JPJ driving licence renewal slip not valid in foreign countries – RM20 to get a card; other FAQs here

JPJ driving licence renewal slip not valid in foreign countries – RM20 to get a card; other FAQs here

The road transport department (JPJ) has released a FAQ to explain how the new driving licence (LMM) renewal slip works in Malaysia. The issuing of this slip is for those who still prefer to have a physical document on hand instead of opting for digital driving license (e-LMM) renewal, which will appear in the MyJPJ app.

It’s important to remember the LMM renewal slip does not replace the plastic card that we’re familiar with. Instead, the slip acts as a supporting document that you present to the authorities along with the plastic driving licence card when asked. If you chose to go with e-LMM renewal, you only need to show the digital licence in the MyJPJ app.

The LMM renewal slip is available to all Malaysian and non-citizen driving licence holders, and can be obtained at JPJ counters as well as through agents such as Pos Malaysia and MyEG. You can also renew your LMM via JPJ’s mySIKAP portal, but you’ll need to remember to opt for the renewal slip.

JPJ driving licence renewal slip not valid in foreign countries – RM20 to get a card; other FAQs here

There’s no additional charge if you want the slip, as the fee is factored into the amount paid for the LMM renewal. However, if the slip is damaged or lost, getting a new copy will cost you RM20. Keep in mind that the issuing of LMM renewals slips does not involve vocational licences and is only for competent driving licenses (CDL).

The information listed on the LMM renewal slip includes your name, IC number, driving licence class(es), validity period and driving licence serial number. All these are updated in real-time in JPJ’s system and will be reflected in the MyJPJ app.

JPJ driving licence renewal slip not valid in foreign countries – RM20 to get a card; other FAQs here

The JPJ explicitly states the LMM renewal slip can only be used within Malaysia and is not valid overseas. If you intend on driving in a foreign country, you’ll need to visit a JPJ counter to request for a physical card and pay RM20 for it. Similarly, the e-LMM can’t be used in foreign countries, so it looks you’ll have to get the physical card as well.

You’ll need to provide proof and any supporting documents such as travel tickets, an offer letter, a passport or any other relevant documents relating your trip overseas. Certain countries require an international driving permit (IDP), which is another thing you’ll have to pay for.

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Gerard Lye

Originating from the corporate world with a background in finance and economics, Gerard’s strong love for cars led him to take the plunge into the automotive media industry. It was only then did he realise that there are more things to a car than just horsepower count.



  • Carded license and printed roadtax was working well. Don’t see why so much hassle and stuffs needed just to change to digitalised ones.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 37 Thumb down 2
    • Dah Menang Semua on Feb 13, 2024 at 11:07 am

      Should allow physical card
      To be printed via a kiosk
      For convenience

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  • Peppa on Feb 09, 2024 at 10:53 am

    RM20 just to get a card? Are you telling me we have to pay just to have a physical card??

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 1
  • realbidder on Feb 09, 2024 at 11:11 am

    LMM or LLM???

    Which one is correct sir.

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  • Dong gor on Feb 09, 2024 at 11:32 am

    Why need charge rm20 for a plastic card? Understand the initiative to save those who are not travelling overseas and plan to drive there,we can go digital . Those who need physical card .just charge at cost la. Then it’s win win. At rm20 u are penalizing the rakyat again for nothing! We would have gotten a physical in the past at no charge. Why always squeeze us like that

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 40 Thumb down 0
    • Kita dah bagi bossku 75% diskaun denda. Denda penuh 210 juta sekarang dia cuma kena bayar 50 juta. 160 juta siapa nak cover?

