SKDS Subsidised Diesel Control System 2.0 – one million fleet cards now available for goods transport

SKDS Subsidised Diesel Control System 2.0 – one million fleet cards now available for goods transport

A total of one million fleet cards for subsidised diesel under the subsidised diesel control system 2.0 (SKDS 2.0) is now available for companies engaged in the transportation of goods, the New Straits Times has reported.

This initiative was among the measures implemented by five petroleum companies involved in the roll-out of the SKDS 2.0 programme, said minister of domestic trade and cost of living Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali. The target is to meet demand for the 23 types of vehicles eligible under the SKDS 2.0 programme, and this will benefit 410,000 vehicles, according to the report.

“Today, we received a commitment from the oil companies; they have provided a stock of one million fleet cards. This means that oil companies will always have a supply as soon as applications are made,” Armizan said, adding that the mechanism for diesel price adjustments after the implementation of targeted subsidies would be determined by the finance ministry.

SKDS Subsidised Diesel Control System 2.0 – one million fleet cards now available for goods transport

Earlier this week, five petroleum companies issued 90,000 fleet cards for subsidised diesel under the subsidised diesel control system 2.0 (SKDS 2.0) programme, with 28,000 land transport companies having registered for and received approval as of May 22.

Meanwhile, the KPDN minister also said today that applicants looking to receive diesel subsidies may apply for either the subsidised diesel control system 2.0 (SKDS 2.0) or Budi Madani, but not both.

The SKDS 2.0 applies to companies, whereas the Budi Madani programme is intended for farmers, smallholders and others, Armizan said.

The types of vehicles approved to receive diesel subsidies under the SKDS programme was decided by an inter-ministerial committee, and also involved engagements with associations and stakeholders, The Star quoted Armizan as saying.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



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