A private sector proposal for the implementation of the multi-lane fast flow (MLFF) toll collection system is facing resistance from toll concessionaires who feel that any solution should come from within the industry, The Edge Malaysia has reported.
A meeting organised by the Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM) and the works ministry two months ago saw concessionaires presented with a proposal to implement MLFF through a privately held company that is 60% controlled by a local conglomerate with interests in power, telecommunications and construction businesses, according to the report.
Concessionaires present at the meeting were briefed on the concept of the proposed MLFF system that would cost an estimated RM3.46 billion for the 33 highways currently in Malaysia, The Edge Malaysia wrote. According to its sources, the proposal generally centralises operations, maintenance and collections at all toll booths.
An executive told The Edge Malaysia that top officials from the works ministry were present at the meeting. “The concessionaires are open to any proposal for a MLFF [system] but it should be a transparent process. If there is going to be a switch to the MLFF system, there should be a request for proposals from several companies,” the executive told the publication.
“Why must it be given to any one company that does not even have a track record in toll collection? And the process to appoint the company with the mandate to implement the MLFF should be managed by the concessionaires, not the government or any of the agencies under it,” they continued.
Sources tell The Edge Malaysia that the concessionaires were not comfortable with third parties undertaking toll collection on their behalf because there could be leakages, which could affect overall toll collection. The current rate of leakage from vehicles not paying toll charges is 0.01%, and a source questions the ability of a third-party collection in sustaining the low rate of leakage from a barrierless toll system, the report wrote.
“While the system may seem more efficient, it has not been tested. It is also not as straightforward as the company operating the toll system needs enforcement powers to go after those who do not pay the toll,” another source told the publication.
The MLFF toll fare collection system has been expected to be implemented by 2025, though public works minister Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi said in July that he hopes to get an earlier agreement with the companies in order for MLFF to be implemented sooner at the end of 2024.
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Till there is a law that can clamp down on toll evaders otherwise gantry toll is still the only way to cut down these jokers. That is one side of the story, how bout cheaper toll? Semua mau untung.
Even syurga preachers kuat hutang. Bodohs belip
Anwar menang tol hapus
“Why must it be given to any one company that does not even have a track record in toll collection?”
Indeed due to cronyism by PH Gomen. Time for a change.
Actually this initiative came about before PH even came into power. There’s a law that is being drafted to regulate the technical and governance aspects of MLFF. How do i know for sure? I was part of the consortium of consultants engaged for this project
priority must Standardize issue all vehicles license plate
With imbedded microchip or sim in the licence plates which are to be linked to a free app where we can top up and use the gantry system
Look at our toll gate, there are TnG, Smart Tag, RFID, now hv debit card, somemore want this MLFF… Aiyo please lar. Every type also charge extra money to buy the kid. The RFID already tested for few years and still end up like this joke. Very sad to see our incompetent goverment & corporation, all focus to tabao rakyat money.
So sad…our toll system is not best of the best,but worst of the worst.
100 m before the toll,u can see some dudes reversing from one toll to the next,especially those from outstation.
It is a complete laughing stock,due to years of adhoc horrendously bad planning.
The whole damn toll system is really shit.
PMX…we have world class infra but 4th world management..just slightly better than war torn Gaza.
How come an idiot reversing is the fault of the system? There is no such as a perfect system…at the end of the day its human that will operate and use the system. Human is the weakest link in any system.
Betuii. geng2 pas tolol tetap bersorak Duta Timur tengah sebab gajibutaa.. Lol weak human
With every new PM we get, they will implement 1 new toll system. Free money ma. No brainer. That is why got TNG, SMARTAG, RFID dan macam macam lagi. Its because we have OKU people in government. Unlike calibre leaders from SG or CHINA, our menteri only know how to make money FROM rakyat instead of making money for RAKYAT.
Due to cronyism from PH Gomen.
We’re growing backwards. Our main highway still only 2 lanes per way. We’re still stuck to one payment company on our main highway. We’re introduced to an inferior passive RFID instead of upgrading the existing active wireless payment method to a better one. We will forever stuck at toll booth in every festive seasons to come.
