VIDEO: Motorcyclist collides with Myvi at intersection

Running the red light has its consequences. This video, however, serves to highlight the importance of paying close attention to one’s surroundings. It shows an incident that happened in Kampung Segambut Dalam, where a yellow Perodua Myvi attempted to turn across a busy, uncontrolled junction, subsequently into the path of an oncoming motorcycle.

While the motorcyclist had the right of way, from this video it appears that the yellow Myvi attempted to cross as the slowing, oncoming grey Alza would have suggested that the coast was clear. Alas, it wasn’t, and as the Myvi began to make its way across, the motorcyclist failed to stop in time as he was travelling more quickly than the vehicles around him.

The moral of the story here is that whether you’re on two wheels, four, or more, we all need to be even more alert in congested areas. Right of way may hold up in the court of law, but the loss, damage and injury resulting from accidents may have far deeper consequences for both parties. Stay safe on the roads, everyone.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • Right of way or not, the motorcyclist was overtaking on the left side of the road. The Myvi was clearly not speeding and the grey car has stopped to allow the Myvi to turn. Don’t know about the laws here but generally overtaking on the left side is a big no-no. I place 100% blame on the motorcyclist.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 149 Thumb down 23
    • Bara Pawaka on Mar 22, 2017 at 10:43 pm

      He was not overtaking, he was merely driving fast on his own lane. In Malaysian Law, he has the right of way first, then the yellow car which wanted to make a turn. Of course, using our logical mind, we should always be cautious especially on dangerous intersection with no traffic light. But still according to Law the fault is for the yellow car for not giving ways before turning

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  • I dont blame the Myvi driver for this one. View is blocked by the Axia and the driver wasnt making a fast turn. The motorcyclist on the other hand had it coming for not slowing down and checking the situation at the intersection. In fact he was going too fast.

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  • kucing on Mar 21, 2017 at 5:10 pm

    you lucky rider, your helmet save your life

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  • Thank god he is wearing his helmet

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  • There is no traffic light at this junction. This is Jalan Segambut connecting to sri sinar. Thank god it wasn’t one of those kampung teenagers that loves to ride around without their helmets.

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  • Darren on Mar 21, 2017 at 9:10 pm

    I live nearby this accident spot. I know this junction very well. There is a yellow box at the junction and vehicles tends to stop to let the cars pass and many times , I repeat many times motorcyclists just don’t give a damn n speed along and cause accidents. They motorcyclists just don’t learned from previous incidents

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  • Simon on Mar 22, 2017 at 6:49 am

    Please stop moving injured cyclists. If they have broken their back you can cause a lot more damage to the spine. Just keep them safe until a trained medic arrives.

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  • Always always slow down and be wary at junctions. Right of way or not , it is meaningless when you re rolling your arse on the tarmac.

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  • Calvin on Mar 22, 2017 at 8:07 am

    More importantly, the need to have a video cam is a must nowadays. Let the video do the talking.

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  • Megane on Mar 22, 2017 at 8:07 am

    This motorcyclist did a double somersault with half twist . 10/10 for artistry and 2/10 for landing . He could not represent Malaysia at any Olympic event . Seen many stupid motorcyclists like this many times . Was even knocked by one of them recently with no insurance and road tax . When you approach any intersection, slow down idiot , expect the unexpected because YOUR LIFE is at stake with many dependents to look after . I have no pity for any motorcyclists for have zero common sense .

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  • 2 things i will never understand about driving in Malaysia.

    1. Motorcyclist always thinks that they are bigger than normal vehicle, keeps on horn-ing like roadrunner “Beep Beep” through it ways when cutting through traffic or not giving way to larger vehicles even buses or trucks.

    2. Most expensive automotive parts in Malaysia is the Signal Light, seems like it will burn a hole in their wallet if they put the signal lights on.

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  • Redho on Mar 22, 2017 at 10:59 am

    Tlg jgn bagi laluan kpd kenderaan lain untk cross kereta kita. Memamg bagus tapi mengundang bnyk kemalangan mcm ni.

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  • Lol, this is near my house. That intersection is messed up, always a lot of cars.

