)RM52500 (M)RM50000…down payment min 10%. Tapi kalau booking sekarang ni sempat ke dapat sebelum hari raya??? Hah booking 1K plak… OK ni i rasa keta ni "gerek"… but i'm afraid for the first batch punya keta takut banyak rosak lah…frust tau kalau mcm tu…

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  • candy on May 04, 2005 at 6:16 pm

    y every 1 suke compare dgn honda jazz? tu msti yg tak tau pasal kereta. c the price la.. jazz dekat 90k myvi tak sampi only 40++k how come u all can compare?? anyway they all(RND pro2)dah kaji bende2 nie, market, price, kire ok la tu.. tp kalau sesape yg mampu nk beli jazz..go on..jgn tau cpmlain jer..

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  • jimmy on May 04, 2005 at 7:57 pm

    nice wok done by u thanx

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  • Mahani on May 04, 2005 at 8:01 pm

    I have just sold my Kancil that I bought in 1998. I thought of buying Gen2 but was told by a friend about the MyVI. I searched for the photo in the internet and saw this Olive Green colour MyVI. I think the design is cool as the design is as trendy as the Chevrolet Aveo, Picanto, Getz and even the Honda Jazz.So,I booked one for me and my children as I've been using my Kancil for the passed years and so far that Kancil has not given me any major problems. Hope to be one of the early customers to get my MyVI.

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  • AJEmie on May 04, 2005 at 9:07 pm

    You orang tengok dulu lah..! baru tau..gambar sama betul tengok tarak sama…

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  • Paul. Great news! Just book perodua-my-vi today (4th May 2005)(Wednesday) for a RM1000 booking. I book for 1.01 version car as it is more economical as the car price is ranging within RM41K ++ and it uses electric injection pump with dvvt which gives much pick up power and less fuel usage but a little bit higher fuel usage than kelisa. The salesperson noted that the price could drop as low as RM38k to RM40k when launching but not yet confirm but the salesperson noted that it could be plus minus RM3000 than the noted price; RM41K. I'm truly excited. I choose apple green as the color as is truly remarkable and looks modern and 'hip'. My brother preferred black solid color though but I still prefer the apple green color. I applied loan with Public bank as it offers the lowest interest rates for 9 years which is 3.75% and compared to other financial institutions, it is the lowest! Downpayment is RM5000 and the monthly installment is RM464! The best thing that I learned today from the sales person is that the back seat can be rolled over to be turned into a bed! In addition, I was being told that my booking today will enable me to get the car by July/Aug 05! So guys, what are you're waintin' for! Book it now! And Paul thanks again for this informative site that had enable me to get the much information needed for me to make the desicion of purchasing my first car, perodua-my vi! since working for almost three years in a private limited company right after I graduated from my studies. and for Nila, don't worry too much as I'm very confident with perodua company new car as their new car released previously like kancil, kelisa does not create any problems compared to proton company new-released car that created much problems such as the gen-2 owners. So, have faith and make the booking now as I believe that it would be the best decision for buying car especially for those who are looking for an economical and 'hip' car such as perodua-my vi!

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  • Agree with what Wan has said. I actually booked the car last mth. Well, this car is a good opt for us who can't afford to install imported car. I und the interest rate for imported car is lower than national car, but beside installment, v need to think for spec spa, the service, etc etc. This is a realistic question. I think, to safe guard, start with economic car first is a wise choice.

    Of coz, if u can afford nice car, do go ahead. But dun 4get that car is liability. V shouldn't over-spend on cars. If have extra money, why dun think of purchasing some assets? Investment?

    Just a sharing.

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  • E46-M3-CSL on May 05, 2005 at 2:22 am


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  • mazlam bin zali on May 05, 2005 at 2:31 am

    ugly back side

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  • hi hi

    I also booked the car last weekend. the premium edition. but was told the estimated delivery is around Sept/Oct :( Becos the first 10k units oledi booked. mine would be the 2nd batch. Chose black or red. Can't wait…

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  • I saw the car already!!! its so f@@@ing nice!!


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  • SoundBlaster on May 05, 2005 at 8:18 am

    Alooo all… what d heck ada kata our local car macam "tin milo"? Ngaku rakyat Malaysia tapi ngutuk produk Malaysia. Kalau keter luar rupa macam "cencorot" masih kata "ada kelaaasss"…

    You people don't under estimate Myvi. Jangan tengok gambar then nak comment as if like good good. And never compare with Jazz lah woiii! Kalau lu kaya punya olaannggg manyak luiittt… go for Jazz lah! Tapi kalau lu olang stakat gaji cukup2 makan nak bergaya lebih dengan Jazz… say "Hi Hi Bye Bye" lah. Nanti pakai 2-3 bulan… bank mari carik lu olanggg…

    U tak suka national car like Myvi… sit quite quite. Just wait & see the car physically but don't gigit jari if you later found out Myvi is a worth buying car.

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  • nilla on May 05, 2005 at 5:05 pm

    ok lah wan…thanks so much probably by this month i pi book la…tapi tak sure cc mana nak amik…i don't want to think so much, i will decide later when i get there..i am so kanchong.. can't wait…MyVi..i can't sleep for the pass few days, haa now i can sleep peacefully!!!

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  • azrul on May 05, 2005 at 8:31 pm


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  • Khairul on May 05, 2005 at 10:31 pm

    mahal laaaaaa………

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  • raven on May 06, 2005 at 2:53 am

    no bad !!!

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  • TangkakGuy...! on May 06, 2005 at 9:04 pm

    overall of this car is guite good, but important is got many problem or not….

    need to spend some time to make an investigation……!

    Malaysia Boleh!!!!

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  • SHAHRIL N9T on May 06, 2005 at 9:27 pm


    BOOKING : RM 1,000


    NO:6, JLN BERSATU 10,


    48000 RAWANG,


    E-MAIL : [email protected]

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  • Most dealers offer booking. As long is Perodua dealer. So just drop by Pero2 shop or search frm newspaper. some dealers' booking list is very hi, some not. if wanna rush to get the car, get from those has lesser in their list. becoz according to my fren who is working in pero2 HQ, the 1st batch is only 20k, plus have to allocate to diff region.

    so dun go for the dealers who have hi volume of booking list.

    even they promise u to deliver the car fast to u, actually it is useless.

    becoz it is bounce back to HQ's side.


    And, I wonder why a lot of u saz u saw the cars on the road? s the car not even launch yet, where did u able to catch the glimpse?

    also, the picture v all have r actually crui snap from pero2 R&D yart wan.

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  • pasal -susah…nak beli -beli la…tak nak beli sudah….saya…tak mampu….ehek..ehek…beli basikal je…marhain..ehek…ehek…4 kali

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  • konpius on May 07, 2005 at 6:33 pm

    sabah sarawak can book or not.. if book now..

    bila can sampai?? someone help..

    wht price here aaah??? 45-60k.. got ka?

    low cc car now very ngaaam.. oil price next 3month also niak… somemore proton tiara

    new name alphabetical dont know wht..

    is it better?? and why we malaysian have to pay mahal… help us malaysian laa..very poor laa i.

    and for the "JAZZ GUY" wht r u doing here..if u so kaya why intrested in local car? MOUTH SPEAK BIGGER THEN MONEY. like ur mouth la kan.

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  • ekooh on May 07, 2005 at 6:38 pm

    wait lah maybe got so many problem leh.Aiyo i just buy new kenari how ar??

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  • Well tentatively, PROTON is planning to launch its latest model the B44B,on the 20th MAY 05.I heard that this car is competitively to the MYVI in pricing BUT MUCH BETTER in safety features…..eemm we'll see as now PROTON is using the TUV for the quality approval standard.

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  • sy slh seorang yg tertunggu2 nk tgk myvi.tapi..nmpk gayanya x jadik le.tak bekenan lak nengoknye.kekadang rasa mcm indah khabar dari rupa jer.tgu dan tguuuuuuuuuuuuu….smpai bila x tau..chow!

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  • Hey guy, anyone have friend as a produa car dealer? can them advise of the price of MY VI? If the price is 52K or above, then I better for Conti. car eg. Fiat Panda, it is about 59K. Somethime quite sad with the local authority, why is it local assemble yet price so high??? And Somemore say malaysia boleh??? BOLEH what also don't know???!!! MINYAK NAIK BOLEH LAH !!! Very dissapointed leh! :(

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  • Shukri on May 08, 2005 at 5:17 pm

    If compare to honda or kia, Myvi price is very reasonable and competetive. If cheap and later on become Tiara vesion, what for? Perodua quality and relibility was proven from the previous version. Hopely this vesion is better version in term of quality and performance. (Petrol consumption actually, minyak naik bah!) New/up todate design. Don't wait! Book now. Malayasia car! Support it. Who are going to support you later if not your own country!

    Soo Ker Lee

    KK, Sabah.

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  • Bryan Ng on May 08, 2005 at 11:43 pm

    As for me, the Myvi looks great and the price selling is also reasonable…now, jst waiting for the launching and c the real one compare with the photo taken,if all ok,surely i get it one…

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  • good looking, is it really the same like daihatsu boon? I 've checked the japanese daihatsu webside, they given name for this model is daihatsu boon. what about daihatsu Sirion? are these 3 models same? confusing le! inside similar or not? have to book in few days time, a bit afraid le? Paul any idea? i have kanari just 4 months but like this very much le, ok to change?

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  • dazi: The Boon and the Sirion is the same, just different names in different countries. Just like how the Waja is called Waja here and Impian in the UK.

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  • chris on May 10, 2005 at 2:09 am

    Anyone know what colors are available for MyVi?

    And 1.0cc is manual or auto??

    Is it true 1.3cc come in 2 version wt or wtout airbag,autolock etc??

    I am considering but my budget do not allow me to go above 50k. Prefer 1.0cc auto if available.

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  • chris: well according to someone whose visited the perodua showroom, there are 7 colors and 2 of them are red and apple green.

    the premium 1.3 version is the same price as the kembara aero which is about 50k. with the word 'premium' there, i would presume it has all the features you mentioned :D

    1.0 auto is cheaper.

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  • chris on May 10, 2005 at 2:40 am

    just need to know if there's really a 1.0 auto.

    someone said 1.0 only available manual.

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  • well as the kelisa/kenari had auto on the same 1.0 dohc engine, i dont see why not. even if now dont have, they will introduce later?

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  • chris on May 10, 2005 at 3:06 am

    someone commented that there's a new Proton Gen-3 at 39k. Sedan or MPV?? I like MPV though.

    If 1.0cc dohc engine, does that mean no DVVT, so no save fuel??

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  • hs_sam on May 10, 2005 at 4:00 am

    Hek eleee…..yang macam ni dah banyak dah kat m'sia. Kita mahu m'sia keluarkan kereta MPV pulak.

    ….pimai pi mai tang tu jugak………………!

    malaslah nak puji pujian….tak ada yang bestnyer keta tuh…..

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  • MPV? Currently, you have the Naza Citra and Naza Ria. :P

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  • OK!! GUYZ~~Let me explain about this car (MyVI).

    it has a 1.0/1.3 DVVT K3-VE engine.also known as vvti in toyota.It generates 87hp* whereby honda jazz with 1.5 which also generates the same horsepower. 5 litrs/100km of fuel comsumption is highest among its has a wider interior width n longer length compare to any car at its class. AVEO/JAZZ/GETZ.OK!everyone might think this is the best car comparing to its competitors.but why is it only 42-52k?Perodua is a company mainly holded by UMW toyota(38%) n daihatsu japan.and a shareholders by malaysian which mean Perodua is using the technology by Toyota and spare parts(engine,gearbox,suspension)everything) by daihatsu but the prices(duty) of malaysian car.

    IN CONCLUSION WE ENJOY THE LOW PRICES OF MALAYSIAN CAR USING THE BEST TECHNOLOGY OUT OF TOYOTA N DAIHATSU.THATS PERODUA MYVI…it will be launched on 25th MAY!but its OPEN FOR BOOKING now…current waiting period is 3 MONTHS.a massive response is receiving day by day.Has there be a longer wait?? BOOK NOW!!! more enquiry from Hugo 012-7866866. CALL now!!!

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  • u can change the cd player as u like.1.0 manual

    1.3 standard n premium with manual n auto.5 models altogether.its come with built-in stabiliser on its suspension.Guyz,come on! compare it with JAZZ as u like…its not stupid at all.JAZZ cost about 30K on japan.Its just that the 200% duty makes it sold 100K in malaysia.Materials inside MYVI is all daihatsu spare parts.every cents count.Whenever u compare a toyota car with always edges out COMPARE guyz.u will be convinced with the myVI.As for the "1st batch fear" of a new model.You guyz dont need to worry coz everything inside the car is the same as of BOON/PASSO.its just the exterior is altered abit.SAME CHASIS SAME ENGINE SAME GEAR BOX SAME SUSPENSION SAME eveverything underneath la…boon/passo is launced in japan for a year and receive no major complain as yet.FEEDBACK is excellent power n fuel comsumption.once again i give u the statss.

    0-100km/h at 11.2 seconds.5 litres/100km.

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  • thanks for the information hugo.

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  • bolehlaa… takde le cun sangat.bonet kecik sangat klau panjang skit lagi cun.tapi klau beli tak rugi..

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  • Any chance of getting the 4WD model locally? Sick of 2WD FF cars already.

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  • gabriel on May 10, 2005 at 9:00 am

    daihatsu forever anyway i have seen the real daithatsu sirion sport version (boon) in singapore and i can tell u it's as nice as honda jazz

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  • azrul on May 10, 2005 at 10:46 am

    hey guys, i’ve went to perodua recently just to get some infor on myvi:
    1. it comes with 3 versions:
    -1.0 (manual)price is around RM 42 K
    -1.3 standard (manual) price will be around RM 46K
    and (auto) price will be around RM 48K
    -1.3 premium ->comes with air bag,ABS and side mirror with signal light (auto) price will be around RM 52K and (manual) around RM 50K
    2. it comes with 7 colors:
    mistic red, milenia gold, classic gold, grey, silver, black and light green(new color)

    3. current booking is more than 4000

    4. Price may go lower after launching (no confirmation on the launching date)

    5. Performance: 1.3 DVVT equals to 1.5

    6. The car is spacious ( boot can be filled up with 2 golf bags )

    7. Special features: back seat can be fold/expand to something like sofa bed for your baby to sleep.

    8. Important: Booking should only be make at perodua branch (Booking RM 1000 )for confirmation in booking list. I’ve read the memo issued by the P2 big boss that says booking fees is RM 1000. If you find an offer booking

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  • sabu_bangi on May 10, 2005 at 11:33 am

    harga mahal sangat tak padan ngan rupe.. tapi tak de le buruk sangat.. kalau harga bawah 40,000 ok la… lagi ramai org beli..

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  • david on May 10, 2005 at 1:44 pm

    y can't they jst come out a new model with al e bodykit installed on it…looks better ma…buy now den body kit model comes out den make us regret only…i believe by making it more 'chun' wil boost e bookings and sales of this car.. 42k for 1.0…lau eh…kinda ex ler…better go for a proton wira aero SE…49k 1.5 somemore…got bodykit oso…not forgettin 16"sports rim

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  • azrul on May 10, 2005 at 6:46 pm

    hey guys, i've went to perodua recently just to get some infor on myvi:

    1. it comes with 3 versions:

    -1.0 (manual)price is around RM 42 K

    -1.3 standard (manual) price will be around RM 46K

    and (auto) price will be around RM 48K

    -1.3 premium ->comes with air bag,ABS and side mirror with signal light (auto) price will be around RM 52K and (manual) around RM 50K

    2. it comes with 7 colors:

    mistic red, milenia gold, classic gold, grey, silver, black and light green(new color)

    3. current booking is more than 4000

    4. Price may go lower after launching (no confirmation on the launching date)

    5. Performance: 1.3 DVVT equals to 1.5

    6. The car is spacious ( boot can be filled up with 2 golf bags )

    7. Special features: back seat can be fold/expand to something like sofa bed for your baby to sleep.

    8. Important: Booking should only be make at perodua branch (Booking RM 1000 )for confirmation in booking list. I've read the memo issued by the P2 big boss that says booking fees is RM 1000. If you find an offer booking

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  • azrul on May 10, 2005 at 6:48 pm

    booking less than 1K, is just to attract customer but your name will not be key in the waiting list….

