Proton Savvy TUV Audit

Some brief information on the Proton Savvy and Proton factory’s TUV audit is on TUV Rheinland Group’s website. The audit/inspection carries the ID number 0000100995. Basically it says the audit certifies the technical capability and process effectiveness of Proton’s vendors and makes sure it complies with international quality standards.

There we have it… Proton’s attempt to get rid of bad vibes about it’s company’s quality control.

You can click more for the text on TUV’s website.

Proton TRM Audit/Inspection

TUV Audit ensures Quality of Proton vendors

PROTON’s commitment to producing good quality cars and to attain internationally recognized standards has received a great boost with the technical audit and certification of its network of automotive vendors, component manufacturers and suppliers by internationally renowned German Standards Authority TUV.

This audit program is mainly to assess technical capability and process effectiveness of PROTON vendors, while the certification means products manufactured or supplied by these companies to the national car manufacturer are in compliance with international standards in terms of quality. PROTON’s quality campaign had aggressively moved forward in 2002, when a total of 69 vendors selected to produce and supply components for the GEN.2, were first required to undergo an audit and to become certified by the TUV. The audit and certification was subsequently extended to include all PROTON local, regional and international manufacturers and suppliers.

To-date, a total of 209 vendors have been audited. The audit on supplier input and material ensures that the vendor’s sub-vendors or suppliers also subscribe to and fulfill the same quality standards and requirements as prescribed by PROTON. The production audit meanwhile, assesses if the finished components meet with desired standards and specifications as stipulated by PROTON in compliance with international requirements. The TUV audit is an initiative by PROTON in fulfilling the commitment to improving the quality of its cars.

This program is over and above other internationally recognized standards vendors must conform to, for example the ISO, QS and TS 16949 standards. Companies that do not meet with these requirements may no longer be given the opportunity to produce or supply components directly to PROTON. “There will be no compromise on quality. This is an area that has repeatedly hurt the PROTON brand badly despite our best efforts to produce good quality, reliable and dependable cars for the consumer,” said PROTON Group Chief Executive Officer Tengku Tan Sri Mahaleel Tengku Ariff. “TUV certification will underline the effectiveness of PROTONs quality management system and its conformity with the relevant globally valid standards.”

More than 80 per cent of PROTON components are currently produced or supplied by automotive component manufacturers and suppliers. PROTON’s network of 287 vendors and approximately 3,000 sub-vendors currently supply more than 5,000 individual components and parts for its cars.

The TUV is a global leader in compliance engineering, testing and quality registration services for both domestic and foreign markets with testing and certification services available for a diverse range of industries including automotive, industrial machinery, medical devices and pressure equipment.

TUV Audit ID 0000100995

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • mr charmy on Jun 07, 2005 at 10:45 am

    good efforts.i hope the report was the truth.and if the report was truth,it suppose no more minor nor big problem then.good news for customer out there.but..

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  • Wonderer on Jun 07, 2005 at 4:19 pm

    I hope Proton DARE TO CHANGE this time.Wait for tomorrow launching…Maybe this is the best product for Malaysia.Please don't dissapoint us PROTON…

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  • eAthena-Seir3n on Jun 07, 2005 at 5:28 pm

    Once again , Proton try's VERY hard to regain its trust , However , I doubt many would trust Proton.

    It's not that I am anti-Proton or what , But thats the way it is and I'm gonna enjoy looking @ the Car tmr when it launches. There's hoping ~:)

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  • karheng on Jun 07, 2005 at 5:33 pm

    once bitten, twice shy. Simple theory to conclude this. However, they do know! (about the bad quality)

    At least they are trying to change. or should i say finally?

    I thought the Gen2 was a crappy car and I still think it is with the amount of problems arising to the car…I think that was the point where Proton screwed up big time.

    I feel many will still give Proton a chance despite all this. TUV certification for close to 300 parts is not enough. Count how many parts are needed to make a car…Then you willl realise that is only a drop in the pond.;P

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  • Question: 209 vendors have been audited. But what about the RESULT? Will proton still using parts from those vendors that did not achieve the mark in Savvy?

    I'll bet that proton will still used parts from low quality vendors for Savvy. So whats the point?

