PDRM issued 2.56 million summonses so far in 2023

PDRM issued 2.56 million summonses so far in 2023

The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) has issued 2.56 million summonses so far in the first eight months of the year, according to an Utusan Malaysia report via Malay Mail.

This amount came from 1.52 million K257 summonses, which are issued on the spot, along with another 1.03 million K170A summonses, which are compound summonses issued from detection through cameras or from enforcement activities. The highest number of offences involved violations of traffic signs, which amounted to 985,635 summonses.

These offences included exceeding the speed limit, disobeying traffic signals, driving in the emergency lane, cutting across double lines, queue-jumping and using a mobile phone while driving. A total of 555,002 summonses were issued for those driving without a valid license or had an expired license, said Bukit Aman traffic investigation and enforcement department (JSPT) director Datuk Seri Mat Kasim Karim.

PDRM issued 2.56 million summonses so far in 2023

Of the total, 205,464 summonses were issued for accidents, while 187,120 were compounded for number plates which did not comply with the specifications issued by the road transport department (JPJ). A total of 154,369 summonses were also issued for offences that contributed to road accidents. “For example, when a vehicle breaks down, and the driver fails to deploy a warning triangle which leads to an accident,” the JSPT director said.

In terms of postal summonses, some 116,103 of these were issued with an estimated value of RM34 million nationwide in an operation that started on August 21, Utusan Malaysia reported.

Car drivers received the largest proportion of these summonses at 92,203 while 20,569 postal summmonses were issued against other vehicles such as 4x4s, vans and taxis. Another 1,757 summonses were issued against commercial vehicles, while another 574 were issued to motorcyclists.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • Ben Yap on Sep 13, 2023 at 4:08 pm

    the collection for motorists to pay up their fines will be low and that’s why always got discount.

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    • PlainBS on Sep 13, 2023 at 5:42 pm

      Millions saman so wat? Just wait Anwar to give 70% or up to 90% diskaun otherwise majority will boycott and not vote him. Just be patient and wait not like they can do anything to you.

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  • PHBN Korup on Sep 13, 2023 at 4:42 pm

    Please summon corrupt politicians as well.

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  • Saman here, saman there. People will wait until got 50% discount then will pay. Repeat the cycle over and over again

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  • Just another law breaker on Sep 13, 2023 at 4:58 pm


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  • Zedmudin on Sep 13, 2023 at 5:13 pm

    What a joke….only 574 issued to motorcyclists.
    Great time to be a kapchai biker; privileges rendered.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
    • Namkei on Sep 13, 2023 at 6:12 pm

      Kapcai tak pakai phone masa memandu, tak ada tali pinggang. Bebas pakai emergency lane.

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  • Maarten on Sep 13, 2023 at 6:02 pm

    Thanks for the article. Is there any reference whether this represents an increase/decrease vs a comparable period in the previous year and how much of these are automated vs applied manually? Lots of earning potential for the state and a great opportunity to enhance road safety and compliance. Hence, interested to see whether there is any increase in volume/efficiency measured.

    Practice of discounts for traffic offensive is counter productive for both: Road Safety and Revenue potential. (Everyone knows cashflow is King and the business case of more revenue to hire and reproduce revenue/fines should be closely tied to a certain point)

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  • haha…
    tak apa… tunggu bulan discount

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  • Brian on Sep 14, 2023 at 12:40 am

    Out of the 2.56 MILLION summons, only 547 issued to motorcycles?!

    I come across motorcyclist breaking the law every.single.day. (running red lights, not wearing helmet, riding above speed limit, riding against traffic, riding on sidewalks, riding recklessly, broken headlights/taillights, broken side mirrors, more than two riders (kids) on the bike, modified exhaust pipes, black/white smoke coming out of exhaust pipes, not using indicators, crossing double lines, illegal u-turns, using handphone while riding (especially food delivery riders), broken number plates, parking on sidewalks, riding without license/insurance, kids riding on bikes, etc etc)

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    • protected species on Sep 16, 2023 at 8:25 pm

      cannot simply saman motor riders, they are a huge voter group for any government

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