Transport minister Anthony Loke rides rush hour LRT unannounced, will meet Prasarana on improvements

Transport minister Anthony Loke rides rush hour LRT unannounced, will meet Prasarana on improvements

Newly appointed transport minister Anthony Loke Siew Fook rode the LRT Kelana Jaya Line yesterday. But it was not a typical turun padang session because he went incognito during the evening rush hour, without a rombongan and Prasarana management. It was a true spot check.

The Seremban MP wore a black cap and black face mask and was pictured standing in a packed train. He was also pictured with a non-functioning elevator, trying out the lift and looking at a roof leak at the MRT Muzium Negara Station, which connects to the LRT at KL Sentral.

In a Facebook post, Loke said that he spent two hours yesterday evening, 5pm to 7pm, to see for himself the true situation (keadaan sebenar) of the LRT Kelana Jaya Line during peak hours. He said that he did not inform Prasarana management and the media as he wanted to experience himself what regular commuters go through daily.

“It was very packed in the train and of course it’s not comfortable for passengers,” he said. “I understand the challenges that LRT passengers go through. I will have a meeting with Prasarana’s top management this week itself to discuss the direction and ways to improve our public transport service,” the returning MoT minister added.

The automatic train control (ATC) system of the LRT Kelana Jaya Line went haywire last month, causing a partial shutdown of the crucial line for a few days (November 9-14). 16 stations on the line, from Kelana Jaya in PJ to Ampang Park in the city centre were closed during that period and Prasarana used buses to fill in the gap. The transport operator then compensated users with free rides for seven days.

Kudos to Loke for getting a real taste of daily commuting in KL.

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Danny Tan

Danny Tan loves driving as much as he loves a certain herbal meat soup, and sweet engine music as much as drum beats. He has been in the auto industry since 2006, previously filling the pages of two motoring magazines before joining this website. Enjoys detailing the experience more than the technical details.



  • Roti john Reborn on Dec 06, 2022 at 10:21 am

    What a Game-Changing minister! This shows that our transport minister really cares for the rakyat instead of lepaking and minum teh 10x like Game Over PN. Thank you PM Anwar Ibrahim for choosing Anthony Loke as transport minister.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 103 Thumb down 8
    • YB KINTE KUNTE on Dec 06, 2022 at 1:03 pm

      Ah Lokekor
      Your predecessor is famous for awarding more LRT contracts than problem solving.He is the World Champion for fund raising ,issuing SYIOK SYIOK number plates for JPJ .
      To prevent another “LRT disappearing from screens” and collision,high time to chop redundant sloppy lazy overpaid deadwood.
      Make no mistake 2023 is a RECESSION YEAR,so retrenching staff is a NORM worldwide.
      Amazon,Twitter,Facebook ,Tesla already chopped thousands.
      What makes some of our deadwood so special? Connections?

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 4
      • LRT User on Dec 06, 2022 at 2:20 pm

        At least Dr Wee is an effective TransMin and he really pushes projects to benefit the public not like Loke who is KING OF SELLING FANCY PLATES and legalising super danger ZERO VISIBILITY TINTS.
        He is real World Champion in setting example how NOT to be a TransMin and now he is back to show how much more he can screw this job.

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        • It is just beginning. Anthony Loke will do better than before

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          • Safety First on Dec 06, 2022 at 6:17 pm

            Stop shilling for him. He is not new to the job and we oredy knew what he can do or rather what HE COULD NOT DO AS A PROPER TRANSPORT MINISTER!

            Allowing non see thru tints is most dangerous on the road. He did NOT think SAFETY FIRST when he legalised that mistake.

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          • @Safety First

            Of course, he is not new to the job. Nothing to complain about, okay? Btw, he already learnt from his mistakes from the past and so he will do better than before. Never ever jump to conclusion and claimed that already know on what Anthony Loke who become transport minister what to do, this is wrong. Very sure you can do better than before, mark my words, safety first as hater

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      • Sohai on Dec 06, 2022 at 2:49 pm

        The advise is too simplistic. MOT is not just another commercial entity, it is the government. Chop work force would just shift the problem to another ministry when unemployment rate goes up.
        People needs to be retrained, reassigned, before removal is considered. Is the livelihood of the staff as well.

        Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
    • LRT User on Dec 06, 2022 at 2:17 pm

      Hahahaha! Ride rush hour go to where! Putrajaya is far from LRT. Neither is Parliamen.
      Anthony is back at his shiok sendiri publicity stunt again. Come on be like you predecessor at least, do his job quietly and effectively. No need all these self promo stunts. We need working ministers not actors. If Loke want’s to act, go join Hollywood.

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 41
      • Anthony Loke is advising on those LRT trains on how does it go today. If you don’t know, please read on other news on Anthony Loke riding on LRT

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        • LRT User on Dec 06, 2022 at 6:21 pm

          What he needs to advise us huh? Instead we can give him a litany of advise how not to screw up whatever that his predecessor has in the pipeline to improve public transportation.
          We can only hope.

          Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 7
          • @LRT User

            Don’t worry, Anthony Loke will do better than before, it just the beginning anyways

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    • PH Supporter on Dec 06, 2022 at 3:51 pm

      Beyond disappointed that PH had turn their backs to us loyal supporters and voters to betray our trust and loyalty with this caca merba rojak government of thieves and liars. You can imagine our PH grassroot faces when it was announced and many are clearly against. Greedy, shortsighted, dangerous, sad. The spirit of UBAH and REFORMASI I have always admired is weeping today.