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  • chris on May 10, 2005 at 7:23 pm

    that's mean 1.0cc do not have auto, as been told by a friend.

    so if I m in lov wt MyVi have to go for 48k 1.3std auto. Wow, bit out of my budget.

    I was so excited thinking can get a 1.0cc auto (less price not to strain my expenses).

    anyway, it was good of Paul to set up this website, we got good info on MyVi. Good of you…

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  • azrul on May 10, 2005 at 7:43 pm

    anyone seen the MyVi preview in the news last night ?…give some comments

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  • mdnoor on May 11, 2005 at 12:27 am

    hi guys…i dah booking this myvi sejak bulan februari….tak sabar lagi..le

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  • hey guys… watch the modified one. type toyota passo to search the modified one. look nicer if compare to jazz…

    trust me. search it now

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  • at last…we can buy a Toyota car at cheaper price…

    Proton quality..esp…kosmetic is worst

    syoiiikkkk nya pakai keta toyota

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  • ajoiiii on May 11, 2005 at 6:38 am

    syiooknya …can buy toyota car at malaysian price.

    bye-bye 2 proton…yr quality is getting worst..esp interior & exterior…

    asyik tanggalll aje

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  • Henry on May 11, 2005 at 7:42 am

    Haha just booked my Perodua MyVi today… super confident that this model will outsell Gen2 and Avanza when its launch…for those who wanna wait and c…better not…cause look at avanza, they raised the prices by 3k after a few weeks. Hrrm…cool car I say. Maybe add some body kit, it will look damn cool. :)

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  • ManInGermany on May 11, 2005 at 7:47 am

    The design is cute, same as Toyota Corolla Verso in Europe… on promo now. With such a high pricetag, are quality guaranteed? Not that I'm unpatriotic but have used Iswara and Wira before. God knows how frustrating these cars are. If I'm rich wouldn't have bought those Protons.

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  • steven on May 11, 2005 at 9:44 am

    i think malaysian car too expensive,japanese car good then malaysian,y buy malaysian car????expensive,,fast rosak,no quality

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  • AZLIMD on May 11, 2005 at 5:01 pm


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  • Perodua Rusa maa… ingat ka? :)

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  • Pero2 Myvi vs Kia Picanto

    Hi guys. I'm planning to buy an auto car and it will be my fisrt car. Right now, I'm thinking of either Pero2 Myvi or Kia Picanto. Seeking for advice and opinions.

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  • Bib: i've heard from a friend driving a Kia Rio that kia's spareparts price will kill you. so i'd recommend the myvi :D

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  • To HUGO I think you had given us the wrong stats for fuel consumption and usage for perodua-my vi. It is not logical at all!

    Quote from Hugo : "once again i give u the statss.

    0-100km/h at 11.2 seconds.5 litres/100km…"

    what? 5 litres for 100 km.. Are you saying that mean from Ipoh to KL (approximately around 100km)used only 5 litres! That's absurd as even Kancil tooks about 20 litre tank to go for 100km from Ipoh to KL…

    Kindly explain?

    or Paul Tan could help out in terms of fuel consumption for perodua-my vi?

    I'm kinda fanatic about fuel consumption due to the high increase of price lately. Bummer!

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  • Launching date is 26 May 2005 by our TPM.

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  • It is indeed Boon. And its under Toyota. Do you know that Perodua in under Daihatsu and Daihatsu belongs Toyota.

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  • WaN: The Passo which uses the same engine is rated at 21km per liter. Realistically I think it would achieve about 15-18km per liter. 21km per liter can be achieved with purely highway driving at top gear I suppose.

    In comparison, my car which is heavier, and runs a 1.6 sohc powerplant with no funky vvti/vtec type of valve timing goes 10km for 1 liter.

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  • i cant wait to c with my own eyes…….

    M Y V I******

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  • Ristz on May 11, 2005 at 9:56 pm

    Yeah..perodua..okalor..but for the price totally out of my budget for second car probably…rather to buy foreign car hehee..preferebly honda..

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  • Slizy Knot on May 12, 2005 at 6:31 am

    Those idiots who compares jazz with myvi is totally wombat head+idiotic di#$s head../

    Why dont u compares myvi with mercz s class to be exact.

    This car perodua is better than those proton models…for now.

    Price i think a little mahal la..

    but than again it uses daihatsu+toyota part

    so…maybe it is not bad la..

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  • yus bangi on May 12, 2005 at 8:35 am

    body dah lawa. harga biarlah kurang sikit. biasalah orang malaysia barang nak selesa, harga nak murah.

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  • konpius on May 12, 2005 at 8:36 am

    hi.. so its gonna b pero2 MYVI rite..

    not TOY.. i think laa people definitely will buy this if its a TOYOTA.. rite..

    so enough with the thinking buy it and put a TOY sticker on it..

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  • konpius on May 12, 2005 at 9:25 am

    Aaalooo. guyz

    i just got this..

    TRM – Tiara Replacement Model [2005]

    Rumours that this car will have triptonic gear. Bigger than Kelisa and spacious as Aveo.

    Engine: 1000 CC, 4 cyl Renault Clio Engine, front wheel drive.

    Competitors: Hyundai Getz, Chevrolet Aveo, Honda Jazz, Citroen C3, Kia Picanto, Perodua Kelisa, Nissan March

    Estimated OTR Price: RM30,000 ++

    can anybody confirm this…..

    and the new satria(SRM)is looking nice 40k++

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  • its just a local version of toyota passso… daihatsu sirion/boon… well.. they r one family right…. :)

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  • About the price…i think it's expensive. Maybe after a few month, that's price can be down. i hope like that. I like this car….:p

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  • Reese pang on May 12, 2005 at 8:31 pm

    my husband booking tat produa myvi 4 me already…really excited…but really sad cos need wait till sep or oct..aiyaya…it nice…i love it~how can i get more pic n more information abt tat car??

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  • belle on May 12, 2005 at 9:40 pm

    Very nice,but price is expensive,cos local car 's interest is very high as compared to other car.(eg:atos & picanto-which is only 2.75%.)if i buy myvi,pay 10k deposidt ,still have to pay rm600++ installment monthy,which is not worth.better consider picanto or atos.

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  • Raveen on May 12, 2005 at 9:42 pm


    The engine is 1.2CC not 1.0. price not sure but it is said that the design and performance is second to none. GO PROTON. Said that TUV handles its quality. SO no prblem..better than MyV

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  • heranman on May 12, 2005 at 10:06 pm

    harga mahal? tak pa..,tapi kalu kualiti kureng, baik beli import je atau wira 1.5 lagi, heran kan, keta sendiri harga mcm import

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  • hantu on May 12, 2005 at 10:38 pm

    cekik darah punya harga…

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  • 5 litres/100km is done by japanese.This is done by 1.0 manual DVVT engine.and 20 litres/100km for kancil is adsurb.maybe u should take note that from kl to ipoh is 300+ KM.

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  • clement on May 13, 2005 at 8:37 am

    the new MYVI look nice. at least is a nicer and sportier. look like impul and honda jazz. can midified like impul later. Perodau has sone a good job although using the daihatsu boon model. at least malaysian wont look boring that is FULL of proton cars. hahaha

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  • clement on May 13, 2005 at 8:41 am

    the new MYVI look nice. at least is a nicer and sportier car. look like impul and honda jazz. can modified like impul later. Perodua has done a good job although using the daihatsu boon model. at least malaysia road wont look boring that is FULL of proton cars. hahaha

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  • jannah on May 13, 2005 at 5:25 pm

    Small car… but expensive…ohhh

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  • hazmi on May 13, 2005 at 7:21 pm

    terlalu mahal..kurang la sket.tapi design ok.

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  • I think MyVI will sell like hotcakes ! No offence, but i think proton sucks – I really hope that perodua will do well at least we've got a national make that's worth buying

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  • Richard on May 13, 2005 at 8:54 pm

    Finally made a booking for the 1.3 MYVI. Got to wait until Sep or Oct. It's ok coz by then Johore plate will be JJJ. A very practical vehicle to zip around town and a spacious interior for a six footer like me.

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  • Now order MyVi when can get the car????

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  • Congratulation to PERODUA…MYVI is nice and smarter better than EON car.

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  • Aszrol on May 13, 2005 at 11:00 pm

    Its been a long time to wait the stylish car from malaysian car production. that's what i call it cool and more stylish car i ever seen before. when i look MYVI when it fully modify in bumper amd skirts, it looks more like honda jazz at the front and more like Opa at the back. but, i'm not satisfied for the prices, please consider the economic situation in our country. hope they're can put the prices so malaysian people can afford to buy it and also increase our economic financial. that's all from me, keep a good work to perodua. maintain the quality to become the best car producer in the world. ok bye!

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  • I hate Msian car, they are producing something bad and the oil price keep rising, why bother but fuel consumption if every 6 months got price hike.I'm not proud of being bullied Msian by othe msian

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  • why compare fuel prices in Msia and other countries, I'm not driving my car in other countries, other countries the fuel quality is different and the toll is not that high as Msia.why this people try to fool on other people? small car igh price?why want to support Msian car that not supoort Malaysian itself.

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  • NuNoin120Y on May 14, 2005 at 12:11 am

    good try after another impressive product coming out..but izit enough with tat 1.3DVVT?juz afraid tat wil under power soon..but anywhere,it is surely a gd choice for all who looking for car costs 40-50K..

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  • steven on May 14, 2005 at 2:12 am

    why always copy,are the malaysian designer no idea.always copy the japanese car,yyyyyy?but malaysian car bad quality and price high,but export better then we use.y?malaysia,eh!!!the myvi just modifield little,and the proton car iswara,wira,this two model is already many years,now already years 2005,malaysia out date,waja always got problem,the price better buy another car,always say malaysia boleh,what boleh,boleh copy keee,just like a dog

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  • FireSnake on May 14, 2005 at 4:20 am

    The latest update: MyVi will launch officially this 25th of May.

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  • konpius on May 14, 2005 at 6:18 am

    aaaiiiiyoooo…. steven. u aaa…

    cannot say macam tu.. Myvi not COPY dis car is under liecene, quality of import car assemble by local.. cut the 300% gov tax. just like naza ria.. its a carnival (kia).. and one more thing dog… they dont copy they bark.. loud but dont bite one.. like you laa, cakap only if can afford import one go buy laaa. manaada kreta yg no problem punya. all car got one depend on driver laa. its a machine, machine preform on person who command, u know y ur waja problem one? bcoz the driver donno how to command loooo…

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  • X Fact0R on May 14, 2005 at 8:16 am

    don't u guys realize tat it's looks like Toyota Opa?? nice look man!~ it's a little Opa.. modification will makes it looks more better.. ahahaha.. the price a bit high,if 1.3cc price 40k++++ tats will be more better..

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  • ManInGermany on May 14, 2005 at 12:54 pm

    From what STEVEN says, there are basis for his comments. We have lots of creative capable designers, be it in the country or abroad. How can a Proton Juara be our (Malaysian) product? Even my four years old daughter knows it looks silly. If we want to change (whatever), change for the better not into something worst.

    Designs may not necessary be too trendy BUT the quality should be priority all the time. Only than can we claim "Malaysia Boleh".

    I have used my brother-in-law's Kancil before and there seems to be no problem with it's quality. Most of us are hoping that Perodua could lower the price-tag.

    Something of good quality and reasonable pricing…… nobody complain.

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  • ruzidin on May 14, 2005 at 5:59 pm

    kereta smart gak harga kasi turun sikitla kan…bwh 45k oriat.whatever syabas wat produa.good luck!

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  • CH Cheah on May 15, 2005 at 4:54 am

    42k for 1.0 and 52k for 1.3

    rather go for 1.3 iswara or wira

    1.0 for 42k, way out of higher

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  • samhakim on May 15, 2005 at 6:34 am

    kena tengok,belek dan tanya-tanya dulu. Harga mahal la. Kalau boleh lower 45K utk. 1.3 cc , better la.

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  • jazgani on May 15, 2005 at 8:11 am

    can this car tow my 17 foot boat and trailer?

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  • pero2 car are cheap car. resell value very low and the new car price are so high. what for you want to purchase local car, what for the AFTA? Stupid idiot some Government people. Hanya tahu """""Rasuah saja"""""

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  • I love this column!! But I also hope 'Pak Lah' can see it for himself!! Out of 10 column, 9 complain about the price of MY VI is high, price of petrol is higher nowadays…also MALAYSIA BOLEH… commend.. etc! Well, this is our voice from the heart, but can the authority hear it??? I really wish they do!! We Malaysian need quality, innovative and reasonable product!!!!

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  • what i want to comment is bout the car material…(body)…dun care proton or perodua car same..soft…once bang a bit penyek already….not solid…

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  • PhiKK on May 16, 2005 at 1:56 am

    I know malaysia's got FAR BETTER car designers, yet they come up with dead beat copies of other vehicles. From idea to conception takes a few years at least and with approval from the high ranks, and this is the best they can come up with. Why dont perodua/proton employ all those designers who style up the car at them private auto styling houses?

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  • steven on May 16, 2005 at 2:32 am

    hey,konpius,my car not waja,u know,my car got a lot,honda civic,stream,kenari,toyota avanza,can u tel me that the myvi quality better then yhe japanese car,u say like naza ria,quality already less,why cheaper,beacause it not same,u know,u think the gourverment stupid??got money dont want to ern??naza ria also azisah,goverment then raelly havely,in other country,this price rm42 to rm52 can buy a lot of car,bigger the myvi and nice.may u see the first car malaysian design,malaysia tak boleh,what also copy

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  • louis on May 16, 2005 at 8:20 am

    im just booked that car…dun have too many comment…getz1.3 60++k..price too high…i can't afford..picanto….also pretty 1..price also reasonable 48k…but use SOHC father toyota corolla 1984 use SOHC engine also…so im also din consider…aveo…nice also…same reason wif getz….proton model too many just change backside look only….bored….or make a matchbox car….can't accept…at last choose myvi lol…im get premium 1 52k…price maybe higher than picanto only…engine use K3-VE petrol4 cylinder DOHC 16 valve engine… too many car…totally i choose myvi…when u compare wif picanto…just lose a price…but engine will get more points for myvi…getz and aveo…price are higher…engine din hav any …..dear all……nowday car got this condition at this price ..its ok lol…iswara ,wira ,satria,kenari,kelisa,kancil…wat the spec..all know it??can compare???just this im dunno y…maybe just a copy from daihatsu and toyota….but we re in think this is enough

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  • Molly on May 16, 2005 at 6:07 pm

    ha ha ha, ya i think local car is cheaper, else the spare part are so damn expensive. I found this myvi spec from here:…. Car coming out this month may 25 i think. first batch of car be delivered by July.

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  • ENJAY on May 17, 2005 at 12:59 am

    Kalau betul many of the comments are very encouring indeed, especially for a homemade car…usually lebih ramai lagi yang condemn if its from our own backyard…probably, we are so used to look highly on imported things, let alone cars…I started using a datsun (Nissan)in the early 80's, a proton and now a Honda…think they all have their sets of problems…must say the Japanese make are better and of couse they have been in the industry for much longer (I wonder if the Japanese kutuk their cars when started macam kita ni…probably we are very good at it!)…the spares for Japanese cars are high…and you can get sick when its happen…still using a Honda though but still get sick when it breaks, it does not matter what car you own as long as it take you where you want to go..,but if you want more styles and buying it for status and prestige and you have plenty of cash for it by means by the luxurious ones that you like…remember there are even better cars than the prestigious BMW's or Merce…so, my practical friends just don't regret buying Malaysian…Japanese cars too can give regrets…BIG ONES SOMETIMES!