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  • Anand on Jun 07, 2005 at 7:18 pm

    Well, Gen.2 is a failure; I'm sure Savvy will follow the trend. Overall PROTON's efforts are similar to Dr.M failed efforts.

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  • looking forward to see this TUV audited product and how quality is this SAVVY!!!!

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  • U all are weird. TUV certification means each vendor will be certified with rating like eg. A, B, C, D…. The point now is whether Proton will still use parts from those vendors that are certified by TUV as LOUSY!

    Get it? So now please ask Proton whether they will still used parts from vendors who are certified lousy by TUV in savvy eg. power window.


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  • Anand on Jun 07, 2005 at 7:51 pm

    The Ad in the papers list that this car has the strongest body in its class. Did PROTON did a crash test on this car? Inside sources says NO, so why advertise FALSE information?

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  • to brother2 kat atas sane:

    sendiri makan pengat,

    sendiri mau ingat..tok sah

    gado2..dua2 malaysia gak!!

    yang gado2 org malaysia gak..ishish

    malu sihh..peace malaysia!!!


    *aku gak yang best naik bas je..haha*

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  • mamatd on Jun 07, 2005 at 8:08 pm

    Know what audits can do for Proton.

    It's just a 'facade'!. Quality speaks for itself, and Proton has failed all these whiles.


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  • PROTON…DARE TO FOOL…again n again n again n again zzzzzzzzzzz

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  • zs-04 on Jun 07, 2005 at 10:00 pm

    Proton Savvy interior good looking but…..external i think :( ????…….

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  • Balajoe on Jun 08, 2005 at 12:11 am

    It says "companies that do not meet with these requirements may no longer be given the opportunity to produce or supply components directly to PROTON"…the key word is may…means Proton can still get parts from these companies if they are desperate or politically linked…either way, Proton purchasers are screwed…Proton, try to prove me wrong!

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  • Accord Kia on Jun 08, 2005 at 1:49 am

    balik la…proton… the design is like a shit. @#$% sad to see that….


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  • tommy on Jun 08, 2005 at 2:33 am

    i realy dont like the trm,like shit,i think this is the most ugly car in this town sheep,proton must improve their self bcoz,perodua was improve their selve successfully,like myvi,i realy so sad about this,hey proton pls,dont do this again

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  • Leong on Jun 08, 2005 at 3:18 am

    The strongest body in its class? I even heard it was the most spacious in its class. Probably compared with Kancil. Salesman told me it was the very powerful engine. Now how 'powerful' is Savvy compared with Myvi? I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow.

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  • honda accord is s@#$% berbanding myvi or savvy.MALAYSIA BOLEH.

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  • woshye on Jun 08, 2005 at 6:36 am

    TUV may certify Proton for quality of parts and manufacturing process. So where are the proofs that there are improvements made to reduce the number of defects Proton cars just like Perodua

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  • deutsche volks on Jun 08, 2005 at 7:47 am

    lorr…cammon aaa…even bmw, merc, or vw have their defects car..u not gonna see it in msia…but for me here in deutschland, does have..und zwar alot..!so have credits to proton that try so hard to change the ppls mind like u to believe in their product..!

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  • teikkin on Jun 08, 2005 at 8:28 am

    I will admit that i am A PROTON Hater… Yes and do NOT blame me for being so as this comes from experience. Personally My family have driven all the protons of its time which includes iswara, satria, wira and the most current Waja. But I realise over time, Quality have been going downhill FASTer than an AE86. Yes the Waja which is considered top ringgit being paid for a local car needs changing of the handles which includes the glove compartment's every 6 months or so. Oh Please do not forget the fact that the power windows have an annual appointment for changing as well..

    As for the Gen2. My friend is driving one which i can say is a fully modified car since he had the dashboard changed for electrical faults as the meters are not running and the petrol TANK changed.. On a smaller note.. the upholstery needs to be changed as the roof was leaking after a heavy downpour..

    WAit.. i need to say something about the wira special edition i have been sitting in cars for over 2 decades.. and had never seen the warning signs on a car light up other than the fuel going low.. but the special edition is rather special indeed. Within 2 months of purchasing the car, my girlfriend had to have her emission flushed because there was a fault in the emission system.

