Malaysia to introduce targeted subsidy mechanism for RON 95 petrol in the second half of 2024 – Rafizi Ramli

Malaysia to introduce targeted subsidy mechanism for RON 95 petrol in the second half of 2024 – Rafizi Ramli

The government says it is set to introduce a targeted subsidy mechanism for RON 95 petrol in the second half of 2024. According to economy minister Rafizi Ramli, the timeframe will allow authorities to ensure the subsidy is delivered in a targeted manner to “those who need it most,” as FMT reports.

“Sidestepping issues of duplication enables the government to take a decisive step away from previous administrations,” he said at the national economic outlook conference held at the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) earlier today.

Introducing the subsidy will also allow Putrajaya to optimise its resources. Rafizi said the government needs to find new ways to better manage its resources while reducing leakages and wastage, and the targeted RON 95 petrol subsidy is in line with this effort.

Malaysia to introduce targeted subsidy mechanism for RON 95 petrol in the second half of 2024 – Rafizi Ramli

“A country where the T20 group is receiving 53% of blanket fuel subsidies is not a sustainable model, nor is it an equitable one,” he explained. “One inescapable dimension of this is addressing our revenue inadequacy by increasing our tax collection. Spending more money than we have is never conducive to a dynamic, sustainable state,” he added.

Rafizi reiterated that the Pangkalan Data Utama (PADU) socio-economic database would be a crucial component in allowing the government to rationalise its subsidies and implement social welfare reforms. As of late October, the PADU database was 72% complete, with a total of 29.8 million cross-ministerial and agency data having been collated.

Petrol is of course not the only fuel which will hava a targeted subsidy mechanism. Diesel will be too, and in phases, as announced by prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during Budget 2024. According to the PM, subsidised diesel prices will continue to be enjoyed by selected users such as goods transport and logistics companies, while other users will be charged a higher price.

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Anthony Lim

Anthony Lim believes that nothing is better than a good smoke and a car with character, with good handling aspects being top of the prize heap. Having spent more than a decade and a half with an English tabloid daily never being able to grasp the meaning of brevity or being succinct, he wags his tail furiously at the idea of waffling - in greater detail - about cars and all their intrinsic peculiarities here.



  • newme on Nov 27, 2023 at 4:21 pm

    Yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran.

    They really think the T20 and M40 will continue to support them no matter what in their quest to win over the B40.

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    • Betoi! Better for Najib to be PM. At least, he does not sideline the rich while enriching himself

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    • Rakyat Malaysia on Nov 29, 2023 at 4:59 pm

      Its too late to vote them out, so what can rakyat do to stop this idiocy from taking shape? It does not look like PN willing to do the dirty and take back power from them even if this will save the rakyat. So now it is up to rakyat Malaysia, if nothing else short of a revolution to force them down and return things back to normal.

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      • anti-zionis Malaysian on Nov 29, 2023 at 10:43 pm

        Hey zionis agent. Stop pretending to be Rakyat Malaysia. Now it’s clear you want to instigate a revolution or coup by using disinformation & deception, in order to destabilise Malaysia for supporting the Palestinians. You should crawl back into your hole…

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      • newme on Nov 30, 2023 at 9:01 am

        PN is supported by B40. Both good for nothing.

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        • Make Malaysia Great Again on Dec 01, 2023 at 8:16 am

          B40 supports PN
          M40 & T20 supports PH
          All is good for nothing, time for a peoples revolution to take back our power & our rights. Kick out the foreign influence in our Gohmen and make Malaysia great as we had been or the last 60 years before PH.

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          • anti-zionis Malaysian on Dec 01, 2023 at 12:41 pm

            Now we have zionis agent trying to instigate a revolution in Malaysia while using the name ‘Make Malaysia Great Again’.

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  • Janji dicapati on Nov 27, 2023 at 4:34 pm

    Refer my name

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  • Ex Rafizi supporter on Nov 27, 2023 at 4:34 pm

    Apa boleh buat. Sudah geng dengan perasuah. Hadap jelah dengan KERA jaan MAhal DAh NI yang temberang ni. Dulu cakap lain, sekarang cakap lain.

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    • Keluhuran Perlembagaan on Nov 28, 2023 at 8:22 am

      Adakah kamu masih lagi berpendapat yg penubuhan kerajaan perpaduan ini yg telah dicadangkan oleh DYMM SPB YDPA menurut perlembagaan negara, tidak sepatutnya berlaku?