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  • no name on May 17, 2005 at 5:12 am

    look outstanding but te price rather high…….50k++ for only 1.3 n somemore is national car. Its quit not reasonnable & for 50k++ got a lot of choices like piccato, new version atos n so so r coming soon….

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  • firewolf on May 17, 2005 at 9:42 am

    new generation car O……….. which car can compare with MYVI. Design, price, accessories or engine also nice! Where making no comment. More important is CAR can run on the road. Only 49K can drive new CAR, ok!!! buy it. Actually when lauching & how long after booking can get the Car? Now FRESH & HOT!!! But normally need waiting long time, so may be COOL down and have other new car lauching or offer. This is BIG BIG BIG problem………….. FAST LAUCHING WHAT DO TALKING ABOUT ANYMORE

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  • nazarius on May 17, 2005 at 7:43 pm

    …even all the best minds in NASA cannot help its rocket and you are talking about the most expensive machine and we are expecting ur cars to be perfect…if your money is too big then keep it or just buy the car that fits your tastes and satisfies your all your complains and just leave all those people who want to own it and have faith it…talk so much—if you have alot of money then why think of our national car and waste time talking about itif you don't have enough, then just take the bus (bas pun akan naik tambang juga!…jalan kakilah saja lagi bagus—sihat lagi…y susah ingat mahu pakai kreta lagi…however I agree the price should come down so many true Malaysians boleh beli…rasanya kalau volume banyak tentu untung pun lebih atau salahkah saya?…

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  • Perodua Engineer on May 17, 2005 at 10:41 pm

    Me proud to work with Perodua. Myvi 1.3 K3 engine, D.V.V.T, fuel consumption is much better than my 1.3 GLi Proton Wira (as tested) !

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  • M.Haikal on May 17, 2005 at 11:25 pm

    nampak mcm bagus, bagus ke? bila nak jual nie,

    ader harga ke? ade kot. anyway tahniah pada perodua kerana melangkah lagi satu tapak dlm bidang automotif nie…. pengeluaran model yg baik… cantik dari pandangan mata saya… semoga perusahaan automotif negara kita akan terus maju dan berkembang pesat.

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  • sya it... on May 18, 2005 at 1:28 am

    overall, i still think the price is a bit high….coz this is National car….the price should be cheaper compared to imported car…..but seems like this is not what it should be….i wonder why our PM allow all this happen….Please….open your eyes…our PM….

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  • synergy on May 18, 2005 at 5:24 am

    Cars in Malaysia are so expensive because of the tax imposed by the Government.

    If reduced the current tax,iam sure not much people will be driving local cars and imagine our roads will be filled with Toyota,Mazda and even continental cars.

    If this goes on,what would the automobile industry look at Malaysia and we as consumer gain from such expensive cars?

    For example,if reduced the tax imposed..a Toyota Vios would be the current Proton Wira price.

    I seriously hope that the tax imposed would be reduced. It would benefit consumers and the quality of cars in our country.

    From the specs,

    the technology used in the Perodua MyVi should be good.

    Japanese Technology by Daihatsu and Toyota.

    Buying a Japanese Quality Car with a Malaysian name..

    Should be a good buy.

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  • jmiuw on May 18, 2005 at 7:16 am

    When is AFTA?

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  • PLEASE TAKE NOTE everyone…MYVI is from PERODUA.And perodua has nothing to do with PROTON.Perodua is a company owned by Toyota mainly just a little shareholders from malaysia.which help them to built a factory n a name on his own PERODUA.As u know proton has a lot of problem.this is what we should emphasis on "value for money".WHY IS perodua more expensive???Coz we use everything from japan.This is quality prove!!and ask anyone who had driven kancil kelisa kenari for years.Is there any major problem?Proton will usally encounters problem after 1 years.Wira n iswara worst…usally u will see problem after THREE months…this is the result of cost-saving parts..cheaper price bigger body???Why dont u buy a second hand honda or toyota?and its proven that quality from an old honda n toyota wins a new proton…ONCE again PERODUA is a TOYOTA company..

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  • I'm a proud Kelisa owner. Mum is a true-to-the-heart 4-going-on-5 year old Kancil. So far we have no problems with both cars. But after 5 years the Kancil with wear off a bit, I guess. But hey, what do you expect from a 660cc car? And to compare MyVi with Honda Getz is not unusual actually. If we want to compare, compare with the benchmark. Don't let price be a setback. However, to say that it is wiser to buy Vios or City than Getz, hmm…=] I think when I buy a car, first is of course price, second would be the design. My taste would overrule the space criteria. However, I would still prefer the MyVi than Gen2.. Just my 2-cents. =)

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  • myvi ok gak. my friend nak buy one for his wife. i pun tingin nak buy gak but i dah buy wira aeroback maa. so tak jadilah. apapun gud luck for perodua.

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  • nazarius on May 18, 2005 at 8:21 pm

    …nice work by Perodua..never mind if copy here and there..semua orang pun copy ma…tapi kreta mesti bagus, itu yang penting…anbil saja komen membena yang lain tu tak payahlah dengar—buang masa aje…dulu Jepun pun copy…sekarang orang putih pun copy jepun ( as u see the designs in almost all cotinental cars)…shape mesti copy sana sini punya kalau original pun tapi takda orang suka, tak boleh jadi juga..okaylah, Perodua Uare not doing too bad…think there are alot of room for iomprovement…pokoknya kretamesti baik dari dulu dan dari Proton dan Naza…by the way berapa harga kreta tu kat Sabah ni…any Sabahan yang dah order…info please…

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  • based on the picture, to me the back side looks a little bit ugly…but i can't wait to see it on the road…anyhow,untill now perodua is much much better than proton.Gen-2>>Nice to see, good to hold,always broken and u can burn it all…Agree?

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  • nilla on May 19, 2005 at 12:52 am

    hey guys don't fight over this page lah, boring lah everytime gaduh2..if you're not satisfy with the price just keep quiet lah buy lah car which you can buy..if you earn more buylah expensive car if not buy lah cheaper car second hand car ke??? i just booked yesterday…balik kampung somore coz nak dapat cepat punya pasal, then if you all keep on telling this and that, other people like me also scared tau…especially people like me this is my first car lah… give lah some support ke encouragement to buy local car ke?? ni tak gaduh jek.. rasional lah sikit… but some how according to the sellman the price takkan turun…more less the same jek.. jangan gaduh lah boleh tak??? Confused lah karang aku cancel kang kete tu baru padan muka aku…

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  • nilla on May 19, 2005 at 12:59 am

    Paul will you buy this car??? Tell the truth lah…

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  • Raveen on May 19, 2005 at 1:22 am

    I feel everybody is hastily rushing to purchase this car. Dont….theres lots coming in the next few months. Proton has always made better performance cars. The price is supposedly lower for their new model. Whats the rush????

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  • Raveen on May 19, 2005 at 1:28 am

    Pls compare the actual cars when launched. Everything now is hearsay…should wait people.. Perodua is known for cheap cars but now this car is expensive….quality not sure. I am a critic of both our national cars but I always beleive Proton is the better of the two. The new Proton's quality is managed by TUV. The price is supposedly lower. And we all would agree that Proton cars performance have always been way better tha Perodua Cars. Compare Kancils to Iswara…guess you got the idea. It is the same here.

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  • nazarius on May 19, 2005 at 2:35 am

    …betul ke Proton better than Perodua?..and to compare Iswara and Kancil cannot be fair coz Iswara is at least 1.3 and Kancil pain g besar pun 850 aje…price pun around 8 ribu difference…my friends yang pakai Kancil tak kcmplenpun begitu juga kawan yang pakai Iswara…dah try bawakpun kedua dua kreta tu, taknampak banyak bezapun kecuali saiz…so, it hard for me to chew your words…maybe others have other experience and come up with some comments…

    p/s…Nilla, janganlah imosi sangat sampai tak nak beli kreta tu….forum ni cuma nak bentang pandangan samada positif atau negative…nak beli kreta yang tercanggih pun kita kena timbang…so, if you are okay with it just go on and you'll have a hapy drive like the many like yourself…

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  • sandy on May 19, 2005 at 2:59 am

    I'm agree Pero2 ir better quality… my sister Kancil haven't give any problem… my Satria sucks… so many problem… power window… dashboard panel all broken… cricking sound here and there…

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  • sandy on May 19, 2005 at 3:04 am

    As for the Myvi quality… trust me that it's better than Gen2… as it's a Toyota's shadow… Toyota always quality come 1st… I've 1985's Toyota and still better than my 1995 Satria in term of handling and comfortness…

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  • perfect for nasional car

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  • nadia on May 19, 2005 at 4:48 am

    bluek!!! i hate diz car!! nak tiru jazz!!! hahahah.. cannot go ma… i love my pink jazzy!! muaxh!

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  • hey guys..i just heard from a salesperson from P2 saying that the price of thenew MyVi(high end version with srs airbag, abs, leatherseat and blah2…) will be RM 52,600.00!!!! for a 1.3 car? now thats not what i call cheap :(

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  • Achan on May 19, 2005 at 5:43 am

    Can i make a booking now for secondhand MyVi? next year? Cheaper maa!

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  • RIDHWAN ISA on May 19, 2005 at 10:16 am

    This is a very cute looking car.I prefered to buy this car because it is very reasonable.The price is acceptable with the quality.I wonder if it has a nice blue-black colour.As a bachelor that live in Sabah like me,I like to buy the 4WD configuration because my fiance's hometown have a not very good condition of roads.When I'm married,I need to go to her hometown very often.But,this is a very good deal.Go MYVI!Go PERODUA!

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  • Jauhari on May 19, 2005 at 1:37 pm

    hey, this say that perodua are not malaysian cars. being owned by other manufactured, then we are not supposed to say perodua are malaysian cars…..

    When is the AFTA, what for afta being introduced. if the price is the same and going up somemore what for the afta being introduced to Malaysia. Stupid some of """"Menteri-Menteri"""" di Malaysia. Hanya tahu menyusahkan rakyat negara sendiri sahaja……. Tengok larrrr, rakyat di U.K atau di America keretanya murah-murah sahaja. Tengoklah sendiri 'compare' sendiri!!!!!!!!! Bodoh Kerajaan Malaysia. Cakap "malaysia boleh" pun tak guna, patut kata "membuta tuli Malaysia" buat kerja tak berfikir. "bodoh"

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  • nazarius on May 19, 2005 at 3:41 pm

    Nadia..don't be a sour grape…poredua is not tiruing Jazz as per say…every car looks similar in some way depending how you look at it…never mind if you like the car and of course you have paid double for it…I sure that if Myvi can perform 75% of Jazz (surely more) its already a winner…common, just be happy with your MYvi friends…jangan sombong sangat… probably if this car was launched before you might be tempted also, unless you a Jazz freak!…Guys out there do not take heed of this person harsh comments…maybe you will be driving just next to this freak!…biar dia terjun dengan labu-labunya…

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  • azzahar on May 19, 2005 at 5:50 pm

    the price is in my budget range…. and i had already booked one, somebody said that this car look smarter than jazz. and it's quit spacious too…. imagine that you can put 2 golf bags in the rear space…. that's quit spacious to me. what ever it is , if you booked one already and you dont like it you still can have your money back.

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  • Jering on May 19, 2005 at 5:58 pm

    i think the price is very expensive..if the quality is good, why not? but, if not, tak berbaloi beb…many import car are better than nasinal car compared to the price. so, choice is yours..

    i want to buy the car but it's quality mesti berbaloi dengan price. isn't?

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  • pakaji on May 19, 2005 at 6:03 pm

    kalu nak compare ngan others car tak bleh la…of course imported punya lagi bagus…but this is better for us untuk second car…apa2 pun kita kena tengok dulu baru boleh la komen…kalu setakat nengok gambo aje tak best…kena test drive dulu…

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  • karheng on May 19, 2005 at 6:45 pm

    So many comments. And great photos too. I've not see in and i surfed on in from google! First website hit somemore. Anyway I think the Myvi is quite similar to the boon. Perodua's big boss is a person from Daihatsu anyway. And i think Perodua's quality control is WAYYYYYYYY better than Protons. Cheers.

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  • Poll Master on May 19, 2005 at 7:36 pm

    Poll: If you are interested in MyVi, which model would you go for?

    click the following link:…

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  • Poll Master on May 19, 2005 at 7:40 pm

    Poll: What color you like?

    Pls click:…

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  • sandy on May 19, 2005 at 8:16 pm

    Hi guys, check this out… full update on Myvi……

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  • wow mahal nyer Myvi 1.0 RM41,200.00 ….keta malaysia tapi harga nak bunuh orang malaysia….macam mana kita nak suport nie….pastu pulak bukan nyer ori bentuk malaysia….ciplak….baik bawa masuk jer yg ori punya

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  • mas joko on May 19, 2005 at 8:41 pm

    kereta malaysia tapi mahal sangat……..baik beli kereta import..

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  • sandy on May 19, 2005 at 8:50 pm

    There is always Toyota 200dppm… Honda 2000 dppm reject… means that every 1 million build, 2000 reject… Toyota still better in quality… now Pero2 share own by Toyota… Avanza build at Pero2… any problem so far? any owner grumbling so far? I didn't heard any… so consider this new comer as a good indeed… I still prefer Chevrolet Aveo instead of Honda Jazz in term of outer design… Honda City looks like duck head from behind… front is OK…

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  • pakaji on May 19, 2005 at 8:53 pm

    hi…not like my city…

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  • hybridtheorist on May 19, 2005 at 9:10 pm

    semms like … chev spark to me… or somekinda hybrid among spark n avanza…

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  • Anak Malaysia on May 19, 2005 at 9:34 pm

    fisrt time i saw this car Wah! i'm so surprise…. 4 me this car so different 2 another car… I called my husband and inform him i want buy one… very amazing n can i say so cool…

    congratulation Perodua, i'm very proud of you..

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  • kadiology on May 19, 2005 at 9:55 pm

    pada saya price ok considering that perodua is NOT protected by the government or government have some shares in the Perodua company. If they do, Perodua cars would be 15-20% cheaper than now but quality macam cikai. as far as AFTA is concern, the ones that needs to be really pressing the red button is proton. so do not perceive that perodua enjoys the same priveleges as proton does. when AFTA comes in, perodua should be able to compete in terms of price and quality with other foreign cars. syabas perodua and keep up the good work.

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  • mentoz on May 19, 2005 at 11:42 pm

    it's look like simple compare to kelisa but i think it will be look more sporty if it's come with the bodykit…but how much do we have to spent for that thing? anyway it's a better model for perodua if we look from the engine side..

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  • louis on May 20, 2005 at 6:21 am

    Myvi 1.0cc 41k ….kenari 1.0 44k….myvi using Dvvt Engine…..why din ppl complaint kenari??

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  • suke aku lerr!!!! on May 20, 2005 at 7:23 am

    MyVi.. ok lah, mini mpv skrang da trend.. price, no komen.. suker means belilah.. tak suka duk diam.. no komplen..

    design mmglah daihatsu nyer.. so aper masalah nye.. u buy a car basiclly utk kemudahan dari point a ke point b.. then go for a good looking.. bodykit sure can make this myvi look garang.. tak caya tgklah nanti…

    anyways i respek perodua.. tapi i beli hyundai getz.. what to say.. da jatuh cinta.. no regret;)

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  • I think this is the cheapest car you can get in M'sia with Airbag & ABS. Just imagine Getz 1.3 no airbag, no ABS cost RM6++++.

