Tesla making RHD cars in Germany for export; RM9.5 billion manufacturing plant in India planned

Tesla making RHD cars in Germany for export; RM9.5 billion manufacturing plant in India planned

Tesla has started producing right-hand-drive cars at its Berlin, Germany plant for export to India later this year, while a team from the electric carmaker is expected to visit India this month to explore potential sites for a manufacturing plant in the country that would need an investment of around US$2 billion (RM9.48 billion), Reuters has reported.

The right-hand-drive units that will be allocated to India have started production, and shipments to India are due to begin by the end of this year, a source told Reuters. Right-hand-drive units of the Tesla Model Y for the United Kingdom market were imported from China, though the carmaker has not mentioned if it is shifting imports to be from Berlin, the news wire reported.

India reduced import tax on selected electric vehicles on the condition that their manufacturer’s invest at least $500 million (RM2.4 billion) in the country and commence production within three years, however this faced resistance from other carmakers in the country, according to the news wire.

Tesla making RHD cars in Germany for export; RM9.5 billion manufacturing plant in India planned

In addition to the RM9.48 billion manufacturing plant, Tesla also has plans for investing in a charging network, as well as for sourcing more components locally for the upcoming India plant. “Tesla already imports parts from India and is now looking at reducing sourcing from China and making India a bigger sourcing hub,” a source told Reuters.

In Malaysia, the Tesla Model Y was introduced officially with the brand’s official arrival into the country, with the first customer deliveries of the model commencing last month. For the 2024 model year, the Model Y received changes to its specification, differing those of the launch vehicle.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • newme on Apr 05, 2024 at 12:25 pm

    India? Why open in a place where Tata Nano is considered a middle class vehicle?

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    • EV Car Mafia on Apr 06, 2024 at 10:57 am

      Tesla – its considered a rich mans toy, aspiring the younger rich kids. they don’t care about the average joe. Morover, there are no Chinese cars in India. So the market competition is with the local boys, Tatas, Mahindras and maybe the maruti suzuki. its also in view of the Taiwanese chip manufacturing plans in India.

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    • Mohan Nair on Apr 11, 2024 at 10:14 am

      Another clueless guy. Nano’s production was stopped on 2018. Blame your education!

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  • Bob Mal on Apr 05, 2024 at 12:37 pm

    Another management decision that don’t make any sense since Europe and all its country are LHD (apart from a select few) while all RHD is concentrated here in our region hence it should be manufactured in China for the time being since India is bordering China as well.

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    • India together with Indonesia are the single largest market for right hand drive cars, why keep manufacturing at a single facility where the market only needs lhd cars. Your logic makes even less sense.

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  • Bieight8 on Apr 05, 2024 at 3:35 pm

    Should send those German made ones here…

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  • ROTI CANAI on Apr 05, 2024 at 6:48 pm

    german made doesnt mean quality these days – look at mercedes and bmw

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
    • seitha on Apr 07, 2024 at 11:48 am

      Yes, the MB and BMW made since 2005 are designed for obsolence.
      Better to but the older MB and BMW…those that do not have softwares!!

      see for your selves a few videos where the videographer also has the same opinion… designed for obsolence


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  • ibu hq on Apr 06, 2024 at 3:04 pm

    strange logic, tesla is already making RHD cars in china and germany and exporting to most asian and european markets, so why need an indian plant – to export to africa ??? over the past 10 years, many the major carmakers and MNCs [2000+] which were enticed by indian govt; ford, gm, fiat etc etc, have fled india after losing billions of $$$, the causes cited were oftenly about low build quality, unmanageable govt red tapes, dubious tax, accounting regime etc etc, perhaps tesla wanna do a suzuki maruti trick, exporting cars like those made-in-india suzuki swifts, ignis etc etc world wide, but does tesla make those kind of cars especially now its rumoured that the tesla 2 is crapped ??? a made-in-india tesla model 3, interesting idea …

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 4
    • Mohan Nair on Apr 11, 2024 at 10:18 am

      Haha. An uneducated comment. Ford, GM are also not doing well in the US and rest of the world. The only model Ford and GM sells well in the US is trucks. Similarly in China Ford will be shutting down their operations soon.

      You sound butt hurt when you can comment on topic you don’t have a clue on. So do you want to Tesla to setup a factory in Pakistan? Hahaha

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  • seitha on Apr 07, 2024 at 11:44 am

    Americans and Germans have embassies here and they are vigilant on whats happening here!!
    With the racist doctor running wild.. I don think the Americans nor Germans gonna come here.
    The americans have their own open border problems and he germans have the illegal middle easterners and their own farmers protest going on.
    AI can give hundreds of PC ad tell us that the FDI are coming in in billions but i think the germans and aussies showed the middle finger to him after he left.
    Our exchange rate is USD1=RM4.75 and AUS1=3.21.

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  • Mohan Nair on Apr 11, 2024 at 10:31 am

    Another thing for those who are clueless. There are many second generation Indian Americans in leadership roles in Tesla and other MNCs in the US and Europe. Hence there will be more emphasis on India. India is expected to outpace both Germany and Japan in terms of economy by the end of the decade.

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