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      • Hadap je la nasib buruk kita ni on Nov 28, 2023 at 12:35 pm

        Banyak yg tak sepatutnya berlaku dah terlajak pun

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        • itu lah... on Nov 28, 2023 at 3:25 pm

          walaupun rakyat yg keluar mengundi dah dikira cukup dewasa utk memahami perlembagaan negara, ada yg masih mempersoalkan keputusan yg telah dibuat mengikut perlembagaan, seolah2 mereka ni berperangai kebudak-budakan.

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  • Itu DFM said April 2024. Interestingly, diesel would continue to be subsidized for East Malaysia private vehicle. The Edge: “Ahmad Maslan said the government will ensure that when the targeted subsidies are implemented next year, expected in March 2024, and the government will start with diesel first, and then RON95 the following month.

    “To ensure prices of goods do not rise, the diesel subsidy for vehicles carrying goods will remain, so there is no reason for prices of goods to rise, because the [diesel] price remains at RM2.15 per litre.

    “For private vehicles in Sabah and Sarawak, we maintain it at RM2.15 per litre. For fishermen, we also maintain [the price at] RM1.65 per litre, and [the price for] public transport such as school buses will remain at RM1.88 per litre under targeted subsidies,” he said.”

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    • Robinhood on Nov 28, 2023 at 9:15 am

      This is what we called LEAKAGES. Why East Malaysia continue to receive subsidies??? There is no T20 or super wealthy people in East Malaysia????? All politics only lah. In short, they need the support of politicians in East Malaysia to maintain power. Orang West Malaysia supported the wrong camp. That’s why no subsidies for you people.

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      • Jgn jeles ye… on Nov 28, 2023 at 12:38 pm

        Relocate to east mesia and buy diesel land cruisers and range rovers. Rotek pun murah

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  • PM Zimbabwe on Nov 27, 2023 at 4:35 pm

    Mythomania bermaksud kelainan psikologi yang menyebabkan seseorang mempunyai perilaku berbohong secara terus-menerus dan dalam jangka waktu yang lama.

    Berikut adalah ciri-ciri mythomania:

    – Pembohongan mereka tidak mempunyai kelebihan tertentu

    – Kisah biasanya dramatik, rumit, dan sangat terperinci

    – Biasanya mereka menjadi penyelamat atau mangsa utama dalam cerita

    – Mereka percaya bahawa kisah mereka benar-benar berlaku

    – Pembohongan diceritakan berulang kali.

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    • Jelas kau masih perlukan rawatan psikologi on Nov 28, 2023 at 8:58 am

      Dah masih lagi jelas yg kamu ni dah kenal sangat dgn ‘mythomania’ kerana kamu masih berbohong kpd diri sendiri yg kamu ni PM Zimbabwe, sedangkan jawatan PM Zimbabwe sebenarnya tidak lagi wujud sejak 10 tahun yang lalu bila perlembagaan Zimbabwe diubah.

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  • Nurul Izzah on Nov 27, 2023 at 4:35 pm

    Anwar menang subsidi hapus

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  • Rafizi sembang kencang on Nov 27, 2023 at 4:36 pm

    Hanya org bodoh dan kurang cerdik je percaya dengan kerajaan ni. Rasakan hahaha…

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    • Abah tak sembang mcm budak kecik seperti kau on Nov 28, 2023 at 9:04 am

      Tahun lalu, abah pun pernah memberitahu para wartawan bahawa kerajaan mampu menjimatkan perbelanjaan sebanyak RM20 billion setahun melalui pelaksanaan skim subsidi bersasar, kerana tanpa skim tersebut, hanya 20 peratus subsidi yang disediakan kerajaan digunakan oleh golongan B40, manakala selebihnya dinikmati oleh golongan yang tidak sepatutnya, dimana hampir 50 peratus daripada subsidi kerajaan digunakan oleh orang dalam kategori yang berada, orang kaya, kenderaan besar dan macam2 lagi.

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  • PAP is better than DAP on Nov 27, 2023 at 4:37 pm

    Just follow the Singapore model. And we will prosper like them. No corrupt ministers like in UMNO.

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  • PHBN Korup on Nov 27, 2023 at 4:37 pm

    Never trust any politician when they’re fighting for power.

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    • So what else is new? on Nov 28, 2023 at 9:21 am

      That’s why it’s no surprise that abah recently made a u-turn decision

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  • Menteri cap ayam on Nov 27, 2023 at 4:38 pm

    The price of everything will go up. That’s what PH voters want, hahaha.