    We can only blame P1 to us pay more.

    Safety always come first when driving…

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  • dragon on May 20, 2005 at 8:40 am

    nice, perodua introduces a model that is from a renowned and reliable worldwide brand, toyota, which also owns daihatsu. i must say though that the pricing isn't right for a local-made car and that size plus that small cc engine. not sure whether it's the toyota passo or vitz, are both the same? what about daihatsu boon? hey, jazz owners, you know la malaysia has imposed excise duties for imported cars, prices are sky-high, so, don't boast about your jazzes, it's not WORTH paying almost RM100K for a 1.5 litre small segment car! i saw that in thailand, the jazz is sold for a mere RM50K to 55K (converted from baht) only la…., my views on the design of myVI, the back is awkward, doesn't suit the front, but if there are bodykits, shouldn't be any problem…..

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  • car look cute but not the price! little bit expensive for a car assemble in malaysia, patut di jual in between 35K to 40K. imagine without import duty for imported cars, the price of 1.6cc – 1.8cc will be around 50K to 70K. emmm… di pasang di malaysia? mahal jugak! so how to sell to average income earner? 10 year loan! mati ku dasai!

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  • James cy Ng on May 20, 2005 at 10:27 am

    Take a Goooood Loooook at "MyVi"…….You will fall in LOVE with HER immediately !!!

    The New Perodua "MyVi" will definately be a success !!!

    THEME : Modern, Futuristic, Young, Vibrant, Lovely, Sporty, Safe, and ………… yet very AFFORDABLE !!!

    DESIGN : This model shows that Perodua is striving to modernize the car's design and is entering into the dimension of futuristic automobile concept.

    SAFETY : This model also significantly elastrated that Perodua has really improved and upgraded the safety standard of Perodua's car, especially on the ABS and AirBag features.

    SIZE : The size of this car offers more spacious interior compartment.

    QUALITY : This model is energized with the powerful DVVT engine which will deliver power and will also achieve fuel economy.

    PRICE : The price tag on the car is well priced within the budget concept. So, She is considered as being Reasonably Priced taking into consideration Her entire outlook and features,etc.

    COMPETATIVENESS : Perodua has achived the Competative Advantage over many other small and compact car manufacturers !

    KILLER : The MyVi is confirmed to be a "killer" in Malaysian automobile industry especially in the Small and Compact Cars Segment due to Her Design, Quality and Pricing Advantages in which all these will evantually reduce the overall sales of many other Branded Cars!

    FINAL CONCLUSION : Go Ahead….BooooK NOW !!!

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  • Jauhari on May 20, 2005 at 1:48 pm

    nak beli tu belilah tapi safety featurenya kurang memuaskan saya, sebab hanya ada ABS and Airbag. Apa gunanya jika badannya nipis.

    Sama sahaja dengan kancil and kenari, satu kali accident maut and terputus badan kereta. Inilah yang dikatakan kereta buatan """Malaysia"""

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  • Salahuddin on May 20, 2005 at 5:28 pm

    Betul la Amir..kite kena tengok dulu dia punya penyakit..kalau kureng sket..okla tu..bole beli…tapi…duitnye mane…kuang3x

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  • Michael on May 20, 2005 at 5:33 pm








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  • Jauhari: I believe the safety features are adequate, after all it's a Toyota design.

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  • TAK SUKA KOMPLEN on May 20, 2005 at 8:55 pm


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  • sokong ajer on May 20, 2005 at 8:57 pm

    thats right…sokong 100%..kalau rasa honda jazz better..pi lah beli..jgn banyak cakap pulak..

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  • azzahar on May 21, 2005 at 12:03 am

    look at the actual car first, then comment later. maybe some of you will change your mind about this car. a mini mpv with 5 comfortable seats. after all, all perodua models are almost 100% look like daihatsu models. eg: kancil=mira, kelisa=cuore, kenari=move, kembara=terios, and the latest myvi=boon, almost look like twins

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  • Raveen on May 21, 2005 at 12:33 am

    how can someone comment on the quality when you havent feel, drive the car??? just because its got link with TOYOTa. Pls remember toyota has got nothing to do with this car….Pls people…

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  • picanto … booking 56k after 3-6 month turn to 58-59k…. due to cbu .. why so long waiting .. complete cargo in ship .. lately become tiara … bo harga … and ex. spare part … myvi is ok reasonable price and technology …..

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  • azzahar on May 21, 2005 at 12:51 am

    frankly speaking, it's all about your own taste. Kalau dah minat kat myvi tu beli je la. kalau minat kat kete lain pun suke ati korang la…. yang beli korang, duit korang bukan duit aku

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  • … yes my punya suka …my money … my myvi .. and my car …..

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  • Amir Hamzah on May 21, 2005 at 1:26 am

    oklah tu..cuma nak tengok apa penyakit first model ni…

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  • suke aku lerr!!!! on May 21, 2005 at 6:36 am

    azzahari… agree with u..

    yang suker belilah myvi tu.. yang tak suker beli keter lain yang korang suker.. ada abs ker airbag ker.. duit korang.. kalau tak cukup jangan la romapak bank pulak.. yang komplen macam nak mampus tuh buat aper.. belagak bijak tapi bodoh dah tuh tak nak mampus mampus pulak…

    sori terkasar bahasa…;)

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  • Jauhari on May 21, 2005 at 9:44 am

    think it's totally inappropriate to say "Produa has to begin in somewhere". It's 10 years. I'm sure some of us still remembered an important news in few years ago — Ford Focus' price. it's actually RM30k -40k, but when it comes to Malaysia, it's been charged until a retail price of RM120k.

    Tell me, what has Produz had to give with around RM30k car? Answer – Kancil.

    Compare with Ford Focus, it's a rally champion car and top rated by many critics. yet, it's only 30k-40k.

    Overprotecting is still an issue. If Proton is confident on their own, why don't they sell at the same price as other cars? (which means, no tax included). There are Ford (US car) selling in Germany, there are Volkswagon (German car) selling in UK. If you wanna know the difference, the price is almost the same among with the same range of other brands, and the difference, is only the brand name. I strongly feel that this (by selling the car at the same price as the same range of cars) is the only way to improve yourself in a competitive world.

    What has other had to say Proton car by European critics? A budget car, blablabla. And i read a critic, which i strongly agree with – "If Proton does not improve agressively, their market value/share will be taken by Korean cars such as KIA, Hyundai etc.

    Afterall, we're just citizen who wants to buy something that REALLY WORTH it. I'm sorry to say that, Proton and Perodua car's price doesn't match with its quality.

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  • Jauhari: You have points on the price issue but I believe when it comes to the quality part things will change with the Myvi.

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  • konpius on May 21, 2005 at 10:30 am

    jauhari.. im with u 1000%. hope p2 & proton ppl are reading this..they should be ASHAME.

    taking money from innocent malaysian citizen, who work hard to spend half of their lives just to pay for wht… sardin wrap car.. i know this have notin 2 do with MYVI… but can anyone

    send this to our PM. give us some slack laaa..

    Hidup PBS..

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  • Jauhari on May 21, 2005 at 10:30 am

    Why u always wanted to support Myvi? Are you being "rasuah" by pero2?

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  • Jauhari on May 21, 2005 at 10:32 am

    the above message goes to Paul

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  • konpius on May 21, 2005 at 11:21 am

    i think paul got commision from p2 la..

    kan jauhari kan.

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  • Jauhari: of course not lah! although i wish… hehe. i just think that the quality problems is not that much anymore because perodua is building the toyota avanza for toyota. in order to qualify to build the avanza, they had to go through some training and etc, all the processes in the factory had been improved to meet toyota's standards.

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  • peminat myvi on May 21, 2005 at 5:39 pm

    "KALAH TAKPA GAYA MAU" MEMANG CUN…. LEBIH BAIK BELI KERETA MYVi DARIPADA BELI KERETA HONDA JAZZ,AVEO,GETZ & ETC…hargapun oklah orang masih mampu boleh beli tapi "Jangan naik harga MYVi"

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  • hei, too expensivelah.. how afford to have it, the price is $$cekir darah$$, u think rakyat m'sia is orang kayake, somemore that is local car, 40k++ to "cover" that profit, thatmeans they $$gaji$$ so.. high but hasil kerja was too bad..

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  • anyone has any idea where to get the trd bodykits? I want to book the car & the bodykits straight away! Pls help…

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  • Mr. Melvin on May 22, 2005 at 3:34 am

    me and my friend went to perodua showroom at Kota Kinabalu(Api-Api Center)..a friend of mine considers to take home a new honda jazz, but i imformed him about this so-call myvi that is similar to HOnda Jazz yet less expensive..but then the salesman did not have the catalogue and coldly treated us like we are going to buy fruits. annoyed, guess what, the next day, my friend went to Honda showroom at kelombong and downpaid a red Honda Jazz. shame on you Perodua.

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  • Jauhari on May 22, 2005 at 12:09 pm

    Please laaaarrrrr………

    Don't buy Pro2 cars, cheap and low quality.

    They can assembly at the factory where Toyota Avanza too.

    But the material that they are using for the body are different much from the toyota, only engine got some same feature.

    So problem are the cars still "remuk" after car accident compare to toyota…!!!!

    To Paul

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  • Jauhari: Well… neither you or me can confirm whether this new Myvi will 'rumuk' or not until we go drive it and get into an accident :P

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  • abu dabi on May 23, 2005 at 7:25 am

    fabulous Myvi….faster ask my father to buy man!!!

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  • hafeez on May 23, 2005 at 7:26 am

    yup sandy..sorry to say.. mmg if u tgok gen2 rser can xcute,gmuk..but for me..the owner of orange gen2,my car is perfect in handling..manyak syiok maa..take corner pun xpyah brek..i feel very safe in it,even malaysian car ni xla sekeras mane!that cannot dafendla..i agree..dont say 2 muchla..this car mmg dh jd my first sight love la..ok..sorryla..juz wanna correct ur words bout this gen2..

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  • woooooooo this car is fabolous …….But my kelisa is da best!! nice in corner ..i think this senang terbalik…LOL…but i not yet wat this car can do… if this car is more better in corner and power fulll … im gonna say bye bye to my kelisa …..hahah

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  • exterior design is ok but i not like the colour of sofa. Actually MYVI look sporty so that the colour of sofa should be make it black like kelisa or kenari aero. I had a kelisa and i felt that perodua product really good than proton. but perodua need to rearrange the price. it is because perodua alway focus on economically. may be the price for 1.3 (standard auto) can due to RM45000 and not on RM48500. because it not have air bag and ABS. Now more import car already launching in Malaysia, however we need to support our malaysia product but perodua can provides the product in cheap price and high quality to increase the confident of malaysia residents.we can not said that locar car is stupid or anything. local car is a best choosen for those who are unable to buy import car like toyota or honda or nissan.

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  • ada duit beli tak da tengok nak lebih baik sedia duit banyak

    sokong barang buatan msia

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  • zam zam on May 24, 2005 at 12:45 am

    3 tahun pakai Kenari, memang power, previously pakai proton … no power , so buy Perodua cars

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  • ManInGermany on May 24, 2005 at 4:14 am

    As KONPIUS says that someone has to send all these comments to the PM, well the right person is the host of this forum. Could you, Paul?

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  • konpius on May 24, 2005 at 6:37 am

    so final verdic..

    Myvi VS. The people…

    myvi wins by bringin new tech from toyota to our local low standard car, safety standard,

    fuel consum, dual Airbags(*)(*), ABS..

    for malaysian standard.. i give it 10/10..

    but not for me and the other like me..

    for me a toyota corolla SEG. 1997 will do.

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  • sya it... on May 24, 2005 at 4:50 pm

    Could anyone tell me Perodua gives how many years of warranty to MyVi???

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  • nazarius on May 24, 2005 at 6:50 pm

    Hello Jauhari…y r u a very sour grape one… belum lagi try dah cakap pasal remuk-remuk…taulah your Toyta tu hebat (anyway Toyota apa yg u pakai tu?)tapi tak payahlah nak kutuk Toyota/Daihatsu tempatan tu sampai begitu sekali…so, all the pro2 owners tu semuanya bodohlah tak sepandai u…anyway thanks for your advise…asalkan u tak terjun dengan labu2 u tu sudahlah!..think u r very arrogant…hopefully u pakai Toyotalah sampai ke tua…WHAT U HAVE TO SAY OTHER PRO2 OWNERS…REMUK SANA SINI KE KRETA U!…i wonder…

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  • Ajmie on May 24, 2005 at 7:04 pm

    Kalau mahu harga murah.. lu orang buat sendirilah !!!

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  • .. apa dia tau kereta kayu boleh le …. cakap saja pandai … kalau lu business banyak duit .. willing to pay tax … like toyota, BMW, jaguar etc …. ….. pasal malaysia car lu boleh bagi anak makan .. any thank your comments…. sorry agak kasar.

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  • nazarius on May 24, 2005 at 10:21 pm

    Melvin…itu pro2 punya sales person banyak ek..need 2 b shot…I'm sure dia treat many like shit one…pro2 kena ambil tau pasal orang begini ooo…bikin malu saja…your kawan mesti marah punya…kalau saya pun begitu ma…tapi kena sabarla sikit orang (salesman unprofessional) macam ni…kalau saya lah tentu ambil dekat dia punya kawan in front of him, baru dia tahu…tapi tentu dia puas dengan Honda tu…so pro2, c how you lose a potetial buyer…jangan ingat orang smart dan pakai tie aje yang ade duit…(if the sales person there in Api-Api read this better improve man…)…jangan kasi malu kawan salesman kamu!

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  • nice car~~

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  • ijaize on May 25, 2005 at 1:40 am

    hey chiko, u should know different between honda & perodua…….the brand. please do not compare them laa..stupid la u!

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  • Great look, cool curve. Price totally wrong! To all the dudes at Perodua, dude you got to push the price even further. We Malaysian are also at fault about the current condition of our car industry, we all need to personally bombard the upper people about all the short coming of the local car. They in turn have to respond fast! Be creative man, so that you don't have to pay royalties for gadgets that easily you can think off! Then we pay less for the car! How can? Sure can one!

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  • nizam on May 25, 2005 at 5:18 am

    Hi Paul,

    I wonder hows the oil consuming condition for this car,does myvi userfriendly ontu this if u know what i mean seems to me its so heavy for such engine.Whats the wheel/rim size……plan to get myvi for my self……….help me email me

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  • looks like getz and aveo

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  • Cliffdkh on May 25, 2005 at 7:01 pm

    Anyone can comment which car to go for? In my mind, I have Fiat Panda and Perodua MyVi. There is difference RM9,000.00, same 1.3cc. No doubt the exterior for Perodua MyVi gains a point. I really have no idea. Anyone can help, do not be bias.

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  • azzahar on May 25, 2005 at 7:37 pm

    about the 'remuk-remuk'. mostly an accident was caused by the driver inside the car, not the car that brought the problem. even if you drive a BMW 5 series at 300kmph, when you crash, the car also can be remuk la…… but if you drive kancil at 40kmph and you hit a cat the car wont remuk la

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  • nazarius on May 25, 2005 at 8:41 pm

    Azzahar…agree with U…your anology is very simple and makes alot of sense but most people don't have that commonsense,kan?…kalau dah drive macam hantu kreta mana pun remuk jugak!

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  • azzahar on May 25, 2005 at 11:39 pm

    to all that had booked this car before launching's date (25/05/2005)for rm1000. my friend is a sales agent for perodua, he said that if you booked this car for rm1000 before launching date, you can have it within 2 months. after launching book will take about 3 to 5 months. he said la ,not i said

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  • Jauhari on May 26, 2005 at 1:35 am

    hey Azahar and Nazarius.

    u cakap logic juga. Tapi u cakap 5 series laju pada kelajuan 300kph. dan u compare dengan kancil dengan hanya 40kph. tak fair lahhh..

    kalau kedua-dua kereta bergerak pada kelajuan 60kph then u boleh kata kereta kancil lebih remuk dari BMW 5 series.