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  • Sub_zero on Mar 22, 2017 at 11:26 am

    I lol at all the comment here

    Clearly you have no idea or even ride a motorcycle at one point or even have experience riding or doing lane filtering

    While i agrees on the speeding part, but regarding way of right I’ll say myvi fault for not being patience enough and just turn into intersection on a whim without bothering checking the necessary point for doing turn in intersection

    Typical ” oh i didn’t see you so it’s not my fault case” applies here

    And overtaking on left? For god sake that’s allow and fall under lane filtering rule as long they don’t ZIG ZAG and SPEEDING at the same time like typical mat rempit

    Here lot of bias apply cause you know a lot of these are from as they claim “poor” people therefore have “poor” conscience

    And as we just recently involved in accident involved a minor with drug subtance abuse and bloody drive on wrong side on the road and cause a death

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    • idealtech on Mar 22, 2017 at 3:55 pm

      You sir are full of bulls. Patience your arse. The motorcyclist is clearly one hell of a ballistic. Do watch with your logic not ego. The myvi has got its way to enter the lane but the motor is a bad gambler. The question is to ask why the ego of not braking like the rest of the vehicles? Don’t bastardise yourself, most of the commenters here have passed their 30s and surely had their butt on a two-wheel in the 80s and 90s. So? use your common sense and be respectful of others. It is not because POOR or RICH, it is about the right attitude at the right moment.

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    • Actually, the Myvi is almost entirely cleared of that junction. It would be tough to judge this one. Clearly the grey car has slowed or stopped to let the yellow car pass. The bike was speeding down on the blindspot of the Myvi, probably even the grey car wouldn’t hv seen it. Literally, the bike hit the Myvi almost in after the junction. Prudence applied, the bike had absolutely no regards to his or anyone’s​safety, but alas, don’t think he’d be very badly injured, fortunately. He literally flew off the bike, did a somersault n landed quite nicely, didn’t hit too hard on his head, if the video is anything to go by. However, cops in M’sia often side with Motorcyclists when an accident occur, unless thrs clear incontrovertible proof that it’s the bike’s fault, like banging someone on the back. Even if the rempit zigzags onto yr lane in high-speed very suddenly and you hit him, cop will blame you.

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  • Rizal on Mar 22, 2017 at 12:05 pm

    Keutamaan jalan pada motorcyclist. Walaupn Alza dh bg jalan utk Myvi. Myvi kena masuk perlahan & kena tgok kenderaan yg terlindung blkg Alza. Yg kena saman Myvi..

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  • 100% fault on that motorsikal.

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  • MyVi lagi!

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  • Kangkong on Mar 22, 2017 at 2:18 pm

    Fault on Myvi in undang-undang. Fault on motorcyclist for speeding on left side and not bothering giving way to others. It is commonly congested junction for those who trave there often. Short of Give-way attitude for many motorcyclists always create this type of accident.
    I personally saw an accident where the motorcyclist ended whole upper body under the wheel of the full loaded sand truck just in front of the traffic light. Pray for him if he was alive.

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  • This is typical asshole motorcyclist. Moving fast on the left side of the car. There is almost no way the Myvi turning could have seen the motorcyclist coming from the inner side. This goes the same when turning right at a junction with motorcyclist traveling on the outer side (right side of a car) overtaking. You just cannot see them.

    Motorcyclist have zero awareness

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  • Lawrence on Mar 22, 2017 at 3:49 pm

    “The moral of the story here is that whether you’re on two wheels, four, or more, we all need to be even more alert in congested areas. Right of way may hold up in the court of law, but the loss, damage and injury resulting from accidents may have far deeper consequences for both parties. Stay safe on the roads, everyone.”
    Well written. The fault also partly lie with the traffic authority, for failing to install traffic lights, or speed bumper!

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  • nazrid mohd on Mar 22, 2017 at 5:07 pm

    once again the MOTOR will be correct

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  • Let me give you my very own experience. This happened 7 years back in Meru. Similar to this situation which I was about to make a right turn into a junction with the opposite traffic being very much at crawling speed. This motorcycle came so fast from the left side of the opposite lane which I definitely did not expect and I could not do much to avoid the accident. With the traffic so slow and a truck stopping to allow me to make the turn, I thought it would be safe to turn. The stopping truck indicated an opportunity to make the turn and I did turn in a rather low speed. How fast could I go with a Kancil trying to move after stopping? Unfortunately, the motorcycle hit my car on the left and the rider lying flat in front of me. People put the blame on me, as well as receiving a summon from the police. As innocent as he might seemed to be in the public’s perception, I think he should not have sped despite the clearance in his path as others are slowing down. You know that there’s a yellow box for other cars to make a turn, so slow down and be alert of any circumstances.

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  • Cinabeng on Mar 23, 2017 at 9:14 am

    Wahhh so many cinabeng support the myvi ehh…soo cinabeng, go ride moto leii…kannina!

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