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    • Hadi Ayam on Nov 28, 2023 at 11:00 am

      Except pork which PN voters don’t want. Haha

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    • sapot pee end on Nov 28, 2023 at 11:18 am

      yes, pls vote for pee end because we want chicken branded ministers like yourself.

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  • Ben Yap on Nov 27, 2023 at 4:40 pm

    inflation rate will go up. traders will find 101 excuses why they have to increase price.

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    • YB Kunte Kinta on Nov 27, 2023 at 7:34 pm

      Your Excellency Ben Yap,
      At first this heart attack recovered dude said first quarter 2024.
      Then,now the time frame has expanded to 2nd half 2024.
      When the Houthis with Iranian backing start mining the Straits of Hormuz..oil will skyrocket to USD 120 -150 per barrel.
      Then the huge backlash from tax stricken T20 will surely push the date further to 3rd quarter 2024.
      By that time,another bad survey by Merdeka centre will push it further to Christmas.
      So..Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas 2024..Shall we have a cup of coffee at Starbucks?.Ajibkor’s favourite outlet.

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      • they'll find other ways to keep the business running on Nov 29, 2023 at 12:46 am

        Obviously, you’re not aware of the Habshan–Fujairah oil pipeline in the UAE and the East-West Pipeline across Saudi Arabia which both allow crude oil shipment to bypass the Straits of Hormuz via other sea ports.

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    • Sohai on Nov 28, 2023 at 12:19 am

      Betoi… tauke SuperT20 pakai diesel untuk syarikat Lori,Bus,Van, why no ban on tauke pakai diesel ?

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    • Unker on Nov 28, 2023 at 8:23 am

      tak pasal2 teh o ice and roti canai will increase price

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  • Parti Kelentong Rakyat on Nov 27, 2023 at 4:44 pm

    Tesla Rahmah coming soon!

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  • What a load of rubbish !!! Earlier he said first half of 2024, now second half. And not a single reporter or media personnel at the event asked him why the delay ?!

    Secondly, where is the data that T20 receives 53% of fuel subsidies? There is no data showing fuel purchase at pump vs. an individual’s earning. There is absolutely NO data on this !

    This “class-ist” and elitist notion that T20 is robbing the nation has to stop. T20 is classified as having household income of RM10k; so if you and your spouse earn RM5k you’re a T20 and you’re consuming so much subsidy while being in the top economic bracket. what a load of rubbish from the govt.

    This PADU nonsense will be so full of bugs and holes that nothing will be implemented in 2024. The system will crash on day 1.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 68 Thumb down 7
    • Albert Einstein call this INSANITY on Nov 27, 2023 at 7:46 pm

      Mr NK…well is rubbish plus bullshit.
      The time frame is shifting like a shifting goalpost.
      I suspect,he is alerting the PADU dudes to “catch” people who keep purchasing cars,to reclassify them from M40 to T20.This way,more fanboys will kena trapped..propelled into T20 status,which means they gonna pay Rm3.50 to RM4.00/litre petrol.
      And in case our sensitive personal datas r hacked…can u imagine the risk,danger rakyat face…extortion,blackmail etc.
      Before GE15,I have a lot of respect for this Rafizi n the respect has been marred by the radioactive water from Fukushima.Just shambolic.

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      • u stupid for believing and respecting him and gang in the 1st place. so u get what u sow la. problem is, other people also suffer coz if you and your gang stupidity.

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    • Pizi pormula on Nov 28, 2023 at 6:04 am

      Bring your grouses to the ballot box during GE16

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      • Malap on Nov 28, 2023 at 8:18 am

        Vote Dinsembab or hadi mauwang to lead mesia

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      • Ajibkor on Nov 28, 2023 at 10:17 am

        I will never never vote for Greenies.Just to ensure this Rafizi dude never gets elected again..a lot of rhetorical hot gas,he keeps postponing,n lots of U turns

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      • Rakyat Malaysia on Nov 29, 2023 at 5:01 pm

        Too late lar. PH would have destroyed the country by then.

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        • anti-zionis Malaysian on Nov 29, 2023 at 10:52 pm

          Hey zionis agent.. Enough of you pretending to be Rakyat Malaysia lah.. We know it’s you the zionis because you’re trying to destroy our country Malaysia with your deception & disinformation because we strongly support the Palestinians.. You can go & crawl back into your zionis hole lah…

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          • Rakyat speaks for the rakyat, its in the name. So who you speak for?

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          • Rakyat Malaysia on Dec 01, 2023 at 12:37 pm

            Meh, why do u give such a lame comment? At PT, anyone comment under the name ‘Rakyat Malaysia’, even the zionists.. May be you’re 1 of them?