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  • LaksaKL on Dec 06, 2022 at 10:25 am

    For a train getting packed it’s still ok, when we see the Japan train need authorized staff to do sardine squeeze.

    What is less ok is when we have no space to go in and have to que for another train, which is quite suffering for some elderly, and passengers with heavy bags and hand carry.

    When there is no space, there is no tolerance left for any train breakdown – a daily time bomb…

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 0
  • newme on Dec 06, 2022 at 10:25 am

    He should do another check with rombongan and see the difference before announcing this. Got to see how much smoke screen the lrt management put up to the minister.

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    • I’m shocked that a cameraman is engaging in taking many photos at multiple angles when he goes unannounced! Well. Not that shocked. Where were all these photos prior to him being the new Transport Minister?

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      • newme on Dec 06, 2022 at 4:06 pm

        Ever heard of GoPro?

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        • PlainBS on Dec 06, 2022 at 6:24 pm

          It doesn’t look like he is holding a GoPro stick unless your telling us during his sabbatical he grown an invisible 3rd hand to hold it. Are you?

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          • newme on Dec 07, 2022 at 8:57 am

            Of course he’s bring assistants there that probably act as friends.

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  • Kayap on Dec 06, 2022 at 10:25 am

    Good job Loke! We want our transport system as efficient as Japan.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 2
  • upcoming blizzards long winter on Dec 06, 2022 at 10:36 am

    unlike mantan transport minister greeted with red carpet and accompanied with bodyguards for publicity visitation

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 4
  • I hope other ministers will also turun padang unannounced to experience first hand what the rakyat go through in their every day lifes. Tak payah rombongan dan cium2 tangan.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 34 Thumb down 3
  • The return of The Black Cap Loke !
    YB Anthony mastered the act of Genba, this is the leader we need #PNBest

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 6
  • totoro13 on Dec 06, 2022 at 11:17 am

    Kudo to YB for doing that. That’s what we the Rakyat been talking about. Come down to the ground, feel the pain and hear the frustration the commuting people had to face daily. See how those “so called” working infra we have. The Wee dog and gang just know how to talk and comment all ok. But never come down real to see those peaks. Anthony, kudos and I think you will do it much better than the Wee dog fellow. We all know you can do much better cos we have faith in you. Salute you for dong this without any bodyguards without those pre-arrangement. Need more YB like this in the government

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 2
  • Neoh Soon Hueng on Dec 06, 2022 at 11:17 am

    Mr Loke, please approve LRT for Penang. We’ve waiting for your good news. Kthxbye

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 1
  • seancorr on Dec 06, 2022 at 11:27 am

    Good stuff. Prasarana really needs some good spanking from the govt

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 1
  • Emergency Vehicles on Dec 06, 2022 at 12:54 pm

    Wayang saja, to get public attention posting this,
    packed train is normal, nobody complain maa, I everyday ride train oso liddat one what so special meh?

    Ride the train everyday to experience the inconsistencies, the delay, better yet the rapid bus service, than you feel the true gravity of the situation.

    Also Mr Minister, genba is good, but proper maintenance budget is better, maintenance culture is paramount.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 20
    • Bob_B78 on Dec 06, 2022 at 2:34 pm

      You have an improvement plan proposal to present to your company top management. Your proposal consist of current situation and suggestions to improve the current situation. After the presentation one of the commnents you received is ‘wayang saja’. How does that make you feel? Understand that we the rakyat is the boss and he needs to show us current scenario and how to rectify it. First, not all of us take the LRT. Two, he just been reappointed and expect him to turn things around with just a snap of finger.

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  • JPJeQ on Dec 06, 2022 at 1:49 pm

    Please go to JPJ offices as well, try download the JPJeQ App under the hot sun and try your best to get your phone to capture your location together with the cloud of rakyat…then decide whether or not to have this kind of APP to do the simple queuing job.

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  • Sohai on Dec 06, 2022 at 1:58 pm

    If he really went unannounced and incognito, then how are all these photos taken? Wayang lah

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    • Really sohai on Dec 06, 2022 at 2:29 pm

      So when you go out with friends, cannot ask your friends help take some photos ? Must call media and made an announcement? WOW, you looks like God of shit, sorry God of Gamble

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  • DAPig on Dec 06, 2022 at 2:16 pm

    The best Oscar winner 2022 goes to our new transport minister Mr. Loke ! Look at those photos taken really wayang lah! If you really want to experience the challenges and difficulty face by the citizens, please at least ride the public transport everyday for a week. One day experience is not enough.

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    • David on Dec 06, 2022 at 5:43 pm

      Interesting, so in order to improve something the person in charge need to experience it daily until it’s materialized? Next, if he want to improve traffic jam, he need to get himself stuck in the traffic?

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      • DAPig on Dec 07, 2022 at 1:09 pm

        Yes at least he need to stuck in the traffic for few days. Then he will understand the pain going thru by citizens.

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        • DAPig2 on Dec 11, 2022 at 2:36 pm

          by that logic, you need to get a pay cut and live on minimum wage, before commenting about anything else in malaysia. look forward to your video.

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  • Kea Was on Dec 06, 2022 at 6:16 pm

    Guess he really need to fire the Prasarana head guys who does nothing but letting things runs automatically and when problem arises no worries tax payers money to the rescue and still get paid handsomely without any repercussion.

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  • Kantoi But Still Wanna Defend on Dec 06, 2022 at 6:26 pm

    I tried so hard to comment but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I read those paid comments here and the brain telling me to leave. Is this where my taxpayers money went to.

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