I don’t think we need more lanes in the highway because there’s no way we are going to add lanes on the whole existing highway or even just the ones selected, that’s going to be expensive. As for the payment doesn’t they on their way with bank cards? Also we don’t talk about RFID (who the heck even suggest that).
Yeahh I can see the cost will be astronomical. But, WCE did happen, it take years to decade, but already more than 60% complete. 3rd lane make a lot of sense from safety standpoint alone, especially on a main highway connecting a lot of states from north to south. It can also happen in the span of a few decades, that’s if the politicians care about us more than their pockets.
This. 3rd lane is a must nowadays with fatal accident due to emergency stopped vehicle. Plus increasing traffic.. plus unconsidered lorry driver (very slow moving, overtake without care)…
YTL is an unethical company. Please please please don’t award to them. Incompetent, overpriced, constant service problems, these will be the norm. Nothing good comes out of YTL. Good for the concessionaires to reject them. Their reputation is crap.
Plotek plotek ytl Kroni memadey PN bah.
“A private sector proposal for the implementation of the multi-lane fast flow (MLFF) toll collection system is facing resistance from toll concessionaires who feel that any solution should come from within the industry” – what a huge surprise…NOT. You guys have had decades of monopoly and still did not some up with a solution. Imagine how much less land would be needed if all the high way entry and exit points didn’t need toll plazas? More efficient traffic flow and less maintenance right? Used to be every toll booth got one biji 1hp aircon, then as time passed, install tng reader so sunk cost there for toll booth plus AC unit to become a placeholder for the tng reader. Brainless or not? Imagine the Sungai besi toll plaza replaced by MLFF gantry and just need the current amount of 4 lanes on either side. The rest of the land boleh bikin something right? Look at the Batu tiga toll – 5 years since removal still nothing done with the land. Only recently were the guardrails moved appropriately to stop the jam because of lane divergence and convergence per the previous toll plaza. Begs the question – can anything be done with the land because of the way the whole thing was designed? Can it be returned to the state/federal government? I mean someone has to be paying the maintenance bill for these structures and lawns right? And it all gets passed on to the rakyat. What a great way for cronies and all their future generations to keep pumping us for money.
Why the issues of tailgating and toll evasion never happened in our neighbor down south? Cameras and enforcement!
thats for you guys to find out how to settle right? harsher penalties maybe?
They have to accept this. If not accept how are we going to have money to pay for our harapan cronies. This is important to accept so that we can continue control this country for ourselves.
Huat ah!
MLFF will get lukewarm response unless it is MILF.
Just stop collecting toll lah. It’s long due the rakyat being squeeze.
SG Erp system in use for 25 years without any issues
Since Mahathir loves Japan so much it makes me wonder why for the love of God did he not just implement the true and tried ETC system the Japanese are using??? So much better than the mess Malaysia has now.
For the uninitiated, Japanese toll collection system is fairly robust as it is built directly into the car, you just need to insert your ETC card into the slot and u can use it. No need spend money but stupid machines to be placed in car anymore.
I have to wonder why Mahathir didn’t just use Japan’s ETC system… So much more robust and it is built directly into cars…
For those who don’t know just Google and be awe at what outside world has.
This is a mess in Malaysia…
Need to standardize the number plate, then how to catch those not enough balance to pay toll, then only talk about implementing
Singaland will ROFL
Singaland will LMAO.
Highway not wide enuf. Toll sys not good enuf. Speed limit too low. Toll too high. Want free toll. Too congested during peak hours & holiday season. Maint not good enuf. All ya idiots, forget the toll system. Go take public transportation lah!
Highway not wide enuf. Toll sys not good enuf. Speed limit too low. Toll too high. Want free toll. Too congested during peak hours & holiday season. Maint not good enuf. All ya idiots, forget the toll system. Go take public transportation lah!
Highway not wide enuf. Toll sys not good enuf. Speed limit too low. Toll too high. Want free toll. Too congested during peak hours & holiday season. Maint not good enuf. All ya idiots, forget the toll system. Go take public transportation lah!
Concession owner definitely wont agreed….revenue leakages unless its force on them & govt can be strict to offenders….follow like singapore. Just implement cut & paste ie include the necessary laws & act