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    • Kea Was on Nov 28, 2023 at 8:16 am

      Totally agreed when this figure is published by previous FM and the Assmint guy while we know for a fact T20 has the least children while they are also the one who do not travel back kampung every week while their newer cars is also more efficient so do tell us how the heck do they pump more petrol?

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      • ThePolygon on Nov 28, 2023 at 8:56 am

        In their reality, T20 have 5 cars and can drive all 5 at the same time. So yeah…

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        • Kea Was on Nov 28, 2023 at 5:14 pm

          Nah probably previous government had this Stupecial Formula which the current new government also adopts it because of:

          B40 – all drives motorcycle (consumes only 20% petrol compared to car) so translate to 10% subsidy.
          M40 – all drives a car so translate to 40% subsidy.
          T20 – this is a special group who owns 2.5x cars and that 1 fella can drive that 2.5x cars all-together everyday while all their cars uses RON95 and that translate to 50% subsidy Nice.

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  • sokratis on Nov 27, 2023 at 4:57 pm

    T20 probably contribute 90% of tax revenues to the country. If anything is unfair about the current system, it’s they contribute 90% and only get 50%. Flawed gov logic= it’s fair if you contribute less, you deserve more.

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    • Razir on Nov 27, 2023 at 8:01 pm

      If making subsidies for poor and middle but not rich in near future, government can earn more money by helping poor and middle and can do other stuffs

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    • B40 better start paying up too

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    • Tax consultant on Nov 28, 2023 at 6:13 am

      Time to start contributing less

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    • La Pizi on Nov 28, 2023 at 8:10 am

      T20 vote cant win any elections hehehee

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    • Malap on Nov 28, 2023 at 8:20 am

      PADU to get rid of handouts, 74thn dah Tongkat

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    • Nobody owes anybody a living on Nov 28, 2023 at 9:16 am

      The bolehland income tax structure has long been biased towards helping the lower income group, especially since the NEP implementation was started during the PM2 (PM6’s father) administration. If you want a tax system that friendly to high income earners, you’ll have to relocate to tax haven places like the Virgin Islands or Cayman Islands. You can feel that you don’t owe the government a living, but they don’t you a living too, because nobody owes anybody a living.

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      • sokratis on Nov 28, 2023 at 4:11 pm

        It’s not about who owwes who, it’s about the idea that it’s fair to take something from those that work for it, and give it to those that didn’t. At this point, it’s not even about T20 vs B40, it’s about common sense.

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        • govt is not private sector on Nov 28, 2023 at 7:44 pm

          It appears you believe that the government should act like a company that provides a higher level of service to higher paying customers. However, the government is in the public sector which doesn’t operate like the private sector because of different goals & priorities. Thus, what you may think is common sense & fair in the private sector, may not be the same in the public sector.

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          • sokratis on Dec 21, 2023 at 5:52 pm

            Again, attempting to put words into my mouth. I never commented on what the gov should do, that’s your assumption. I’m only talking about the concept of fairness, fairness does not have different rules depending on what sector it’s in. You explaining the difference between private and public sector, does not change the fact that something that is unfair is unfair universally.

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  • John Gagal on Nov 27, 2023 at 5:06 pm

    Then second half of 2024 also remove quota below RM100K EV car price. No need wait year 2025.

    Cannot compete fairly? Better close shop, sell burger tepi jalan.

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  • Why not just abolish this thing then let deserving households apply for financial aid, such is the case with all other developed countries? This way there’s no need to implement some verification mechanism at the pump.

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  • 4GR-FSE on Nov 27, 2023 at 6:06 pm

    I applaud the current government to have the courage to reduce the fuel subsidies by stages.
    Despite of its sensitivity and unpopular move, but it is a bitter pill to swallow for the benefit of the future.

    For other countries that have higher fuel price like Thailand and Indonesia, the people there find their way to adjust their lifestyle, and we can do it too.

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    • Nurul Izzah on Nov 27, 2023 at 7:39 pm

      Anwar menang rakyat senang

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    • NEP has made people softies.

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    • Capati on Nov 27, 2023 at 9:46 pm

      But it wasnt their election promise.
      If it is what people voted for, then fair deal.

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      • Time 4 u 2 come out fr under ur coconut shell on Nov 28, 2023 at 11:15 am

        Obviously u didn’t know that the Thai & Indonesian common citizens still prefer subsidised fuel prices but most of their politicians have already known that the such prolonged subsidies will be detrimental to the government finances in the long run.