    Betul tak????? Standard tak sama.

    Ketinggian juga tak sama, oleh itu kereta yang lebih tinggi mempunyai keupayaan untuk menghalang hentaman yang kuat.

    Betul tak Azahar dengan nazarius.

    Kalau tak tahu pasal kereta jangan menahu-nahu sahaja, jangan anggap diri sendiri bodoh pandai!!!!!!!

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  • …. drive faster sendiri mau ingat la ….. what kind of car .. if you going to die …. die lo ….

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  • Jauhari on May 26, 2005 at 2:07 am

    what is the meaning?

    don't understand!!!!

    to Ken

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  • nazarius on May 26, 2005 at 2:20 am

    hello Jauhari…imgat u smart sangat…kenapa tak kata u boleh beli 10 kancil dan BMW 1 pun belum tentu boleh dapat…orang smart lain-lain…orang bodoh pun lain-lain juga…lu cakap pasal your Toyotalah…mana ada BMW(bersiries-siries pun tak mak mampu…mampus bolehlah) boleh drive sampai 300 kph (itu metaphor saja) kecuali Toyota u agaknya!…Azzahar, please tolerate this kind of comments of orang sombong bodoh (macvam kita kot!)…jangan hot member…

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  • Jauhari on May 26, 2005 at 3:26 am

    hi, Nazarius dan azahar.

    ini cuba comment saja takkan cakap sampai mahu lawan kooottt….

    ini comment-comment sahaja!!!!!

    pasal kereta yang dapat capai 300kph buka metaphorlah, tapi benar mereka mempunyai "bhp" yang tinggi.

    Betul tak. u ada study magazine keretatak??????

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  • nizam: to me, i think the fuel consumption is fine for a 1.3 dvvt engine. the rims are 14 inch.

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  • asurah on May 26, 2005 at 4:21 am

    eleeee….asyik cakap myvi tapi harga minyak tak turun jugak,sakit aa macam ni

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  • Patricia on May 26, 2005 at 6:53 am

    Front like Honda Jazz…back looks like Hyundai Getz………Quite cute…….

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  • Compare with Boon,headlight looks nice,more sporty.What I dont like is the badge on bonnet,I think that badge looks better on bike, but not on car.Better put the oval shape Perodua Logo.

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  • tis car really "cum",it's a good news 4 us wif medium salary…but the price a bit mahal ler,RM52k 4 1.3,need 2 consider….tis car looks alike Jazz..MVP,yes!

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  • alhamdulillah akhirnya kereta keluaran perodua dirasmi juga. saya sebagai rakyat malysia berbangga dengan perkembangan industri automobil ini. tetapi ada masalah rakyat kita iaitu suka memberi kereta import itulah masalah rakyat kita mereka tidak berbangga dengan produk tempatan. sikit sikit nak beli mercedes la bmw lah.

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  • nazarius on May 26, 2005 at 7:14 pm

    …(smile)…Bro Joe…bukan lawan tapi present different of opinion saja…must say that I have leart a thing or two from U…there is no heart feeling at all…pasal auto mag tu ade le baca sikit-sikit and not as much as an avid reader should..tq for enlightening me on the 300kph BMW 5 Series tu…if u drive pass me on that thing and with that speed, hati-hati bro…don't to die young…he..he..he.

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  • Wah! what a car?it's good to see that pero2 & proton competitive each others,but the price! control la sikit. if our govt can put high on imported car just to save these 2 manufac.So there's nothing impossible to low the price.Do something la, petrol u boleh naik maa

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  • Only one issue here, if Myvi selling for RM 42, so how much are they going to sell Kenari Aero Sport? How come they produce in a very short period of time?

    Anyway like everyone else's comments….the car is quite expensive.

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  • azzahar on May 26, 2005 at 8:41 pm

    i saw it last night at the showroom. puas hati sial……. nyesal kalau tak beli

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  • azzahar on May 26, 2005 at 8:47 pm

    jauhari: kalau lu kaya, lu beli la kete mewah tu. kitorang tak mampu……

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  • M.A.Ashraf on May 26, 2005 at 10:04 pm

    as a young adult which colour do you prefer tan green ar black? i need you opinion….thanks

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  • zack zam on May 26, 2005 at 10:28 pm

    macam ni la baru boleh fight dgn kereta lain…..cuma kalau boleh kenakan dgn warna yg cantik dan rim besar sikit….all your best PERODUA

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  • zack zam on May 26, 2005 at 10:32 pm

    kau org tengok la nanti….mesti akan ada club MyVi ni……..solek giler2 punya….tengok mcm kenari and kelisa dulu…..mula2 keluar ramai kat tak lawa…..last2 sampai jadi kegilaan pulak….tunggu dan lihat….!!!!!!

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  • cooLLguYY on May 26, 2005 at 10:42 pm

    Do u think this car better then "kenari"??So far i think kenari is the best car that ever produa produce…cause save petrol mah..sooo save money loh…petrol expensive mah…haha…how bout this car(myVi)??izzit save petrol tooo??who really try before??

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  • legenda on May 26, 2005 at 10:44 pm

    ok…la…prize pun ok..

    kalu rase nak pakai jazz tu fikir2 la..coz mahal..kalu u buy MYvi pun ok gakk coz murah..ckit la..secara tidak langsung leh gak suppot nasional car..

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  • noura on May 26, 2005 at 11:14 pm

    ok..tak mahal sgt…lagipun mcm cute jer…sesuai for gurl…honda jazz,,emmmahalskit dr Myvi….betul tu supportlah skit buatan Malaysia…

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  • alkazapper on May 26, 2005 at 11:23 pm

    R-I-G-H-T…….. it sez..80% local content….. and the price is 40-50K….. what? malaysian citizens grow money? if 80% local content.. the price should be less than 30K… HA!.. major RIP-OFF!!!!!

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  • YeeKuan on May 26, 2005 at 11:42 pm

    sya, perodua give 2 years warranty and finance give another 2 years warranty. Total is 4 years warranty.

    Yesterday night, I went to perodua showroom and look into the MYvi model. body look so q. I'm interesting…. compare with the proton sassy (New Tiara Replacement). Myvi is the winner.. My boy friend own a p.Waja (Oct 2003), But the absorba was change for two times. Myvi can be consider……… did anybody know that there is a new model will be lauch by toyota in yr 2005? Call Toyota Vitz.. Please let me have some info.

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  • azzahar on May 27, 2005 at 12:01 am

    the sales representative said that the fc for myvi is within 13-15 km/ litre. full tank 40litres can go about 520-600km. ok what

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  • i went down personally to the showroom. what's up with the mini cooper logo in front of the car?

    but i still prefer my old wira.

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  • I am still wondering at its' grand intro ceremony.

    Hi! First timer here !

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  • .. you prefer your old wira because got no money …. right !!!!! …. so those interest and have money …. no talk so many …maaaaa … by saja la …… see your budget?… … then talk/critic …. sorry le kalau terasa.

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  • lalinky on May 27, 2005 at 2:53 am

    i want to buy one.. but which color is the best? help me..

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  • Jesse on May 27, 2005 at 4:45 am

    checked out ur blog! kewl uploads! sorry i tresspassed :)

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  • Alvin Augustus on May 27, 2005 at 6:07 am

    I think this car is fully inspired by oversea design, nothing is by ourself; yeah…malaysia alway copy other car model! Give a great applause to them, its a good copier. Good job! Need improvement for the interior part and materials usage, color and surface combination as well.

    But the price is the most shocking stuff lor, dissapointed with the price….its really high side!

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  • another new car..unfortunetly not malaysian own design..much be using daihatsu design again..when malaysia going to have their own design.. the prices is extremely high compare to others country…..i think it only worth 30k ++..

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  • dudes..

    thanks for ur comment..

    the design were not copied 100% by peroudua.. infact perodua send 100 of their young, local engineers there to daihatsu.. sama sama buat la.. keluar nama je lain lain with a few different here and there! haaaa for those yg tak tau.. this is the fact la.. coz they're my friend.. at japan almost 2 years laaa..

    expensive? i think not.. coz dear fellow friend.. i assure u.. u pay for the quality that comes with it.. bukan perodua yg kata.. presiden toyota yg kata… (i wuz there)

    more to come….

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  • Love the exterior…don't really like the interior. It has an expensive look from the outside but the inside doesn't really compliment the beauty it possess from the outside. Well…considering the price I think it will do. BUT..It is still a little bit pricy. Drop the price down a bit and without hesitation I'll go for it.

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  • nazarius on May 27, 2005 at 3:15 pm

    …what all the fuss about the design…to me what is most im[portant is its nice…kalau original pun kalau saya tak suka, saya tak beli juga…yang penting saya suka and the quality is okay also…pasal copy, copy tu bukan issue…jepun dulu pun copy jugak…look where they are now…have u ever thought how many years they painstakingly endured to be the best and we are expecting miracles in just a short time…fair kah?…u got to make contribution in terms ideas, suggestions bukan setakat beli dan make damaging cooments aje…definately not a pro2 or proton avid supporter but if u jump into this industry I will surely support u too…think u can do that?…proud to be Malaysian!…and we should be a firm believer that we will be among the best…

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  • … yes nazarius is right .. sometime ago Japan also copy … at that time people say Japan car is not good from europe … now, vice versa … malaysia car is not good ? ….. proud to be maaysian car … don't so ever compare for critic, infact is good for development….chao.

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  • coffee on May 27, 2005 at 5:27 pm

    one week ago,I booking inokom atos prima but yesterday I went to peroduo branch and I decided to book for myvi coz both car have the same price but myvi engine much more better than atos and provided new techinology compare to atos with sohc engine after so much year.Should I wait for atos or myvi?

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  • From a design point of view, it looks great on the outside, but far from great inside. This is slightly becoming Nissan culture, nice outside, ugly inside. I think the Perodua engineers have too much Japanese influence, and even so the Japanese are learning from the west in terms of interior design. The lexus is a good example.

    Talking about value for money, I think the pricing may be a bit on the high side, but then again this is the mentality of all people. If Perodua had even price it in the region of 35K-40K, people would have also said it was too expensive, but then again if you talk about brand perception of Perodua with its counterparts in the same category, perodua may be somewhat behind. However for patriotism sake, its a MYVi for me. In general I think it is a great second car.

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  • .. dear… cofee … better choose myvi than atos .. as you know pero2 egine much better and technology is there …. do test drive than decide…

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  • Shirley on May 27, 2005 at 7:57 pm

    I Think i'll consider the MyVi, It is so popular in Malaysia now. But i think the price will increse soon.The model is quite good n looking nice and suitable for young generations….but the loan interest is more higher than import car such as Toyota 2.5%+/-, Hyundai 2.5%-2.7% So how come our Myvi so high for the interest rate??????

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  • coffee on May 27, 2005 at 8:07 pm

    Myvi car price maybe will increase after 30th June.Perodua salesman said first batch customer only will get their car starting from August.Donno I will get the old price or higher price after June by the time I receive my new car coz I heard that kia picanto also increase from 46k to 53k within 6 month and customer that already booking have no choice but to pay for it…

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  • chanrdamuhi on May 27, 2005 at 8:22 pm

    MYVi – Modern, youthful, vivify, influential!

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  • .. shirley i think about intrest rate you are wrong .. toyota camry/vios then will get as such interest rate .. but like avanza price 58k interest rate is 3.5, my curson work in toyota … just to correct you. if get as such int. rate which finance you refer to? . tq

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  • Some people said that Perodua myvi is very similar to a Toyota car, and I can not remember the name of the Toyota car. Isn't true? Some one out there may have some information about it. TQ

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  • Aai_Banting on May 27, 2005 at 11:44 pm

    Myvi is going 2 b a hit. Believe me….within next 3 to 6month, all compact suv category like picanto, aveo, atoz, jazz, etc, will be monopoly by myvi. Buat mat2 convert, gerenti happy….bodykit passo cun siotttt.

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  • calven chin on May 28, 2005 at 12:24 am

    best quality of perodua………..i belive it malaysia boleh………

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  • AZHAR_ BANTING on May 28, 2005 at 12:44 am


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  • angie on May 28, 2005 at 2:49 am

    hi! r u sure the Myvi's price will increase by 30 June… much increase

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  • MYVi

    Looks – quite tasty n trendy

    Price – makes u think twice.. if it's 10% lower i'll definitely grab it….

    R.O.I – interest …jahat betul….. at this point i think 'the milk had turned out to be sour'

    Overall – quite ok la… kira boleh la tu…

    Bravo Pro2…. personally i like it!!!!

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  • it looks like shits!!!

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  • konpius on May 28, 2005 at 9:10 am

    im really sorry 4 u jauhari.. semua orang hentam u.. guyz..(nazarius) kasi cann laa. jauhari have lot of mind opening fact. he just not happy with our gov..TAXXXes la,like me also. Bcoz we deserv better than this kan… so i have to make my confession to all, i just cannot help it, i just booked my self 1.3ezi with jason chong perodua bundusan yesterday. ;)~ but im really sorry for them all la(sales person), they just donno anything about this car. very bad for business laa.. but.. that FION LEE wowww… very sexy laa

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  • konpius on May 28, 2005 at 9:31 am

    Dear shirley,

    dont worry about rates..

    heres a tip for anyone of u who, want to buy a car without paying the interest.. but only apply to people with cash..

    in orde to buy a 40 to 50k car.. in this case MYVI. you must frist make a loan with the lowest interest. Eonbank can give you to 2.5% depend on car. and at the same time you must have CASH.. (remember this only work if you have "CASH").

    ok. first. make a loan from any bank or with Perodua. make sure the interest are lower than 3%

    2.7% will do. and buy the car..

    after that make sure u have atlease 40-48k CASH

    invest it in FD(fixed deposit) all of it. where is will give you 3.75% flower /(bunga)/interest..

    3.75% is Maybank FD.. so here if you do your math… we still got 1.05% to us.. kan kan kan…

    so in other words…

    we make 50k personal(car)loan put in in FD, and the FD will cover for our personal(car)loan interest. ngam…?? Ngamm

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  • nazarius on May 28, 2005 at 5:40 pm

    …welcome to the club…hope u will not regret ur decesion…surely u will overtake me in my old shack on the road around kk…about Jauhari tu , he's okay…just want to state his opinion like all of us too….i may not an avid s fan of pro2 or Proton but definately a strong supporter of Malaysian,,,say a stupid ptriot if u like…when I hear that people hit too hard espciall hentam kromo ones it gets into me…but must sday its interesting to have others differing in views…it just make u think more!

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  • olala on May 28, 2005 at 9:13 pm


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  • goss600 on May 28, 2005 at 10:04 pm

    i only like the headlamp!!!! always copy other design..!! try 2 be more creative lah..!!!!

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  • Foreigner on May 29, 2005 at 2:56 am

    45K for a crappy coffin. Small , thin shell and underpowered…>> Malaysian terminator!

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  • kmlee on May 29, 2005 at 5:34 am

    my dream car, my vi….

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  • Jay Jay on May 29, 2005 at 7:31 pm

    MyVi cars looks fine but the price is very high. Since it is made locally, the price should be comparatively low than foreign cars.

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  • pasokz on May 30, 2005 at 12:45 am

    there is a little bit same with hyundai getz.Specially the bonet..make sure in future,produa have their own design that look very diffrent from the others brand

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  • I much prefer KENARI & KANCIL, MyVi is such a small car for such a high price !

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  • secret on May 31, 2005 at 1:22 am

    eh…btol ke dapat within one month??apesal awal plak azhar??