    So to 'deutsche volks' if these to you seem to be minor problems faced Ordinarily by BMW and MERCs… feel free to think so. Because i Have to admit.. PLOTONG needs to BUCK UP and it's no secret that the protection given to them By Imposing the EXTREMEly high import duties are helping them in ensuring "GrEAT Quality"

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  • eAthena-Seir3n on Jun 08, 2005 at 4:35 pm

    Anyways , going to see the Savvy NOW. Hope its Good.


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  • la diable on Jun 08, 2005 at 6:53 pm

    agree with teikin

    boleh caya ke proton punya quality????? tunggu setahun dan lihat… then consider …. boleh beli ke tak… :P

    better stick with kelisa

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  • dont fight2 lorrr!!!!…. tefuk dada tanya selera which one u`r like it… keindahan itu subjectif Y all of u nak fight2…. nonit la…. ok!!!

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  • azhar on Jun 08, 2005 at 9:49 pm

    Proton dari segi jualan mungkin meningkat, tapi bukan dari segi kualiti. lebih baik kereta proton dari 10 tahun sudah. cantik diluar tapi buruk didalam. kebanyakan komponen bermutu rendah. sampaikan petunjuk minyak dan tempreture pun tak sampai setahun dah bermasaalah. belum yg lebih besar lagi. tingkatkan kualiti baru tingkatkan kuantiti.

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  • Jackie on Jun 08, 2005 at 9:52 pm

    I bought a Proton Wira in 2002.

    After 3 days, the car broke down near the Glenmaria EON service center. THis is due to the condemned altenator and this exhausted the batteries.

    I need to call EON service to tow my car back to the EON service.

    I blame no one but myself for not having enough money to buy another better car.

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  • teikkin on Jun 08, 2005 at 10:51 pm

    I REST my case… and just a note i have no intention to fight with anybody but just to make a note and hope those people in proton pay a bit of attention to the people's plight and respect the consumers in malaysia and not victimise us just because they have an advantage in pricing.

    Quote from a friend of mine. Why does the korean have majority local korean cars on the road when they do not impose high taxes on imported vehicles. That's because they give them affordable cars at reasonable quality not to say that the korean cars are exceptionally great…

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  • looking forward on Jun 08, 2005 at 11:37 pm

    i think we should give Proton a chance to improve. i reckon this is good start at least to filter out those bad suppliers. When i said bad suppliers – they are READLLY bad. (i had chance to deal with some of them) esp of those parts which some of you mentioned above.

    having said that, Proton must also do a major restructuring internally – to also filter some "bad" employees. after all, ones need 2 hands to clap – my question is why selecting them (bad suppliers) in the first place??? maybe Proton top officials are using TUV audit result as a tool to get rid of them. some political maneuver is necessary in our country (unfortunatelly)

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  • alvin on Jun 09, 2005 at 1:47 am


    they should built better car since gov has help them a lot.

    hopefully this savvy can change their identity.

    they should change slogan to

    "dare to build high quality car"

    after sale service also lack….

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  • alvin on Jun 09, 2005 at 2:13 am

    proton has no another 20 years to build high quality car, unless gov support?? they should change now to fight with others.lets give them 2nd chance (not +20 years).anyhow there alot of area for problems cannot be solve!!

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  • hamdani on Jun 09, 2005 at 8:14 am

    cun seyh…

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  • Dzulkifli Abdul Raza on Jun 09, 2005 at 6:07 pm

    design boley tahan… tapi body boley ke tahan? ceh! tak caye proton. Caye la cakap aku.. sapa² yang beli savvy pas ni, tak sampai setahun ade je nanti bermacam-macam masalah. Pastu nyesal. Aku hanya akan beli proton kalau 1 juta orang Jepun dan 1 juta orang Korea (jumlah 2 juta) pakai kereta proton. hehehe.. go! go! SENTRA!

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  • Johorean on Jun 10, 2005 at 7:43 am

    Tak kisah lah pun kete ape…proton ke,Honda ke,BMW ke,Nissan ke,Lampu merah pun kena berenti gak..Nak lari laju..Speed trap tunggu…

    At last ape ape kete pun pasti orang kita boleh modify punye…Buat brader brader kat proton sys.break up grade sikit tak brani oh…pakai proton punya breake.Satria 1.6 aku pun terpaksa tukar sys.Honda.