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        • But problem is, Pee H promised to reduce the oil price and others things prior to GE15. and Lapiju even came out with all sort of stupid formulas. And stupid Pee H supporters mostly believed them.

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          • Dun b 'capati haha' cry baby on Nov 29, 2023 at 12:16 am

            The explanation has already been publicly given in the media but if you want to be a cry baby…

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  • Pizi pormula on Nov 27, 2023 at 7:09 pm

    A cabinet with too many ministers and deputies and bloated gomen service are also not feasible. What u gonna do about that?

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  • Phuddi sung Lee on Nov 27, 2023 at 7:43 pm

    Read it, curse it and forget it, simple is that

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  • Anonymous on Nov 27, 2023 at 8:20 pm

    Ppl won’t drive a ferrari and pump ron95 ? Isn’t it ?

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  • Those who need it most will not vote for PH no matter what.
    To fight inflation, you need to strengthen currency. That means reduce gomen overheads. And encourage businesses to expand so that more taxes can be collected. I do not see this happening.

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  • Sohai on Nov 27, 2023 at 9:41 pm

    Please lah tell the mechanism now then everyone can get ready… otherwise why delay till second half 2024 in the name of preparation?

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  • GG B40 on Nov 28, 2023 at 12:09 am

    Don’t worry, T20 will pass on the cost to B40 by raising the price of their own business (product and service) and B40 will end up being forced to pay more as a result of the price shift. Mark my words, this will be out of control.

    Anwar menang, T20 menang, M40 and B40 kalah. Janji Tesla mari.

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  • dont be haters on Nov 28, 2023 at 8:43 am

    i can’t imagine why so many is hating it, when it’s only affecting the T20. Look at it as a whole. The saving only comes from minority T20… which i don’t think will serve much in terms of saving. But it’s a start. There is one point i did not see/read.. how about company vehicle? these are not getting subsidized fuel, or they still do?

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  • vincent on Nov 28, 2023 at 1:08 pm

    No doubt our fuel price memang is consider the cheapest, though i hope that RON95 price will not increase but this is inevitable. I just hope that if gvt want to gradually remove subsidy for RON95. They also gradually remove the car import tax as Malaysians pay a hefty price on car price too. T20 also pay higher income tax, in long run have to increase competitive level of the people to make more income, create more high level job oppotunity. If not, we are just stucked at low income nation.

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  • So, they want T20 to take public transport while B40 drive around in their X50 and Alza? Best option is to completely remove fuel subsidy and provide annual cash handout through gov agencies. Anyway, even with cash handout, i foresee this B40 group splurging everything on new car, fancy restaurants and undeserved vacations. They will be begging for more handouts and complaining of high fuel prices within a month of getting handouts.

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    • B40 forever on Nov 28, 2023 at 3:18 pm

      Don’t be jealous. Work less, stress less.

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    • Did u think that this is a Monopoly board game? on Nov 28, 2023 at 3:35 pm

      Did your small kid mind make you believe that all rich ppl in Msia are so stingy like Haji Bakhil that they will take public transport if they have pay unsubsidised market prices for fuel? If they can afford to buy motor vehicles which cost up to a few million, the cost of a few hundred litres of fuel per week would be literally chicken feed for them.

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  • Encik mimpi on Nov 28, 2023 at 2:35 pm

    diam diam tengah kerja ni

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  • T20 all change to EV, that’s what gov have been pushing.

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  • A fixed amount of subsidies should be given for all Malaysian regardless of status. Probably 100 liters per month. Anything above that, then charge at unsubsidise price la.

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  • S.Rajan on Nov 28, 2023 at 7:01 pm

    How many B40 paying tax??? Why must penalize middle earn income twice?

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  • S.Rajan on Nov 28, 2023 at 7:04 pm

    How many B40 paying tax??? Why must penalize middle earn income twice? Our economy now base on collecting from middle class people and giving to poor. The government never really improve economy to avoid this from happening.

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  • apa nama on Dec 01, 2023 at 3:38 pm

    reduce sudsidies here and there wont help the poor and middle class ….what the people need is a fairer share of the economic pie like tax the super rich higher-concentration of wealth is at the top 1%, cut down on monopolies, cut cronism/nepotism, cut corruption and leakage, strenghten workers union, cut dependency on foreign workers, ……

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  • Commonsense on Dec 22, 2023 at 9:57 am

    Just take all subsidy away regardless of income class. If low income then work your ass up to T20 to get a better life. Don’t just sit there and wanting all subsidy from government.

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