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  • Lotiman on May 31, 2005 at 4:05 am

    I called my SA and he said i have to wait 9-10 months for the car. Is it really that hot selling??? I heard the production is 4000 unit per month. It juz spoiled my mood to buy this car this year.

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  • R'dann on May 31, 2005 at 5:29 am usual an adoption of Daihatsu [Boon].But I still don't understand when come to the price factor.For me this is still high.Further more there is no track record.Fair price is RM35K for 1.0 & RM42K for 1.3.Compare to Honda EG9 1994 @ RM39K will be much batter & you will get every that you want!!!.This is only an opinion.

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  • omar mahari on May 31, 2005 at 7:18 am

    i dont care what they say. all i know is that car is ok.ok? that car is too ok. i cant even believe that is a malaysian car when the 1st time i saw it. me and my friend went nuts. he booked the car the very next day. and please, DO NOT compare with foreign cars. from the way is see it, it is a malaysian made 'euporean' car. i used to drive an S-class. and let me tell you guys, when i shut myvi's door, it sounds exactly like an s-class…….but the space….hehehe, cannot compare la.

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  • i sold my BMW to buy Myvi…how about u huh !

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  • Mahani on Jun 01, 2005 at 12:59 am

    After seeing that car with my own eyes, I felt no regrets for booking it a month ago. I think it's a worth buying car. Don't care what people said about it as long as my children love it, I'm more than satisfied. Hope to get my 1.3SXi Myvi, Metallic Glittering Silver before end of June.

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  • I think the MYVI price is quite Ok. Think about the Kenari AERO price about RM47K ++. There are just 1K different only. It is better go for MYVI because it is 1.3(DVVT) car. We are Malaysian & We have not choice but have to buy expensive car.

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  • boris on Jun 01, 2005 at 8:36 am

    First of all,great forum and from my point of view..

    1stly, can't compare P2 wif Proton in term of quality coz proton sakk..

    2ndly can't compare m'sia car wif oversea one in term of price coz our tax sakk..

    3rdly,cant compare m'sia car wif bmw or merc in term of body strength..see the price la..

    4th,if the price of local and o/sea cars at the same level,honestly,would u buy local??i know i'll go 4 o/sea..cmon la guys,stop dreaming..

    5th,myvi is pricey but compare to others..ok kot..

    if the price can't lower a bit,why not lower the interest rate?

    Personally..I like myV very much..nice exterior..luv the spec for it class..and im fully confident in p2 quality compare to other car range 40k-50k.

    Well done P2.

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  • Lotiman on Jun 01, 2005 at 3:39 pm

    Anyone knows how long is the waiting list? I heard from my SA is already reach 1 year in Penang.

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  • there is a chance that the interest rate will go down abit. so can wait for the outcome if you have a little patient instead of rushing…perhaps there will be also other cars to be launch later and who knows you may like it too. to date Myvi is still the nicest thing in its class, if my eyee is right. it may not be perfect but tell me as to what a perfect car is?

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  • MYredVI on Jun 01, 2005 at 8:35 pm

    why myvi can't be compared with Honda Jazz?..of course in term of price, Jazz almost double, but the car is actually under the same class what? MPV. Dont only compare with one aspect only, they got some other aspect to consider..I dont know why Jazz 1.3 litre dont ever sell in Malaysia, but oversea got..Daihatsu Sirion represent Myvi on the same range class with honda Jazz, suzuki swift, getz, mazda (forgot which model)and chevrolet review on those car which stated approximate price some more on car review website.

    Even Myvi is a malaysian car, its actually just assembled in Malaysia with a group of malaysian engineer trained with daihatsu in Japan involved. You should know Daihatsu and Toyoto are major shareholders of PErodua and they must ensure all Perodua product has a good quality to maintain their good reputation..

    Kia Carnival represent Naza Ria and Toyota Passo also the same as Daihatsu Sirion..Not copy or ciplak, just they got shares or interest on that company and they must bring their good quality engineering to Malaysia..

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  • MyredVI: the Honda Jazz 1.3 i-DSI. was originally sold in Malaysia but it got replaced by the 1.5 i-DSI and 1.5 VTEC models soon after.

    I remembered that the 1.3 is actually a 1.4 by displacement, it's just called a 1.3.

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  • MYredVI on Jun 01, 2005 at 8:44 pm

    do not compare kelisa or kancil with honda Jazz, that is ridicolous!!

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  • diani on Jun 03, 2005 at 10:32 pm

    The car look nice and cute also but the price if it could be lower is much2 better….

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  • winnie on Jun 03, 2005 at 11:41 pm

    MYVI is a nice car,nice n morden outlook with de affordable price….Pero2,welldone

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  • tajuddin on Jun 06, 2005 at 7:31 am

    Heavy and no pickuplah with high milage

    Proton sazzy much better sporty and low milage

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  • lavender on Jun 07, 2005 at 1:53 am

    Actually i'm thinking now to buy a MYVI. This is the most lover car for me.And the price also reasonable. If compare to picanto, MYVI is better for the comfortable and some more 1.3 Twin Cam engine leh…Before that i decide to buy Kenari, but now my decision is change to MYVI.

    MYVI sure boleh….

    But the problem is now i need to wait for 5 -6 months to get the new car…. the salesperson say that now is already 16,000 MYVI has been booking….

    So now i also decide to book, i trust my eye and perodua….

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  • wagnus on Jun 07, 2005 at 10:02 pm

    Buy a 1.0 MyVI and change the engine to 1.3 YRV turbo! Only 42k + 6K++! I already booking 1~

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  • batman on Jun 08, 2005 at 12:38 am


    buntut kembang semacam je…..

    macam dah beranak sepuluh….

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  • ninja on Jun 08, 2005 at 1:16 am

    ini ada satu cadangan…

    utk pengeluar kereta tempatan…

    Engine Turbo untuk kereta mereka….

    bertapa banyaknya lambakan engine turbo terpakai

    di malaysia ni…

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  • its very smart car ever had

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  • Zaim Syazwan SDBL on Jun 08, 2005 at 6:02 pm

    tengok sekali macam Avanza + Honda Jazz.

    Orang Malaysia memang berbakat menghasilkn kereta yang cantik dan berkualiti.

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  • merah on Jun 08, 2005 at 7:14 pm

    ok la tu, not bad MYVI ada potensi pegi lebih jauh lagi, perubahan yg besar, jgn ikut mcm plo tong asyik ckp aje besar

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  • can anybody tell me what is the top speed of myvi coz they say trm is much power than myvi

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  • bumbun on Jun 08, 2005 at 9:46 pm

    hmm… maybe if we buy malaysian cars it can helps perodua & proton to have more money for R&D. To those who are good in criticising… i suggest you to put your comments in writing & submit it to them.

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  • spannar on Jun 08, 2005 at 9:48 pm

    ..biasalah kalau kita dengar orang kutuk-kutuk seperti buntut kemganglah, macam beranak 10 lah dan entah macam-macam lagi…pokonya dia tak suka (tak cukup atau terlebih duit kot)…sikit atau banyak lu simpanlah duit lu dan buat keretalah kereta lu sendiri—tentu puas kot!

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  • Hampeh on Jun 09, 2005 at 7:13 pm

    I don't hv any money 2 but this car!!!! :'-(

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  • Hampeh on Jun 09, 2005 at 7:18 pm

    Kalo ada mangkuk yg asyik x pueh ati dgn keta buatan .MY, buatla keta sindri… Sumbatla bonet Perdana, pintu Ferrari, bonet depan Ford Mustang, enjin Mitsubishi Evolution lantak hgpala…!!!! Itupun kalo sesuaila…

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  • 'spannar' i support wat u talking about…

    haha yalah expensive or dun like then better dun buy. Dun talk so much, if really clever then make your car personaly…

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  • Produa MyVi i support u also… im already book one of it on 06.06.2005… Hope i can get a new car as soon as possible.

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  • my vi special on Jun 10, 2005 at 2:13 am

    heyy chiko, who do u think u r. i already bought that car la. don't judge my vi like that la, u wanna kick, i kick u out!!!

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  • jauhari on Jun 10, 2005 at 12:57 pm

    price still to high………….

    like my self no money to buy…………

    please laaaahhh,

    government reduce price laaahahhhhh…..

    stupid ediot governmet…..


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  • yukiey on Jun 10, 2005 at 6:47 pm

    put trd bodykit and yrz turbo to it + 17" wheel walla u can park ur myvi beside jazz…. and compare….

    myvi + conversion 65K

    jazz + conversion 120k

    then decide urself which one better for ur money muahahahahaha….

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  • MYVI FANATIK on Jun 10, 2005 at 11:28 pm



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  • takumi on Jun 11, 2005 at 4:15 am

    Ahla, u ppl don't put so much hope on the pero2 car. the car is make in malaysia, not like the honda jazz is make in japan or……but how much i paid, then i wish the quality also good as wat i hope…

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  • aku rasa nak suruh bank turun kan interest rate untuk Myvi ni, tinggi sangat kalau haga dah tinggi interest kasi rendah bawah 3% la baru org boleh support keta malaysia. Baru org supprt keta malaysia

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  • reyes on Jun 12, 2005 at 11:46 am

    i like this car..hehe. sure i booked it tomorrow

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  • zamri on Jun 13, 2005 at 9:13 pm

    warna buruk…body tin sadin..

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  • fuzzybunny on Jun 13, 2005 at 9:20 pm

    The salesman said the price will increase after the AFTA comes in by a minimum amount of 2k. Confirmed issit that it will increase?

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  • i think it's a worth of buying la…compared to savvy

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  • tak ader duit tak yah komplen la…

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  • misal on Jun 15, 2005 at 8:02 pm

    pleaselah mintak bank reduce sikit interest tu.. mcm savvy less than 3.0%

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  • look like many Jazz fanatics suka masuk this site and kutuk MYvi, kalau Jazz tu dah hebat sangat y buang masa kutuk Myvi.they should be happy that they got a very good product at 100K. hey, enjoy it okay… maybe sour grapes lah they all ni. anyway Myvi is best for us, at least.U may c me just behind u but becay=use of respect for the amount u have put, give u face lah. JESS, all the best to U hope u get urs real soon!

    Jazz is beautiful for 70-80K but for 100K its dam ugly (talking about money here)…

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  • abe sohh on Jun 16, 2005 at 3:16 am

    ooo comel tu comel tapi takdak pitis nak beli laa sedih weei jadi sekin ni

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  • konpius on Jun 18, 2005 at 12:00 pm

    KALINIABU….. Sooi laaa salesman ni..

    hari tu janji kreta ble dapat dlm 2bulan, jen..jeng…jeng.. semalam talipon kena tunggu lagi 1bulan.. mana ble mcm niiii.. booking fee bukannye 2-3ratus.. ni la sebab kreta malaysia ni kurang sambutan.. dah lah lambat, nanti keluar buat cincai jeee.. nanti bunyi sana bunyi sini..

    tak best laaaa..

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  • Haloww all the carholicmaniac.. Neway thanks Malaysia to make a new generation car My Vi, Yang You all saloute sangat dekat kereta import apahal? Speed mane pun kereta u all pun takde guna dekat malaysia ni boleh bawak sampai 120 km/j je "kancil pun tak abis meter lagi" lain la if your have a lot money to give the goverment. cheehhh slow tinker la korang (ini bukan zaman datuk nenek kita lagi nak pakai kereta buatan luar) sedarlah Malaysia dah berubah dan terus berubah what the positif way I give a lot suport to Malaysia.,

    Dekat US pun diorg tak pakai kreta cam korang pakai BM, Honda, Toyota all that just like kreta kampung dekat US. love your country product show u want a fast moving life.

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  • Miera on Jun 21, 2005 at 6:04 pm

    Nice car Pro2 u're the best… I'll buy it but still waiting to have my own car..MYvi

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  • Chong on Jun 27, 2005 at 8:13 pm

    i already received Myvi last Friday , Cool. When i drive everybody look at me .

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  • DavidMika on Jun 30, 2005 at 5:43 pm

    Anyone have any idea how is it possible for me to fit in a new HU as there is no MyVi Bracket in the market yet.

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  • Mohan on Jul 02, 2005 at 3:16 am

    I think it is a good enough and much better than Malaysian local cars….. but the price is too high for 1.0cc….. And also they copied the car from jazz……..

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  • Lavendar on Jul 05, 2005 at 5:56 am

    just received a email state that Toyota will launch a new car. The price range is RM 49,300.

    The outside and inside design is better than MYVI. Some more also 1.3 Engine. I think this Toyota VITZ will be the best seller car. I had booked the MYVI last month but since i see the picture, i more like the Toyota VITZ. But now no choice, i need to be wait for my MYVI.

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  • madamat on Jul 05, 2005 at 3:43 pm

    ..if Toyota Vitz is seeling for 49 K for its 1.3 car then it really a good choice and will give Myvi run for our money…lets see if the price will at that when it is launch…lucky not to jump the wagon yet…so, will ride my old car for just a while…Lavendar, thanks for info (hope it is reliable)…

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  • madamat on Jul 05, 2005 at 3:53 pm

    …sometimes I wondered why people make so much fuss about this copy-copy thing…is it not quality that we should be more concerned about…to think of it my HP just look like most of the other brands around but it served my purpose…

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  • Lotiman on Jul 06, 2005 at 4:23 am

    I don't think Vitz going to price at 49.3K since it will direct compete with Perodua and Proton. When Suzuki Swift pre-launch, many also speculate it will be around 50K but look whats happen now.

    49.3K might just be rumours after all. If it is really that price then we will definitely see a serious competition.

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  • Smile on Jul 06, 2005 at 5:00 pm

    Bagi aku kereta nie best…sesuai dengan citarasa aku. So aku ambik satu… warna orange cantik oOO.. tapi hanya 1.3cc saje yang ada…. 1.0cc takde arg..(kalau ada lagi best)nape tak semua warna ada?? untuk 1.0cc?:p Takpela aku amik 1.0 warna silver. Bukan ape jimat skit nak guna minyak….Anyway tak sabo rasenye nak pakai keto nie…

    Syabas Produa!!! I like Much! Much! this car, hehe…Harap-harap minggu nie dah bleh dapat.

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  • Hi everybody,i already get my myvi last week..glittering silver color 1.3 sxi manual heh's beautiful n perfect!!!The car weight is light when driving perfect.Imagazing everybody just look at the car when i was driving..WAU…still rarely to see ma

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  • Why averybody got their MYVi but not me???

    I was order it since 30/3/05!!!

    very very angry…..:(

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  • Lotiman on Jul 08, 2005 at 3:21 am

    How many Booking for MyVi up to date????

    40K? 50K?

    And how many have been delivered???


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  • apa sebenarnya semua ni?kenapa myvi,passo ngan boon sama je???fikirkan…..

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  • passo,boon ngan myvi ada syer ngan toyota yek?baru aku tau…patut arr samer pastu leh guna bodykit yg sama….BRAVOOO perodua…BRAVO….

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  • BigCrazy on Jul 10, 2005 at 11:48 pm

    To those who have budget RM100K for new car, you have alot of choices not only Jazz so dont kutuk or compare with a car half the price (Why don't you compare your Jazz with a Wish?). FYI : MYVi 1.3 twin cam and Jazz 1.5 single cam at the end performance is similar. Don't only look at the cc. To those who have budget RM50K, MYVi is a good choice considering the engine and parts are Toyota/Daihatsu still you have other choices but you cannot compare a mini MPV with saloon cars. To those who have budget below RM30K, don't force yourselves. It's not that the MYVi is expensive but your budget is not enough.

    For complaints about prices, look around you. Everything is increasing. Food, Entertainment, Cars, Fuel etc etc. Our standard of living is increasing and i think that is good for our future. The actual problem is our damn salaries dont increase along. With our current paycheck how many Malaysian can take tours to other countries for vacation right? Our Ringgit is so weak.

    Those who complain about design. Well it's a very subjective matter. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder right?