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  • napa yerk…. dalam dier byk plastik sgt…. difrent colour… spoil laa

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  • richard lim on Jun 11, 2005 at 1:48 am

    ai ya read so many negative comments…. come on man.. malaysia still boleh and going stronger…

    20 years for such an achievement is amazing…

    Some countries freak out in auto industry. I should say …Double thumbs up to our leaders …WEll done and syabas

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  • … bukan tak nak sokong tp inilah kenyataan!!! semuanya sebab politik!!! to much politiking!!! klau takde campur tgn yg melampau Proton dah leh bersaing dgn major car company!!! keuntungan terlalu banyak masuk kocek kroni (the hidden hand)!!! but what the hell, most Malaysian dont even care!!! arrrgggghhhhh!!!! bila kita bleh beli kete buatan M'sia yg betul2 berkualiti haah???!!!!

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  • Read the Business Time yesterday .

    MyVi booking already surpass 33,000 units. Already 33,000 people are sure that MyVi is better then Savvy.

    Proton…. start thinking.

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  • Anthony Wong on Jun 19, 2005 at 6:22 am

    Savvy…… Y not design it more better…. Proton must learn more about foregn country car design. Design it in good quality. Dun use a low quality material to produced a low quality car. More than 50% of savvy is negatif. Too small…… (too much to say)

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  • no comment…think bout it personally!

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  • why our savvy car when there promotion car display whit a sporty look n a dark black tint on the mirror but when we do the same come all this enforcement say this n that. is like smoking in front of children n toll the children don't to smoking but their do. what the old same thing never change!

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  • hey, come on guys, we have our own opinion..

    no need to blame proton personally about the design or quality.. going back 15 years before, we were using proton..and we proud about it..

    give some time..perodua has take the advantage of proton faults.. support proton and perodua..they were our national car…

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  • FERARRI on Aug 23, 2005 at 11:20 pm

    How many savvys are seen on the road? I have been keepig count but all I could see are Ivanzas and Myvis. Even expensive cars like Rexton and BMW 4×4 are more easily spotted than Savvy. Have Proton released Savvy yet or still checking for faults to satisfy TUV? I am impatiently waiting for a Savvy owner to reach that first 20,000 km service to see if maintenance for savvy is cheap or not. Anyone can enlighten me please on the cost of maintainig a Savvy? I read a guy who is 6 ft 6 in can easily sit inside Savvy. But it looks so small. Was he lying or he sat in front with the seat pushed all the way back??

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  • Mat Jenin Moden on Aug 25, 2005 at 1:25 am

    Hello Guys.

    Just to show my experience with Savvy.

    Just vist my page:

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  • Salam to Met Jenin,

    I have read your blog about savvy. Nice one bro. Keep it up… Would this be a one man show or do you need help from other savvy user?

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  • bakadasu (Member) on Jun 09, 2006 at 4:02 pm


    my friend living close to TÃœV center in cologne… and yes we are in germany right now…

    and he saw the testing data done to proton savvy… and he said TÃœV just doing a normal check to savvy… like most of normal workshop did to ur car, check break etc…

    and it not a real road test though… and proton claim Savvy pass TÃœV test…

    btw TÃœV is NGO here and it testing just about anything… and you can send ur car there to varified the safety of ur car… like PUSPAKOM except u do the test on ur own and the officier just signed.

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  • Michael Bish on Jun 02, 2009 at 4:44 am

    Just recently my Proton Savvy caught fire, it hadn`t been used for nearly 3 weeks, I was away on holiday at the time, the insurance accesser says the main area of the fire was the n/s bumper, he cannot say if it was an manafacturing fault, have contacted Proton they are not interested, so much for the warrantly,police had forensics examined the vehicle at the time and did not suspect foul play.

    The vehicle was only two years old, and had been regularly maintained by Proton, thet say they have had no previous reports of savvy`s catching fire. i feel I need to write this just in case it happens to other proton users.

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