Tesla Cybertruck to finally begin customer deliveries on November 30 – production is “digging own grave”

Tesla will finally begin customer deliveries of the Tesla Cybertruck on November 30 2023. It made this announcement earlier this morning together with their Q3 2023 earnings results release.

The Cybertruck has been a long time coming, first unveiled as a prototype way back in November 2019, so it’s been four years. Sightings of the production version increased exponentially in the middle of this year, and Tesla announced that it had built its first Cybertruck at Giga Texas in July 2023.

The customer delivery event will be held at Giga Texas as well. As of publishing time, no production specs for the Cybertruck has been officially unveiled. The Tesla order page (limited to US, Canada and Mexico) offers no details or pricing either, other than just to take a US$100 deposit to make an order.

Initial specifications for the Cybertruck indicate there will be four variants, starting with the Single Motor RWD that is claimed to provide up to 400 km of range, a 0-96 km/h (0-60 mph) time of around 6.5 seconds and a top speed of 175 km/h.

This is followed by the Dual Motor AWD (480 km, 4.5 seconds, 195 km/h), Tri Motor AWD (800 km, 2.9 seconds, 210 km/h) and the range-topping Quad Motor AWD (1,000 km, 2.5 seconds, 240 km/h). All four are said to have the same payload capacity of 1,600 kg, with towing capacity ranging from 3.4 to 6.8 tonnes depending on powertrain outputs.

During the Q3 2023 earnings call, Tesla CEO Elon Musk called producing the Tesla Cybertruck as Tesla “digging its own grave”. He mentions that building the Cybertruck at production scale came with many unique complexities and challenges, largely of Tesla’s own making due to the ambitious nature of the vehicle. Examples given were bending full hard stainless steel and having mega 9,000-ton castings.

He emphasised that there will be “enormous challenges” in reaching volume production with the Cybertruck. He also mentioned that making the Cybertruck cash flow positive would be a significant hurdle. According to Musk, these challenges are typical for any new vehicle program.

Musk estimated that it would take approximately a year to 18 months for the Cybertruck to become a significant positive cash flow contributor. He mentioned that while demand is high, with over a million people having reserved the car, the real challenge lies in manufacturing it at an affordable price. As such, we think that the Cybertruck will be limited to left hand drive markets only for quite some time while Tesla tries to fulfill its North American order bank.

Despite these challenges, Musk expressed immense enthusiasm for the Cybertruck, calling it potentially Tesla’s “best product ever.”

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • Most important keep the essential emphasized concept for launching.

    1. Ultra-Hard 30X Cold-Rolled stainless-steel structural skin
    2. $39k base price
    3. 6 seater
    4. Unbreakable Glass
    5. Battery Tange 400+ to 800+km.
    6. 2.9s for high spec.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 3
    • Paul Tan on Oct 19, 2023 at 4:09 pm

      looking at the production car spyshots, no longer 6 seater

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0
  • DonkeyKong on Oct 20, 2023 at 12:55 pm

    Bravo Elon.. maintaining the consistent track record of all his business units – overpromise and under-deliver.

    Tesla – quality issues, general unreliability, misleading “autopilot” FSD function

    SpaceX – Starship explosion and other “successful failures”

    Twitter/X – better for free speech but still tanking

    Boring Company – going nowhere

    Mars colonization plans – unachievable, ignores basic physics, widely panned by real scientists although embraced by idealists

    Hyperloop – one big scam with not a single actual working system. Again, yet another idea that ignores basic physics

    Solar rooftiles – where are they now?

    The list can go on and on and on.. idealistic ideas for hipsters, but no long-term sustainability… except maybe for SpaceX if they stick to the basics (low cost orbital launches with reusable launch vehicles), and Tesla once battery tech is no longer merely scaled-up handphone batteries but high-capacity solid-state utility-grade batteries

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 3 Thumb down 1
  • Seitha on Oct 20, 2023 at 5:47 pm

    Tesla bills customer $21000 for driving through the rain while they’re still in warranty


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