    Those who are worried or commenting on the quality of MYVi, well I've just booked my MYVi and when I get to drive it, My comments about it being good or bad will be more solid and firm. instead of talking thin air of something they haven't tried themselves. malaysia Boleh !!

    Crazy Forever ,….

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  • BigCrazy on Jul 10, 2005 at 11:55 pm

    Just something to let you know,

    Perodua gets paid for manufacturing the Toyota Avanza ( Yes, your loved Avanza is build by P2!)

    Lotus gets paid for selling its design(drawings) to Proton (Yep, The government paid them with our tax money!)

    Eon Bank giving low interest – Why? coz its only for Proton Cars ( EON is Proton Duh !) In the end the interest profit into Proton also….

    P2 is competing at a very higher level than Proton anyway. Great fight to P2!

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  • honey on Jul 11, 2005 at 6:58 pm

    Bagi aku keta Myvi ni Comel lote, hehe… aku minat tengok dengan bentuknya tuh…

    Boleh tahan!! Tahniah buat produa… tak sabo rasenya nak dapat kete aku tu… Sape berkenan amik la satu, mana yang tak berkenan tuh…susah2 pilih ajelak kete lain. Kalau dah tak minat dan banyak duit tu tak yah kutuk-kutuk, beli ja keta luar negara yang berlambak tu….Berilah Komen yang membina lagi baik…:p

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  • panda on Jul 11, 2005 at 11:21 pm

    If the Chiko wants to buy Honda jazz, then go ahead no 1 tell him to come this site and see the My vi.He should go to

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  • panda on Jul 11, 2005 at 11:24 pm

    But compare to proton gen2……erm i'm deciding which car to buy Myvi or proton Gen2……

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  • hun/fairlady on Jul 12, 2005 at 1:09 am

    hey Big Crazy,u r right!!Geat comments le:)v

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  • madamat on Jul 12, 2005 at 7:08 pm

    bIG cRAZY…ur comments are fair n logical…imotional people who only know how to condem instead of giving constructive ideas should think with their HEADS!…maybe p2 just cannot please u, huh?..make ur own carlah!

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  • DavidMika on Jul 14, 2005 at 1:24 am

    Guys, i got my MyVi already and i just wanna ask anyone out there encounter problem with the front disc brake making sound liker and aeroplane? when i step on my brake when i am travelling above 60km/h there will be a lound Hmmmmmm…. however, the break is still working fine. waiting for P2 to revert to me on this problem. my fren driving the one without ABS got no problem.. can anyone share this with me… over all performance of the car is still impressive…

    is there any MyVi Owners Club out there yet? or shall we start one from here?

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  • hi davidmika. there's no official myvi club yet, but you can discuss with other perodua myvi drivers at

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  • BigCrazy on Jul 14, 2005 at 2:12 am

    DaviMika, don't wait. just drive into your nearest P2 service center to have it repaired. Your safety comes first! After repaired let us know what went wrong ok?

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  • BigCrazy on Jul 14, 2005 at 2:15 am

    Big thnx to hun/fairlady and madamat for your support !

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  • madamat on Jul 14, 2005 at 4:13 pm

    Davimika…some nuts will have a big day citing your break problem..just go to your center…I am sure that they can fix it and take note that it dioes not happen to other cars…hope the MYvi people will give you good service..tell us of their response…that will help others decide whether or not P2 after sales is okay…think you are cool person and not easily jumpy (though you have reason to)..

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  • DavidMika on Jul 14, 2005 at 5:19 pm

    Hi everyone… i brought my car to P2 before and they dismantle everything and realized that the disc brakes have scratches. I was in their workshop with them during troubleshooting and together we learn abit from each other as they are pretty new too to this fellow. So we were exchanging opinion. However, they were saying that this will not cause it to malfunction. Anyway I just need to hold back from speeding until everything is worked out (which is also GOOD). I have already waited for 2 weeks BUT still no news… I called them BUT they say they will get back to me :) I cant blame the service team as this car is fairly new and they are still not sure of the problem… I might just give them another week before I start jumping…

    After some talk with the mechanics I honestly feel this car is a very friendly car where you can even do your servicing yourself as everything is located at a very convenient place…heheheh… good to hear from all you guys out there…

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  • Rudolf aka DavidMika on Jul 20, 2005 at 5:14 pm

    Can anyone know how could i get my claim from p2 fast.. i am kinda dissatisfied with the service supervisor who always promise to call me back but NEVER!!! just wondering what are they doing… never get tru the service phone line cos someone must be hogging the line.. could someone who got contact or work in P2 complain about this… thanks alot…

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  • madamat on Jul 21, 2005 at 4:14 pm

    ..its good if you know a litle bit about cars..service is usually rotten regardless of what car you own…ask around, most defintely owners will bad experiences to relate…they (almost all of them) just want to sell cars and make quick bucks…after that you better have a second one (at least you can wait)…so, you see owning a car is not cheap either, kan…hope those Jazzy guys with all their luxury cars tak perlu naik teksi atau bas if their much talkabout car stalled kat tepi jalan..(oh I forgot that there is a very remote possibility that these cars under this tricky situation…hehehe)

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  • ejosbesi on Jul 26, 2005 at 9:43 pm

    Can we put an ABS like premium model to normal version 1.3 Myvi. i was booked premium version. but after 2nd hand car value drop yesterday i changed my mind just take a normal model.

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  • ejosbesi on Jul 26, 2005 at 9:48 pm

    Aiseh! forgot to put (?) ler. Actually it a question. Paul help. can or not ha?

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  • Anybody try the max speed for your beloved MyVi? The sales person said that he already tried for the 1.3 Ezi and get 200km/h max… for 1.0 can go to max at 170km/h… sure or not… after the break in period, if you have the guts please try it once and share with us. TQ MyVi owners…

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  • Fendy on Jul 27, 2005 at 8:12 am

    hey u guys!!! don't talk like shit laa… this MYVi is very good overall… now, Perodua become more improved & excellent than Proton… The latest Savvy like shit car… suitable for children la that car… why design like that…?? i thing aaa Proton engginering & Designer must learn more to same level to others la in da world…

    Anyway, don't thing that MYVi not power ok? whatever, i'll have been order 1.3V (M) with black color… i'm sure that it will be power that others car.. hahahaha…… order now guy!!!!!

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  • Ha ha ha…

    Many people Q to have Myvi…

    I am still wondering… why?

    Because it is too cheap to have local car than import car…!

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  • Z3rO-C0oL on Aug 06, 2005 at 3:27 pm

    Place it this way, for the price of the car at 42K? I just think it seems silly for anyone to purchase this car new. I mean, the price is way too high for a hatchback and the quality of the car cannot even be compared to another car in the same price range.

    Every other car that is of the same size, is either CBU/TKD import and is more expensive by about 20K – 50K, or it is larger in size for the same price range (within 10K), thus, design is different.

    However, comparable cars to the MyVi would be:

    Proton Savvy – Strong car with TUV approval (same ppl that approve MB and BMW)

    Hyundai Getz – Better design, however, price is off range. But features definitely ensure a better buy.

    Chevrolet Aveo – Again, much better design (sleek and aerodynamic), definitely more comfortable, and a hell of a lot more quiet. RM23K extra worth spending anytime. Storage capabilities are about the same, but the outlook is not so embarressing.

    Nissan March – Sorry, no need to say. The best of the range, and of course, the most expensive. 100+K for this baby. But design, quality and power all fit the bill. Add a mere 3K and get Impul 112s (modified Nissan March) with totally beautiful make-over. Probably the best car in the range of the new Hot-Hatch. Nissan March thrashes the Honda Jazz inside out anytime, anywhere.

    So, overall, if any of you find my opinion useful, then great. If you think I am an idiot, then so be it. But either way, this is the best I can do.

    Best of luck to you guys out there !

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  • err..spare parts?..mahal ka?..

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  • Hj Johari B. Hj Moha on Aug 09, 2005 at 11:52 pm

    Ok ler tu.. Kenapa tidak di hadiahkan saja pada Mawi AF3 pada 'MyVi' tu ianya Lebih Berbaloi dari Suzuki Swift yang terlalu mahal di pasaran antarabangsa Jepun tu, lagipun orang Jepun tak Sokong Mawi..mungkin orang Jepun tak kenal kot.. bukan apa, adalah Afdal kerita tempatan saja lagipun ianya sungguh memuaskan dari segi penampilan serta Quality dari Suzuki Swift.. Rasanya kita semua tahu hal tu, ianya lebih baik dari meminta pada cource tinggi untuk mengambil keuntungan individu. Untuk pengetahuan semua penguna terserah pada kita semua untuk menelai sesuatu perkara 'untung sabut timbul untung batu tenggelam'.. T.Kaseh

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  • HwaQC on Aug 10, 2005 at 3:54 pm

    Mawi?…siapa Mawi tu pada orang Jepun…untuk sampai ke taraf mereka tentu mereka tak taksub pada perkara-perkara macam AF tu…hoi, orang Bumiputera ( lebih-lebih lagi Melayu), bangunlah dari tidurmu,janganlah di buai pada benda-benda yang melalaikan (dah banyak dah kita lalai) kalau bermimpi nak jadi bangsa yang berjaya…berhibur tu berhibur juga tapi kena iingat sikit brober…fikir dan renungkanlah!…sorry, cuma nak ingatkan aje sebelum terlambat!…

    P/S..harap Mawi dapat beri sedikit pengaruh untuk bawa mat/minah dadah balik menjadi orang yang berguna ( dengan suara yamg merdu anugerah Tuhan tu…

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  • man wi on Aug 10, 2005 at 7:51 pm

    hoi ini citer pasal keter….myvi lah…….apasal pulak mawi keluar….

    ni yang aku kompiyusnie……

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  • Begitu ler.. agaknya bermusim katakan isu mawi tak habis nie.. Cetak rompak pulak timbul kat Kulai sana.. di sini ler kita fikir sama ya macam mana nak benteras pekara begitu berleluasa. Kerita macam Myvi nie mungkin nanti akan lebih Laris.. lagi Guru2 Peguam2 Negara, Koprat2 Negara Serta Anak2 Sekolah sana tu akan berbangga akan pernampilannya dibandingan dengan 'Cetak Rompak' yg baru2 nie di berkas oleh pihak berkuasa di Berita Harian , Harain Metro, Utusan Malaysia maupun ' semua heboh hal tu… Setiap tahun ada jeh Isu Cetak Rompak yang menjejaskan Ekonomi Negara. Dari tu Kawan2 bangun ler untuk membentras sama agar ianya tak ler ada penyangak2 berleluasa ya..

    Jadi Myvi nie sungguh hebat saingan pulak mencabar ianya tak boleh tandig ler dengan yang lain, berani saya katakan kerana ianya memuaskan Seperti Suami & Isteri baru menemang Cahayamata.. sungguh hangat masa nie di pasaran tau.. Harga pulak BND20.000.00 pulak kat tempat kita yang 1.3cc yahg auto 4 speeds 24.854.00, kalau di kajiselidik ianya sudah cukcup sebagai Pengguna buktinya ada 'SRS' airbags 2 di hadapan wow! sungguh hebat di bandingkan Proton Wira yang memnag laris tapi sayang tak ada 'Airbags pun malang sungguh kiranya kalu kemalangan berlaku, bukti dah banyak kita dengar iaitu pada tahun nie.. bulan mei 2 orang cikgu maut dalam kemalangan yang membawa Murid seramai 10 orang bayangkan Wira merah yang malang tu tak boleh di selamatkan. Tapi kalau MYvi 'Belum Try belum tau ' Inilah kehebatan 'Malaysia Boleh' Tahniah Tan sri Asmat kerana di bawah naungan beliau banyak kemudahan yang memuaskan Pengguna ini ler di katakan Dalam bahasa Inggeris iaitu 'People Don't Care How do you Know, Until They Know How Do You Care' … K Bye

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  • Reka Bentuk Myvi nie menawan sama dengan enjin pulak tak kurang hebat, Kuasa pulak cukup hebat memuaskan pada pengguna bagi orang yang berfikir, tapi kalau kita bumiputera tak tahu menelai akan hasil sebauh organisasi atau badan pertubuhan ianya tak akan berjaya 'You may feel dispointed if you fail, but you should feel more dispointed if you do not even attempt to try', kalau nak cuba sesuatu cuba ler asalkan perkara itu bersesuaian dengan kehendak kita tu..jangan pulak nanti kita tak puas hati barang mati tu.. ianya hanya mesin yang hidupkan dengan kecanggihan masa kini jadi kenapa kita tak berbangga akan hasil titik peluh orang kita? ada orang tak pernah puas akan hasil hanya iaitu kerita kita nie apa hal.. pulak.. di sini ler kita saling membantu sesama sendiri ' Help Self' ler buka apa kengkawan ini ler Reality kita terima je apa kritikan berlaku pada 'Myvi' ni asalkan tak menganggu gugat akan mutu penghasilannya k, kalau boleh nanti 31/08/2005 nie jadikan 'Maskot' pada Perodua Myvi' nie k semua…

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  • alhamdulilah, belajarlah bersyukur dan mengingat akan hasil mutu sebuah mesin, ianya benda mati cuma kita sebagai pengguna hendaklah memberi dorongan yang membina dalam apa saja Model kenderaan di negara ini. Tapi kita kena ingat di negara lain cuba untuk menguna & merasai mutu hasil sebuah kenderaan contohnya Perodua Myvi nie..

    Jadi buat apa nak bertelagah dengan benda mati nie seperti Myvi kah, Gen.2 kah atau saigan terdekatnya 'Savvy' yang tak kurang hebatnya. Ini perkara kecil buat apa sibuk pulak bertelagah tentang komen sebuah kenderaan tu yang di buat hanya orang yang di tugaskan. Cacat kah ia, hebat kah ia itu perkara biasa tak ada yang pernah puas. Macam kerja di pejabat atau yang lainnya tak pernah habis sampai bila tak tau ler, begitu ler Myvi nie tak habis2 nya ada je komen. Begitu ler keadaan kita nie.. ada jer perkara yang tak puas hati. Sebab quality kenderaan buatan asian nie agak terhad couse dan pembikinannya, kalau negara barat, Jerman, Italy, serta australia pun cukup memuaskan kerana berkonsepkan quality itu jeh.. Untuk pengguna di malaysia ni alhamdulilah, terima jeh apa yang ada.. Macam mana dengan Negara Barat tentang kehadiran 'Myvi' nie nanti? tepuk dada tanya ler Iman.. k bye..

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  • azzahar on Aug 12, 2005 at 8:17 am

    i'm back after this couple months. finally i got my myvi, driving in KL, i prefer auto transmission. To the persons that are still waiting or looking for this car, theese are what that i can tell you all:


    antirush : once a year, for 4 years. pay for rm30 per service.

    service warranty : for the first month or 10000km

    : for the 2nd month or 15000km

    : for the 3rd month or 20000km

    : for the 6th month or 50000km

    have to spend about rm100 – rm200 per service, pay for the parts only.

    the AT Myvi comes with overdrive button for easy pick-up to drive through traffics.

    everything's find except for the grey seats that are made from fabric, get dirty with ease. Maybe i'll change to leather seats.

    sekian, terima kasih

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  • azzahar on Aug 15, 2005 at 10:43 pm

    sorry silap information:

    it should be:

    1000km or 1st month which comes first

    2000km or 2nd month ' ' '' ''

    3000km or 3rd month '' '' ''

    5000km or 4th month '' '' ''

    segala kesulitan amat dikesali

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  • yesteday i saw a very nice looking black myvi, may be the skirts effect, i tell you very nice looking indeed the car.

    however, the ones without additions look weird to me, not nice at all!

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  • azzahar on Aug 18, 2005 at 4:00 pm

    the speed-o-meter of the Myvi shown that the top speed can reach up to 220km/h. If you dare to drive to that killing speed. I'm not dare enough.