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 4
  • Pejuang nasib rakyat on Feb 09, 2024 at 12:25 pm

    Progressions are made to improve and simplify our lives. Why jaypigjay and Loki have to make our lives more difficult?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 37 Thumb down 1
  • Gomorrah on Feb 09, 2024 at 12:36 pm

    NO. Just No. This department does not need to know where/when/why I am going on holiday. And if I intend to drive there or cycle or crawl it is my business. I don’t need some JPJ napoleon asking me stupid questions. Immigration knows when I enter or leave the country. That is enough. Just issue the damn physical licence. What other country is doing this? Then drive to Singapore/Thailand/Brunei how? Love to see what the JPJ office in JB is going to look like.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 1
  • This is just plain stupid. Forceful digital adoption without considering cross-border inconvenience. In overseas, other than your passport, your driving license is the next most valuable document that can be used to show proof of age/identity, and not just when you want to drive a car.

    Now we have go through the additional step of going to jpj, bringing all the supporting documents for travel, paying extra rm20 for what was already a foolproof system. All for the sake of ‘going digital’.

    Next, try making VOCs, number plates and ICs digital lol.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 38 Thumb down 0
  • hazri on Feb 09, 2024 at 2:38 pm

    lebih memudahkan atau menyusahkan?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 1
  • Just go to JPJ Counter, enquiry on phtsical card license. UTC JPJ Officer answer high tone manner , said there are no physical will be issuse , on slip as card. What is our Minister working on what kind procedure on this. VERY CONFUSE!

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 0
  • Why fix something that’s not broken? The old system covered most conditions be it in the country or out. Why burden the rakyat with unnecessary expenditure and added work?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 0
  • Zaharudin Bin Daud on Feb 10, 2024 at 10:39 pm

    I have never thought that the Minister can be this reckless…had high regards on him…Apparently i thought too soon.
    Just make a simple relative comparison as to the pros and cons. I don’t see any advantage or improvement at all. They will allow the physical for reason that the digital license is not acceptable outside Malaysia. Why don’t they fix that first?
    Alternatively revert to the current systems and improve only when things are in placed.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 0
  • Matilah nak JPJ johor sana nak layan beribu org X RM20

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  • This is the beauty of our ministry and government They will break what is working fine in rhe name of upgrade or progress. The public is paying for all the wrongdoings by the leaders. Our leaders, competent or incompetent? For the public to judge. .The leaders and their subordinates are not in sync, which leads to little napoleon’s within each ministry. Roadtax and driving license was working fine. Why shake the tree and create chaos? We cannot learn from developing nations because corruption is condoned here. It’s a pardonable action depending on who commits. So why change things and burden the consumers? Just my two cents view that should be read with high level of professionalism and openness.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  • Transport ministry implemented something withoout proper planning/ careful thoughts ( without using brain) to think. Suka2 implement this, suka suka implement that, i.e. this digitalised road tax. But the real thing they need to control and tighten and enforce they buat bodoh: i.e car windscreen tinted too dark, put the vehicle behind the dark tinted car in danger, coz i cant see the brake light of the car in front of it. Another thing, The new suke highway which just opened is really bad condition, it is like 10 years old road with uneven surface, holes and discoloration. Is that Jon standards?? Hope transport ministry and minister wake up.

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  • Abdul Rahim Ahmad on Feb 12, 2024 at 11:07 am

    It is difficult for people to accept something new. Just be patient. As for the physical card issuance, I just told the JPJ counter that I renewed rhe lucence to let me see an officer, and I explained. In no time I was given the card. No documents needed. So I saved my anger.

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  • The renewal slip —- MyEG agent cannot do. UTC cannot do. Pos Malaysia cannot do

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  • why going back to slip again ? Thought this was discontinue. Also why JPN and JPJ not linked. Updating address on JPN and need to do the same for JPJ. Time to sync up the system la.

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  • Abdullah Abdul on Feb 22, 2024 at 6:23 pm

    Went to JPJ counter. Waited for 1 hour. Then they said if I want a physical card it will be RM150. Very strange. I didn’t take it. Got home and turns out they were IDP. Doesn’t the counter person know the difference??

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  • I frequently travel to Thailand for business purposes. Today, I waste RM150 just to get a new IDP. JPJ tak nak kasi physical card, even already showing all the supporting documents. I showed them an article then kena marah lagi. Pening la ini macam…

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