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  • JOECA on Aug 18, 2005 at 10:47 pm


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  • JOECA on Aug 18, 2005 at 10:51 pm

    bulan depan masuk enjin YRV la beb. saya baru tempah. kalau nak call saya.

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  • shaharjuna on Aug 19, 2005 at 5:44 am

    joeca u convert trd passo tu engine or body part?worth it ke.byk bole buat wit that 10k..hehe

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  • Myvi to me is a good product and i'm dreaming to have one too. Although the back part is a little weird but it's still okey to me. it has it's own style.

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  • devastated on Aug 23, 2005 at 6:40 pm

    seems like a lot of good review on myvi..but i just dont like the look of offense..

    i am looking to buy a car..and I am thinking of iswara,the new model, 1.5sl..please help give me bit of review on this's gonna be my first car man…don't lead me into buying the wrong!!!..

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  • shaharjuna on Aug 24, 2005 at 9:42 am

    yo thing bout buying a car,guidelines is important,is this ur 1st car?it s all up to u wether to buy myvi,iswara or anything u think suits u.but one thing, have u already seen myvi face 2 face.i mean sitting inside it and have a test drive along da way..if u wouldn't better to go for it man!u say about spacious?myvi is more spacious rather than proton cars exclude perdana v6(i think)..more spacious than wira.Iswara already out dated one,,somemore if u playing the music from the car the sound can reach out meaning the car is not very tight enough.myvi?got cd player somemore and the dashboard is just nice as a modern car that suits to all kind of ages.somemore the iswara aka proton kereta kebal that most people said not an economic car bro.well u c myvi already generated by 16valve twin cam dohc engine and dvvt plus efi already(injection ma).meaning this car is powerful and save typically in fuel consumption.well during these days fuel already arise man.still wanna choose iswara ka.better think little bit devastated.this just a recommendation not a condemn ya.anyone in the board agree wit me?rise ur hand yo!

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  • JOECA TRD PASSO on Aug 24, 2005 at 8:57 pm

    hiii semua

    sapa nak TOYOTA PASSO MOLISTA TRD. sekarang gua sudah 85% Convert Bodykit tinggal Enjin (YRV) @ (Toyota Starlet E91) saja lagi.. tenggah tunggu sampai dari Japan. Kos Bodykit & Sport Rim & Adjustable Suspendtion (Tien Japan) ( (Speed Star Racing (SSR)) pun dah RM 12,000/-. sakit kepala kawe!. barang dia mahal beb.bulan depan ingat nak masuk disc brake belakang. kena masuk Daihatsu G100 atau G200. barang tu belum ada yang Ok lagi. apa – apa sila email gua okay. body kit (full set)saja RM 9,250. bukan kedai potong punya siap ada tax letter dari kastam.

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  • JOECA TRD PASSO on Aug 24, 2005 at 9:00 pm


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  • Vincent Yong on Aug 25, 2005 at 5:57 am

    how come i order Myvi 1.3 Manual Premium at 1 June 2005

    only can get on Jan 2006 ?? need 8 months ?? but the sales man promise can get within 4 months? very dispointed.

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  • tumpang tanye?? bank mane yg offer interest rate paling rendah for myvi?? tq

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  • HwaQC on Aug 25, 2005 at 4:15 pm

    …think people get Myvi very late because the order is big…one cannot rush to get good quality products if hurry…salesman need to be frank and not tell prospective buyers the usual 3 or 4-month waiting time… don't think of sales stats only…p2 must make sure of this…don't make people fed up and give p2 bad name with bad promises…just tell buyers the truth and save curses….

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  • azzahar on Aug 29, 2005 at 7:52 pm


    saya dah dapat Myvi saya, buat loan kat bank rakyat. Dalam agreement tulis saya dapat interest 3.0% shj. loan 10 tahun tu……

    and I had just sent my car for service, first service to include oil filter, engine oil, gasket and gear oil that cost me RM108.XX. puff…………..

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  • ringgos on Aug 29, 2005 at 8:25 pm

    helo..kawan….gua nak tanya…maner boleh pasang spoiler belakang dan cari aksoseri utk bahagian dalam myvi..harap beritahu dgn saya…

    t kasih banyak…


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  • sinov on Aug 29, 2005 at 10:04 pm

    I think lots ppl here think PERODUA a malaysian company, NO , it is not, 51% of PERODUA is owned by bloody japanese, they had no intention to cut down price for MALAYSIAN since they are from YAPAN.

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  • hi there Joeca.. i would like more information where did you buy your full set bodykits of passo trd . i would like to have one too but dunno where to buy. please provide me with this information. thanks so much.

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  • JOECA TRD PASSO on Sep 05, 2005 at 11:15 pm

    hi Girl

    u can email me. if u need more information okay. [email protected].

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  • MOHD ZAIDI ROYHAIZAN on Sep 07, 2005 at 11:29 pm






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  • ynesh on Sep 09, 2005 at 11:41 pm

    perodua myvi look wise can consider ok lar….but unfortunatli it is juz lyk daihatsu boon & daihatsu sirion…..same look, same engine, same old story…..

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  • ynesh on Sep 09, 2005 at 11:47 pm

    perodua myvi is an ok car..( meanin ok 4 a malaysian starndard car u see…shows how much ground m'sia has made up ova da yers..) but i strongly thinks da car desperatly needs a much bigger engine….1.6 mayb….and also mayb with an improved list of features….& an even sportier look…myvi stil needs much 2 work on, if u ask mi….

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  • hi semua………

    i already received my myvi car last week. but all my friend said rugi besar coz ambik yg 1.0…..ada sapa2 yg dah beli 1.0 tak???? it ok or not……can explain to me apa kelebihannya……minyak ok tak….got power tak bila memotong…tq

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  • for me let QC done good job before depa release the car, kena jaga quality jgn main tangkap lepas aje. Jaga QUALITY

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  • zul313 on Sep 19, 2005 at 3:36 am

    just got my 1.3(M) Premium last week.. this is my 3rd car i bought from P2 (Kancil 850–> Kelisa SE–>MyVi 1.3 Premium) and for me this is the best. overall is fine. in terms of power (acceleration), i guess it's much better than my previous Kelisa SE. so, 4 me.. no need to worry about the performance. anyway, i still thinking of getting a larger set of wheels (16") and upgrade the suspensions (TRD), even though now, i guess it's good enough to have the ori shocks/springs. interior instruments is fine. i really suprised with the sound shield of this car actually. as i compared to my friend's Jazz, i heard less outside noise or even the car engine sound while driving or at still. for me, this is a great achievement made by P2 to its latest production. exterior, even fine to me. my choice of color.. mocha silver. but, still i noticed, this car have a big butt. yeah, in terms of handling it might be helpful since it is wider than kenari or even kelisa. i have experienced sharp cornering while entering NKVE highway yesterday at 100km/h, no problem at all.. the car was preety much stable as compared to my previous Kelisa SE (with lowered H&R springs & D-Sport abs). i think at this time, i found my perfect car. anyway, i just need any ideas from you all guys, where can i get TRD suspensions (other than TRD in Bangsar)? one more thing for those of you who had their own Myvi Premium edition, did you notice about the slow-response while doing harsh braking? i have experinece this situation.. believe me, it's normal. this is normal to any car equipped with ABS. my advice, just keep on braking, keep calm, trust with me, the car will stop in perfect condition as you don't stir the steering without knowing your proper direction.. for those who always like to spin thier wheels to the max, better equip your Myvi with larger front disc & calipers (and standard disc for rear) from TRD for better braking performance. lastly, please remember to put on your seat belts.. trust me, it save your life.

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  • alphazerotango on Sep 20, 2005 at 9:46 pm


    I was get my 1.3 Myvi (A). I was try speeding at PLUS highway and i hit 140kmph without problem (actully i chasing a i-Dsi jazz hehehe). I think it can hit more than that. I bring 5 person including me that time so i just maintain at that speed (Drive safely, ingatlah org tersayang). Last time one of the Myvi owner was try speeding at Highway use 1.3(A) & hit 170kmph. He said he cannot speed more cos it standard car and bit 'goyang'. Takut woo he said…… hehehe

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  • Liong Chian Min on Oct 16, 2005 at 6:29 am

    of course, pecut begitu cepat myvi tentu goyang…not a stable car.

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  • azzahar on Nov 02, 2005 at 3:31 am

    to all the myvi's owners out there. please visit…

    this site contain some of the discussion about myvi

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  • jamesyong on Nov 08, 2005 at 12:50 am

    I have make a booking for the MYV since the 1st day (25/May) they start launching .The perodua dealier promise to deliver by 3 – 4 month until now still no car for me.

    I think u guy out there better think in over if u can wait.

    I have make a complaint to Perodua HQ. They just ask me fill in the particular- after that no new.

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  • narrowband on Nov 12, 2005 at 10:24 pm

    jamesyong, i feel you.

    mine hasn't arrived yet, booked around same time like urs.

    today the sales lady called n offered a ready-for-collection car, but not the color we want.

    we choose to wait longer for our color.

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  • guess wat guy.theres a myvi burn in kuching in itself. and a harrier and kancil that b longs to the owner was bye bye 2.and the owner house carpark and kitchen a burn with the cars. wal the nite b4 raya.

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  • Silver Waja on Nov 18, 2005 at 11:50 pm


    August 24, 2005 @ 12:57 pm

    hiii semua

    sapa nak TOYOTA PASSO MOLISTA TRD. sekarang gua sudah 85% Convert Bodykit tinggal Enjin (YRV) @ (Toyota Starlet E91) saja lagi.. tenggah tunggu sampai dari Japan. Kos Bodykit & Sport Rim & Adjustable Suspendtion (Tien Japan) ( (Speed Star Racing (SSR)) pun dah RM 12,000/-. sakit kepala kawe!. barang dia mahal beb.bulan depan ingat nak masuk disc brake belakang. kena masuk Daihatsu G100 atau G200. barang tu belum ada yang Ok lagi. apa – apa sila email gua okay. body kit (full set)saja RM 9,250. bukan kedai potong punya siap ada tax letter dari kastam.

    >>> Do u think ur car after such modification can beat a BMW 325 with 6 cynlinder engine? Do u dare to take corner in such a high speed? Will de chasis able to absorb such forces?


    August 24, 2005 @ 1:00 pm


    > If u hv tis sum of $, buy insurance, a very hefty policy so tt anything happen there is assurance to ur financial aid.

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  • jamesyong on Dec 02, 2005 at 1:32 am


    yesterday the salesman called me, my green matelic is available, submit all the document by today. Still need 1 more week get the car.

    But i got my no. plate 2 months ago… 'WNK____'

    Good Luck for your turn !

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  • Dr Quah on Dec 07, 2005 at 7:44 pm

    I bought one as a second car to my current Mercedes E240 and still think that it is worthier than many other cars on the market in it's price category. Nothing much to complain so far! Thanks Perduoa!

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  • desmond on Dec 08, 2005 at 12:13 am

    I have make a booking for the MYV since the 6/Jun.The perodua dealier promise to deliver by 3 – 4 month until now still no car for me but one off my friend order befor me 1 week now she is drive his car almos 2 mont yyyy is any 1 order his car at cheras tmn sega branch ???????????????? so can i do some thing ………….

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  • Adi lotry on Dec 14, 2005 at 8:33 pm

    Another perodua…..its beautifull but its shame on perodua….eventhought they were business partner with daihatsu…they dont have to copy 98% of they car with daihatsu…haiyaaa…its look like DAIHATSU BOON…..

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  • empty on Dec 15, 2005 at 2:18 am

    desmond, i went to the branch you mentioned (tmn segar) last sunday and the salesman told me that i have to wait 1 year … so i dont think you can get your car now … or soon … i think you have to wait not less than 3 months from now … so sorry to tell you this … i wish to have 1 but 1 year … lol i wait till "fatt mou" liao

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  • jamesyong on Dec 20, 2005 at 9:36 pm

    Desmond, base on my complainted to Perodua-HQ someway around Oct/05 they told me all booking during May 05' will deliver by the end of 05' and for you i think car will be available someway around jan 06'.

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  • I brought a Myvy 1.3cc Auto full accesories on Sept 2005, unfortunately, my car was "condemn" already!!!! Only THREE months…you know!?!? who want to buy a new car only can use for 3 months? Asking for claim, they want me to wait for another TWO months! If I pay installment and just let my car "GANTUNG" there, do you think I'm so stupid that I won't complain?????

    What should I do??????? Pls…….

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  • JASON on Dec 30, 2005 at 3:12 am

    did mvvi 1.0 can go up genting,car got full person??

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  • milzam (Member) on Jan 18, 2006 at 12:31 am

    Myvi 1.0…Does it has electronic side mirror adjuster like 1.3?answer me someone… I would like to buy a black one.

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  • AKM (Member) on Jan 25, 2006 at 8:23 am

    No electric side mirror. Get a savvy for driving pleasure. Myvi for pure economic sense.

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  • jet (Member) on Feb 21, 2006 at 2:19 am

    hey myvian, check this… .

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  • kremer (Member) on May 19, 2006 at 5:54 pm

    got her own bodykit, lots beautiful bodykit to fit

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  • geeha16 (Member) on Jun 07, 2006 at 12:56 am

    first of all,i love this car very cute n smart i guess..i think da most attractive color is black..oh Gosh i should have 1…

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  • fadli3011 (Member) on Jun 11, 2006 at 10:34 pm

    sangat teruja…benar2 teruja kerana sy akan dpt myvi saya bulan ini.harap seperti dijanjikan salesman p2.warna hitam yg menawan pilihan saya.untuk waktu skrg dgn bahan api yg makin naik dan kos kehidupan yg meningkat kereta ini sesuai utk saya.biar ada kritikan tentang myvi tapi saya ambil pendapat majoriti yg rata2 berpuashati dgn myvi.lupakan pasal kereta tempatan atau luar negara,jika kemampuan dan minat itu hak anda untuk membelinya.apa2 pun salah satu usaha positif dr p2 utk memberi pilihan kepada org malaysia untuk membeli kereta tempatan.Tahniah P2! teruskan usaha anda dan tingkatkan lagi kualliti kereta P2.

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  • mantis (Member) on Jun 28, 2006 at 5:00 pm

    hye they….

    i want to ask something…

    how do install the fog lamp??

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  • wong (Member) on Jul 19, 2007 at 4:30 pm

    whatever you do to your myvi, it will still look ugly because it is,want to look cool,get a sports performance car,if cant afford dont waste money,u cant do anything to slim down a fat looking car..really

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  • whodz (Member) on Aug 12, 2007 at 4:44 pm

    wong said,

    whatever you do to your myvi, it will still look ugly because it is,want to look cool,get a sports performance car,if cant afford dont waste money,u cant do anything to slim down a fat looking car..really


    Well, not everyone loves or have taste on slim women. It is subjective. I believe if they like this myvi, and they modified it, they don’t actually intend to make it slimmer. they just want a good looking car. that’s all.

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  • cole planet (Member) on Dec 29, 2007 at 4:48 am

    My sister own one and it looked great wit the TRD bodykit…

    The thing is the handling is not that good and it lack of horsepower la… it strugle when i drove to cameron highland…

    Overall it’s a nice and great car…

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  • bad4s (Member) on Dec 03, 2008 at 4:47 pm

    i dont have any comments bout ta cars exterior, coz there are far more uglier cars in malaysia… wat i would like 2 say is that, its suspension is horrible, the car is underpowered(something has 2 be done bout it) but the price tag remains high, the interior quality needs to be upgraded (the center console), something has 2 b done bout the rear absorber,and the steering the lacks the feel, its not chunky 2 hold, n it has sum kind of late reaction feel 2 it… handle almost like a toyota Unser.. u get it??

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